InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Pirate's Life, is the Life For Me ❯ Nice Wake Up Call! ( Chapter 6 )
Here's Chap 6, hope you all like it! Remember r&r!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha; I just like to write stories about it, because I hate explaining how my characters look!
Chap 6
Nice Wake up Call!
Kagome yawned as she cuddled closer to the warmth right next to her, thinking it was her cat Buyo she reached for its ear and began to scratch subconsciously. The thing beside her emitted a low groan before shifting hands underneath her body.
Wait! Hands, ears. Kagome snapped her eyes open to come face to face with Inuyasha's sleeping form. She almost lurched out of her skin as she felt his hot breath against her neck as he pressed an open mouthed kiss on the exposed skin.
She moaned slightly feeling him further the act, she just wished he was sleeping and dreaming about something else or she just might kill him . . . when she got out of his stronghold, that is.
Inuyasha's ears twitched at the sound of a moan but ignored it, thinking he was dreaming he kissed further down Kagome's neck, pressing his lips against her collarbone. By the time his lips were pressed along the curve of her breast she threw him off.
"What the hell you think you're doing, ya perv!" Kagome yelled at him putting her arms around her knees to pull them close to her chest to relieve herself of any thoughts of Inuyasha kissing her like that again.
Inuyasha blushed as he looked away from her. "I was sleeping!" He grumbled as he pushed her over and sat as far away from her as she was him. He glared at her through the corner of his eye than pulled her closer to him. "I don't bite." He whispered huskily into her ear.
Kagome growled at him. "Yeah, you molest in your sleep." she retorted with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
Inuyasha pulled her into a kiss, pushing her mouth open for entrance . . . boy was that a mistake.
"Yeah, I don't bite, but you do!" Inuyasha shouted at her as he held his tongue checking for blood on his fingers. And indeed there was blood. "You fucking bitch!" he yelled at her fastening his teeth to her gradually biting down to see her reaction.
Kagome sat there. Oh Gods, oh Gods, he's biting me. She thought staring at the ceiling, waiting for the pain. She was expected to say `ow' but instead she moaned lightly.
Inuyasha was surprised at her reaction and removed his teeth to stare into her eyes. He saw blue eyes full of innocence. She's probably a virgin. He thought cockily pulling away. "I'm going to eat, you can come if you want." he informed her leaving the room.
Kagome sat, staring mildly at the door as it swung shut. Than she caught onto some pieces of information there. I bit his tongue, than he had tried to bite me, than I moaned. Just than a blush crept over her cheeks. Than he stared into my eyes. The blush settled a bit at that thought.
Kagome sighed as she realized the morning events. "Oh Gods." she moaned. What had she done to deserve this? Was she really that bad? No, she was nice. A lot of people thought she was nice. "Until that pirate came along, and I don't even know his name yet."
With that last thought she walked out the door following the sounds of laughter coming from a dark wooded door. It was a very nice door. They probably stole it. She assumed pushing the door open.
She was suddenly pulled from the open door and sat harshly beside Inuyasha and a group of foul looking people.
"What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked as he looked at her a little blush still evident on his face.
"These people are staring at me." She whispered quietly, she looked up wondering if Inuyasha had heard her, she almost couldn't even make out her words.
Inuyasha smiled. "Don't worry, Empress." he assured her, putting an arm around her. "Oi, crew." he informed.
"Yes, Captain?" they all asked, few of them stopped their games to look at him.
"This is Empress Kagome; she'll be our special guest for awhile. I want her treated with respect. You got that?" he asked, looking around as the crew nodded their heads. "Good."
"Thank you . . ." Kagome whispered taking a spoon in her hand and eating the cereal Inuyasha had fixed for her.
He smiled arrogantly. "It's gonna cost you." he whispered into her ear before picking his spoon up and eating his cereal too.
"I don't suspect it's going to be cheap?" Kagome asked, looking uneasily at him.
"Depends how you define cheap."
Kagome looked sullenly at her food but still continued to eat.
"They seem to be making progress." Miroku whispered to Sango who seemed more interested in her cereal; picking gently at the frosted square. "Sango, are you still tired?" he asked concern in his voice, which was probably fake.
Sango glared at him. "I'm pissed, I didn't get to hit Inuyasha yesterday because he was kissing that girl." she told him in a whisper.
Miroku looked thoughtful for a while. "So, he's really making progress with the girl." he whispered so only Sango could hear. "Damn, he gets to kiss all the girls and not get slapped by one of them."
"Who said he didn't get slapped by her?" Sango asked all of a sudden.
Miroku didn't answer as he too became more interested in his cereal. Damn this is going to be a hard voyage. He thought scooping up his cereal and eating it without much delay.
True, it was going to be a hard voyage for all to get their revenge on Kikyo and Naraku . . .
"What!" Koga cried as he strolled down his ship ramp. "She's gone? What, why?" he asked, close to hitting the two of his guards.
"We're sorry, Captain Koga." Ryukun said. "But she was kidnapped yesterday by a bunch of pirates; there was a girl aboard and a monk. That's all the information we got from the messengers at the front gate." he informed the `captain' who was getting angrier by the second.
"What was the Captain's name?" He ground out.
"Izayoi, I think."
"So it was the dog shit's ship." he whispered to himself. "Well lets go, I'm sure we'll catch up to him, he needs to stop for supplies some time . . ."
"Koga, so do we." Tsukyu told him, looking thoughtful.
"Damn." Koga cursed under his breathe. But this girl looks like Kikyo; I could use her and than get revenge on Naraku for killing my comrades. Koga thought.
"Shouldn't we be going, Captain."
"Huh, yeah. Let's go." Koga told them walking up the ramp to his ship, still a bit spaced out.
Everyone was after Naraku, because Naraku was enemy of all, even the people that worked for him, and even if she didn't know it yet . . . the enemy of Kikyo.
[I know I write short chapters, I think they're short anyway. Well tell me how you like this one! Read & Review! PLZ? Well Ja ne!]