InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning ❯ Ch 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inu-yasha characters

"But if you're the guardian that would make you Midoriko!" Inu-yasha was speechless.

`But this can't be her. Midoriko was said to have died over 50 years ago while protecting the jewel of four souls. This can't be the same protector can it?'

Midoriko laughed lightly at Inu-yasha foolishness. "Inu-yasha, do not doubt that I am the real Midoriko. But there isn't much time to explain that for now. I have been battling demons souls inside of the jewel."

That was the first time Inu-yasha actually looked at her appearance. She looked to be in her early 20's, She had long ebony hair that went to her elbows. She wore the traditional Miko grabs, and demon bone Miko armor. The armor was ghost white; golden painted peach and cherry blossoms were sprawled across the white background. A quill of purifying arrows hung across her back and a bow was gripped tightly in her left hand. In her right hand was the entire Shikon jewel.

"Inu-yasha, I've come to tell you that Kikyou isn't the one. Kikyou was not meant to protect the jewel of four souls. That is why she died 50 years ago. She was tainted."

Inu-yasha looked down ashamed. Midoriko seemed to know what he was thinking.

"It wasn't because she feel in love with you. She was tainted because she wanted to use the jewel for selfish reasons. Yes, she wanted to use it for you to become human, but the reasons you had to become human was so she didn't feel lonely. That was a selfish reason and there for she will never be able to touch the jewel."

Inu-yasha looked her straight in the eye; the look on his face could only be described as puzzlement, "But if Kikyou isn't the chosen one…then who is?" `It can't be Kagome; she isn't strong enough to protect something so valuable and dangerous. Kagome can't even handle one demon with out shards by herself.'

Midoriko's aura turned from one of peace to one of anger, "How can you be so foolish?"

She snapped at Inu-yasha in a tone of voice that could scare a ghost. Her hair flew around body; her previously gentle eyes were now full of rage and irritation,

"Can you not see how strong that one girl really is? You never gave her a chance to develop her true powers. If you didn't use Kagome she would have realized how strong she truly was instead of depending on you to save her life every time there was trouble."

Inu-yasha was stunned at her announcement `I can't believe this. Not Kagome, she just a girl. She couldn't even hurt a low level youki like Shippo, forget about all the ones whom will come after the Jewel.'

"Kagome has run back to her time period and has been training her powers for the past to months, while you have been screwing around with that shell of a women." Midoriko pointed to Kikyou's prone from. "She was now mastered hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and her Miko powers." All of the sudden Midoriko's form started to fade. "I must leave now. Kagome will appear at the well at sundown in 3 moon cycles. Wait for her there." Midoriko's form faded completely.

Midoriko's time stopping spell wore off and Kikyou was able to move again. "Inu-yasha, what is wrong? Give me the jewel." Kikyou insisted. Inu-yasha backed away a few steps. "I'm sorry Kikyou, but your not meant to hold the jewel." He backed away some more. "Inu…" Inu-yasha turned around and was ready to run, "I'm sorry Kikyou I must leave." with that Inu-yasha ran into the forest.

Buya Grandma Kikyou got so dised right there. I know that's probably not how a conversation between Midoriko and Inu-yasha would go but hey, this is my story. Check out My other Fic, Funny Inu-yasha song matches. Its kind of funny ^-^ REVIEW!