InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Found After Centuries ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 10 )
Disclaimer: I no own. You no sue. We all happy!
What happened last time:
Inuyasha collapsed to his knees and inhaled the scent of her pain and tears. But then, a different smell met his nose. A youkai had followed Kagome!
Chapter 10
This pain I feel can never be matched…
Kagome stared at the words written in her handwriting. The words blurred as tears rolled off her cheeks onto the parchment. Having arrived home from the Feudal Era not too long ago after seeing Kikyo and Inuyasha together, the tears haven't stopped. She couldn't help it. It hurt so badly. She couldn't believe he had betrayed her again! Had she any mind, she would've noticed the angel following her and watching from outside her window as she collapsed onto her desk, sobbing.
-*Flashback*- Kagome's POV
Ugh! Kikyo!" Inuyasha's voice rang out. My blood turned cold. `No fucking way…' I peeked out from behind a tree and saw a sight that will haunt me for the rest of my life. A gasp choked in my throat as my hand flew to cover my mouth.
Inuyasha thrust into Kikyo. Their clothes had been discarded and were under the miko, who was on her knees and hands, getting it like the bitch she was. His cry of victory escaped his throat as he thrust once more into her, sending his seed free, and collapsing out of exhaustion. He panted as he whispered four words into Kikyo's ear.
"I love you, Kikyo."
I slowly backed away, then turned and fled. Tears cascaded down my cheeks. My heart's beat was torn, battered and ripped to shreds. I finally made it to the well, my breath coming in pained huffs. Throwing myself down it, I screamed and prayed to hit the bottom.
"Let me hit the bottom. Let me die!"
I lay on the bottom of the well in my time, sobbing. I don't even remember falling asleep.
When I woke up I realized I was out of the well and in my room. It left me confused, but I figured Sota or Grandpa had heard me and brought me inside. I grabbed my journal and sat at my desk and tried to vent the frustrations. But all I got was one sentence.
-* End Flashback *- (end pov)
Kagome sniffed and rested her chin on her arm, her head cradling into her biceps. Sleep cascaded around her again and she fell into a troubled nightmare.
The window to her room opened with a breeze and a man crouched on the sill. Slowly stepping into her room, he studied the sleeping form of Kagome. He picked her up out of the chair and held her close to his chest. Kagome murmured in her sleep, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"No crying…No more crying for that bastard. Let him have his bitch…" the man's voice rumbled into her dreams. She seemed to relax into his arms as he sat on her bed and pulled her into his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist as his tail covered her lithe body. Golden eyes shut as he leaned into the wall and held onto the wounded girl. Never again would he allow his half-brother to hurt Kagome…
Kagome awoke to a kind of uncomfortable position, but warm and comfortable at the same time. Confused, she tried to move, but noticed quickly a soft growl emitting from above and behind her when she went to leave the embrace. Wait…embrace? She felt two arms encircling her waist and a very soft, fluffy tail covering her body. Absentmindedly, she began to stroke the silky soft tail. A purr met her ears and she stopped, the fact suddenly hitting her that she was in someone's lap.
`Who..?' She looked up and saw the golden eyes of Sesshoumaru looking down at her.
"Sess…hou…maru?" She whispered. One of his hands came to cup her face and wipe a tear from her eye.
"No more crying because of that bastard. You don't deserve this pain after all the good you do for him…" his voice rumbled softly. Birds were just barely beginning to chirp as the sun slowly began to rise.
"Why… do you…?" Kagome started.
"Care? I do care. I always have, Kagome." He answered her never finished question.
"I don't know…I have tried in every way possible to ignore it and try to destroy these feelings…but they only grow stronger…" His thumb wiped another tear from her cheek. "No more of these, you hear? Rin would be all the more saddened, as I would be, if you let Inuyasha's constant betrayals take hold of you. Take it as a sign that he only wishes to be friends and nothing more." A very rare smile crossed the Lord's lips as he bent his head and kissed Kagome's forehead lightly. Kagome melted into his grip and crushed her body into his, wanting to be all the more closer to him than she ever could be. She could feel his muscles under her as he held her tightly to his chest.
"Sesshoumaru…" she whispered ever so softly as, if possible, their grip around each other tightened. They sat like that as the sun rose, the orange brightening her room.
"Sesshoumaru…" Kagome whispered again.
"How did you know…?" Kagome breathed.
"I was there, Kagome. I saw everything…From the time you left my palace, I followed you. Please don't think I was stalking you…I didn't want to let go just yet." Sesshoumaru sighed softly and hugged Kagome close as she nuzzled into his chest.
