InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family Joined ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Aaaaaack! I finally think I got the hang of this thing! YAY! anyhoo, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep this up, so review if ya want soome more of my little story,K? Otherwise I can't say as I'll be able to finish my little production. *Whistles innocently* ^^;

RRRRRRR!!!!!" *thunk* "hee hee hee."Kagome looked up from the pot she was watching on the fire. "Now really Chirri-chan, must you keep running around the camp, everything's messy enough as it is. And you, you're not helping matters by playing with her," she scolded the youkai lying in the dirt. She turned her gaze to the long black haired three year old laughing at her father. "Dinner's almost ready and you're perfectly covered in dirt. Come on let's get you cleaned up," she sighed at her offspring. Inu-yasha sat up rubbing his head where he had fallen on the ground. Man was that little kid fast! Last time he tried a sneak attack on her. He swiftly got up and followed his family to the stream. The scene his eyes met was comical more than anything else. The corners of his mouth twitched up at the sight.

Kagome was trying to catch their wild little hanyou who firmly believed in running from anyone trying to wash her without consent. Kagome tossed her hands up in consternation and looked beseechingly at him. He knew just how to get the youngling clean, too.

"Chirri! You wanna eat after your bath or not, cause you're gonna hafta take one whether you like it or not!" he yelled down the slight hill slope at his daughter. She was a sucker for food. Sure enough she stopped running around long enough to nod her head furiously. The last thing on her mind was missing a meal, since she knew she would end up washed one way or another. He jogged down the hill before she could change her mind. They went down to the pool a little further off, her always slightly ahead. He got close enough to grab her before they both plunged into the chilly water. The shock of it lasted but a moment as he scooped the wad of floating black hair up into a recognizable, if soggy, form.

"Daddy, will you let me go now?" she asked as she crossed her arms in midair, as he was holding her by the ankles. Despite her tone, he knew she loved it. "I won't run off no more, promise," she pleaded. "I'll take the baff, so you can let me go."

"Alright, but you promised," he reminded his child as Kagome came up to the bank slowly, relief clear in her every move.

"I've been working on theory as to how exactly you do that. You two are so much alike, especially since she's so doting on you," she huffed, slightly out of breath from trying to catch the now clean youngling who was shaking the wather from her hair in canine fashion.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It was around midnight when the trees started to rustle from the breeze. It also woke Chirri up. She rubbed the sleep out of her beautiful smoky eyes as her dog-like ears twitched attempting to catch all the night sounds. She looked at the still forms of her parents as they slept. Inu-Yasha was hugging her mother around her waist and Kagome was curled around Chirri. They always slept like this, back to front starting from tallest to shortest. The little hanyou worked on extricating herself from the grip of her mother.

A sharp and unexpected sound hit her ears, perking them high as the owner looked about quickly, trying to find the source of the odd sound. She spotted it dive-bombing at incredible speed towards her. She managed to get a garbled cry for help out of her mouth before it landed on top of her.It was more than enough. The sleepers leapt to life with great alacrity immediatly locating the source of their daughter's distress. Soft cackling trickled like venom from the attackers lips.

"My dear Inu-Yasha. Is this yours? I suppose you want it back, though why the world needs another useless whelp is beyond me." The voice was familiar. Inu-Yasha's eyes squinted as he glared at his hated brother.

"Sessho-maru!! What the hell do want with my family?! Put her down now before my claws find your heart!!" he spit out. Like he needed interference now. When life was finally going so well. Despite the cocksure tone of his voice, he knew his half-brother wouldn't let his daughter down.

Chirri was trying to scream through her uncle's hand, which was currently tightly clamped over her mouth. She managed to open her tiny jaws enough to bite down as hard as she could with her sharp little fangs. Sessho-maru pulled his hand away quickly. The pricks in his skin healed in front of their eyes, but some of his blood escaped regarless. His face squinched up in anger at the kicking squirming Chirri. He slapped her backhanded across the cheek and she squealed in pain and in anger.

This made the pissed of Inu-Yasha even angrier. Kagome was choking in horror behind him. After all they had been through together, her precious family was about to crumble. This did not go unnoticed by the keen eyes of Sessho-maru. He grinned in expectant glee at her future unhappiness. This was , after all, his life. Making others sad was his greatest ambition.

Chirri had fallen silent for a moment at the unexpected rebuke. Now her uncle was throttling her about the throat. It was all far to much for the already strained patience of her father. With what could be determined as a battle cry, he leapt at his brother with the intention of ripping his lungs out through his ear.

"Nah ah, little brother," the evil youkai said as he leapt easily out of reach.

"DAMN YOU!!!!" Inu-Yasha bellowed. All the years of oppression, anger, and feuding were catching up in his mind, pushing him closer and closer to insane rage. His blows became wild and unrestrained. Damn it, why did I leave the fucking sword with Miroku?? Stupid stupid stupid. Peace always shatters unexpectedly, you should fucking know that by now. He berated himself furiously. Kagome was screaming in horror. It took Inu-Yasha a second to realize why. Then he saw the poisonous talon sticking through his shoulder, barely missing his heart due to a lucky twist he had performed.

Sessho-maru pulled his hand back out of the hanyou's flesh looking slightly dissapointed that he had missed his target.

"What ever could be wrong my dear sibling? You simply aren't acting yourself. Where's your only protection, the Tetsusaiga? Do not tell me you have somhow managed to make it malfunctional, for then I'd have to destroy the whole sinking mess of you and your pathetic weakling family," he mocked softly.

"What was that?!!!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I anger your fragile emotions? Such a thing is unnecissary in the fine art of war and deception."

Farther behind the battle Kagome trembled in fear. She was only a mortal, how could she possibly help her two most precious beings? Then it struck her that Sessho-maru wasn't paying any attention to the small child he held in his fist. Mustering up all the courage she could, she dashed out from her tree cover in a desperate maneuver. The boys turned as they heard her approach. With the loudest yell she had ever uttered, she lunged at her only child.

Sessho-maru had anticipated this, however. He leapt far out of reach of either of the two parents. He looked down at the limp body in his grasp and loosened the death grip. He noted her stirrings with amusement. She could prove to be very valuable to him in his fight against his brother.

"Well, if you don't want her back, I can always hold on to her for you," he said smugly to the faces of the worried parents. And without a backward glance, he dashed off with their youngling in hand.

Inu-Yasha took this as a sign to collapse onto the ground. Kagome soon followed and they sat quietly burying their sorrows in one anothers shoulders. Upon closer inspection, you could see their bodies shake as tears wracked their frames. Inu-Yasha looked up with wet cheeks and vowed to the empty air around them.

"Sessho-maru. You will die for what you have done today. I swear it. I swear to you, I will slaughter you mercilessly with every ounce of power I posess."