InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family Joined ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Ackk! (That's my opening line!) Hi me again. Seems I forgot the disclaimers! ^^; It's nice to wake up to reviews...

Disclaimers: Me? Do I own Inu-Yasha &Co.? No! I'm too poor for that. But I'll give em back when I'm done playing with em, honest!!!

Tap tap tap. Chirri groaned as she turned in her tortured sleep. Tap tap tap. Her eyes groggily flitted open. Oh, hell, she thought with scorn.It's that stupid Jaken weirdo. What the hell does he want now? I already told him and that dead beat Sessho-maru that I had no clue who these Inu-Yasha people are. In fact, she couldn't remember that far back. It was twelve frickin years ago after all. But the tapping persisted. She flung herself over as far as she could in the cramped little excuse for a living space and bared her fangs at the toady creep who was tapping on the bars.

He lumped back with a squawk before quickly regaining composure. He was grinning. That did not bode well for Chirri. There was only so much bossing from an ass of an uncle that the thirteen year old could take.

"Well out with it. What 'fun-filled day of taunting' lies in store, Toady?" Jaken scowled in displeasure at the name she had chosen to call him when she was a toddler. He muttered something about wishing his master had just killed the whole family and be done with it. An odd noise in the background caused Chirri's ears to jump up. Sessho-maru slithered out of the shadows with a neutral expression on his face.

"Master, I have awaited your presence. The worm is awake," he added with satisfaction at hearing the name he had chosen for his master's captive when she was a toddler. Chirri merely growled and glared simultaineously.

"Oh, don't be so sour. Today is the day I fetch the Shikon no Tama. You will get to meet your half-bred family at last. The look on my brother's face... and you will get the jewel for me, will you not?" the slender man cooed as he glared right back. The tone he was using sounded like two thousand poorly played instruments ringing in Chirri's sensitive ears. However, his words intrigued her. Not that she would let it show, of course. After ten years of scanty rations, abuse, imprisonment, and even torture made sure she showed no interest in the monster that stood before her.

"Jaken," he commanded coldly, "let our dear guest out. She must be dieing for wont of fresh air." The stone bars grated in protest at being pulled open. Chirri took not one second to bound as far out of her uncle's insane grasp as possible. She managed to get out of the cave for the first time. Sessho-maru had been very careful of warding her prison against her escape.

She was dazzled as she ran outside. Even though she did not stop running, she took in all the scents and sounds before they were ripped away by the wind of her passage. It was glorious! There was no stink of unwashed bodies, no confines within which to be cramped to death. She was so busy running, though no-one followed, she ran right into a tree. She sat on the ground a moment, feeling slightly dazed. Trees, she thought. Almost forgot about those. Man, but they hurt! She slowly stood, rubbing the bump she was sure had sprung up and took stock of her surroundings.

It was night-time, so all the stars had shown in the sky. The moon was almost full, a slice of it still missing. The bugs were going noisily about their business while the trees stood guard over it all. The scents were those of grass and wind and all of the nice things in life. Life, Chirri thought.Ironic. I have had no life and I sing it's praises the second I'm loose.

An odd noise perked her senses. She tensed, believing it to be Sessho-maru in pursuit. No, Just a leaf floating down from the tree. Wait a minute, leaves this healthy don't fall unless something makes them! A large something chose that very moment to come hurlting at her. Though Sessho-maru hadn't allowed her out much, he made sure she could fight and defend herself. He also made sure she knew better than get in close combat with heavier things than herself. She dodged hastily out of the way of incoming claws and came back running to ram the attacker. It leapt impossibly high, effectivly getting out of range. She was angry. Who had the right to interrupt her freedom by trying to kill her?

"Dammit, whatever you are! I don't have time for you!"

"Ch-Chirri???" came a shaky reply from the tree."Is it- is it really you?"

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"Chirri! You're... back. But how? Where have you been, my baby is back!" The elated voice from overhead began to babble senslessly over Chirri's arrival. The poor hanyou girl was so shocked at the sound she let her guard down. Wh-where have I heard that voice before? It's so...familiar. But that's impossible, I've lived with Sessho-maru my whole life.

The attacker, however seemed to hold none of the love the tree did. It swept up to her and pulled her arms painfully behind her back. She cried out softly in surprise. Sniffing could be heard behind her and the iron grip relented hastily. It took a step or two back in confusion. A rough voice emanated from the shadow that stood away.

"Is it you? Chirri? But why do you stink of Sessho-maru? You can't be an alli, he's too stuck up for that." The man, for that's what it was, tried to puzzle things out while the tree shook as the former speaker wrestled the branches for a way down.

