InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Modern Fairytale: Not Quite ❯ The Beginning...Almost ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm gonna take another crack at the fanfics now, so please, please tell me what you think. I'm probably not gonna do the usual pairing, and I'm definetly gonna have original characters in my stories. I'm gonna put dolls of all my characters on my website, and when it's all up and running, I'll put up the link. Thanks for reading my stories guys!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or FullMetal Alchemist. Never have, never will. I do, however have rights to my own characters….Well at least I hope so. I based some of this on a seiries of dreams I had, and so it might seem a bit weird.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or FullMetal Alchemist. Never have, never will. I do, however have rights to my own characters….Well at least I hope so. I based some of this on a seiries of dreams I had, and so it might seem a bit weird.
Kaya's classmates always thought she was a perfectly normal - if not a little weird - person. So I guess that's why they were so surprised when I first came to the classroom and asked if she was there. I mean, it didn't help that she went by a different name in the human world. She got mad at me for that afterwards, but really, how was I supposed to know?
Well you're all probably a little confused right now. My name is Edward, and I'm an alchemist. I was Kaya's best friend back when we were kids at the palace. For thoise of you that don't know her, Kaya is a very kind person. She however has many different races and powers in her blood, that she was born with. Her parents were royals, and they were Youkai. Her mother's name was Syren, and her father's name was Takeo. Syren was a Youkai of the elements, and Takeo was a Kitsune Youkai. Kaya is a Tenshi (exiled from both Hell and Heaven and still living), a Kitsune and Youkai of the Elements, a miko, an elf, and alchemist, and she has the tiniest bit of vampire blood.
She is about 6 feet tall, she has waist length hair that's forest green with silver streaks, brilliant green eyes, with flecks of silver, pointed ears, fangs, and she's very pale. She also has long claws that are always painted black green and silver. All and all, she's very beautiful. She has all the abilities of each of her races, and she can change from her human form, to her form of all combined, to her form of each. The qualities I Just told you about were all her forms combined.
Now, I guess you want me to get on with the story, right? Well here it is, from the time I walked into her school, to the time… well, I won't ruin it all for you, so I'll just say to now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tokyo, 2006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kaya, known in the human world as Syren, was extremely bored. She was in the middle of history, her most hated class. She just sat there, staring at the back of her ex-boyfriend, InuYasha's head. `Pity he doesn't know I know' she thought.
“Kaya, I have a secret that I've been keeping from you for a while now, and I know, now that you know, that you'll break up with me if you don't know, because our relationship really doesn't need any secrets, and I also know that if you know, you'll break up with me, because you'll despise me, and I don't think I can handle that, so I'm just saying that I think we should stop seeing eachother.” InuYasha said one day, after calling her and telling her he need to talk to her.
“ I mean, you're a great person, one I would love to spend the rest of my life with, but I know, that either way, our relationship won't last very long, so I have to say goodbye.”
Kaya just stood there, and watched him turn and walk away, letting it sink in that he was out of her life, probably forever.
`Funny.' She thought. `I knew all along, and I wouldn't have cared. I knew he was a hanyou. He just didn't know that we were meant to be together from the day I was born…' with that, Kaya turned, and ran home as fast as she could with the tears streaming down her face.
`I wonder what he would say if he knew?' Kaya wondered.
Suddenly, there was a loud, rapid knock at the door, that made everyone jump.
When Nagira-sensei opened the door, Kaya was stunned to see her childhood friend, Ed there.
He said, “Sir, would you be Nagira-sensei? If you are, I am looking for a student who is in your class at the moment, Kaya Taisho… Is she here, or am I in the wrong room?”
Nagira-sensei answered, “Yes, I am Nagira-sensei, but I don't think I have anyone by that name in my class. But very well, you may check.”
Ed's eyes scanned the room, and when he saw me, a confused look came into his eyes. “Kaya? Is that you, my friend? You're… um… different…” He said.
In my mind, I chuckled. He must have been surprised.
In my human form, I look totally different. I have shoulder length blond-ish hair, and smoky green eyes. I stand only about 5 feet 6 inches, and I hide my aura, so that the Tajiya that live here don't come to kill me.
I stood, and said “Yes, Ed-san, it is I.” in my most joking voice.
Suddenly, everyone started murmering. I mean, we were just studying my parents, Syren and Takeo Taisho, and everyone always asked me about my name, if I was named after her. If only I could say, no, actually, I'm her daughter, Kaya.
Ed looked -if possible- even more confused then before, when he heard them talking about “Syren Higurashi? Isn't that her name?” or “Take the name she's been using her, Syren, and the last name that cute boy called her, and you get… Syren Taisho!!! I know!!! I wonder…”
Suddenly, Nagira-san shushed the class, and demanded an explanation. I glared at Ed, and told him to explain, that it wasn't my fault he got my class into an uproar about my name.
Hey guys!!!! Well there's the first chapter!!! I'm not gonna put up the next chapter until I get at least 1 review. That's all I ask for!!! 1 review. And believe me, I'm gonna stick to that.
And the review has to actually review my writing/the story. It can't be blank. Or I won't count it.