InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Miko's Tsuyosa ❯ The End of N And K! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Miko's Tsuyosa

Chapter Six~The end of Naraku, & Kikyou

'...' Thinking

"..." Talking.

{...} My little add in.

PLEASE REVIEW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you alll! ^_^


Kagome woke up lazily, feeling herself unable to move. 'Nani? I?' she struggled back and forth against something that was binding her to the wall. As she struggled she heard the rattling of chains together. 'I'm chained to this wall...ugh ... what is that smell? It smells terrible, and I don't have Inuyasha's keen sense of smell!'

"Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku. I see that you are awake young miko. Tell me, what do you think of my domain?" The hanyou walked out from the darkness with a smirk.

Kagome strained her eyes to see the smoky face in the dark. "Naraku!" she clenched her teeth in anger. "Your domain reeks, literally," she spat with a inhumanly growl.

Naraku stalked closer, as his smirk widened several inches. "I see you have grown your own cockiness. I find that quite attractive," his eyes flickered lustily, and his expression darkened suspiciously.

She pulled her lips back into a glare, hoping to ward him off. "I don't care weather you do or not! Tell me where Inuyasha is! And how did I get here? I want some answers, damn it!" she pulled on the chains.

He responded by pushing his coal black hair over his shoulder. "Kagome, isn't it?"

Kagome looked at him dumbfoundedly. Why would he ask about her name? "Yeah. what the heck is your point? Don't answer my question with a question, baka!"

"This Naraku is not surpised by your interrogation.' Naraku scanned her figure with a smirk, as his eyes travled her curves.

'Is he checking me out or am I imagining things?" Kagome forced herself to look at the wall to her right. Feeling uncomfortable under his intense stare. "Answer me, or I will kill you Naraku!"

Naraku advanced forward with rage rising in his nearly perfect aura. "Miko, you are not in any position to threaten me!"

Kagome looked back and into his eyes and saw just how angry he was. She cringed, unable to back up her words. But decided to try. "I don't care," she managed with a raspy voice, and feigned to be nonchalant.

Naraku's smirk grew and his hand grasped her chin to look back into his eyes. "You are a brave one. Quite like Kikyou. I find that attractive when you know full well that I can kill you at any moment. Shall I take my desire for Kikyou out on her reincarnation?"

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Inuyasha felt himself switch between his hanyou and youkai forms. Then back to his hanyou form. 'Damn Naraku! I'll kick his sorry coward ass!'

At this moment, Inuyasha did not care where his friends thought, or what hardships he would have to face to get to Kagome. Nothing else mattered to him at the moment. All he wanted to accomplish was to get Kagome back and kick Naraku's ass to hell and back, and then maybe back to hell again.

A lone figure floated above the running hanyou. "Inuyasha,"

"Kikyou?" He stopped in mid run, causing the earth to break and split.
"Yes," she smiled emotionlessly as her Shinidama Chuu lowered her to the ground. "Inuyasha. Come with me. Be with me,"

Inuyasha was taken back at her sudden demand, there had to be a catch. "Kikyou. I cannot. I can't let Naraku kill Kagome. I am sorry but this comes first,"

Kikyou stalked closer to him, with a slow place." Do you love that girl?" she said coldly, eyeing him.

Inuyasha frowned uncomfortably. "I don't know."he shifted nervously. What was Kikyou planning this time? Would she drag him to the depths of hell? Or would she decide suck the soul out of him?

"You know I love you Inuyasha. Your life belongs to me. Not to Kagome, and no one else. Have you forgotten the promise you made to me?" She asked, coming closer as her expression darkend.

His once gallant amber eyes faded looking back into her lifeless ones. "I have not forgotten. But I cannot forget about Kagome either. Right now, tthis is most important to me. I will not abandon her to Naraku,"

Kikyou stalked even more closer. "Inuyasha. You have no need for her. At this moment Naraku will have her, and seal her powers forever." she kissed him hard on his lips, and grasped the sleeves of his Haori.

'What the fuck?' he thought as his eyes expanded with shock, how could she kiss him? Did she understand what was going on...?

Inuyasha pushed himself away, the taste of death on his lips. 'Her lips. they were cold. And disgusting,' he felt himself drop to his knees, and as eyes blanked; and his anger arouse.

"Your Jyaki is changing. What has happened to you, Inuyasha?" Kikyou frowned, and quietly approached him again. She bent down and brushed his silver bangs away from his face, reviling two blood red eyes and with a deadly stare to match.

With a sudden growl erupting from his throat, Inuyasha's wrist shot out and clasped the clay Miko's wrist roughly. "Why the fuck do you think, Kikyou?" His claws dug into her clay skin, and would not let go.

- -------------
Kagome opened her eyes that had closed.

Naraku had Kanna show Kagome the kiss between Inuyasha and Kikyou; but none further. Naraku expected to be upset, but to his surprise, she wasn't.

Naraku looked at her face, and then into her eyes. "Hm. Your eye color has changed. Is this your miko sorcery? Very facinating..." he yanked her chin to look back into his eyes, yet again.

The Reincarnated Miko did not respond. Her eyes closed again, and body tensed, as her miko powers began to take shape; A lavender aura grew circled her form; And raven bangs swayed back and forth."Do you honestly think I will allow you to take my life, and ruin my happiness? I know what you show me is not true. Your in league with that bitch, and she is in league with you. You both wish to destroy Inuyasha, but I will not let you do that," she opened her eyes, and they flashed violently; Even if she was Reincarnated from a pervious miko, she only shared her incarnations features; her body, mind, and soul were her own. She wouldn't let herself die, she wouldn't be fooled with mind games. And she sure as hell hell wouldn't let that fucker Naraku take her innocence away.

