InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ chapter 6 changes ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Seconds turned into minutes, Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days. Akiko, Sango and Koga all stayed close to Kagome's bedside waiting for the day she'd open her eyes, they barely spoke to each other except to explain what happened. The silence built in the room for days, her mother was the one to break it, she rubbed her daughters hand “she spoke about you both a lot.” a small sad smile formed “there were times i thought she loved the feudal era more than her own, thank you both for protecting her.” she looked up and tears began to fall from Sango's face, akiko stood “sango darling, don’t cry.” she wrapped sango in a tight and warm motherly embrace, sango looked up “how did you know my name, i don’t think i introduced myself earlier.” akiko smiled at her motherly smile. “She talked about you so much that i started to miss the daughter i never knew i had” she chuckled lightly, she looked to koga “but i don’t believe she’s mentioned your name only that you would check on her safety from time to time” koga stood and bowed “forgive my rudeness my name is koga, i am the leader of the eastern wolf tribe. If it isn’t too much trouble, later after kagome's waken i’d like to speak to her father.`` Akiko's face had gotten even sadder. “Hyakki is no longer with us” she looked down “he passed due to a car accident when kagome was very young” koga bowed very quickly “please forgive my rudeness” she reached and touched his shoulder “it isn’t your fault, kagome was very close to her father so it doesn’t surprise me neither of you knew, there are still nights she makes her way into my bed with me because of nightmares of that day.” Koga looked at his love, he brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead “please wake, i can’t live without you...your kit needs you, I need you” he looked up at her mother. “I would like your permission then to mate your daughter” his face turned red as he stared at her mother “kagome has been living with me and my pack for the last few months. I love her more than words describe, please Mrs. Higurashi, I promise to protect her fiercely, to provide for her every want or need without complaint, I will care for your daughter and her child as if he were mine. Not just me, my pack adores kagome and shippo. They would protect her with their lives as well.” her mothers face wore that of shock at the bold statement the young man standing in front of her just said boldly and for all to hear only to worsen when she heard she had a secret grandson that she knew nothing about. She was definitely going to have to talk to her daughter about that one. She smiled and studied koga for a minute. “I will not promise you her hand because in the end it is my daughter's choice on who she marries, who she believes will make her happy and care for her and her best interest. But if she agrees to marry you, if she does wish to be yours then you have my blessing.”  Koga’s face beamed happiness all that was left was to sweep kagome off her feet.


As the days lingered and seemed to never end, Koga did not once leave Kagome's side. Her mother would take sango back to the well and wait for her to return. Akiko would shower, and update grandpa and sota, sango would go back to her time and update kaede, shippo, and the others on kagome's condition. Before she left this time shippo pulled her sleeve. He’s grown since they've first met, the small kitsune that fit on her shoulder was now tall enough to reach her hip, his reddish/brown fur was now unmistakably red “sango” he said with sadness present in his voice, he hadn’t been the same since kagome was attacked. Time moves differently here than it did in kagome's time. What was days in kagome's time was weeks in sangos. Kagome has got at least a month to shippo and the others “can i go with you to see momma” sango shook her head “not this time shippo, maybe when she wakes up but for now you need to stay here where it’s safe. You know if anything happened to you kagome would never be the same” she hugged the kitsune “soon though, ok? The doctors in her time said she should be awake soon. The trauma she endured to her stomach and the surgery she needed to fix it was too much too soon.”  he nodded in response. Without another word she left again to be by her sister's side.


     Meanwhile at the hospital: Koga sat beside Kagome alone in the big hospital room, he wanted nothing more than to take his intended back home to the caves away from all danger. He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a pull at kagome's hand, to his pleasure she was starting to stir. He stood to her side and brushed her hair out of her face and laid his hand to rest against her cheek “kagome, i’m so sorry” when she started to wake up her mother and sango walked in. sango saw koga standing over top kagome “koga? What is it? What’s wrong with kagome?” he looked over smiling “she's starting to wake up” both women without further questions raced over to her bedside. Akiko took a hold of kagome's other hand. Slowly her eyes fluttered open her voice was harsh and cracked “” she looked to her mother, she started to sit up to get a better look around, it wasn’t long before a sharp, hot, nagging pain stabbed her stomach she balled up in pain koga put his arms around her “Koi, easy. You're still recovering from a major surgery” she looked over at the person beside her that spoke “ko...koga?” she smiled happily when she saw him standing there with her...there it was again that strange feeling. “Will you help me up please, my muscles ache” he looked at her worried “i don’t know kagome, you might pop your stitches'' she ignored his worried plea to stay still and began to get up on her own, her face scrunched up and teeth clenched in pain but she kept moving. “Kagome” the three shouted in unison, Koga sighed giving into his strong headed love request. Even though it frustrated him greatly it’s what made her so strong and he loved that about her, yes she was human but she had the strength and wisdom of much more than a simple demoness. Even the nobility demons and demonesses lacked the spark that drew him to kagome. “Here koi, let me. Please stop hurting yourself” she looked at him and gave in, she wrapped her arms around his neck, he picked her up and set her onto the ground gently.