"Inu-Yasha! Chirri's back!" the feminine voice called as it dropped to the ground. A woman stepped out from the shadows. The two people looked like they were not much older than herself.

"Do I know you?" Chirri put in tentativly. The woman stepped up to her.

"You don't remember, do you? I didn't know if you did, but..." she trailed off. Her face seemed to fall a mile. The young man put his arm over her shoulder.

"It was ten years ago. We couldn't have hoped she would," he comforted the trembling lady. Now that they were in the moonlight, Chirri could clearly see their features. The woman had long, dark hair and a rather cute face. The man had long, almost white hair with curious doggy ears on top of his head. They look like mine, thought the confused and worried Chirri. He also had beautiful golden eyes that could probably speak volumes. The woman looked up and showed her pretty blue-gray eyes to Chirri.

"Chirri," spoke the dog-eared one, "I don't think you remember us, but we are your parents. I am Inu-Yasha, and your mother here is Kagome."

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Chirri looked from Inu-Yasha to Kagome and back again, the words he had spoken not registering. Parents? She had a mother and a father? It occured to her just then as passing thought that these were the people Sessho-maru seemed so bitter towards. And why he had gone to practically any lengths to find out what she knew of them.

"Are you okay, dearest?" Kagome timidly put forth. Though she and Inu-Yasha had been looking for her for ten years, deep down she had suspected her daughter's demise. She had missed her child sorely, and all she wanted to do was go up and fling her arms around her baby. This situation called for some diplomacy, and she was in no state to offer her services.

"Hai. One question. If you are my mother and father, why do you both not look much older than me?" It had been bothering Chirri for the longest time. Now it was out in the open. But Inu-Yasha just smiled and began to explain the story.

"...And after we had you and gathered all of the Shikon shards, it seemed to keep us young. Just another one of it's mysteries, I guess," he finished quite some time later. At this point, the sun was coming up and they had managed to start walking down a large dirt path. Chirri was quiet for a moment as she tried to sort through all of her new feelings.

Certainly, these were her parents. She already felt like she knew them. Then a horrible thought crept into her roiling mind. Sessho-maru had spoken of the Shikon no Tama before he had released her. He said something about her getting it for him, though she had no intentions of helping that stupid otaku. Something of her thoughts must have shown on her face because she realized the little group had stopped walking and she was being stared at.

"Are you sure you're fine, Chirri-chan?" Kagome asked with a worried expression.

"Just fine, really. I was thinking about something is all," the young hanyou assured her parents.

"Oh, that's right!" Kagome exclaimed as if she suddenly remembered something. "We've been talking this whole time and we haven't stopped at all! You must have something to say that you couldn't! Well, if there's anything we need to know, don't hesitate to tell us, okay?" the excited mother said, including Inu-Yasha in her sentences. Chirri promised her hyper mom that nothing was needing to be said. Inu-Yasha looked on with concern, but held his silence. He was studying his daughter and comparing her to the youngling he had helped raise.

"By the way, where exactly are we going anyway? Not that I'm trying to be nosy or anything, but you two seem to know where you're going. Do you?"

"Hai. I gues we were heading back to Kaede's village, weren't we? Oh well, you'll get to meet Miroku and Shippo and everyone. They knew you when you were little, too. They'll be so happy to see you after so long!"

"And you let me know if Miroku's brat tries anything funny. I'll remind him about Sari and how hard she hits when she's mad," Inu-Yasha told his offspring. Apparantly this kid of Miroku's was rather notorious.

Chirri smiled inwardly on this comment. He looks pretty rough, but he really does care about me. Wow, this feeling. What the heck is it? My family... they really are mine, aren't they? Wow. Then she did something unexpected. She turned around and threw her arms around her father and hugged him fiercly. He looked down and cautiously put his arms around her and patted her on the back. She pulled away after a moment and did the same to her mother.

"Ai-aishiteru, oka-san, chichi-san. And arigato," she said to her loved ones. Her voice was trembling and she had left wet spots on her parents' clothes. Inu-Yasha shared a smile with his mate for life.

"No need to thank us, my Chirri-chan," Inu-yasha said softly. He and Kagome walked up to their daughter and they walked down the road to the village, not once reliquishing the touch they all shared.

Farther behind them the bushes rustled as the watcher ducked back under cover. He snickered to himself, joyous at how close the family was growing. It was causing his target to become much easier to hit, and knew his master would be pleased when he returned. He scuttled off to report, knowing how big the reward was going to be when they finally finished off the plaguing pack of nuisances. The sound of his chuckles were swallowed by the forest that engulfed him.