InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ Chapter 1 flashbacks ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One Flashbacks

Along a tall mountain where the waterfalls roar sat a wolf tribe that wasn’t a stranger to Kagome and her friends. All of the wolves in separate dens within the large mountain, cuddled with their mates and pups all except their leader. Since his parents' tragic demise all those years ago, fixated on avenging their deaths he refused to take a mate until one fateful day over a year ago Koga’s nose caught a scent, a pleasing smell of a sweet melon and the mouth dripping sweetness of a honeysuckles, the scent had calmed the demon in him fighting to get out for once his inner demons and himself had gotten along and lived in unison. He must have what calmed his arua so, unable to place the smell he began to search for it allowing his wolves to feast on the villiagers and taking anything that caught their eye for their own, they ransacked the villages following the smell, but to his disappointment by the time they got to the villages it was faint. This frustrated the young wolf lord never before has anything invaded his sense of smell quite like this, on the day he finally found the scent, the object he has been searching for he had found himself dumbfounded by the group that was standing before him, he scolded at the sight of the mutt standing in front of him. His eye had caught gaze at the young lady standing behind the hanyou for the first time since he was a young boy he was calm, he had forgotten about all the hardships he had to endure as he had to give up his childhood to take his parents place with leading the pack, he forgot about the pain he suffered from his parents death, he forgot about the sight of the demon whom slain his parents right in front of his eyes. For the first time his soul was calm, it was finally at peace, her small figure, her big chocolate eyes which shone like angels were showing heaven, her long black hair that rested in the small of her back, his face had turned bright red when his eyes had landed on the young women's clothing so much skin was being shown he now knew what kind of woman this was traveling with the group and he was determined to have her. “Hey mutt! What the hell are you doing to my wolves? Get out of here before I shred you to pieces” Inuyasha scoffed as he held the tetsusaiga over his shoulder. “And what makes you think i’ll let you live that long ya damn dirty wolf!?” 

Koga laid on his pelts reliving those events all that time ago when he first saw Kagome he’s been determined to make her his mate ever since. He rolled over the first time his love had ever gotten angry with him and played in his mind he began to whimper then soon his whimpers became pain filled whines as he yearned to hold her. 


He brought her back to the main den threatening anyone who would dare harm his love, he sat her down onto his pelts and sat behind her, his legs wrapped around her. He started to snake his hand around to cup her breast just as the wolves began to light a fire for the night all of the joy, laughter, music and talking came to a halt as the sound of skin contact came into play. Kagome had slapped the wolf after the shock wore down the other wolves began to growl viciously, whispers were few and far between those who dared to speak only spoke of Kagome's demise. Kagome stood nervously as she stared at Koga, he stood over her towering over the small girl. “Wench! What the hell is your problem, you will not treat your leader with such disrespect or you will go back to the whore house of wence you came” Kagome’s eyes widened, all at once she stood and began to leave the den as she got closer to the cave exit a group of wolf demons stood there blocking her path, one of the wolf yokai spoke his eye had slowly turned red “that wouldn’t be too smart if you want to continue to live that is.” Koga smirked as he sat down “now come” he had guestered for her to sit in front of him “you will come to see that being my concubine will be much more satisfying than that mutts.” that was it, her face and skin became red as the anger she felt finally rose to the surface, her fists balled up at her sides while her blood began to boil. “What kind of girl do you take me for” Kagome began to scream, her lungs felt as if they would come out if she dared to yell another word but at the moment she didn’t have a care in the world. “I’m not a concubine, as a matter of fact, I still have my innocence” her facial expressions confused the young wolf lord, she spoke with no deceit but dressed otherwise.

Koga had once again rolled over on his bed of pelts, he laid a hand on his cheek feeling the painful sting, he began to fall asleep with a tear soaked pillow underneath his head dreams started to swirl around in his head dreams of kagome. His kagome. His nose had started to fill, he knew this scent was real or just his imagination?