InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Look ❯ cought in the act ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome to my fifth chapter hope all you's people out there that have read this story I think it over 700 hits on my site but I would like to make a little dedication to those lucky people that decided to review
C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
J luv
Thank you to these nice caring people that reviewed now to answer some question
1. Yes kagome is a part dog part wolf hanyou I got the wolf dog of f that movie called balto I enjoy Disney movies so I might take more stuff off of there
2. yes I'm a wiccan and have been since I was 11 no I don't do spells yet I decided that learning the fundament with out doing spells was the best why to learn plus me mam will not allow me to do them
3 if your wondering i'm 16 and me mam rules my life with an iron fist after what my brother been doing
“Inuyasha your more of a hentai than Miroku is to sango” inuyasha blushed at this still very red in the face he grabbed her right under her butt griping her upper thigh and he jumped landing on the roof of the nearest house and started bonding of to the Shinto shine
Eri ayumi yuka and hojo sprinted after them as the left the school and followed them down the street and stoped just short of the ally they peered around the corner (you know heads all in a row looking round the corner like in the cartoons) to see kagome benign held rather intimately by inuyasha. one hand going up and down her back inside her shirt and her head tucked under his chin. he kissed the top of her head and they pulled apart, he bent down and kagome got on his back like it was retinue (remember this is at the point of view of kags friends) they didn't move for a while, they stood there with inuyasha running his hands up and down kagome's long legs they watch as kagome leaned forward to whisper in to his hair he blushed and then jumped on to the roof nearest them and bonded away
888888888888888888 now with inuyasha and kagome 888888888888888888
They arrived at the shine to find no one there kagome smiled and slid of his back and walked to the house. using the key open the door she step inside and allowed inuyasha in but before she could shut the door inuyasha scooped her up and run up the stairs head in the cork of her neck.
“Kami do you even know how much you effect me, how your scent intoxicates me, how just the look of you drive me mad, goddess forbid if any one took you away for me” muttered inuyasha by this time they had made it up to kagome's room .
999999999999999 warring lemony lime or limey lemon999999999999999999999
Inuyasha slide kagome onto the bed and followed her down they stared into each others eyes, golden eye meet green ones and they drew closer then they lipped locked, inuyasha ran his tongue across her lips and she open up for him. he started to search her mouth filling it and savouring the taste. slowly kagome tounge came out and started to battle with his there hips grinned together moving in time with there tongues. inuyasha leaned deeper into the kiss hands running his claws up and down her side and across her stomach. kagome flipped them over and now kagome was straddling him she started grinding her heat on top of his growing erection. her head thrown back show him her neck his hands lifted her sailor fuka over her head to sow him soft sink and bra and throw it to the side trailing his hands down they grip her hips and he started to grinded her up ageist him again her small hands quickly unbutton his shirt he flip them over again shrugging out of the red tee, kagome ran delicate hands over his lean muscles he smirk down at her then kissed her, again her hands moved down softly trailing across his chest and abs to his jeans to unbutton and unzip them to relive the restricted member her hands. inuyasha mouth trailed down her jaw and started nibbling sucking and kissing down her neck then across her shoulder down to her breast he nibbled over them making the martial scratch against her sensitive skin and Harding her nipples the heat between her legs rose and she arched up and press her self against him. he grinned and continued low he started to lick her stomach grazing his fangs over it and growling in pleaser. kagome's hands found his ears and rubbed them he purred the they were in bliss till
Both inuyasha and kagome looked up to the faces of ……..
(I should leave it there and let u guess who walked in on kag and inu
I let you guess
Is it kags grandfather and mother?
Souta and some friends staring wide eyed
………………………&# 8230;……….
Or is it kags friends who've skipped school to see kag
Have you guessed I know this is mean and most have skimed though it but those people who have read enjoy
kagome's hands found his ears and rubbed them he purred the they were in bliss till
Both inuyasha and kagome looked up to the faces of kagome friends they stood there against at the scene before them the girl started at the lean muscles that flexed above kagome and hojo stared at kagome's almost naked top inuyasha noticed this and hid her under him wiping his head to face them eyes blazing they took a step back when they heard the growling the two on the bed snapped at the same
“GET OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW” They both yelled and they group of intruders stumbled to get out of the door
“So me dear ware were we'” asked inuyasha before he attacked her shoulder
Nope I can still hear my friends leaning up againest the door to hear what is going on …will you stop that now do up your pants and hand me your tee said kagome fending him of and sitting up he handed her his tee
`Why do you what it” he asked while zipping up his jeans
“To ware what else” answer kagome putting on the tee and buttoning it up “it shows that i'm yours and hojo cant touch me and it smells like you I like it” kagome smiled up at him and he smiled down at after a short kiss they walk silently to the door and quickly pulled it open and all kags friends fell in to a big heap at there feet
Enjoy the conversation bakas sorted inuyasha as he looked down on them they yelp and scamped down stairs with kagome and inuyasha they headed in to the living room the three girls on the sofa with hojo in an arm chair and kagome sitting on inuyasha lap manly to stop the other girl for staring at him
“So what made you barge in to my house and why aren't you in school?” asked kagome cocking her head to the side unconesly give inuyasha full access to her neck he slowly leaned down trying not to attack attention but every one caught the movement except kagome
Well when you stormed out of the school yard we followed you to the ally way” said yuka by this time inuyasha had started his fresh assault to her neck but kagome didn't seem to flinch at all
And we saw what he was doing to you running his hands all over the place said eri inuyasha had lick up the side of kagome neck and then continued his attack on the shoulder that was showing (the shirt is so big that it has slipped down one shoulder) and staring at the two eri Had to her mind around certain things
“And we decide that we couldn't leave you all alone with a hentai so we skipped school to protect you ” said ayumi inuyasha snarled at this “when we arived we heard mouning and gasping like they were beeing hurt so we hurried up to help you defeat the person who was hurting you”
“Why would you need to protect her from me she's my intended and I'm not bloody Miroku” growling at the three girls that finished were the other left of (there such good friends that they finished of each other sentences not the other thing I know you hentai's out there were thinking but I guess that I was thinking the same thing too if I wrote what I just wrote down oh don't mind me ramblings I'm just a bit crazy) and his ears twitched and that dew attention to them then kagome's twitch as well trying to pick up the faint sound then hojo spoke up
Umm……..why do you both have dog ears ……..
Dun dun dun well that's it for this chapter so what did you think of my lemony lime or my limey lemon hmmmm well they had just been found out will kagome and inuyasha tell the truth or will they lie tune in to the next chapter of A NEW LOOK
Goddess that sounded in me head like the end of a dragon ball z episode just picture it with a big deep voice and you've got it
Oh I thinking up new stories ones a AU kag and inu”s famalies live in a dojo and inu and kag apsolutly hate each other to the outside world but they have a sercet love life behinded closed doors so what happens when they have to get maried im still writing this one up and will be posted after I finsh this one
And another is maybe a inu hp crossover or maybe a inu buffy crossover ive not decided oh here some interesting stories that some of me friend wrote
Harry potter and……………the slayer it good this person is an exerlent writer and I reconmened thoses who like harry potter crossovers read this
There a storie coming up by the same girl and it's a inuyasha and OC not my cup of tea but some one might like it
And the another story were Midoriko had five helpers to defet the demons and the whole inu gang are the reincanations of this five kag is Midoriko, inu is kira, shippo is tash, kirara is ally, tapanga is sango and staralinga is miroku now these character are based of me and my friends and me friend thought is would be funny to have staralinga which is my character be miroku I know I know laugh you arse of all you wount there will be a message for these stories when they are posted if you guys want
Bleasesed be