InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Lot About Love ❯ Trying too hard ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Fifteen
Trying too hard
“Kagome?” A girl called as she peaked into her friend's room. Stifling a gasp at her friend's broken down body; she made her way in.
“I'm in here.” Kagome whispered. Her hands cradled her head as she constantly wiped the tears from her face, making her eyes go puffy red.
“You've been crying.” It was more of a statement then a question as the words came out of her mouth.
“I'm sorry, it's nothing.” Kagome brushed her friend's worry away.
“No, it's because of that guy, right?”
“Don't worry about it Becky,” Kagome hushed, “I'll be alright.”
Her friend, Becky, stared disbelieving at Kagome, “You love him don't you, he has a history with you.”
“What?” Kagome gasped, “No, he's…an old friend.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Becky asked, “A friend coming back can't make you do this, something happened and it obviously broke your heart.”
“I'm getting married next week!” Kagome yelled, “He promised he would come back, and he didn't, it's been a year.”
“How do you know what he was doing?” Becky whispered, “He could've been trying to get back this whole time.”
“He would've said something; he's always been the type to get his point across.” Kagome sighed, “It's too late.”
“Time changes people, and come on you can't put a time limit on love Kags.” Becky sighed sadly, “I mean, yeah you're getting married, but who says you can't dump this guy and go back with him?”
“That's wrong.” Kagome frowned. “It's immoral.”
“But you were thinking of doing it, weren't you.” Becky giggled.
“What if I was?' Kagome grumbled, half jokingly, “I'm hopeless…I mean, he comes back and creates all these doubts in my life; I can't handle it.”
“Yes, hopeless.” Becky tossed her hands up in the air, “You should go over to that guy, and tell him.”
“I can't.”
“Why not?” Becky argued.
Kagome fell silent, urging her friend to turn around. Becky turned back and gasped, “Kouga…what's up?” Becky gasped.
“Nothing, I was here to pick up my beautiful fiancé.” The youkai smirked, as if he hadn't heard the conversation going on between the two, with much relief from Kagome.
“I better go,” Kagome smiled, “Becky?”
“Thanks.” Then she left with Kouga.
“Oh Kags…how can you do this to yourself?” Becky sighed to herself when she heard the front door close, leaving her alone in the house.
“So what were you and Becky talking about?” Kouga asked as they pulled up to a restaurant for lunch.
“Oh nothing.” Kagome forced a giggle, “You know you don't have to do this.”
“But I want to, I love spoiling my girl.” Kagome smiled.
“Then let's have something to eat.”
They picked out a small table near the windows, sitting themselves down Kagome noticed a familiar car parking in the lot, “So, why did it look like you were crying?”
“Crying, what gave you that idea?” Kagome gasped.
“You had tears running down your face,” Kouga smirked, “That would kind of give it away.”
“Oh it's nothing…my…dog died.” Kagome stuttered.
“Your dog? I didn't know you had a dog?” Kouga furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Yeah, he lives with my mother; he…passed away the other day.” Kagome lied.
Kouga gave her an eerie eye then shrugged it off, much to Kagome's relief.
“Kagome?” The girl looked up to find her brother and…
“Inuyasha?” Kagome gasped.
Souta looked around desperately, wanting to pull the two away from each other and fast, “Uhh, how about that table?”
Souta grabbed Inuyasha and pulled him towards a table across the restaurant. Inuyasha fell silent at seeing Kagome once again; however, his eyes never left her, as did hers to him.
Kagome sat in utter shock at seeing the hanyou with her brother; this wasn't good. She gave a weary glance at Kouga and he seemed to be checking out the menu.
With a sigh of relief, she eyed Souta. He got the unspoken message and quickly left for the washroom, followed by Kagome
“How could you?” Kagome hissed as they met outside the washrooms.
“I didn't know you were coming here, how would I know?” Souta defended, “We'll leave, it doesn't look like Inuyasha's going to be able to eat now anyway.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Kagome said as she glanced at the hanyou then the wolf youkai.
“What I mean is you broke his heart, and big time.” Souta growled, “He came all this way and you just pushed him out of your life again.”
“What else could I do, I'm getting married!” Kagome shouted, “And what do you mean by again? That was all him when he left the first time.”
“This is funny.” Souta started laughing, “Back in the day, you two wouldn't have cared about what other's thought of you, now that's all you do.”
“What the--?” Kagome gasped, “You take that back.”
“No, sorry.” Souta folded his arms, “You two are in love, there's no doubt about it, so why create all the separation?”
Kagome stared at her brother, not knowing the answer, “I can't, he's too late, why can't anyone understand that.”
“How is he late?” Souta demanded, “How can you say that when you want him back?”
“I can't believe this, everyone's on his side, can't anyone understand that this is hurting me to? Why am I the bad guy?” Kagome whispered, then started walking back to her table. She glanced back at Inuyasha; he was looking at her with a sad expression.
`He heard the whole thing…' Kagome thought sadly, “Its better this way.” She whispered, knowing he'd hear it as well.
“I'm sorry about that.” Souta sighed and came back to the table, frustrated at his sister.
“It's okay.” Inuyasha said, still staring at Kagome's disappearing form.
“It's better this way.”
She couldn't be serious, right?
“Who's that she's sitting with?” Inuyasha asked, knowing the answer.
“Her fiancé, Kouga.” Souta spit out, “He's a big jerk, totally rich and selfish, the big stereotypical guy.”
Inuyasha sighed; it was final. Him and her, they were over, from beginning to end.
