InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ chapter 6 changes ( Chapter 7 )
As sango got closer to the den she began to scream at the top of her lungs, hoping that koga could hear her voice carrying off the hillsides that surrounded her. “HELP!” “KOGA” she made it to the bottom of the mountain that held the wolf cave where she was met by Ginta and Hakkaku, they both reached out and grabbed each side of her shoulders “what’s wrong sango? Where is Sister?” painting in between words, sango attempted to quickly give the gist of what was happening the duo stared at her in horror “koga is in the main den, we’ll go on ahead and see what we can do to help!” Sango nodded at the pair before taking off again, Ginta and Hakkau along with several wolves rushed to find their sisters and saved them before HE got a hold of them. There was only one demon that fit that description and they hoped for kagome's sake it wasn’t him.
Kagome stood facing off the unknown wolf, she quickly studied him taking note of his pelts. They weren't one of any wolf tribe around here but something about him seemed familiar, her eyes darted to airvianna. “That is my friend, this already involves me she is a part of my pack which means” she quickly grabbed an arrow and drew in back aiming it at the offending wolf “i can’t let such a heinous act go unpunished what kind of leader would that make me?” His laugh filled the area “and tell me you pathetic wench what pack could a human run. Unless your moronic eyes fail you she is a demon, not just any demon she is from the east….” he stopped mid sentence, the wind picked up and along with it he caught a familiar scent. Seeing his confused hesitation Kagome let her arrow fly, it whizzed past his face cutting his cheek “i don’t miss twice, this is your last chance back away from my friend now.” she narrowed her eyes and readied her arrow. He started to step closer before echoes were heard “sister!” kagome turned her head long enough to answer a fatal mistake she knew better than to make “ginta! Over here!” seeing his opportunity he moved quickly and struck, slashing kagome's stomach she stood still. Ginta and Hakkaku got to the hillside, their eyes widened when not only their worst nightmare came to life but he brought down kagome. Her bow and arrow dropped as she grabbed at the bleeding coming from her stomach and dropped to her knees. Both in unison screamed their fear for their sister, ginta rushed to her and airvianna’s aide, Hakkaku left to face Kai the wolves followed, all of them in stance and growling viciously only a couple stayed back to protect kagome and ginta, they howled for Koga to hear.
Sango found koga and told him what happened quickly. He gathered up more wolves and threw sango onto his back. He ran in his tornado trying to reach kagome “hang in there kagome, i’m almost there” he stopped halfway there when he heard his wolves mournful howl “no..” this didn’t escape sangos notice. “What is it? What happened” “hang on tightly” he replied “kagome was struck..i’m going to need you and some of the wolves to take her to your village so she can be healed.” sango nodded and prepared for the worse. When they got to the battlefield sango quickly scanned the area for kagome her face paled when she found her sister laying on the ground bleeding out, poor ginta was covered in her blood trying to stop it his face was soaked in her blood except in two long streaks where his tears had made trails. “I tried koga, i can’t get it to stop it coming to fast, i’m so sorry” koga gave a sad smile “i know, and i thank you for your efforts but it isn’t over yet the priestess from kagome's village is a powerful healer.” he motioned sango over she helped him load kagome onto kirara along with airvianna without hesitation she left ushering her loyal companion to do so quickly before the scent of kagome's blood brings unwanted attention. When sango arrived in the village she began screaming for all the villagers to hear it was the only sure way she knew that kaede knew how grave the situation was “PRIESTESS KAEDE, COME QUICKLY KAGOME WAS GRAVELY INJURED” “HELP, SOMEONE” as kirara landed sango was greeted with the old priestess and a few male villagers ``goodness child, what happened what dangers did you face that caused this” the old priestess’s face had many wrinkles from age, but she wore many more from the worry and confusion of kagome's condition “quickly into my hut” sango sent kirara to get miroku. As quickly as she left she came back with the kitsune and monk, not long after their arrival koga came into the village. No one spoke, no one moved. They all stood as still as the dead outside kaede’s hut waiting for some kind of word on kagome's condition, no one knew if she lived or died. After hours of a dead silence and minimal movement kaede comes outside. “I’ve managed to stop the bleeding for now, but it won’t be long until it starts again. Sango I need you to take kagome back to her time, the medicine from this era is still too weak to help her. The most it would do is prolong her suffering as it develops into an infection or lack of blood kills her, her medicine is more advanced they may be able to save her.” sango nodded and went inside to get kagome. “Wait.” koga stopped the slayer. “I’m going with you, it’s my fault she’s hurt” Koga wore a pained look mixed with a lot of other emotions, Sango nodded there wasn’t time to argue “what about airvianna?” koga asked. Kaede nodded “she will be ok but she’ll need to rest her injuries were dangerous but able to be fixed” koga nodded “thank you” he bowed to the old priestess and walked into the hut to help sango with kagome. He picked her up and the two left.