InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Family Joined ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Ha! I'm back. ::watches as everyone quivers in fear:: Oh, come on, I'm not THAT bad am I? Don't answer that... I just got back from a long visit in a small little town somewhere in Georgis that I can't even remember the name to, which is why this took a little longer to get out than the other chaps. Georgia is possibly the most boring place I've ever visited. Their radio SUCKS! Dear God, all they played was Avril. Anyhoo, I've sorta got more of the plot down (go me!) and this may be ending in a few more chappies. So there you have it. On with the bizzarrosity! Is that even a word? . . .

Chirri woke up while it was still dark out. Yusuke had loosened his grip around her over the course of the evening. She smiled as she remembered the small conversation. Boys were great. She suppressed a yawn and contemplated getting up for a walk. Maybe I can get away from the folks for a bit and take a walk....

She had been slowly drifting back into oblivion when her eyes flew open. The Shikon no Tama! Sessho-maru is waiting for it! I-I still need to snatch it! But how? Wait, Mama's asleep. So's Daddy. Maybe I can get it now. Please forgive me, Mama, for what I'm about to do.

Chirri gently shrugged out of Yusuke's arms; he rolled over and snuggled into the grass. She spared a brief smile in his direction before turning her attention back to the sleeping parents. Carefully she crept up on her mother. She could just see the glint of the jewel against the cloth of the nightwear. A cautious hand reached out to lift it and grab the stone. Chirri had just touched the chain when another hand shot out and covered her mouth. Another covered her own hand.

"Chirri. I can't think of why you would possibly be wanting to steal this, but I need it more than you right now. I'm sorry."

Just like that, Yusuke silently cut the chain with his claws, picked up the jewel, and leaped into the air. Chirri spun around, trying to catch a glimpse of her more-than-a-friend. Sadly she was, too late because he was gone. Leaving her with a much more dangerous opponent to worry about.

Inu-Yasha's hand shot out and held Chirri's wrist tightly, arousing Kagome with the motion. She gave her father a look of fear and sadness.

"Inu-Yasha, what's going on?" Kagome inquired groggily.

"Your *daughter* was trying to steal the Shikon no Tama before that no-good okami made off with it!" he replied heatedly. That woke Kagome up.

"What! Chirri, why?"

"Because," their child said sullenly.

"That ain't no kind of answer!" Chirri turned her head to avoid the most of the anger directed at her.

"Because Sessho-maru told me to, and I didn't want you two too get hurt! I wanted to steal it so I wouldn't hurt you!" Inu-Yasha loosened his grip enough for Chirri to pull it back towards herself. "I just didn't want you two to get hurt. Is that okay?" she asked aplogetically.

"Sessho-maru! It would be him, wouldn't it?" Kagome stabbed in viciously. "That awful, rotten, *cur* would put you up to it! I'd like to get my hands on him and, and," she launched into a long list of expletives unsuitable for young ears. Her mate listened with patience for a word or two of his own.

"That doesn't explain why tht damn okami ran off with it! Now we have to go after the damn thing all over again!"

"We'll find it. Don't worry about that. I'll track that turncoat until I bleed if I have to!" The parents had to turn their attentin to their offspring at this.

"You don't mean-"

"He tricked me! Tricked me and lied to me! He says he loves me and pulls this stunt! Wait til I catch up with him!"

"Chirri, you can't go falling in love with okami's, it's just wrong, and they have no sense of, well, anything!" Kagome hurried, trying to calm her baby. If she was right, and she knew she was, then this would have to have been her girl's first big crush. That wasn't good, since the boy had just decieved them all.

"Before he ran off, he said he needed it more than me. If that helps any," Chirri said, trying to calm her anger and sorrow at the same time.

"Not really. But we should go ahead and pack up so we can get moving. No point in letting that brat get a head start, now, is there?"

The girls agreed and everyone got up and moving before dawn.

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Yusuke was panting by the time he reached his destination. Morning light was just beginning to spill over the horizon onto the fields in front of the forest patch he was perched in. He waited to catch his breath before moving on to the designated meeting place. After the experience of having to betray sweet Chirri and having to travel so much he wanted to make sure he got what he came here for in the first place. Yusuke heard the birds waking up. He sighed.

Now or never, and hopefully Shizuki isn't hurt too badly. If she is, I swear....

He left the thought unfinfished as he straightened from his cramped perch.

"Oi! Sessho-maru! I got the stupid jewel, and I know you're here. Come out of hiding!"

Yusuke looked around warily when a few leaves tumbled out of the canopy above him.

"Sess-chan isn't here at the moment, but I can take a message." It wasn't Sessho-maru, or even Jaken. It was a low and sultry female voice. A person to match materialized in front of the confused wolf.

The woman was wearing a tightly wrapped dress with a neckline that dipped low towards her well-endowed bosom, and a hemline that did little more than cover her rear. It was dark blue with yellow flower patterns trailing along the waist across to the bottom of the outfit. Her frizzy dark hair came chest length and her silvery eyes watched Yusuke with amusment. The bell around her neck tinkled merrily as her cold chuckles filled the air around him.

She put a hand on the hilt of her sword and leered at the wolk youkai before her.

"Or did you bring the package for him instead?"

"Kestrel. I believe that item was for me specifically. Go away if all you intend to do is threaten my guest."

"Awww, Sess-chan, you're no fun. Did you know that?" the woman pouted before spiriting herself away somewhere. Sessho-maru looked after her departure in annoyance.

"Annoying woman. Did you bring the item I told you to retrieve for me?" That was accompanied with a look that told Yusuke in no uncertain terms that he better have the jewel or else.

"I do." he said simply, producing the Shikon no Tama at the same time.

"Good." Sessho-maru flicked his tail thing at the jewel and before Yusuke could react, it was clutched in the demon's manic grip. He looked at it and allowed a smile to grace his features. "Now that I have it, I will finally conquer that insolent half brother of mine," he said with a confident smirk. He began to turn away when Yusuke cried out in panic.

"Wait! Don't forget your end of the bargain! You siad you'd give Shizuki back to me!"

"Right. Kestrel. The girl. I have to keep my side of our little deal, no?" Kestrel didn't show up, but her husky voice drifted down to the participants.

"Hm. I will, I suppose, if you let me have half of the jewel."

"For that, I'd get her myself."

"No you couldn't. You don't know where I hid her."

"I could always kill you..."

"Oh, fine! Snippy today, aren't we? I'll settle for a sixteenth, as per our agreement?"

"Fine. The hostage, if you please?"

"Will do!" The youkai lady called own in a sing-song voice. Yusuke was shifting his feet in anticipation.

Kestrel suddenly popped up with a small girl over he shoulder.

"Here, you can have her. She wasn't that much fun to play with, anyways" The woman tossed the girl down to the ground like she would a sack of grain. Yusuke ran to catch the unconcious child and by the time he looked back up, the odd pair were gone. It was then that he noticed the child he held wasn't breathing.

AH! Shortness! Evil! And what's more, there's actually plot development. Shocking. Anyhoo, I'll be working on getting these chaps a bit longer. Questions for the next chapter, Who the heck is Shizuki? What is our hanyou family going to do when they catch up to Yusuke? What is Sess-chan going to do with the jewel? and Who is Kestrel??? Well, one I can answer, but I'm not gonna. You get to find out for yourselves later in my poor story. Steph, mail me if and when you read this. I need to tell you about the mucho important developments! Pwease don't forget to review on your way out of my little universe, and come back to visit when I get my other stuff up and running! Mata ne min'na!