InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A simple question ❯ A Mother's hurtful decision ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"KAGOME!!" her mom shouted

"OH, Kagome your in BIG trouble!" shouted Souta as his furious mther covered his eyes

Kagome and Inuyasha got up and covered themselves..Kagome with his jacket and Inuyasha put his pants on.

"" Kagome said nervously.

Her mom took deep breathes and finally spoke with anger in her voice

"Inuyasha, get out of this house-"

"Mom NO!" shouted Kagome

"SHUT UP YOU WHORE!" shouted her mom. Kagome felt tears in her eyes

"Inuyasha get out this house, get out of this time, get out of my daughters life forever!!!!" she shouted. Her mother looked at her, Kagome's mom went over to Inuyasha and took him by his hair and threw him out. Kagome fell to her knees and started to cry. Her mom came back to Kagome

"Kagome, you'll never see that boy again..I'll make sure of it" she said

"MOM, you can't keep me away from him!" she said standing up

"I CAN AND I WILL!!!...How dare you have sex with him. he is a demon! Kagome you are a discrace to this family!" Mrs.Higurashi shouted

-----Back with Inuyasha

"Damnit, what is her mom gonna do with her..this is all my fault" he said as he walked towards the well. He jumped and said "Kagome, I'll come back for you, don't you worry"

---Later that night

"Thank you sir" said her mom. Mrs.Higurashi had been talking on the phone. Kagome was up in her room crying. Her mom had hit her a couple of times.

Kagome was laying down on her bed, she was on her stomach with her faced buried in her pillow

"Inuyasha, Inuyasha please come back" she wispered into the pillow while crying

"KAGOME!" she heard a voice outside her door. Her mom came in and sat on her bed

"Kagome, I called the construction workers and they are going to seal the well with cement tomorrow morning"

"What, mom no! I'm most likley pregnat with Inuyasha's child. You can't prevent me from seeing him" said Kagome sitting up

"Well, if you are preagnat you will get and abortion" Mrs. Higurashi said sternley

"NO WAY! If your gonna keep me from seeing Inuyasha I want something to remind me of him WHICH will be OUR CHILD" she said

"That boy only used you and your where stupid enough to give yourself to him"

"Thats not true, Inuyasha loves me-"

"Yeah ofcourse he loves you and I suppose his love make him love that Kikyo girl. He made you cry so much because of Kikyo and you just give yourself to him all becasue he said 'I love you' " Mrs. Higurashi said

"Mom, your not gonna keep me from Inuyasha" she said looking down on the floor

Her mom stood up and said "Watch me"


Inuyasha jumped through the well. He saw Kagome's light still on. He went towards it and climbed up. He jumped through

"Kagome" he whispered

"huh, Inuyasha.." she said quickle hugging him

Outside her door her mother was listening

"Kagome, I've come back to take you, to take you away from here and come with me back to my time" he said

"Then, lets go now because my mom is having the well sealed today morning" said Kagome

Inuyasha and Kagome where going to the window when..

"KAGOME!" said a voice from behind them

"Mom!" she said deeply breathing

"So, you were plannning to escape huh. Well, I've got new for you, you can't. Inuyasha, I thought I told you to leave for good"

"I'm not leaving Kagome" he said putting his hand around her waist

"Don't touch my daughter!" she said swinging a pan and missing.

Mrs.Higurashi started to chase Inuyasha and when she swinged again it didn't hit Inuyasha but it hit Kagome on her forehead

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted as he picked up Kagome in his arms

"Kag, what have I done" she said.

Kagome woke up slowly and saw that it was morning. She heard machines outside and realized that Inuyasha was gone and they were sealing the well. She got up, opened her window and looked. The shrine had hoses in it and the hoses were directly inside the well.

"NOOO! INUYASHA!!!" she screamed out her window. The scream echoed into the shrine

---In the Feudal Era

"KAGOME!!!" shouted Inuyasha for he smelled the cement on her side of the well.

After Kagome's mom hit her Inuyasha had laid her on the bed. Her mom pulled his ears his cursed him out and she personelly pushed him down the well. Inuyasha didn't hurt her because she was Kagome's mom.

Kagome ran outside and looked into the well..It was already half full of cement

"INUYASHA!!INUYASHA!!" she shouted into the well

She fell to her knees and starting crying into her hands.

Inuyasha was sitting by the well and a tear rolled onto his cheek

"Kagome, Kagome I love you" she whispered to himeself

"Inuyasha I love you..please come back" she whispered as she to cried


S.S: Hope you like that chappie. I thought it was sad, Oh well, I have alot of ideas of what should happen next and I'll post it only if you guys want me to... R&R and tell me if I should