InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A lifetime of Illusion ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
AN: This is a slight AU. I don't know if I should call this yoai or het considering that Inuyasha is a girl in this fic.
Give this a chance and tell me if I should continue.
A lifetime of illusion
Chapter 1
Sesshoumaru had never attended this section of the library before. A small, cozy part of the enormous library that contained scrolls and books that Izayoi enjoyed reading during her stay in the palace. As he let his gaze wonder, he noted with mild surprise that those scrolls contained theories of youkai politics, some contained information about youkai culture and the sacred art of mating.
Izayoi's interest in youkai culture intrigued him. For the short period of time that he had known her, she had been a shrewd politician aiding his father in court. Her mortality hadn't stopped others from fearing her chilling intelligence. She was knowledgeable of youkai and ningen spells and she possessed enough spiritual powers to put Kikyou and Kagome to shame.
Sesshoumaru knew that Izayoi was feared and respected. However, that power was nothing compared to his father. That made the human unworthy of his great and esteemed parent.
She had given birth to his brother, his mystifying, powerful and annoying brother. Inuyasha even with his unworthy blood was an immensely worthy opponent. However, there was something about Inuyasha that just didn't seem to fit. Something that added a certain degree of falseness to him, that made Inuyasha intriguing to him.
A façade.
Sesshoumaru being the silent observer that he was could see that his baby brother was buried deep in the layers of a protective mask. Somewhere in there was his real brother and Sesshoumaru couldn't see him. He had lost interest in the Tetsusaiga a long time ago, what kept persuading him to seek Inuyasha out was in fact the mystery that surrounded his sibling. All he needed…
His thought process came to an abrupt halt when he spotted something odd. A scroll that looked relatively new compared to others. It was lavishly adorned with delicate designs and a fine golden silk ribbon. To Sesshoumaru it was obvious that Izayoi wanted the scroll to draw someone's attention or else why would she go through so much trouble to decorate a single scroll.
His feet barely made any noise as he stepped forward and took the scroll. The first thing he noticed when he opened the scroll was the elegant calligraphy of Izayoi-hime. He settled himself on a settee and started to read.
My dearest daughter Inuyasha,
I hope you discover this letter in good health sweetheart. I hope and prey that life has been kind towards you. I know that you may have been lost without my guidance, but how can I, a mortal, ever wish to attain eternal youth that your father's blood grants you?
I imagine you are beautiful… just like your father knew you would be. His precious daughter that he could never hold, the only girl-child ever to be born in the Royal Inu-youkai clan for eight generations.
That anklet that you wear in your left leg to conceal your true identity has its limits Inuyasha. This letter is a warning. I wish could have been there to tell you this personally however, you were too young for this knowledge. I have placed a seal on this scroll that makes it visible only after a hundred years from its creation. I imagine that you are at the door-step of womanhood.
Forgive me my child for not telling you this earlier, there was no possible way you could ever understand what I am about to say when you were a child. The anklet you wear suppresses your spiritual powers as well as your demonic powers. It was necessary to curb your spiritual presence to hide that fact that you are a female hanyou. You see, although females are extremely rare in your father's clan, they are strangely powerful. According to legend, one of your ancestors mated a powerful dragon and the spiritual powers of the dragon are only passed down to the females of your clan.
However, all your powers will explode into full maturity the moment you slip into your first heat. My powers are not as strong as yours Inuyasha and my spell on the anklet will be nullified once you mature. You need to seek shelter then my girl. You cannot allow anybody to mate you if you do not love him. You will have a lot to deal with during your first heat, the surge of power and the changes that your body will be going through will leave you vulnerable for a while. You need to find a safe place to stay.
Don't be frightened little one. I know this is a daunting time for you. I know that you are scared of revealing yourself to the world, but honey you have no other choice. You are the princess of western lands. I know that I am not helping you curb your fear, but I need you to understand. You cannot, will not mate anyone without Sesshoumaru's permission. There are people out there who would deceive you, lure you into a false sense of security and during these times Sesshoumaru is your best bet for protection.
However, if you feel that you need to hide this from Sesshoumaru also, I want you to travel south. At the southern most part of the Neko territory, I have an old friend. She is a youkai of great power and one of your father's most trusted accomplices. Her name is Kaoru, she is a neko youkai. Stay with her for a few years and learn all you can.
