InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Different Story ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
A Different Story
A/N: I'm writing this story because I see so many people with more than one story that I decided I should start another one! This is my version of what might've happened if something bad happened to Kagome when she was little! Rated R for sexual things….. Oh well, wishes me lucks! Oh and if anyone knows the names of Kagome's modern time friends since I tend to forget their names a lot. I only remember Yuka for some reason….. don't read unless you are old enough! Rape in this prologue for some background and lemon in the future.
S/N: Sister note just in case anyone doesn't know! I'll be helping with this story a little, not any of the intercourse things but with the story part. My regards.
Disclaimer: We don't own Inuyasha
Kagome was on her way back from her elementary school with her friend Yuka. The two six year olds had been friends ever since they met in preschool and ever since then they always stuck together and always walked home with each other. As the two came to an intersection in the road they said their goodbyes as Yuka walked off to the right while Kagome walked to the left.
Kagome continued walking down the road and turned the corner to her house. The girl reached under a flower pot and pulled out a key. Reaching up to the keyhole, Kagome opened the door to her house.
"Hello I'm home!" Kagome called into the house. Taking off her shoes Kagome walked into the house.
When no one answered, Kagome called out again, "Hello?"
Kagome walked into the kitchen, setting her backpack next to the stairway. The girl was about to go into the living room to look for her parents when she suddenly heard a muffled yell.
That should've been her first clue something was dreadfully wrong.
Kagome turned to find her mother lying unconscious on the ground and her father tied up, eyes wide with fear.
"Daddy? Why is mommy sleeping and why are you tied up?" Kagome asked. She walked closer to her parents and her father started shaking his head no, frantically trying to warn her of something.
"Daddy? What's wrong?" Kagome whimpered, she had never seen her father act this way before. As she got closer, she saw her mother's clothing was disheveled and blood was dripping from her head.
"Mommy! Mommy is hurt!" Kagome gasped as she took in the scene in front of her. Her father suddenly gave a loud muffled cry, causing Sakura to turn towards him, a questioning look on her face.
Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, one hand covering her mouth while the other held her hands behind her. Kagome started to struggle against the strong hands that held her.
"Now, now, don't struggle against me, don't want nothing bad to happen to you right?" the man softly growled into her ear.
Kagome responded by biting down into his hand, causing him to drop her in pain and give off a long string of curses. Kagome instinctively ran behind her father, seeking protection from the man that had grabbed her.
"You bitch! I'm gonna make you regret that!" the man cried. Kagome could now see who had grabbed her. It was a man with long black hair, bulging muscles, and a face that was scarred with many wounds.
"Go away bad man!" Kagome cried out, as the man walked slowly towards her.
"Now why would I want to do that, you're such a cute little thing," the man sneered, a foul grin forming on his face.
A furious look took shape on Kagome's father's face and he held a protective hand out in front of Kagome.
The man took one look at the loving father and started laughing, "Y-you think you c-can beat me tied up l-like that?" the man laughed, gesturing at the ropes that had Kagome's father tied up.
The sneering man was surprised when Kagome's father launched himself at him, catching him in the stomach.
Kagome watched in terror as the two wrestled for dominance, Kagome's father at a serious disadvantage without the use of his arms. The frightened girl didn't know what was going on, why her mother was injured on the ground, why the scary man was in her house, but she did know one thing, something was wrong. She was snapped out of her thoughts when her father was flung into the counted, cracking his head against the corner of it. The man angrily took a knife and cut his throat open. Kagome looked on in horror as her father crumpled to the ground.
"Heh, now that that annoying man is out of the way, I can have a little fun before I leave!" the man said as he leered at Kagome.
"Too bad your mother is bleeding, I hate blood, oh well, you're mine!" the man cried out as he grabbed Kagome by her arm. Kagome shrieked when the man tore off her clothing and grabbed his erection out of his pants.
The little girl screamed in pain as he thrust into her. After a while of screaming in pain, Kagome passed out from the pain.
********************************************************* ***************
Kagome awoke to find herself in the hospital. She looked around to find that she was attached to many iv tubes, a heart monitor beeping away next to her. She tried to sit up but pain from her arms head, and legs forced her back down.
Just then, a nurse walked in holding a clip board. Turning towards Kagome, the nurse started checking the life support and marked things off on her clipboard.
"Where am I," Kagome managed to breath out quietly.
Y-Your awake! B-but your wounds! They!" The nurse got out before she ran out to find a doctor.
Kagome looked up at the ceiling and was absorbed in watching a flickering light when a doctor rushed in.
"Oh my god, that's amazing!" the doctor cried out as he started ordering nurses to get some things ready.
Kagome was bewildered by all the people that were examining her. One of the nurses came up to her and said, "You should be dead….. you have no idea how lucky you are to be alive with the injuries you had when you came in!"
"I, was hurt? Where's mommy and daddy!" Kagome asked, a bit confused.
The nurse looked away slightly, and Kagome remembered everything.
"MOMMY! DADDY! WHERE ARE THEY!!!!" Kagome cried as tears came to her eyes. She started struggling against the tubes to get out and find her parents. The medical staff around her tried to restrain her but she manage to pull the tubes out of her and almost got loose before one of the nurses grabbed her and pushed her back down.
'Mother….. Father…..' Kagome thought before the darkness took her.
********************************************************* ***************
Outside of Kagome's house, police were investigating what had happened. One of the officers stepped up to his commander and started stating a report.
"Sir! From what we have found, we have concluded that the escaped serial murderer Reggie Thompson did indeed come into this house. He Then proceeded to assault Mrs. and Mr. Higurashi, killing the latter, and raped the daughter of the two. Mrs. Higurashi is now in the hospital recovering from a concussion while her daughter is in intensive care."
The commander sighed, "And do we have any information on Reggie's location?"
"No sir"
"Very well, keep searching for any clues, we WILL stop Reggie this time!" the commander enthused.
********************************************************* ***************
Twelve years later
********************************************************* ***************
Kagome walked out of the shrine she now lived in with her mother, grandfather, and brother Souta. Ever since that incident, Kagome had shut out most of the outside world, becoming a shy and non-energetic girl. The only things she took seriously were her martial art classes and her family and close friends. Everything or everybody else was met with a polite and shy Kagome. Looking up into the sky, Kagome sighed, reflecting upon what had happened when she was little.
A/N: Well, what do you think? I tried my best so don't flame me too much! This is posted along with chapter 1 so yays!
S/N: Ewww, That's disgusting, I'm glad I don't have ANYTHING to do with that scene. Feels weird enough to have a brother that actually wrote that.
Ja Ne