InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Story Begins ❯ Chapter 5 a new beginning ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome stared at koga for a while before finally answering him “i’d love too become apart of your pack, but i can’t leave  shippo behind he’s my pup, he needs me and i won’t abandon him” as if on cue shippo showed up beside kagome and snuggled closely in her lap “it’s ok momma! If you want to be with Koga I'd understand, i just want you happy” the kitsune had a sad smile on his face and in return got a loving one given from kagome, she wrapped her arms around shippo and cradled him like a mother with a newborn. Seeing Kagome being motherly to the full blooded kitsune who wasn’t her own, it warmed Koga's heart; he loved watching her mother other pups because it gave hints to how loving she’d be with their own pups. “Now shippo don’t be silly, i would never put my happiness above yours or your well being.” smelling the overpower kagome's sweet scent he decided to speak up and do the one thing no other leader of any wolf tribe his own included has done. “Kagome, I would never ask you to leave your pup behind, I know the joy he brings you, I would never do anything to upset you or make you sad. You can bring shippo with you, I will accept him as my own pup and protect him as such, I promise the other wolves will accept you both and any offspring we would produce. We all would protect you fiercely”  kagome smiled, again she looked to miroku and sango and back to koga, sango had given kagome a loving look and nodded as if she knew what kagome’s facial expressions were asking. She looked back to koga and again a feeling she had no clue what it was, was back. She almost lost him, just like that he would have been killed before her own eyes, then her own life hung in the balance. seeing  him there standing in front of her with his hand reaching for her own the sun bathing him from behind, like how the light basks an angle. She wished for the life of her she knew what it was she was feeling.  “We'd love to join your pack, I do have a few conditions to add first if at all possible but we don’t have to talk about that right now” she gave him a bright smile, he helped her to her feet and picked her up into his arms while she cradled shippo. “H-hold on a minute guys” sango spoke out before the trio left in his demon tornado. “What’s wrong sango?” by now miroku and sango had joined the rest of the group excluding kyoko, miroku stood behind sango bent over, his hands on his knees panting. Sango had slowly approached “miroku and I were wondering if” she looked to koga, her facial expressions had changed into a serious look “Lord Koga, The monk miroku and i were wondering if you allow us to live with your tribe, if you would let us be apart of your pack.” koga gave her a questioning look, should he? It’s unheard of allowing humans join a wolf tribe, he’s already breaking the rules with kagome then with shippo, he already knew when some of the wolves caught wind that they have to protect a human miko and a fox they would revolt, they’d try to claim his title of leader. What would happen if he not only allowed the monk but the demon slayer as well?. He looked at her “why? Why would you make this request? You would abandon the mongrel, how do I know you won’t turn on me also and destroy my pack?” kagome had looked at the wolf prince “KOGA!” she started to continue her lecture but sango had chimed in “no, kagome. He has every right to ask that question and be skeptical. He’s already taking a risk with you and shippo, it would look really bad with a demon slayer added into the mix” she gave her friend a sad smile “we go where kagome goes” she stated simply “the only reason we are willing to turn our backs on inuyasha is because of the abuse he showed kagome, she’s the only family i have.” she looked down and furrowed her brows then back to the prince “your wolves don’t have to protect us, just let us be close to kagome, you can tell them we’re there to protect kagome when you're not there. I promise we won’t disrupt anything and we’ll help out with anything you need us too.” Koga stared at the woman that stood in front of him, an idea crossed his mind. “You and the monk may accompany us to the cave, but it is not to join. There is much to discuss but dog breath must stay here.” they all nodded in agreement they turned to leave but this didn’t escape Inuyasha's attention his sensitive dog ears had heard everything. They planned to abandon him, he never abused Kagome, what were they talking about? They were lying. Kyiko had come down and helped him up. “Lets go my love, we don’t need them. Let’s finish collecting the jewel shards ourselves, they’ll come crawling back when they realise how powerful we’ve become.” he nodded his head in agreement. The two groups then had parted ways, unaware of the presence that was there watching. 