Koga took Kagome to the hospital's backyard where it held a big beautiful garden full of blue roses, purple morning glories, big beautiful blue moon flowers. Not that far was a wooden swing hung up inside a weeping cherry tree that stood in front of a pond full of multicolored butterfly koi fish. Kagome stood in front of the cherry tree, the wind picked up and blew against Kagome with loose cherry blossoms flying in the wind in front of her. She turned around, her back towards the petals flying to the ground behind her, she reached her hand out for koga to take and smiled brightly. Koga froze where he was his eyes grew when he saw how beautiful his Kagome was even as weak as she was right now she still shone in such bright radiance to him, he smiled back and took her hand without second thought and in one smooth motion he pulled her close, wrapped his arm around her waist and placed his free hand under her chin pushing her face up to meet his, he reached down and captured her lips into his. He waited until she responded back to his kiss to his surprise she kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her heart continued to thump in her throat but something about this just felt right when he started to pull away she felt herself let out a small whimper “oh great, I’ve been hanging around the wolves too much…” she thought to herself, the whimper didn’t escape kogas notice, he chuckled to himself softly. Again he tipped her face to meet his but instead of his hand staying around her neck he laid it gently against her face his heart melted when she laid against his hand nuzzling into his embrace, he thought about the first time he met her. “It’s amazing really, how such a tiny frail human has my heart and loyalty. Come to think about it there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her...I would gladly give my life if that meant she would live.” The more he thought about the subject the more he smiled at her “I’m ok with that” he was interrupted from his musings “koga, what is it?” He blinked “hm? Oh nothing just thinking about the first time we met. Your as beautiful now as you were then. I’m beginning to think your not human” kagome laughed “oh really? What am I then” “A Goddess” kagome's face turned blood red with blush “k..koga.” He looked at her lovingly “yea?” Kagome looked away for a second then back to him “about your offer……” he interrupted her “later Kagome, we have all the time in the world for you to make your decision and the right one that would make you happy. But for now why don’t you just relax? If you're really so persistent about talking about it then please just wait until we go back to the cave, back home” she smiled and nodded her head. He picked her up and took her back inside. 


Kagome stayed in the hospital for a week after for observation before she was allowed to go home, on the morning she was released while she slept the trio came up with a plan for kagome's homecoming they all agreed to give her the best day koga would have to stay behind with kagome so sango and akiko could get the house ready. Sango went to the feudal era to update their friends like always and akiko went inside to prepare her house so she could finally after a month of being in the hospital bring her baby girl home. Akiko worked quickly after Sango had returned; she let grandpa and sota know of her plan and left to get kagome.

Akiko walked into kagome's room only to be greeted by a much happier and stronger kagome, she has seen her little girl despite what happened to her smile more since she woke up then she did since she started traveling between the two eras. She started to pack kagome's bags while kagome took a shower, kagome came out and dressed “oh kagome.” She looked to her mother “yes mom?” Her mother turned to her and began to give kagome a glare that even made koga uncomfortable. “Why didn’t you tell me I have a grandson.” Kagome's breath hitched…”he’s not really my child..he’s a fox kitsune that was orphaned, you remember shippo?” Her mother thought for a minute “is he one of the demons that travel with you all the time?” Kagome nodded her head “ yea, the bond he and I developed is kind of like that of a mother and her child. And since he was orphaned I went ahead and adopted him. I’m sorry mom, I wasn’t trying to keep it from you it just never came up” “oh, kagome I brought you some clean clothes from home” she handed kagome a light brown dress, the color matched kogas furs. The dress was form fittings, it left not room for the imagination showing off all of kagome's womanly curves that she after all this time finally grew into, the neckline dipped and showed some cleavage and the bottom of the dress stopped just at the ankles it was long but the material was thin and breathable and the sleeves were short and off the shoulder, she came out of the bathroom with it on and her hair threw up into a banana clip, her hair was up but the bottom of it was free hanging. “Thanks mom, where did you find this? It’s so beautiful” akiko turned around and looked at her daughter wearing her dress, she smiled lovingly “it was mine when I was your age. I wore that on one of my and your father’s special days” kagome smiled, she walked up and gave her mother a hug. Koga had looked up and saw his kagome in the dress “wow...kagome” she turned around to the drooling wolf and blushed “do you like it?” He simply nodded his head afraid that what he’d like to say would offend her somehow. Akiko, Kagome and Koga left the hospital, none of them looking back. 