Forgive me my child for that is all I can do to help you. You have your father's strength and courage, remember that.
Sesshoumaru's brows rose in astonishment.
“How very interesting Izayoi-hime.”
He wouldn't put it past Izayoi to come up with such a cunning plan, however, the thought of Inuyasha being a female was unbelievable. No one would have suspected, regardless of the hanyou's feminine name, they wouldn't believe that a human would be able to give his father a female child.
It was astonishing how effective the spell was. Sesshoumaru never suspected that Inuyasha would be a female. She smelled masculine; she looked and felt like any teenage male would look and feel like. Even her voice was harsh and low. It was a perfect spell because there was nothing feminine about Inuyasha except may be her eyes.
The Daiyoukai had always been baffled by her eyes. Eyes that wide yet sharp and they were framed long, dark lashes. It was something he had attributed to Inuyasha's youth, now he knew better. He turned to the large window and looked in the general direction of the Inuyasha forest. A small, amused smirk lit his visage as he thought of the fiery female that he had always assumed to be his brother.
`A girl child… father would have been very proud.' Now that he knew Inuyasha's little secret, he was very eager to meet her. He wanted to see the anklet for himself. That was another example of Izayoi's cunning. An anklet would be very difficult to remove and not easy to spot.
Sesshoumaru turned swiftly and walked out of the library tucking the scroll safely in his haori.
“Jaken.” At Sesshoumaru's sharp voice, the imp came running out of nowhere. It always amused him that Jaken was available every time he called him, always ready to follow his orders. The proud demon lord looked down at the imp and commanded, “Get my mother's chambers cleaned and ready. Summon Madoka, the dress-maker, I wish for her to bring her finest silks with her.”
`Inuyasha will not lack anything here…'
“Your mother's grand chambers sire? May I ask who shall have the privilege to stay in them?” At Sesshoumaru's sharp glare, Jaken hastened to explain, “So I may know what instructions I should give the maids, milord.”
The Daiyoukai narrowed his eyes on the curious imp, “I want the chamber clean. When I return the bath house should contain everything a female needs. Mother's silk kimonos should be washed and ready for wear. Have all the guards search the parameter to look for any intruders. I don't want anyone to linger near the palace without my permission. I will personally interview a few of the house maids; prepare a list of the most capable maids in the household. Should I find anything lacking…” Sesshoumaru left the threat hanging.
“I will ascertain that everything is to your satisfaction sire.” Jaken assured; making sure he didn't miss anything his master said. Sesshoumaru's mother's chambers were grand, almost as grand as his own chambers. It consisted of a study, a personal bath and a large four-poster bed lined with rich furs and silks. There was a big wardrobe with kimonos of the finest silk. The chambers contained everything a woman would desire, from make-up to beautiful mirrors, from expensive bejeweled combs to diamond necklaces.
Someone important was coming to stay. Jaken was curious but he knew that his master was not going to enlighten him regarding the identity of the guest.
The wraithlike demon absently treaded his fingers through his hair, `Convincing her… that might pose a problem.'
Inuyasha shuddered in repulsion when she felt the sweat and grim covering her body. How long had it been since she had bathed? She didn't like the thought of being unclean; however, they didn't have time to settle down. Naraku had been attacking almost daily, showing rare signs of desperation. Even though they were just puppets, her group couldn't let their guards down.
Finally, they had some respite from that devious fiend. She intended on utilizing it. Her whole body was sore from fighting and she was sporting a few wounds that were not healing properly.
Moreover, there was Kagome. The human priestess was fussing over her, seemingly worried about her health. It was true that she had not gained any rest for a long time, but Kagome's constant nagging didn't help matters. Inuyasha smiled a bit when Kagome's concerned face flashed through her mind. It was nice to have someone worrying and fussing over her.
Kagome had been unusually happy these days. Not that Inuyasha minded. In fact she was happy that Kagome was pleased.
The hanyou smiled, she knew that her friend's happiness was attributed to the sparkling diamond ring that adorned her left ring finger. From what Inuyasha knew of human customs, it must have been some sort of courting gift. Sango and Kagome had been gushing over it ever since the miko came back from her time wearing it.
