InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family Joined ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hee hee! I got another chapter! I got another chapter! ::goes on snging happily for another ten minutes:: Isn't this great, minna??! I thought I'd never be able to finish this part. As far as I know, this thing has no particular destination. I'm just typing along and hoping for the best. I just wanna say thanks to any and all who've stopped by and said hello and that I need reviews for inspiration so this story doesn't die on me. A big hug, cookies, and a huge thank you to all of those who've put up with me so far! THANX SO MUCH!!! Uhm, If you want the disclaimer, look on the other chaps, cuz I keep forgetting to put one on. See you at the bottom!

It was quite a bit of traveling and a lot of dust later that brought the group to a smallish cave that was packed to overflowing with smelly people. Upon closer inspection, Chirri saw that those smelly people were all wolf youkai who, amazingly, were probably all relatives of the dear departed. None of them had bathed in the week of mourning and Kouga's body wasn't doing much for the overall odor.

Chirri tried to flinch away from some of the stares directed at the small party forcing its way through the masses, but couldn't for the rest of the crowd that seemed intent upon smushing her. Her ears were twicthing erratically with every tiny noise. Inu-Yashsa continued to bully his way through until he came abreast of Kouga. It wasn't pretty.

Chirri had buried part of her face into her mother's sweater. Kagome had, in turn, put her arm around her child's shaking body. The half rotted corpse was like to nothing young Chirri ha ever seen before. Even at the hands of Sessho-maru. Yusuke went to find the pack's spiritual leader to read out what it was Kouga had left in his will. He came back with a droopy looking youkai who's demeanor didn't seem to belong to the bulky muscular frame.

"And who are you? Definetly not relatives, though Yusuke swears that you practically are," he rumbled deep in his chest.

"No, you've got it wrong. The pretty female Father had been chasing is none other than Kagome, here." The old youkai looked closer at Kagome before okaying her. Then he saw Inu-Yasha. His eyes clouded over in rage.

"You! You are the evil half-breed Kouga warned us all about! How dare you come here with your...spawn!" hye yelled dramatically at Inu-Yasha while waving his hand in Chirri's direction. Kagome decide to exercise some of her power of voice while the pack was tensing to spring collectively on the unfortunates.

"Stop! Please! Let me explain! Inu-Yasha is my mate, I am his, and our spawn as you so lovingly put it is our offspring. If you care to insult my life-mate and our child, step through me!"

The wolves backed of as they recognized the stronger term that they themeslves used in ritual. It would codemn all of them to Hell forever if they violated a life-bond.

Kagome looked much relieved as the press of relatives began to ignore them once more. They were caught up in the trivials of their conversations and such. The family and Shippo looked towards the apologetic wolves in a mutual agreement to read the last wishes of the pack leader. The proceedings began rather rapidly for what the invading group thought would be long with a lot of word fencing. But it still dragged on into the hours.

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Much later in the day, a small herd of very frazzled looking halflings toddled from the rank cave maw. They were all quite glad to rid of it, Chirri more so than the others. While everyone had been preoccupied with the ceremony she had "borrowed" the Shikon no Tama as an offering to Sessho-maru. Despite all the great and terrible powers it possessed, she was fairly sure no harm would come of getting the evil youkai to leave her family alone forever.

She caught Kagome looking at her oddly. She put on huge grin.

"Yes, Mama?" she asked cheerily while mentally begging her mother not to look for the jewel.

"Nothing, dearest. Just thinking about something." That sentence seemed to carry a lot more meaning than the words suggested. Inu-Yasha, of course, had no idea. He was busy keeping an ear out for trouble. A frown began to cover his features.

"Yusuke! Quit trying to be stealthy and get out here!"

"Geez! You could hear me?" asked the now visible and rather dejected looking wolf.

"Are you nuts? Anything half deaf within a mile of here could hear you-"

"Inu-Yasha. If you don't quit insulting the poor boy, I'm sure you know what will happen." Inu-Yasha promptly shut up. Chirri had to suppress laughter at this. Curiosity quickly overrode that, however as a thought or two flooded her mind. Okay. Major hottie. Following us. And if I'm not mistaken, he looks at me almost like Daddy looks at Mama sometimes. Oh, my dear heart, could it possibly be that-

"Erm, ah, ahem, uh, couldItravelwithyoubecausenoneofthepackreallylikesme,Kouga'ssonorno,andit's reallymakingmecrazyand,uhm,yourdaughterisreallyprettyandcanIpleasepleaseple asetravelwithyou,Iknowhowtocookandallthat,soIwouldn'tbetroublesomeand-"

"SHUT-UP!!!!!" Everyone looked at Inu-Yasha. "And don't even tell me that that wasn't annoying, cuz you know it was," he explained peevishly. Chirri could only blink in shock. While no one seemed to have heard his confessions about her, she was sure she had heard right. Yusuke actually thought she was pretty?