When they finally got to the shrine koga helped sota bring the bags inside, akiko helped her daughter get up the stairs and to the house afraid that somehow she would hurt herself “mom I’m fine now, honest” akiko gave kagome an uneasy glance “I know but that was a pretty bad injury I just want you to be safe” kagome rolled her eyes and smiled at her mother, knowing full well if shippo would have been in her shoes he would still be in bed while she mothered her pup. Depression started to set in, she missed her baby and her friends, she made so many not just while she was traveling and inside the village but she made a lot in the kogas tribe too. Koga stood behind kagome knowing why she looked so sad. All mothers seemed to have the same look when they got to missing their pups, he laid a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll go home soon kagome, ok?” She nodded her head in response. They opened the door first koga went inside. He quickly put the bags down, then kagome and her mother went in. “SURPRISE!!!!” Kagome jumped but surveyed the house quickly. Ayumi, Eri, Yuka all three raced up to their best friend, hojo. Who had heard what happened to Kagome and about the party from her Eri raced up with the girls. Grandpa and sota were in one corner, sango was in another. Kagome smiled “kagome, how are you feeling” instantly she was pressured and questioned by her friends and hojo, before she could even speak someone had pounced on her and knocked her down “MOMMA!!” Shippo began to cry happily hugging his mother tightly. She looked down and smiled not only did she miss him and was happy he was here but she noticed he was smart enough to use his fox magic and put on the appearance of looking human. She hugged him back tightly, she got onto her knees still clinging to the boy “hush now, it’s ok shippo mommy’s here, I’m alright” her friends and hojo stared at her confused “uh...kagome” yuka asked “when did you have a baby, he’s like what 9” kagome smiled, she stood up her hands around shippo shoulders. She looked down at him and smiled “shippo, this is Ayumi, Eri, Yuka and hojo” shippo smiled “hi, it’s nice to meet you” he bowed respectfully “guys this is shippo, my son. He’s actually only 8 and no I didn’t have a baby, I adopted him. He lost his parents at a really young age that’s when I met him, the more he and I talked and spent time together the more I came to love him like he was mine until finally I adopted him” shippo looked up at kagome and smiled brightly “momma, may I go play” kagome looked at shippo and nodded her head “but listen for me to call you, we’ll be going home soon” he nodded his head and took off running “yes ma’am, thank you” hojo walked up to kagome “can we go somewhere and talk?” Kagome stared at hojo “sure” the two walked off into the shine yards “so what’s up hojo” he smiled shyly “we almost lost you there for a second kagome, and it made me do a lot of thinking” kagome froze for a second “oh really? About what?” Hojo rubbed the back of his head and started to walk towards Kagome, she stopped when her back his a building. She put her arms out “stop, hojo what are you doing” he put an arm against the building and a hand on her waist “I started thinking that I shouldn’t waste anymore time, if I wanna do something, just do it.” He leaned in to kiss kagome. A hand grabbed his shoulder “I think she told you to stop, didn't she” hojo turned around “listen dude, I don’t know who you are but back off. She’s my girlfriend, it's ok” kagome took the opportunity of him not paying attention and pushed him off her, she ran up to koga. His arm wrapped around her waist “somehow I just don’t think that’s true” he gave hojo a smirk. “Let me introduce myself, my name is koga and I’m kagomes” he stopped for a moment and looked at her, she caught the hint ”fiancé” kagome said without thinking. Hojo looked at her then to him “your marrying this guy? Really kagome. What’d he do? Knock you up? Should have known you're a slut” koga grabbed a hold of hojo, he picked him up by his shirt and pinned up against the building as high as his arms would hold him “what did you say about her?” Kagome came up quickly and wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands resting on his chest and her head laying on his back “koga, koi. Put him down, please.” She spoke softly but she knew he heard her. “It isn’t worth getting into trouble over, please. Can we just go home” she couldn’t risk koga losing his temper and seriously hurting or killing hojo. 