`It seems Kagome found a mate.' The hanyou thought as jumped from tree to tree. `A mate…'
A wistful sigh left her coral lips. A mate… something she was certain that she would never have. She had seen enough deceit and betrayal in the world to know that trust was not something she could afford. To live life and ensure that she doesn't suffer any more than she already does she will have to let go of that fantasy.
The fantasy to belong.
The fantasy to love.
That was not for her. She didn't have the courage to face the world without her masks. They gave her strength, hollow strength but strength none the less. She lived for two hundred with these masks, why not more?
She grinned when she spotted the hot-spring she had caught the scent of earlier. Kagome and Sango were tending to Miroku and Shippo's wounds. She had told them that she needed some time alone and was heading towards the hot-spring for a well deserved bath. Kagome and Sango readily agreed, being unusually kind towards her. She didn't understand why, but she wasn't about to argue.
Standing by the edge of the onsen, Inuyasha spread her senses to the maximum. When she wasn't able to sense anybody nearby, she smirked. She finally had sometime to remove her anklet and bathe herself properly.
Sesshoumaru watched from as Inuyasha, in her male form bent down and pulled the leg of her hakama up, revealing a thick silver colored band surrounding her ankle. It was simple and inconspicuous; no one would have thought that it contained a spell. The worn silver band glinted in the sun as Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes on it. It looked old and battered like some sort of cheap jewelry. For a person who wore priceless fire-rat clothes and wielded a sword that sprouted diamonds, that silver anklet looked out of place.
Sesshoumaru watched silently as with a small snap Inuyasha removed the anklet. His eyes narrowed once again when the illusion shimmered for a moment and dispelled. The Daiyoukai smirked in amusement when those voluminous robes hung limply from her slender body, obviously too big for her. Although she was the same height as her male form was, her body was even more slender than it was in her male form.
Sesshoumaru hadn't expected Inuyasha to look much different from the illusion displayed by Izayoi's spell, but he was surprised. He wasn't surprised by her beauty, the Royal Inu-youkai were famous for it and Inuyasha was no exception. What startled him was the mark on her forehead. As he had a crescent moon, she seemed to have some sort of diamond-shape on her forehead. It was the same deep indigo color as his moon.
With growing fascination, he watched as Inuyasha shed her haori and inner kimono revealing her tightly bound chest. He raised a brow at the lavender stripes that adorned her wrist, instantly remembering that Inuyasha's power had been suppressed by the spell. When the girl moved to remove the bandages around her chest, Sesshoumaru turned his head away. His honor didn't permit him to see any further.
He wasn't sure what to feel on this matter. Izayoi had done what any mother would do. With her vast knowledge of youkai society, he wasn't surprised that she took such measures to protect Inuyasha. In fact, had he known that Inuyasha was a female; he would have never let Inuyasha out of his sight. Regardless of his feelings concerning their father's death and it's connection with Inuyasha.
He would have applauded Izayoi's genius. To be able to come up with such a powerful spell that enabled Inuyasha to hide her true identity for almost 200 hundred years was a show of brilliant skills.
He settled himself under a tree, hidden from Inuyasha's senses. His ears were attuned to her every movement as he sat there pondering over the course of his actions. Inuyasha needed to read her mother's letter. It would be unfair of him to withhold information as important as that. However, he was uncertain over her response.
His thoughts were interrupted when Inuyasha started a particularly feminine act. She started to sing while bathing. The Daiyoukai found it immensely amusing, but his ears twitched at the soft tickling words. His baby sister was obviously not a fantastic singer, but hearing her sing wasn't unpleasant. In fact, Sesshoumaru found with very soothing. Her voice was soft and somewhat husky. When she sang, her voice was nearly breathless.
Sesshoumaru smirked as he leaned back against the tree, letting that soft voice surround him. Every time she struck an odd note, he felt his lips twitch.
`So perfect in her imperfection.'
He turned his head a little and caught sight of her. Her decency was not harmed as she was submerged in the water up to her collar bone.
He took his time to observe her features. Even without the spell, she resembled their father flawlessly. Right down to the way her hair formed wavy bangs over her forehead, parting in the middle to reveal the strange mark. To his surprise, she wasn't unkempt as her male form was. It was obvious that she paid attention to herself. She didn't look delicate, even in such a vulnerable state, she radiated power and confidence.