The birds singing caused a deep nirvana type meditation for the two as they sat there, the dawn quickly approaching. Kagome shifted, trying to wake herself up. Sesshoumaru purred softly as she began to stroke his tail.
"Sesshoumaru…We have to go back…" Kagome murmured into his chest, taking in his scent.
"Hai…I know…You will stay with me at my palace?" he asked the statement, a look of longing crossing into his face.
"Hai. Of course.." Sesshoumaru couldn't hide the smile that crossed his lips. `This girl has already changed me so much…' Sesshoumaru cleared his throat and shifted her in his arms. "Besides, Rin would want to see her mother." Kagome blushed, but nodded. "Then it is agreed. Get ready, we leave before dawn gets a solid foot on your time."
Kagome nodded into his chest again, waited a moment, hesitant to leave his embrace, then got up to get ready. Sesshoumaru already missed her warmth.
Dawn was already there by the time the couple jumped back down the well. Sesshoumaru stumbled slightly upon returning to the feudal era, but Kagome's light touch stabilized him. He took her into his arms and jumped from the well. With a graceful flow of movements, Sesshoumaru was standing next to a tree on the outskirts of Kaede's village.
"Go quickly, and return soon…Kagome…" Sesshoumaru huskily whispered into her ear before setting her on her feet. Blushing, all she could do was nod before she was off, running to Kaede's hut.
Kaede's hut…
"Don't you want us to come with you back to the well?" Sango questioned a soon blushing Kagome.
"No…I'm not going back to my time. I've decided to stay in the Feudal Era and travel some," Kagome took a suddenly worried Shippo into her arms. "And of course, you can come with, Shippo!"
"Hooray!" Shippo clung to his mother as she laughed.
"You're not going with just the two of you, are you?" Miroku asked. Kagome blushed and shook her head.
"Well, we should go! Thank you, and I will keep in touch, I promise!" Kagome was hell-bent on leaving before they got to know. Sango and Kagome exchanged hugs, and Miroku joined, being a good boy and keeping his hands on their backs only.
Kagome waved, calling back to watch for her at the wedding in a month, as she went off towards the well.
"So…you think she's going back to Sesshoumaru?" Sango asked Miroku who nodded.
"She told us of the month she staid with him last time…and she had this longing in her eyes that she used to have when Inuyasha was being a jerk sometimes, but that one…went deeper…" Miroku stated and glanced that a nodding Sango.
"Guess it's just us for a while then…" Sango whispered quietly as Miroku placed an arm around her shoulders.
"Not like it's a bad thing…" Miroku whispered, hugging her.
In the forest…
Kagome found Sesshoumaru in the same tree she left him under. She sat on the ground next to him and gently laid her hand on his knee. His eyes stayed shut, but a small smile crept over his lips.
"You're back soon," he mused. Shippo had come out of her hair.
"Kagome…" Shippo's voice quivered as Sesshoumaru's eyes opened and fell on the kitsune.
"Don't worry Shippo. We're going to stay with Lord Sesshoumaru for a while," Kagome took the kit down from her shoulder and held him in her arms. Although Shippo had already met the taiyoukai, he was still afraid of him. Sesshoumaru stood, then helped Kagome to her feet.
"Shall we be off then?" he asked, coolly. Kagome nodded. Sesshoumaru turned and motioned for her to get on his back, which she did. `Oh kami…I can feel her legs, her chest…No wonder why Inuyasha preferred this way to travel…you can feel every muscle tension in her body.' Sesshoumaru had to mask his scent of arousal from the kit, as he took off and felt her legs squeeze into his sides. Suppressing a groan that would surely give him away, he made sure to dance along the treetops, just to feel her legs tension into his body.
Western Lands…
Arriving at his palace, he helped the miko off his back, his hand lingering entwined with hers for a moment before releasing.
"Your room is still the same, and the rules still apply. Please do not let Rin see you in this, Kagome," his voice was soft, but strong. His mind wandered to finish the rest of his thoughts. `If Rin saw what kind of power a female can have over a male by wearing clothes like that…she could control any male she met… as you control my thoughts, Kagome..'
Kagome nodded, holding Shippo in her arms, left into the palace in a b-line to her room.
She stopped in front of the still elegant doors to the room and then lightly pushed them open. Shippo gasped as he looked around the room, then ran to jump on the futon.
