InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family Joined ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hoi! I found the lost chappie! It's been floating around my C drive since I tried to edit it properly, and now it's here! Sorry for the mix up folks! Neko is sorry... U=U; OOnward with the story!

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own em. I just make Inu-chan claen up the messes he makes in my closet every once and a while...

Chirri looked around a little nervously and self-conciously. They had reached the village and were currently going over to Kaede's home to see where their friends had gone to. The villagers recognized Kagome and Inu-Yasha, so paid them no heed. But they stared at Chirri like she was a sore thumb. It didn't help matters that she had lived mostly in Sessho-maru's tiny prison, and so had never been in a crowd in her life. She clung tightly to her parents as if they would evaporate if she let go.

They approached a smallish hut and called for the owner. A garbled reply came from the depths and Kagome pushed the straw flap out of her way to enter. Inu-Yasha and Chirri followed suit. Chirri blinked, trying to accustom her eyes to the dimness. An old woman tokk shape quickly before her. The crone was talking to her father in hushed tones. They stopped abrubtly and turned to look at Chirri. She eeped and hid behind her mother. The one-eyed bit was just a bit much for her right now. The sudden reunion had regressed the youngling back a few years, and she was almost terrified of the old woman. She quickly grew out of it as the lady motioned her forth.

"O ai. I do indeed see your father in ye, child. And a fair bit of your mother as well. You are a pretty one, so watch out for Miroku's stripling. And do not listen to the sly one's speech for he will lead ye into a great donfall that imperils us all." Inu-Yasha and Kagome bent to the old woman's side. During the last sentence, sher eyes had rolled to the back of her head and she had collapsed when she finished speaking. Chirri had hung back. She had to get out of here.

"I'll run and fetch some water, okay?" she called ove her shoulder as she bolted. No reason in angering her parents over a lack of respect. Not, looking, she had once again crashed into something, this time human.

She landed with a plunk and looked around for the thing she had smashed into. Of course, looking up doesn't help when you've knocked someone down below your own level.She searched for the poor person she had managed to crush, and quickly discovered due to their futile struggling that she was sitting on them. She looked down beneath her as she stood up. The boy grinned at her as his hand moved ever so slightly away from her. Chirri's face lit up like a christmas light and she slapped him as hard as she could.

"And just for that, I won't even say I'm sorry, you disgusting pervert!" she practically yelled in his face. She stomped off to about three feet away, leaving the hapless boy swirly eyed and facing the sky. She only stopped because of the applause she heard from behind. Becoming frustrated with all the annoying people around to bug her, she whirled to face the racket. A young woman stood with a pleased expression on her face. She looked to be about her late twenties or early thirties. She was simply but well dressed and her hair was loose arond her body.

"Thank you for that demonstration young lady. It's about time my son, Kizuma, here, learned about how to treat a nice girl," she said in a kind voice. About then, a familiar red hakama drifted into vision behind her.

"Hey, Chirri. Does it take that long to get a bucket of water?" Inu-Yasha called to his offspring. Seeming to notice the odd scene before him for the first time, he stared at the Kizuma kid. His brow furrowed as his imagination filled in the blanks. "Sango, was your boy gettin' fresh with my daughter? 'Cause if he was, I'll knock him silly. No offense."

"Inu-Yasha, would you have to be that violent? I mean, he just takes after Miroku. Besides, Chirri can apparantly take care of herself. Wouldn't you say?" Kagome said next to him.

Sango wasn't listening, however. She was scrutinizing Chirri from every angle. Chirri took a hesitant step backwards and found herself being squeezed by the woman. Despite the fact her parents seemed on good terms with this lady, that much physical contact from what was essentially a stranger wa just a little too much to ask from the already stressed Chirri. She struggled free and stood panting from her efforts grasping her mother's sweater in both hands with a very strained look on her face. Sango looked dissappointed.

"Oh, well. Can't expect her to suddenly remember me can I? I'm sorry Chirri. It's been so long ince I last saw you. And then the tradgedy when you were still a small child. It's good to have you back," she announced in a pleasant voice. "Miroku will be glad to see you as well. Would you all care to drop by for lunch?"