The Daiyoukai smirked. She is going to be a handful to handle.
Sesshoumaru noted how her skin gleamed like silvery moonlight, even paler than his. There wasn't a hint of tan on her features which made Sesshoumaru curious. Izayoi had seen to it that her appearance as a male was different from that as a female. That was a very smart move. While, the male was disheveled, brash and arrogant, the female seemed elegant, attractive and less childish.
That didn't surprise him. All females seemed to have some innate intelligence, a knowledge that was forbidden to males.
`You may win battles against a female… but rest assured, she'll always win the war.'
That was what his father would always say. As a pup, he was always puzzled so as to why his father would fear no one but his mother. To Sesshoumaru, his mother seemed kind, generous and somewhat weak. She wasn't a royal demon. She was the daughter of one of his father's ministers. Her love and respect for her mate was great yet she didn't hesitate to openly criticize his father, something that appalled the ministers of his court.
Sesshoumaru suspected that Inuyasha was somewhat like her. He knew that Inuyasha was not kind, generous or weak, but she seemed to be head-strong and defiant as a male, may be her real personality was not that different.
The Daiyoukai narrowed his eyes as Inuyasha let out a tired sigh as observed her wounds. “Those metal claws were poisoned… but the poison doesn't seem strong enough to affect me.” Sighing softly, Inuyasha leaned back and looked at the sky. “I wish Naraku would just up and die already.”
Sesshoumaru smirked at her exasperated tone. He didn't understand why, but suddenly their feud didn't seem to matter anymore. There were other things that he had to take care of; one of those things was to protect Inuyasha at all costs. She being a female immediately elevated her worth in Sesshoumaru's eyes. He knew how much their father had craved for a girl-child.
`My daughter would be a princess whose beauty would enchant every male and invoke envy in every female. You'll be there for her Sesshoumaru; you'll take care of her even though she isn't your true sister. '
He remembered his father's words so clearly. It was as if he knew that he would have a daughter, the first female in generations. Sesshoumaru hadn't believed him then. He didn't think that a human would be able to give his father a female child. However, he was a little disappointed that Inuyasha turned out to be a male.
It seems his father was right all along.
He wasn't going to let Inuyasha head south. He knew she would. She'd rather die than ask him for help. But for the first time in many years, he felt the responsibility to protect someone. He didn't trust Inuyasha to be out of his sight by herself. That was something he found very odd. He knew she was a very capable and a dangerous opponent. That along with her odd spiritual powers the Royal Inu-youkai blood allowed her to inherit made her doubly strong.
However, Sesshoumaru didn't want to take any risks. He turned his head away as she made a move to stand. He listened as she got out of the water and dried herself. However, his study of her was interrupted when the scent of blood hit his senses. Wolf blood?
“Kouga…” Inuyasha hissed as she hurriedly put on her clothes and snapped the anklet back in its place. “What the hell is that damned wolf up to now?”
Sesshoumaru stood and followed Inuyasha discretely as the hanyou swiftly moved through the forest, expertly dodging all the trees then leaping into the air. Inuyasha was extremely fast when she was moving through the canopy for trees, jumping from one tree to another.
Inuyasha burst into the field and took the scene in a single glance, not bothering to acknowledge Sesshoumaru who appeared just moments later. Calmly, she surveyed the clearing for causalities as she drew her sword. Kouga had managed to get hurt protecting Kagome from a rather large demon. No one else had even a scratch on them.
“Where the hell were you mutt?” Kouga yelled at Inuyasha.
“Shut it, stupid wolf.” Inuyasha hissed as she settled into a defensive position before Kagome, “Are you alright Kagome?”
The miko nodded and let go of Inuyasha's sleeve as the hanyou jumped in the air to attack the large demon. The creature was a three headed snake that seemed to attack rather slyly. He managed to evade Inuyasha's attacks as well as Sango hiraikotsu. Inuyasha cursed as she kicked one of the demon's head and flipped and kicked another one. That move momentarily disorientated the snake and she moved to use Kaze no Kizu to bring the demon down.
Just as she arched her body to bring Tetsusaiga down, the third head of the snake sneaked behind her and sank its fangs into her leg. She cursed hotly when she felt the burn of poison enter her limb. She summoned every bit her quickly fading energy to cut of one of the snake heads before her vision stared to blur.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled desperately when Sango's hiraikotsu was easily evaded by the snake. The demon tossed Inuyasha into the air with every intention of killing her.
