InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Modern Fairytale: Not Quite ❯ The Preparations ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay, guys, I'm really sorry if I'm starting to confuse you. This chapter's gonna take place at the end of chapter 3. Just so you don't get confused…
Also, to help with your confusion, here's a list of some pairings.
Kaya/Ed Lylie/Inu Sango/Sessh Miroku/ Kagome/Blaire
There are a few homo pairings in there, so if you don't like, just don't read. Got it? I don't want flames for these pairings.
Also keep in mind, these aren't all the pairing's just a few.
Kaya woke up the next morning in her bed. She opened her eyes, and got the shock of her life. Then she remembered the events of the day before.
`I don't remember getting into my bed…' she thought, confused. Then she smiled, when she smelled Ed, and realized that he must have been the one who put her there. She would make sure to thank him later. She got up, and decided to change into a proper kimono for her status as Tai Youkai. She went to her closet, and looked at the many different variations of her outfits, a different style for each different form. She also had a few that would change with her form, and she wore these when traveling, so as to not have to carry anything around.
Of course, she had a few ceremonial robes, and as today was her first day on the throne officially, she decided it would be a good idea to wear one. She called on Sango, a maid that her sister had assigned to her earlier the day before. When Sango walked in, she was shocked to realize that it was the same Sango whom she had played with when she was a child.
“Oh kami-sama!” She cried. “Sango! How have you been? I've missed you, old friend. Come, sit down. We must catch up on old times.” Sango just chuckled at this, and said, “Kaya-sama, first we should get you bathed and dressed and ready for the ceremony. We have all the time in the world to catch up. Your sister made me a Youkai a few years ago.”
“Sango-chan, you don't have to call me that. You know me, and I haven't changed much since I was young. You know how I despise the honorifics.” Kaya said, with a tone that sounded almost sad. “Come, let's bathe and dress.”
Sango agreed silently, and they headed off to the hot springs in Kaya's bathroom. They had fun getting into a few water fights, and washing each other's hair, before they realized that there were only a few hours before the ceremony, and Kaya should greet the guests and get ready.
Kaya insisted on lending Sango a kimono, but said that it must be a surprise which one she chose, so she let Sango chose her one, and dress her. The kimono Sango chose was a beautiful, full-length kimono, with holes in the back for her wings. Kaya transformed to her combined form, and let Sango dress her. When she looked in the mirror, she couldn't believe her eyes. Sango had done and amazing job in choosing a kimono. It was mostly green, the color of Kaya's eyes, and silver, which brought out the flecks in her eyes. It had a jet-black obi, which tied at the front. (A/N: Think Sesshomaru) Her hair cascaded around her in beautiful forest green and silver rivulets. The points of her ears were barely visible through the silky locks of hair, and the silver accents in her hair blended, almost seamlessly, with the silver sakura blossoms around the sleeves of her kimono.
Her weapons were tucked into her obi, and rested quietly against her hip. Sango gaped at her in awe of her natural beauty. `If only I could look like that…' She thought.
“Well Sango, I believe that it is time to get you ready. Now close your eyes, and let me pick out a kimono for you. Sango opened her mouth to protest, but Kaya silenced her with a look. “Now just sit there and cooperate.” Kaya instructed. “I promise, once I'm done, you will be able to have any man you want.”
About a half hour later, Sango was standing in front of the full-length mirror, afraid to open her eyes. When she finally did, she was shocked to see a beautiful young girl looking back at her. Her chocolate brown hair was pulled into a beautiful bun, and some tendrils curled lazily around her face. She was wearing a beautiful turquoise kimono, with chocolate brown sakura patterns on the sleeves. She had a brown obi that was tied into a beautiful intricate knot at the back. Kaya had lightly brushed some copper eye shadow on her lids, and some smoky black eye shadow had been worked into her lash line. She had a blush brushed along her cheekbones that had some golden flecks in it.
All in all, she was beautiful. When she turned around to thank Kaya, she realized that she was at the other mirror doing her makeup. Her hair had many little braids in it, consisting of the silver steaks in it. She had dusted a light bronzer on, and added a mint green shadow to her eyelids, along with a chocolate brown liner. Her lips had been painted a shimmery peach, and her fangs gleamed a pearly white. She had in emerald earrings, which were made to hold her power, so if she ran out, she would have a store already with her.
Kaya looked at her in the mirror, and smiled. “You look gorgeous Sango-chan!” she said. “Now come. We have a very important meeting to get to.”
They got up, and walked to the boardroom, where all the very important meetings took place. When they got there, Ed, Lylie, Sesshomaru, InuYasha, and two girls that she recognized were there, along with a man she had never seen before. When they noticed her arrival, they all smiled and the unknown people introduced themselves.
The two girls introduced themselves as Blaire and Faren, and they were twins. They were also Kaya and Lylie's cousins. `Well that explains how I know them.' She thought. The man introduced himself as Miroku, a Buddhist monk. Everyone laughed at that, and Lylie said “Well, he may claim to be a monk, but we're not quite sure how pure he is, with those wandering hands of his…” and burst into laughter again. Miroku just sat there, with an indignant look on his face, and said, “It's the curse, I tell you, my hand is cursed!”
They sat there, talking and getting to know each other for a while, until a messenger came in, to announce that the guests were starting to arrive.
Well then, we better get going Sango, don't want to leave those guests hanging…” and with that, she stood up and left the room, though leaving behind her aura of happiness and laughter.
A/N: Hey, how do you like that? I had writer's block for a bit, and it was difficult, but as you can see, I got through it, and finally introduced Miro and Sango. If you guys have any suggestions for future pairings, not using anyone from the list at the beginning of this chapter, I'd be glad to hear them. Remember, If you don't like the story, and you don't review, then flame me for the way I wrote it, it's NOT MY FAULT. Everyone needs constructive criticism. R & R GUYS, PLEASE.
See that little button, right there? It says reviews… you wanna see what happens if you click it? Go ahead! It's not gonna eat you!
Thank you for all your support in these difficult time janomaru; you're a big help in boosting my morale enough to continue writing.