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Miroku couldn't help but stare as the strange group of visitors came trotting up the walk. He recognized most of them, except the girl who seemed to be glaring murderously at his son. He grinned in a faint trace of remembrance, knowing full well why she kept her distance. She was a smart girl, though she was following awfully close to the rougher, less people-friendly Inu-Yasha and his mate.

Miroku looked closer, noticing for the first time the small black ears atop her head. Wait a second, he tought wildly. Is that...their DAUGHTER?? What's her name, Chirri. She died after that incident with Sessho-maru. Didn't she? His train of thought was interrupted as his fifteen year old hailed him from a short distance away. He stood to receive them as Kizuma came dashing the rest of the way, looking glad to be away from the slightly murderous hanyou child. Younger than he she may have been, but those claws looked fairly formiddable.

"Kagome, Inu-Yasha, I see you ran into Sango on your search. And is this pretty little jewel the prize you have sought?" he said sagely, as if he had known all along that the child was indeed Chirri.

"Yeah, and if that brat of yours touches her again, he'll find his arm a long way from where it is now," said a slightly peeved Inu-Yasha. Miroku didn't doubt that it would be either Inu-Yasha or his daughter who would be doing the damage.He sighed in resignation to the hectic lunch that would inevitably follow the combination of youkai and his family in the same place for far too long.

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Chirri couldn't help but wonder about the events that had reversed her life within a day and a night. There had to be something wrong here, it was way too perfect. First, they had gone to tell Kaede that they were off to lunch with Sango and Miroku. They had struggled through that lunch with Chirri glaring daggers at Kizuma. They had gone in due course and were now wandering in search of a good campsite. No matter how much others said they should live somewhere permanent, the wanderlust had taken over in the years of looking for Chirri. She didn't really mind either, so it worked out fine. Like the earlier thought that had occured, it must have had a kink someplace.

Her perch was currently a cherry tree overlooking a small grove of similar growth. Her back was turned to the rest of it, so she couldn't have known that something would be tackling her. It did regardless and she plummeted like a stone to welcome a mouthful of dirt. Lovely. Now for business. She wheeled to face the mystery and gasped when her eyes met his. Dammit!!!! How the hell did he get here, her mind yelled in horror.

"Well, love. I see you have indeed been taking your time about my little task," sneered the unloving face of Sessho-maru. He wasn't the one who knocked her down. He would never stoop that low. But he would make Jaken do it. She gave him a sneer to rival his own and he frowned in displeasure. His body shifted as he threw Fluffy at her, sucessfully binding her arms to her body and making any other struggles futile.

She gave up trying to wriggle free as the tail thing wrapped tighter and tighter around her. Sessho-maru was coming closer with an evil look on his face. Chirri crouched as she tried to shrink into a smaller target to escape the pain her uncle seemed intent upon delivering to her. Yet in all thankfulness he stopped just short of her and roughly grabbed her chin with a slightly calloused hand. He turned her head to the side as she looked at him with complete confusion out of the corner of an eye. He allowed a tiny smile before withdrawing.

He recalled Fluffy and they and his servant dissappeared. Chirri stayed sprawled in the rich soil around the trees. He's back. Great, how'm I supposed to disguise the scent from Mama and Daddy? Geeze. I can't tell them, Daddy'll be itching for a fight and Mama'll be worried and over protective and Sessho-maru'll probably kill both of them. She sat up as a thoought struck home. The jewel. The, uhm, Shikon no Tama, that's it! When that bastard turned me loose he was talking about a Shikon no Tama. But he used to tell me he'd have to finish collecting the pieces once he stole it from Daddy. The one we have is complete. And didn't he say something about Mama being easy to kill because she was human? She a hanyou, though. Oh well, if I get the damn jewel, maybe he'll leave Mama and Daddy alone. Maybe.

Chirri began mapping the plan in her mind. She'd get the truth from her parents and decide whether to get the jewel to save them, or run off instead. She would just have to hold her silence until then. Now she would have to keep telling herself that it was all for the best.