He didn't get that far. A bright energy whip sliced off the remaining heads as Sesshoumaru jumped after the hanyou to catch her in mid fall. He cradled the limp form of Inuyasha to his chest and landed soundlessly on his feet just as the large heads fell in front of him. He quickly noticed Inuyasha's blood was staining his side, yet it didn't matter. What caught his attention was Inuyasha's feminine body pressed against his.
He briefly wondered about her luck as he saw her anklet glinting on one of the snake-head's teeth.
Kagome nearly stopped breathing when the demon had sunk his fangs into Inuyasha's leg, knowing full and well that he could tear the limb off. When the half-demon was tossed into the air, Kagome was scared for his life. To her it looked as though the giant demon wanted to eat Inuyasha.
Her fears vanished when Sesshoumaru bothered himself to save his brother's life. Something Kagome found hard to swallow. He didn't seem bothered that Inuyasha's blood was all over his side, he was just looking down at the hanyou with an odd expression in his eyes.
The way he was holding Inuyasha was different. The hanyou had his face pressed against Sesshoumaru's chest, his silver colored hair nearly covering him. It was clear that Inuyasha was unconscious. A single arm seemed to cradle Inuyasha perfectly.
“Ah… Sesshoumaru-sama… we thank you for saving Inuyasha… umm… I think he needs some medical attention…” Miroku stated as politely as he could and took a step forward to take Inuyasha from Sesshoumaru.
The demon lord narrowed his eyes in slight warning, his grip tightening almost protectively. The message was clear and Miroku stepped back. “I'll accompany you.” Sesshoumaru stated, not bothering to explain himself. All of the humans looked hesitant but he didn't argue. Sesshoumaru was perfectly capable of killing all of them when Inuyasha was not there to run interference.
Kouga peered at Inuyasha doubtfully and looked questioningly at the demon lord. Were his senses betraying him or did Inuyasha smell like a female? There was no mistaking the new softness in Inuyasha's scent that left a sweet aftertaste at the back of his tongue. The richness that was as smooth as honey. Instincts were telling him that Sesshoumaru was holding a near-ready, healthy Inu-hanyou female who smelled as though she was at the door-step of heat.
Delicious shivers assaulted Kouga's frame as narrowed his eyes on the limp body in Sesshoumaru's grasp. He could feel his fangs elongate and he licked them. Hunger bled into his eyes as carnal instincts took hold of him for a moment. Rationality eluded him as soon as the scent of her blood hit him, however, he couldn't ignore the obvious presence of Daiyoukai. He mind was jolted back into control when he felt a heavy gaze on him. He lifted his head to meet the Daiyoukai's narrow-eyed stare.
When he mind finally caught up with him, he glanced suspiciously at the bundle in Sesshoumaru's possession. There had to be some sort of explanation for this. The girl was definitely Inuyasha. The scent was similar; the only difference was that it was slightly light and lacked the smell of musk. Although the others hadn't noticed it yet, but the physical changes were apparent too, she was smaller. Not lithe and muscular like Inuyasha he knew, but slender. Her baggy clothes concealed her well for now.
“Wolf prince Kouga…” The demon turned to the Daiyoukai in question. Sesshoumaru gestured towards the severed heads and commanded, “There is a silver anklet caught in the demon's teeth. It belongs to Inuyasha.”
That caught everybody's attention. Kouga knew that Sesshoumaru wanted him to fetch the jewelry. Resisting the urge to growl in indignation, he reminded himself that Sesshoumaru is a Daiyoukai and belonged to a supreme youkai clan. He walked forward and extracted the anklet. Observing the crude thing for a while, he brought it to the other youkai.
Sesshoumaru nodded, “Keep it safe and follow me.” Kouga absently followed the order, too curious to protest.
They all silently walked towards Kaede's village which fortunately for them wasn't that far. They reached within ten minutes. Kaede came out of her hut and seeing Inuyasha's condition, she ushered them in without any comment or question.