Naraku seemed frightened for a moment, his pride shielded him. "I see, you have figured it out, eh? I am not surprised. Do as you wish. You will not win..... Inuyasha has taken in Kikyou as his lover. You are nothing but a toy for that whelp. As a youkai, I will make sure that you are tortured, until death."

Kagome smirked, unfazed. Then she tore away from the chains that bound her. "Fool.... You are no youkai. You are but a hanyou...a hanyou fixed on his previous human life. You will always be Onigumo... weather you wish it, or not. You cannot escape your human linage. You are a weak hanyou, because your not true ... you are not even a hanyou at all; you are only but a human that gained power through demon possession, and shards from the shikon."

Naraku had finally lost his cold exterior. "You say foolish things Miko. You are nothing but an imitation of Kikyou;I will put a stop to your meaningless life; you are worth nothing. You are just a protectress of the jewel, a mere replacement. You are Kikyou ... weather you choose it or not-" he mocked her, ready to kill;

" not...." Kagome spoke over him as her hand sliced through him. "Kikyou. Do not mistake me. I am Kagome. With my own life, my own choices, and my own motives, you bastard!" she finished.
Kanna faded; she was no more, with her heart beating inside her, she could no longer live; as a part of Naraku;

Kagura came out from the scene, the wind temptress remained because she was not a part of Naraku. She was created from a youkai inside of him, but not of actual Naraku; Her heart returned.

"Kagura ... destroy...her..." Said a dying Naraku, who glided off Kagome's arm, and to the floor.

"I will not, Naraku." Kagura addressed briskly. " I will not help you. I hate you. I am nothing but one of your subordinates; I wish for my own life, and way of peace. Go to back to hell." With that, Kagura cut the last thread of his life with his wind powers, and finally, finally, Naraku was finished; That was his end, and he would never return.

Kagura turned to leave.


Kagura stopped. "What is that you want?"

"You wish for freedom. But you have spend countless times trying to destroy us; What has changed your mind to abandon Onigumo?"

The wind temptress whirled around. "I was never his servant, or subordinate. I was always looking for the way of freedom. I never wanted to be in league with Naraku; I never had alliance with him. He controlled me, and possessed my heart... I had no choice. All I ask of you is peace, and forgiveness."

"Forgiveness. You slaughtered Kouga's pack, and did harm to all of us. Why should I give you forgiveness, Kagura?" Kagome flared, as her miko energy danced around her wrist.

"I did what I could have to stay alive. Just as you have done. I admit I have caused many trifles, but my past is forever gone. I ask to start a new life; and that is all...." Kagura vanished on her feather. "I cannot change my past, I can only choose my future. Farewell." She was gone.

Kagome decided to allow her to finally regain her freedom.

With that, Kagome had also left;


Inuyasha whirled her around and through her through a tree, and then, and then, disposed her soul snatchers. "This is your end, Kikyou. I will no longer allow you to live.. you are nothing but a person of who was; you are evil incarnate, and I will give you your peace; Return to hell, bitch."

Kikyou fumbled for her arrows. What could she do now?

Inuyasha stalked closer to her, with a death defying glare; "Die...." he sliced her to nothing but ribbins.

That was Kikyous end.

Now, the now Inu Youkai, has to serach for his Mate;
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Well, that's it guys, I'm sorry, but I needed to end this chapter so I could get it out; I dedicate this chapter for FireLord ( reviewer) for repeatedly being on my tail to continue this story! ^_^ Thank you! And I promise, PROMISE a lemon in next chapter, XD

To reviewers:

Terra: Thanks a lot Terra! ^_^ That means a lot! Thankies for the review! >3

Cylana: Aww, thank you! ^_^ I worked really hard on the one chapter, it was verrrrrrrrrrrry difficult o_o and it took me forever; I did my best to keep Inuyasha acting as himself, and I'm glad it makes you happy!

Kitty Cat-Thanks! ^_^ Well heres the chappie you've bee waiting for.

Death Angel: Inuyasha turned youkai because he was extra angry and Tessaiga couldn't handle that type of pressure ^_^ and I like it when he turns demon too! He's so Sexy, XD lol ^_^

Lord Fluffy-sama: Woot! Thankies Eric-chan! ^_^ I hates Kikyou too!!!!!!! >________< ^_^ Hope you enjoyed the new chappie

Kahutai: lol, thanks! Im so happy you think so, and Ill keep going until I die! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Inuyasha's bich: LOL! Dontcha worry, I updated :3 ^_^ and heh.. cliffes can be good.. sometimes! ^_^ ^_^

essie2: hehe, just did; and thanks :D I work damning hard, dammit! Lol, I hope you enjoyed this chappie!

Lady Saiko: lol, thanks ^_^ I will write forever THAT I WILL DO, DAMMIT!\\

Firelord: *hugs*Thank you! I am continuing! Sorry I wasn't updating ;- I got caught up in things.. Wasn't cool -_- and did I mention this chapter was dedicated to you XD Thank you so much!

Kitty: lol, Thankies! I UPDATED TA DA!


Allright. I'm done...but don't forget to review! XD