InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A love Story to the End ❯ Love at first sight or love at first date?? ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
" Hey Miroku my man, my man."
"Heyy sesshoumaru. Whats crackin?"
" Nothing. Just chillin here with Rin."
" Hey you guys wanna go on the bumper cars?"
"Sure I guess."
"Hey Inuyasha lookie there." Whispered Sesshoumaru.
(A/N: Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are not brothers in this story.)
"Whoa... Who is that?"
"Her names Kagome. Shes here for the summer."
"Does she have a boyfriend...?"
"Not sure..."
" hey inuyasha shes getting off the bumper cars now.. y dont you go talk to her?"
" Alrighty."
"Hey... would you like to go on the ferris wheel with me...?" Inuyasha questioned.
" No.."
Another guy came and put his arm around kagome.
" Hey kagome.. the guy questioned...wanna ride the ferris wheel with me?"
" Love to.."
Kagome smirked at inuyasha and left for the ferris wheel.
(a/n: ***-indicates another scene.)
Inuyasha, Miroku, Sesshoumaru and his girl Rin...were now standing by the ferris wheel.
"See miroku..i told happens...but this time i am going to get her ever if it kills me."
" What you plan on doing?"
"Youll see."
Inuyasha was waiting for Kagomes cart to come...and when it finally did he ran and jumped on to it.
Kagome screamed.
Inuyasha sat between Kagome and her date.
" Hey you cant do that...!" yelled the ride manager.
"Hey im sorry...ill only be a minute."
"What are you doing.. questioned Kagome.
" Asking you on a date."
" Huh?"
The ferris wheel has now stopped. He jumped on the bar above them but not over kagome
over the ground.
" Will you go out on a date with me?"
" many tiems do i have to tell you?"
" Go out on a date with me"
" No..."
"Fine have it your way"
He let go with one of his hands now only holding onto the ferris wheel with only one hand...
with his hands sweaty with persperation his hands started to slip.
" hands are slipping."
" Well grab on with both hands.."
"Not until you agree to go on a date with me."
"Go on a date with me?"
" Yes i will go out on a date with you."
" Say it louder"
" Glad you see it my way."
"Heyy sesshoumaru. Whats crackin?"
" Nothing. Just chillin here with Rin."
" Hey you guys wanna go on the bumper cars?"
"Sure I guess."
"Hey Inuyasha lookie there." Whispered Sesshoumaru.
(A/N: Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are not brothers in this story.)
"Whoa... Who is that?"
"Her names Kagome. Shes here for the summer."
"Does she have a boyfriend...?"
"Not sure..."
" hey inuyasha shes getting off the bumper cars now.. y dont you go talk to her?"
" Alrighty."
"Hey... would you like to go on the ferris wheel with me...?" Inuyasha questioned.
" No.."
Another guy came and put his arm around kagome.
" Hey kagome.. the guy questioned...wanna ride the ferris wheel with me?"
" Love to.."
Kagome smirked at inuyasha and left for the ferris wheel.
(a/n: ***-indicates another scene.)
Inuyasha, Miroku, Sesshoumaru and his girl Rin...were now standing by the ferris wheel.
"See miroku..i told happens...but this time i am going to get her ever if it kills me."
" What you plan on doing?"
"Youll see."
Inuyasha was waiting for Kagomes cart to come...and when it finally did he ran and jumped on to it.
Kagome screamed.
Inuyasha sat between Kagome and her date.
" Hey you cant do that...!" yelled the ride manager.
"Hey im sorry...ill only be a minute."
"What are you doing.. questioned Kagome.
" Asking you on a date."
" Huh?"
The ferris wheel has now stopped. He jumped on the bar above them but not over kagome
over the ground.
" Will you go out on a date with me?"
" many tiems do i have to tell you?"
" Go out on a date with me"
" No..."
"Fine have it your way"
He let go with one of his hands now only holding onto the ferris wheel with only one hand...
with his hands sweaty with persperation his hands started to slip.
" hands are slipping."
" Well grab on with both hands.."
"Not until you agree to go on a date with me."
"Go on a date with me?"
" Yes i will go out on a date with you."
" Say it louder"
" Glad you see it my way."