There was a brief silence as Yusuke stood rather abashed and Inu-Yasha looked him over. An eyebrow was reaised questioningly before he announced his verdict.

"Fine, you can stay. Just don't get into anyone's way, got it?"

"Yessir, sir!!!" The wolf barked out.

It was only a short period of time before all had been settled. Yusuke had slowly managed to drift back to where Chirri had been pacing. She looked furtively at him as he came abreast of her.

"You know, I think you're reallly pretty." He said rather bluntly. Her jaw dropped. Did this boy have no tact!? Apparently not.

"Well that's a nice way to say hello!" She spat. He held his hands up defensively.

"Hey! Hey! No need to get all offended and stuff! You're just, well, uh..."

"What!!" she yelled exasperated. She was definety not used to hot boys fencing around her. It was wearing on her nerves.

"You kinda sorta are the . . . the first girl I ever really liked, okay!"

It was Chirri's turn to blush. Never in her sheltered life had she been so embarrassed. Yusuke was watching her warily from the corner of his eye. He definetly didn't want her parents too overhear this little conversation, though they seemed perfectly content with arguing against each other. Which they were doing at the top of their lungs.

"Uh, I'm, uh, sorry I yelled and all..." Chirri bashfully tried to amend.

"Nah, no trouble. I can hear where you got it from," he said while pointing towards the yelling parents.

"LEFT! The stupid station is on the LEFT!"

"No, it's on the right! I keep telling you, but you don't seem to HEAR very well!"

"I'm trying to make sure we don't get LOST again by going LEFT!"

"Inu-Yasha! I'm warning you! One more argument and I'll-"

"It's left, I'm telling you!"

"SIT!!!" Kagome screamed into Inu-Yasha's face. And sit he did. Headfirst into a rather unsavory pile of horse leftovers. After a moment or two of hysterical giggling and muttering, the hanyou managed to struggle to his feet and accost his mate.

"Kagome! When I get over there, I'll-mmmmmpphh! Hmmmm!"

"You'll what?" the woman in question smiled after the hefty kiss she had silenced him with.

"I'll, uhm . . . never mind."

After the exchange of words and *cough, cough* other stuff had occured, the teens had to cover their mouths to prevent stray snickers from escaping.

The rest of the day was more than uneventful, it was downright boring. Shippo took off at some point in the afternoon muttering a half-baked excuse about vixens and hunting. Chirri was dissapointed to see him go, but there were other things capable of holding her attention. Yusuke had stayed close to Chirri and talked to her when her parents weren't. He was actually a very good conversationalist.

By the time they had set up camp near the woods, she was ready to drop dead from sheer boredom.

"Hey, Chirri! You hungry?"

"If you're gonna be cooking, then I'm famished!" she yelled back. He was also a wonderful cook.

When she reached the clearing, she had to dive most unbecomingly into the area available and snatch food before the boys got it all. After a few minutes of happy munching, they started to slow down enough for conversation.

"How'd you learn to cook like this, anyway?" Inu-Yasha asked solicitously. "It's not like your pack has any culinary skill to speak of."

Yusuke looked thoughtful for a minute before replying. "I guess it was because Father and I traveled a lot to other packs. They had way better chefs than anything we could come up with, so he let me study some of the cooking to bring to the pack."

"Wow, that's great!" Kagome said enthusiastically while getting a second helping of stew.

"Yeah, the guys were glad to be rid of the other stuff we had lieing around."

Some more stories from both parties were exchanged by the time the food ran out. Most everyone was ready to get to sleep as well. Kagome snuggled up to InuYasha and Yusuke wandered over to Chirri's side of the fire. Inu-Yasha spared a quick warning glance at Yusuke before turning his attention towards Kagome and sleeping.

Chirri fell onto her back with a sigh so she could look at the stars.

"Pretty, aren't they?"

"I didn't know you appreciated stars, Yusuke."

"I appreciate a lot. Not many want to know about it though."

"I wouldn't mind." Yusuke smiled from where he sat next to Chirri.

".... Yusuke?"


"I think- I think- I'm pretty sure..."


"I think I'm falling in love with you . . ."

Yusuke smiled and bent down to where Chirri had sat up. He slowly touched his lips to hers.

"I think I'm in love already." He said after a minute.

"I'm glad."

Yusuke laid down next to Chirri and wrapped a protective arm about her. She snuggled up to him with a small smile of pure joy on her face.

They fell asleep that way.

AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE! I was wathching Grave of the Fireflies and this came to me. That has got to be the saddest anime I've ever seen in my life. I'm still sniffing. Anyway, I need to get some opinions. This story is about to come to a crossroads. If you read the chap I about lost, then you know Kaede warned the gang against the sly one's speech. Since I doubt my abilities as a romance writer, despite my volumes of WISH, I think maybe I should make that person Yusuke. But I don't know, so could some of you loyal readers help my decision??? Please???