Sesshoumaru frowned at he entered the small human abode. It was the first time he willingly came into a human's house. It was ironic that a miko was willing to heal a demon, although Inuyasha was no ordinary demon. Sesshoumaru laid the girl down on the futon without hesitation, ignoring all the gasps that occurred around him.
“What the hell!” Kouga exclaimed as his suspicions were confirmed. There was no missing the change in Inuyasha's appearance.
“Dear lord… what is going one here? What sort of magic is this?” Miroku questioned, shocked at seeing his long time friend as a female. The question was directed at Sesshoumaru who didn't seem surprised. The Daiyoukai looked at the Kaede and narrowed his eyes, silently commanding her to heal Inuyasha.
The old priestess met his stare levelly as though reading answers in his icy gaze. Sesshoumaru raised a brow when her eyes twinkled and she gave him a wrinkled smile. He came to an abrupt realization that she already knew. She knew all this time that Inuyasha was a female. That made him wonder why Inuyasha entrusted this obviously frail woman with such a secret. Or was it that Kikyou knew and she told Kaede?
He acknowledged the old woman with an imperceptible nod and glanced at the unconscious hanyou.
“Come.” was all Sesshoumaru said to Inuyasha's friends as he walked out of the hut. Reluctantly, they left Inuyasha in Kaede's care and followed Sesshoumaru to an empty clearing a little away from the village. He knew they had questions. He knew that they didn't believe what they saw. Sesshoumaru didn't what to bother himself by answering their questions. He would have left it to Inuyasha.
The only reason he was willing to satisfy their curiosity was because he didn't want Inuyasha distraught after she regained consciousness.
A distraught Inuyasha was a defensive one, extra cautious and even more wary than usual. She would be difficult to convince to return home as it is. He didn't wish to indulge in a long argument with her. Starting off on the wrong foot was the last thing he wanted.
He stopped walking and settled himself on the ground under a tree with Inuyasha's companions. Sesshoumaru raised a brow at their expectant expressions, mildly surprised when they didn't explode with questions.
“Inuyasha is a female Inu-youkai.” He started off bluntly, receiving incredulous looks for his statement. Both girls went wide eyed while Miroku turned pale. Sesshoumaru raised a brow when Kouga slowly uncrossed his arms and looked at the Daiyoukai with an astonished expression. “The Royal Inu-youkai clan finally sired a female? From a ningen?” The wolf questioned in disbelief.
“Izayoi-hime was of great spiritual prowess. She is the one who created the spell that kept Inuyasha in male form for nearly 200 hundred years, masking her scent and her voice. The anklet I asked you to retain earlier was laced with that spell and suppressed her demonic and spiritual powers to a great extant.” Sesshoumaru explained.
Kouga settled himself under the same tree as Sesshoumaru and whistled in disbelief. “You are blessed Sesshoumaru-sama. I am assuming that this information was hidden from you too?”
“Hold on a moment. I do not understand!” Kagome interrupted, trying to conceal the desperation bubbling within her.
Miroku nodded in agreement with Kagome, “I am afraid you'll have to explain us in detail Sesshoumaru-sama.”
“I imagine that females hold high regard in your clan, don't they? my lord?” Sango questioned, looking at the Daiyoukai with sharp eyes. “From what I have learnt, it is said that the birth of a female in a Royal Inu-youkai clan doesn't occur for generations together.” Kagome and Miroku looked at Sesshoumaru for answers but it was Kouga who explained.
“I think this started with when a Daiyoukai mated a spirit dragon. The females become an extreme rarity in the Royal Inu-youkai clan. Although each one of them possessed a great amount of spiritual powers like the dragons did. Since then every female from that clan is sought after, there are horrible tales about how other Demon Lords would just steal them to gain strong heirs. Forceful mating is the worst thing that can happen and many of them had to face that. In the youkai world, it is an even more dishonorable act than rape.” Kouga finished with a scowl of utter distaste at the last thought.
Miroku took in the entire information and looked at Sesshoumaru skeptically, “Was that the reason why Inuyasha's mother used the spell?”
Sesshoumaru nodded, “Partly. Our father's reputation also contributed to it. I was not informed of this.”
“Or you would have been honor bound to protect her.” Sango added, looking at Sesshoumaru in slight awe. “You are putting an enormous amount of trust in us by telling us this, Lord Sesshoumaru.” She pointed out.