“I should go…this is more awkward than anything; I'll meet you back at the house, alright?” Inuyasha stood.
“You won't leave for home, right?” Souta asked.
“I won't leave.” He promised then left.
“Kagome, what are you doing here?” Kai answered the door.
“I just need someone to talk to.” Kagome smiled sadly.
“I knew there was something more with you and Inuyasha,” Kai sighed, “You're going to tell me.”
Sitting down at the table, Kai started making some coffee for the two of them, “While he was staying with my and Souta a year ago…”
“Something developed between you two?” Kai interrupted.
Kagome nodded, “Yeah.”
“What do you want to do about it?”
“What can I do, I have to get married and live my life, he has to too,” Kagome sighed, “He has to move on, like I did.”
“When did you move on, you're broken apart when you see him now?” Kai smiled, “You're a mess.”
“Thanks…” Kagome said sarcastically.
“I know it's hard to hear, but it's the truth,” Handing her daughter her coffee then sitting herself down, she continued speaking, “I mean, he came all the way from Tokyo to see you again.”
“But Mama, I'm getting married, it's completely wrong to dump Kouga down.” Kagome defended.
“I know, and I understand where you're coming from.” Kai took a sip of her coffee, “However, I also understand where Inuyasha's coming from, and it seems both you two are hooked up in what other's are thinking about you.”
“That's what Souta said this afternoon.”
“Souta's a smart boy; I wish I could be his mother.” Kai sighed sadly.
“You are his mother.” Kagome smiled.
“No, I mean psychologically, Souta doesn't really think of me as a mother.”
The woman fell silent, sifting through the plaguing thoughts, when Kagome finally spoke, “Mama…”
“What should I do?”
“I think you've already made your decision, you've just got to stop thinking about the judgmental things, stop thinking about what other people want and do what you want most.” Kai shrugged, “Then you'll know what to do.”
“Thanks mom.”
Kagome sighed, walking home.
Her day was ruined when she saw Inuyasha at the restaurant. What she wondered was why he was still here? Was he thinking he's win her back? Like she was some prize.
However, her mother's words came back to her and she shook her head negatively.
`You know none of what you're saying is true.' A voice in her head spoke, `You know he loves you, he told you himself.'
`It's too late, he could've come back but he didn't.' Kagome huffed.
`You should give him a chance, to explain himself.' She sighed, the voice was right.
“Kagome?” She froze. That chance was going to come a lot sooner then her thought.
“Hi, Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered.
“I wasn't spying on you, or stalking or what ever you thought.” Inuyasha defended right away.
`Is he afraid of me?' Kagome thought in defeat, `That's what it's come down to, hasn't it.'
“I didn't think that.” She sighed.
“You didn't?” He asked.
“Yeah, so why are you here?” Kagome whispered.
“I…I wanted to let you know that I'm going back.” He sighed, “I realize you're happy, all moved on.”
“I guess.”
“I want you to be happy, with whomever that's with, even if it's not me.” Inuyasha shrugged, “I just want to let you know that I care about you, I've always been there for you, as a friend, and I want to continue to be able to be there.”
Kagome watched as he pulled out a small box, she was becoming afraid, “What's that?” She pointed at the box in his hand.
“This?” Inuyasha smiled sadly, “I…bought this back when I was staying with you and Souta, I never knew when I would give it to you, so…I guess now's the best time, I think.”
Kagome watched as he opened it and gasped. In the box was a beautiful necklace with a small diamond heart in the center.
“I was going to give it to you, but…” Inuyasha sighed, “It never worked out.”
He walked up to her and she nodded, and Inuyasha delicately put it on her, “You're beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Kagome whispered.
“No problem.” He smiled. Then his frown came back when he realized this was his good bye, “I'll see you around.”
“Inuyasha, wait.” Kagome shouted.
“Yeah?” Kagome winced when she saw…hope in his golden eyes.
“I…I wish you happiness as well, find another, someone who can love you back.” She smiled.
“Thanks.” He whispered as the hope and love in his eyes disappeared.
Tears hit her eyes like water in a fountain; the waterworks began for both of them. The tears stubbornly stayed in her eyes as she watched the hanyou walk off, shoulders slumped and heart broken.
Kagome gasped as a thought came to her mind, it was over. There was never going to be another chance to get him back. Inuyasha was leaving for Tokyo…again.
The tears came, sliding down her cheeks and ruining the makeup she used for Kouga's lunch date.
Walking back inside she felt a pair of arms around her, “I saw the whole thing.” Becky cried.
Kagome pulled away and noticed the tears in her friend's eyes, only feeding to her own. “I can't believe…”
“I know.” Becky soothed her friend with another hug, “Things will play out, you have to remember…if you and Inuyasha are meant to be together, you'll be together in the end.”
“Thanks…” Kagome whispered.
I wanted to ask why, that in every review that asks who the fiancé is, that you think its Hojo. I mean, first of all, I said it was Kouga already, and second…why Hojo? I mean, come on, LoL…thanks for the reviews though…
Thanks for the reviews from:
Angel_4_life (Actually, I have so much time to work on my story because my whole province—British Columbia—is on strike at the moment, so no school…)----QuestionableIntentions(nsi)----allieas----gweien----SUGI- ---TrinityK (You're wereblood, huh? You have me on your favorites?)
Inu-Baby18----evolmonkey1096----inu&kag4eva (I like cliffhangers…)---Tensaiga (It is not Hojo…)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, anime of manga. Rumiko Takahashi does and I'm glad she had the imagination to create such amazing characters to play with.