~*~ Lemon Warning ~*~
A week later…
The next week passed in a respectable, peaceful way. On a stormy night near the end of the week, Kagome was standing on the balcony off her room. The rain fell onto her upturned face and drenched her kimono. Shippo had begged to sleep in Rin's room, for a sleep-over, that Kagome insisted they tried. She heard Jaken a few times, before coming out into the rain, telling the children to keep it down and go to sleep.
Sesshoumaru came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, carefully picking her up and taking her inside her room.
"Are you sane? Do you want to fall ill?" he asked, worried. `He's worried about me?' Kagome asked herself, looking up into his eyes. She smiled, giggling slightly.
"I was already wet. I needed to feel clean," she responded. Sesshoumaru's elegant eyebrow rose as a smirk crossed his lips. Kagome's cheeks colored as she realized how he took her words. "Hentai. I meant the tears…on my face." He held her closely to his body, feeling the rain water soak into his clothes, but not caring.
"I told you…you never have to cry over him. I will always protect you, beloved," he bit his tongue at this. This is what his mind had been calling her the past week. His Beloved. Kagome looked at him, breaking from his embrace slightly. Hurt crossed his eyes.
"Beloved?" She questioned.
"Hai…you are beloved to me…" he barely whispered.
"Why? How?" She insisted.
"I…I don't know…I told you I cared for you…but this goes deeper than that…Kagome, I want you…I want you to be my mate. I want you to be the mother of my children, and most of all I want you to love me with that enormous heart of yours, like you love Rin, Shippo, and everyone you meet…Kagome…I love you…I need you to be whole."
He shifted, uneasy to her response, but was met by her pulling his head down and her soft lips pressing on his. Startled, he quickly fell into the kiss, eyes shutting and tongue demanding entrance to her sweet mouth, which she granted. Her taste was almost as intoxicating as her smell, which he was already drunk on. Breaking apart, Kagome stroked his face lightly as a purr emitted from his chest.
"I love you too, Sesshoumaru…" she whispered before he caught her lips in another breathtaking kiss.
Soon they laid on Kagome's bed, their clothes somehow finding their way to the floor. Hesitant, he didn't want to let instinct take over completely and he stopped, checking with her. `He really does love me…' Kagome thought and nodded to him before he continued. He had informed her the last time she was here about the mating ritual. How he would have to mark his mate with his teeth at the spot connecting her neck and shoulder.
His lips massaged over her skin as he kissed, tongued, and lightly nipped his way down her torso. Her back arched into his chest as his fingers found her soft spot and lightly stroked it. His mouth reached her naval and his fangs lightly nipped and tickled her.
Reaching further down, his nose was overwhelmed by her aroused smell…her forever intoxication aroma that almost made him loose control. His tongue grew a mind of it's own as he lapped at her wetness. Kagome's moan only made his arousal grow.
"Sesshoumaru…" she panted as she neared her climax. Sesshoumaru stopped, moving up to her and kissing her passionately. Her arms wrapped around his neck and held her naked chest onto his.
"I want it…" Kagome panted in his mouth as his hands were caught in her hair. His eyes asked if she was positive, and was answered with a mind blowing kiss. Settling himself in between her legs, he thrust into her, biting down on the junction of her neck and shoulder. Pain coursed through her body, but the soft lapping of his cool tongue on her wound sent pleasurable sensations downward. Soon, their bodies grew into a nirvana-like rhythm, both reaching their climaxes. Kagome cried out and shuttered against Sesshoumaru as she came. Sesshoumaru's lips blossomed into a loving grin into her neck as she bit down into his shoulder, signaling him to release his seed.
They set themselves into each other's arms, panting. Their sweat was mingled and their shoulders throbbed.
"I love you…"
"I love you too, Kagome…"
Sleep cascaded upon the two newly mated couple as a promise fled from Sesshoumaru's lips.
"I will always protect you, my beloved Kagome. As long as I take breath, any person that brings you pain shall feel my anger…I love you with my soul, Kagome. You are all I need."
<end Chapter>
Oh dontchya know if things finally go good, something bad will always happen?! Just wait. Bad and good news in the next chapter. It'll be the last chapter. ^_^ and then! The sequel! ^_^ HAZA! >.> dun ask… R/R or email me: And check out my other works!
Japanese words:
taiyoukai = demon lord
hai = yes
ano = uhm
gomen = I'm sorry
gomenasai = I'm very sorry
arigato = thank you
kitsune = Shippo -fox demon
Next Chapter!
Chapter 11
Good News and Bad News
What will the dreams of the past have to do with the future? ^_^ See ya!