The Daiyoukai narrowed his gaze at her but he didn't say anything. Kagome chose the moment to voice her question, “Mating is like marriage isn't it? How can a person force someone to mate?”
Kouga frowned thoughtfully, “Unlike marriages, a mating bond cannot be broken. The male can easily force a woman to mate him if he rapes her. You see Kagome, to ensure that a bond is formed between two mates; the female should be a virgin. There is just no way around it. Total and utter devotion from both sides has to be ensured. You are practically ruining a female demon's life if you rape her, but you are forcing her into a hellish life if you mate her after that. There will not spiritual bonding if she doesn't love you.”
Kagome's eyes widened at that while Sango nodded in sympathy. “Inuyasha's life was at extreme risk. As a male, she just had a better chance.” The Taijiya could understand. She was a demon slayer for nothing; she knew many things about demon society. Taking a mate by force was the ultimate taboo in elite youkai society, especially amongst the Royals.
The Daiyoukai took the anklet from Kouga and observed it, “I found a letter for her in my library, and it was from Izayoi-hime. The spell won't conceal her heat scent; it will not survive her first heat.”
Abruptly, Kouga cursed, “It is not safe for her damn it! What was Izayoi-hime thinking? She should have appointed someone for Inuyasha's protection.”
“And who could she trust?” Miroku questioned, understanding the gravity of the situation. “If anyone knew of her secret, they'd most likely reveal it for various reasons. The only person she would have been safe with is Lord Sesshoumaru. It is obvious that he wouldn't have been able to protect her while he was establishing his rule in the Western lands.”
Sango nodded and turned to Sesshoumaru, “What are your plans Sesshoumaru-sama? It doesn't seem like you can ignore this.”
Sesshoumaru shook his head, “I will not. However, the decision rests with Inuyasha.”
“I'll take her to my territory then. She'll be the safest there.” Kouga said decisively. Sango nodded in agreement while Miroku looked at Kouga thoughtfully, before smiling at the wolf's sense of honor. It was clear that Kouga didn't like the thought of not helping Inuyasha in her time of need. Judging by the number of times Inuyasha helped Kouga, the wolf-prince was honor bound to ensure Inuyasha's has all the help she needs.
“As I said, it is up to Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru stated as he stood up. “However, I'll be taking her with me to the Palace of Western lands, if she accepts my assistance.”
“That is highly doubtful.” Kagome murmured, still trying to recover from her shock.
Inuyasha slowly opened her eyes when she became aware of the stinging pain in her leg. She came to a realization that she had been caught off guard by a sly snake. Instantly she became alert, spreading her senses to track down each one of her friends. Much to her relief she found each one of them. From her peripheral vision she found Kaede at the corner of the room along with Sango, discussing certain herbs.
Kagome was outside talking to Shippo while Miroku was having a conversation with Kouga and …?
She frowned slightly at a deep, low voice reached her sensitive ears. Who…?
Her eyes widened as she abruptly sat up. A sharp cry of pain escaped her when her leg as well as her head protested. She didn't as much as blink before all her friends were by her side, Sesshoumaru and Kouga too.
Feeling immensely out of balance, she closed her eyes to control the pain scalding her body. To her enhanced senses he pain multiplied, her head throbbing in time with her heart.
“Leave us.” Sesshoumaru's sharp voice rang in her ears and she heard all her friends swiftly walking out of the hut, leaving her alone with the Daiyoukai. With a slight rustle of silk, the demon lord sat in front of her. “Inuyasha, look at me.”
The hanyou wondered why Sesshoumaru was here, she knew him well enough to know that he wasn't here to fight. In fact, it had been a long time since Sesshoumaru had ever raised a hand against her in anger. She sighed and opened her eyes to look at her step-brother with bright amber eyes.
She watched horrified as Sesshoumaru placed her precious anklet in front of her without much ceremony. Her entire frame trembled at the sudden fear that attacked her. She looked at Sesshoumaru with wide, panicking eyes. The Daiyoukai said nothing to her, instead he handed her Izayoi's letter and moved back a little.
Sesshoumaru observed silently as Inuyasha read the letter, watching the play of emotions in her expressive eyes. He was both surprised and pleased when her fear and panic was replaced by calm and intelligence. She understood the gravity of the situation. Inuyasha was not frightened, instead, she seemed as though she expected this.