Koga, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, and miroku went back up the hillside into the caves and sat in the main den. “Welcome back lord kog….” Airvianna stopped midsentece her nose caught the scent of kagome's blood “LADY KAGOME!” she rushed towards the miko fussing over her finding all of the cuts and bruises “what happened, were you attacked” she sent a concerned look to her leader. Koga put kagome down and handed her to airvianna he looked away as guilt riddled his body, seeing the look koga was getting she pulled away from them both “i’m ok” she smiled “i tried to walk by myself and may have pushed it a bit too much, but hey look at this i’m standing and walking on my own now” her eyes darted to sango “koga, would you mind if i take sango and airvianna with me to the hot springs so i can bathe?” koga grateful kagome distracted airvianna from what happened so he didn’t have to think about all the things he did to her, the pain he caused her, nodded “go ahead kagome, you don’t have to ask just please tell me if your going to leave and take someone with you. It isn’t that i don’t trust you i just don’t want anything to happen to you it would make me feel better that you’d have someone with you in case you run into trouble” kagome smiled “thank you koga” she went into the den she shared with koga, grabbed her bath supplies, three towels and some clothes. Sango and Airvianna both met up with Kagome outside the caves, and the trio left.   The girls approached the hot springs that were just shy off of koga’s lands, they undressed and each one of them had started to slowly slip into the hot water letting it work out their tired, sore muscles. Sango was the first to break the long silence “So kagome, what happened to you, why did you leave? I was so worried that you had gone back to your time and you weren't going to come back this time” sango looked down, she drew her knees to her chest. Kagome looked over at sango, she moved closer and hugged her friend “I'm sorry I worried you. I just couldn’t take it anymore, listening to that every night, i loved him so much it felt like i was being rejected over and over again every time i heard her yell his name.” Sango looked at kagome “i sound selfish, i’m so sorry” kagome shook her head “don’t be, if he hadn't mated kikyo then none of that would have happened, i wouldn’t have left. If I hadn't left then Koga wouldn’t have found me in the condition I was in and I wouldn't have seen the side of him that he hides from everyone else. It’s hard to describe because i don’t know what it actually is but earlier when koga’s lost control of his demon, i was terrified he wouldn’t come back” a blush graced her cheeks and spread across her face, sango and airvianna smiled at their friend, airvianna chimed in “does your stomach knot up when you see him smile or when he holds you?” kagome nodded her head next to ask was sango  “kagome, when you think of the future, what...or rather who do you see in it?” kagome looked up at sango, quickly she started speaking again “because when we found you, you and koga looked pretty snuggly together on those falls. Koga has always been so protective over you and has already declared his love for you more than once” airvianna chimed in “when you were in your coma he took care of your pup like the pup was his own” kagome’s face turned super red “so what if i’m starting to fall for koga” her voice stopped but when she spoke her entire aura changed, her voice sounded desperate and broken “not only is he a powerful demon he’s also a lord, he shouldn’t be mating a human. What if someone attacks the eastern wolves, he and the wolves could get hurt or die protecting me because I'm not as strong as them or  another wolf tribe calls him and the others for war, if he never comes back who’ll lead the wolves? They would never accept me as their lady, if we’d have any babies together and that happens they wouldn’t accept our child as their leader. Who is to say they wouldn’t throw us out or worse kill us. I don’t deserve him, he needs someone better...he deserves someone better”  she looked away tears flooding her face. Both sango and airvianna hugged kagome “kagome that isn’t true, you are a beautiful, powerful, amazing, caring woman. Koga sees this so it doesn’t matter to him that your human '' Sango attempted to cheer up her sister “the wolves love you kagome we’d never throw you, shippo or any pup you have. If something that horrible does happen then we’d care for you all.” airvianna smiled and squeezed kagome tighter.  “I think i can safely speak for our entire pack when i say no one would ever think about harming you, nor would any of us dispute your pups claim to our tribe we’d would gladly follow you and koga’s pup wherever he may lead us” the girls chattered the day away, unaware they were being watched. 


Airvianna had gotten out of the hot spring. “I'll be right back” she dressed herself and wandered into the forest. Time went by and neither of the girls had heard anything from airvianna. “She’s been gone for a while. Come on sango let’s go look for her'' sango nodded. Both girls dressed, grabbed their weapons and left, they wandered through the forest until sango stopped “kagome. Do you feel that?” kagome stood still for a second searching the arua both girls felt she nodded and they both took off running “airvianna’s aura is with the other one” they finally found the aura and to their horror airvianna with some deep lacerations surrounded in a pool of her own blood. A male wolf demon stood over top of her. He wore the same pelts as airvianna but kagome has never seen him before, short black hair, deep olive green eyes that pierced into kagome’s being. “Who are you!” her eyes saw airvianna laying there bleeding profusely, her furs were soaked and her body was pale. The male snarled loudly at the women ``this doesn’t concern you human, now leave before I add you to the menu as well.” Kagome gave a serious look to Sango, immediately she knew what her best friend was thinking. “But kagome…” sango began to retort before her voice was drowned out but kagome “go now, and please be quick” reluctantly she nodded. She turned on her heels and ran as quickly as her feet would allow her.