InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Look ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha's ears twitched and that dew attention to them then kagome's twitch as well trying to pick up the faint sound then hojo spoke up
“Umm……..why do you both have dog ears” who hadn't taken his eyes of kagome and inuyasha since they entered the room every one grasped when they saw the ears that were visible on top of there heads
“Umm……well……you see” stumbled kagome trying to find a excuse for there appearance
::tell them:: came flouting throw her brain as she heard the soft bark for inuyasha she turned to look at him and he nodded his head she took a deep breath
Well you have heard about demons and the old stories were demons rule the land”
They all nodded there heads remembering the stories there grandparents had told them
“Well all the tails you grandpearants told you are real there once were demons some so powerful that they had there own kingdoms. To the west there were the white inu to the south there were the ookami to the east there were the kitsane and to the north there were the human kingdoms. about 550 years ago a human miko was given the shikon no tame to protect but it was not a responsibility she had not wanted but being a miko she had to do her duty till she meet a hanyou the product of a full demon lord of the west and a human princess the miko saw this as her way out of the job she had been given.
“What has this to do with the ears on the top of your heads?” asked Eir
Well I'm getting to that but you need to hear this to get what I'm saying” said kagome she shifted in inuyasha lap though uncomferable “do you want me to go on inuyasha or do you want to leave”
“I'm not leaving you with him here and they need to know stated inuyasha grinding his teeth and gripping kagome around the waist he pulled he closer and hid his face in her hair
“Ok well when the miko saw this hanyou she first tried to drive him away for this hanyou was of noble blood there for was very hansom.kagome felt inuyasha grin into her skin at this coment
“ But he was very lonely” she continued “fore his all his family but his brother the new inu lord of the west were dead or human instead of living a life of a lord he was abused all his life and when the miko offend a same glimpse of friendship he wanted to be accepted and loved .it was now inuyasha turn to shift uncomfortly
“ Soon he had fallen in love. For this miko was fare and graceful. So the miko seeing that the hanyou was young convinced him to become human for her because she did not wish to be touched by a half breed but they were betrayed. The miko had come to care for a bandit and the man had come to lust for the miko and when he heard about of the hanyou and the miko he gave him self over to the demons. He tricked them to believing that the other had killed them. The miko was burned to ash and the shikon no tame with her and the hanyou was put in internal sleep pined to a tree.saddness filled kagome voice she always became sad at this part of the story she hated what kikyou had done to him
“Fifty years later a girl from a far of land stumbled on to the hanyou. the reincarnation of the miko and a miko her self. freed him form his prison and for three years they journey. the girl fell in love with the hanyou but due to a witch the miko came back to life even though the miko had tried to kill the hanyou and the girl he protected many times and he still ran after her. Three years passed and the miko clay body disintergrated giving the girl back her part of the soul that had resided in the dead miko giving the girl a gift to see her true self and find out she was a hanyou.”
“Why tell us all this? Asked hojo who had staired unconvisably at them “and what dose that have to do with the ears unless you the people in that little story `
“Well yeah i'm the girl from the far of land and inuyasha is the hanyou that was pined to a tree
“How” asked ayumi
“I travel though time, me and inuyasha are hanyou and the only one able to travel” said kagome totally wishing that she could disappear and wake up like none of this had happened but she knew this was not a dream so she contented her self with hiding her face in inuyasha's bare chest
“This is were I've been for the passed three years I frist time travaled on my fithteenth brithday and been doing that ever since”
There was suden out brust of laughter from hojo (that think headed poffter) every one turned to stare at him once his laughter had died down he turned to inuyasha and kagome
“Thats really funny you expected us to believe that you are demons come on I know you better than that Higurashi so tell us why do you have dog ears ? asked hojo (who has the thickess head in the anime world apart for inuyasha sometimes)
Kagome started at them she looked around at her friends they didn't beleave her ether “talk about think headed you'ld think with are ears we wouldn't be form around this time with out a consealment spell all right kagome think think think I gotta lie”
“It is a brith defult we were bron with them I normaly kept mine hidden so the don't stand out and because you came over with out an invite I didn't have time to hid them” said kagome { if they didn't accept this one the can go stuff it up there ass}throught kagome she looked at her friend they seemed to accept that story
“Come on we'ld better go” said ayumi “kagomes okaa-san sould be home soon and we did arive uninvited and broke in the house to save kagome and then give her and her boyfriend the third degree so we don't want to be in trouble”
As she was saying this she and the girls got up and headed for the door grabing there bags and shoes on the way hojo stared at them for another minute to see if they would break and say something that could break them up so he would have a chance he dicide to throw cution to the wind
Higurashi is he really your boyfriend hojo asked looking hopeful
Nope” she muttered with out thought he's my intended or my bithtrothed if you go by human standed but I perfer the title of intended sound much cooler replyed kagome inuyasha long claws were running up and down her back his hand had some how snuck up the back of his shirt that she was waring
Hojo looked at them shock they were getting married they were bithrothed with out another word he left the house in a daze he walked down the stairs not paying attention to were he was going he walked out on to the road there was a honking the screeching then a heavy thud as some thing colided with hojo
I think I will leave that there just to keep you guys on your feet so did hojo die what hit him any hope that hojo might live are slim hay if it is liked that hobo dies then that what happens
Some people have reviewed and any who wish to corosond with me use the email address below just delete the gaps
Thewitchychic _danny @ hotmail. com
I can't wait to see what I write next im not sure if I should kill hojo or not im gunning for a yes but it could be a wronge move all well here some thing to cheer you up
Picture this inuyasha with a fluffy white dogs tail kinda like sessy's and kinda like koga's now wouldn't that be a funny sight wouldn't he look so cute may be he can grow one
I know this is a short chapter but I feel as though it needed to stop there mawahahahaha I evil and you all have to wait till the next week end to find out if hobo dies
Listen I try to update every weekend because that when most people are allowed on the computer and when I've got the most time on the net
Feh me pearants are mean
Blessesd be and merry meet again
Staralinga Moonwicca