`I wouldn't put it past her. Inuyasha is anything but a fool.'
A soft mirthless laugh caught his attention as Inuyasha rubbed her temple as a sign of worry. “This warning arrived a little too late. Mother really needs to work on her timing.” Her voice was uncertain, filled with worry. Sesshoumaru could see that she was considering what to do next.
“How long will it be until you go into heat?” Sesshoumaru questioned, ignoring her shocked look.
“Two weeks I suppose… may be three.” Inuyasha muttered doubtfully, looking at him with suspicion clear in her eyes. The Daiyoukai reached forward and grasped her chin, once again managing to startle her, “I will not question you for the reason of hiding this knowledge from me. I know you knew that I'd be honor bound to protect you if you had in fact informed me of this earlier. However, I will ask you to come to my castle. I have arranged for your needs there and Jaken will make certain that everything is ready for you.”
Sesshoumaru could see that she was struggling with herself. She was a princess, she couldn't take the risk. Her blood and intelligence wouldn't permit it. However, he could also see her characteristic defiance interfering with logic. He chose to intervene before her thoughts could lead her to stupidity, “Inuyasha.” once he gained her attention he continued, “You know as well as I that you cannot risk being unguarded during heat.”
Inuyasha snorted, resisting the urge to lean into the touch. She was surprised… immensely surprised when she heard what Sesshoumaru said to her next.
“Let me mark you.”
Inuyasha just sat there and gaped at him with wide eyes. “My scent will prevent lesser demons to approach you while you take your decision.” She understood then. It was not a mating mark he was talking about. It was an invisible protection mark. His scent would definitely be helpful; she wouldn't have to deal with many inadequate youkai that just succeeded in hindering and annoying. However, that would mean that she'd be depending on Sesshoumaru for her protection.
Her pride wasn't ready to allow that.
Just when she opened her mouth to turn down his offer, she felt him pull her close. So close that she had her head tucked under his chin and his breath ruffled her hair. Inuyasha struggled to adjust, she struggled to hide the fact that Sesshoumaru had effective paralyzed her in his arms.
`Feels like being hugged by some primal force of nature… so…safe…' She thought hesitantly as the Daiyoukai retained his strong grip on her. “You are beautiful, like my mother was and you are our father's daughter, an Inu-youkai of royal stature. Demons will be relentless in their pursuit of you.” Inuyasha froze at that, the unexpected compliment catching her off guard. She didn't know why it bothered her so much. Sesshoumaru considered beauty as one of the trivialities of life. Something that was too shallow and deceiving to ponder over. To him it was useless trait that got you nowhere in the world. Inuyasha knew all this and yet took the comment to heart.
This was one person she was scared to touch and unravel. She didn't want to know him or to understand him for she feared for her poor heart. She hated the part of herself that made her breath hitch and her heart thunder at the mere sight of him. She knew that she was dangerously close to love.
When he lowered his head, Inuyasha wished her body would move and push him away. When his breath caressed her cheek she wanted to run as fast as she could. An act which was for him, no doubt, of no emotional significance made her chest clench painfully.
This being… this being was above her. Above everyone. Untouched by the dirty hands of the world, an otherworldly force that enchanted her the moment she laid eyes on him.
Her soul would have died in joyous agony the moment his fangs sunk into her skin, just underneath her jaw bone. The mark just centimeters above the place where the mating mark would be placed.
Her being was blanketed by his scent, staining hers for life. It was a mark of protection from a person who had just learned to protect. A whimper escaped her, unguarded. Her steely resolve somewhat shaken.
For once she didn't have to be strong and it was alright. For once she was not the protector but the protected. She immediately suffered from the selfish desire to remain that way. Wanting and desiring to spend forever in his embrace.
“Your wolf companion; Prince Kouga seemed to lose himself to his instincts for a moment at the sight of you.” His voice was smooth, yet unusually deep and smoky as it ghosted over her ear. “The scent of your blood was enough to shake his control and he dared to lose himself to his lust in my presence, even if it was for a moment. That action will not be so easily forgiven by this Sesshoumaru… imouto. ”
There was more… there was something else he wanted to say. She was certain.
“And yet I sympathize with him for the taste of your blood does the same to me.”