She's wanting to let him go, without a mark even. She is good, and gentle. That's what I love about her. He let out a grunt “by her mercy only are you being allowed to walk away. You better be smart and take it...and if I hear you start any nasty thing about her, I’m coming for you” hojo ran off, taking kogas warning to heart, he left kagome's home. Koga turned around and saw his kagome crying “what’s wrong kagome” he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly `''why?” Kagome asked “why do you want me to be your mate so badly. You could have just let me die either time, but instead you saved me twice, then you traveled through time to be with stayed in that hospital by my side the entire month, and just now. You came when you heard my voice in distress and the way you reacted when he was talking badly to me. I don’t understand it koga,” she started to cry again, koga gently worked her to the ground and into his lap, he held her tightly and rocked her “because I love you kagome, that’s all the reason I need. You are so smart. I love your gentle nature and your maternal nature, seeing you mother a pup that isn’t yours warms my heart to the thought of how you’ll be with our pups, you are beautiful, and even though your human you are stronger than any demoness I’ve ever met. I care for you kagome, deeply. I would do anything to make you happy, anything you’d ask, I’d gladly give my life just so you could live. It pains me greatly to think of anything happening to you, and both times I’ve almost lost you I felt myself slipping too.” He pushed her head up, dried away her tears and stared into her eyes “I love you kagome, in this life and In the next. Do you remember what you did to protect me during my battle with mutt face?” Kagome nodded her head “in my world, with wolves. If the female protects a male then she has shown her loyalty to him and he would engage her in the mating rituals. With you though. Because you are mortal and don’t know our ways I’ve held back until you’ve made your decision. More than likely kagome if we were to mate you would probably turn from mortal to demon because of your priestess powers, I don’t tell you this to scare you but to let you know the possibilities of every choice. I don’t want you to think I was intentionally trying to keep anything from you. The choice is still yours and I will respect any choice you make, but until you come out and say you don’t love me. Then no matter your choice I will always be around when you need me” kagome smiled she started to speak but was interrupted by koga “I spoke with your mother while you were out, and kagome. I wanna do this in a way you understand so you can understand my love for you” he stood her up and got down on one knee. He popped out a ring box and opened it. Her grandmother's ring was inside, a beautiful silver ring with aquamarine stones on the side in the shape of butterfly wings and a beautiful diamond center. She always loved that ring since she was very little, her mother must have given it to him. “Kagome Yua Higurashi. Will you please give me the greatest honor and be my wife, my mate?” Kagome froze in place, unknowingly her mother, sango, shippo, gramps and sota were all standing behind her, seeing the entire proposal. 


“Yes!” She smiled happily, as he slipped the ring on her finger. He picked her up and kissed her lovingly, her friends and family behind her cheered loudly, kagome jumped and looked behind herself “how long have you guys been there?” Shippo hugged his mother “we saw him stand you up, we knew he was going to ask” he gave his mother a smirking grin. “Mom?” Akiko looked at her daughter. “Yes?” Kagome tugged at her dress “this dress. You said you wore it on one of your and dads special days…” her mother nodded “that’s what I wore when your father proposed to me” she smiled, kagome began to cry happy tears and hugged her mother tightly. 


Koga whimpered “kagome. There is something I’d need to tell you about our mating ceremony.” Koga looked away, kagome came over and placed her hand softly on his cheek “what is it koi?” Koga placed his hand on hers “in order for it to be accepted in our customs. We have to mate by the next full moon” kagome nodded “ok, then when is the next full moon?” Sango butted in…”it’s in three weeks..” kagome smiled. “Koga, if your willing to agree to it...I’d like to be married here first before we I don’t have to try and hide my new features' ' she smiled happily. Koga’s face lit up and he nodded “of course, whatever would make you happy.” Kagome turned to her mom…”mom do you think you could set things up for us. Maybe do it in two weeks at the end of the week. That way we can be married here, and when we return to the feudal era we can perform our mating rituals” her mother nodded “but of course sango,” she looked to her best friend “would you be my maid of honor?” Sango smiled “of course kagome. But what’s a maid of honor?” Kagome smiled “well when a girl gets married, she has a maid of honor and bridesmaids...the maid of honor is the bride's very best friend who holds the bouquet for the bride as she says her vows” Sango nodded and hugged her best friend. As the day grew into night the group began to get weary, they said their goodbyes. They made dates to have Koga and shippo fit for suits, a day for kagome, akiko, and sango pick out their dresses. Sango, Koga, Kagome, and shippo jumped into the well back to the feudal era.