InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Sorrow Filled Love ❯ True Lifemates ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey what's up guys! I know I said I wouldn't be able to update till next weekend, but I got bored with doing homework so I'm taking a break and writing the next chapter. I know I did put a big spin on things in the last chapter but let me explain… well I thought it would be more interesting to have something happen to the gang that didn't really have much to do with Naraku for once, because I for one get tired of hearing about Naraku. So I made the plot more interesting by bringing Sango and Inuyasha together because it's their destiny to be together not just because some attraction. Okay I think that about sums it I hope this new twist doesn't cause you guys to lose too much interest in the story.
Disclaimer: I don't and sadly never will own Inuyasha… * sigh *
Warning: Their will be lime in this chapter so if you don't like don't read, not trying to sound mean or anything though.
Chapter 14: True Life Mates (Revised)
`Father what are you up to? Why would you write me this letter and how the hell did you know what was going to happen in the future!?'
Inuyasha growled in frustration, slowing his speed and perching himself on a high branch of an oak tree.
He lifted his gaze to the setting sun.
`Why is my life so complicated…I thought I could be happy with Kikyou or Kagome but my life is too hectic to settle down with anybody.'
He lowered his gaze to his shaking hands in his lap.
He clenched his jaws and rolled his hand into a tight fist until he could feel his claws pinching into his palm, drawing blood.
Inuyasha opened his eyes and watched as his blood seeped through his tightly clenched fingers.
His golden eyes were swirling with a sea of emotions that Inuyasha didn't understand.
`Sango is to be my destined mate…but how do I know it's her; how do I know the woman my father was talking about wasn't some other girl that I haven't met.'
Inuyasha drew in a deep breath.
`No it has to be her…I can't have gotten these feelings for Sango so fast…it couldn't just be a coincidence.'
Just then Inuyasha's breath hitched in his throat when he heard a very familiar voice, echoing through the forest. A minute later her scent came to his nose and Inuyasha closed his eyes in pleasure.
“Father what should I do? I swore to you that I would always hate all demons, no matter what, but how can I hate what my heart can't? I've tried, father, I've tried to deny it for you (and Kohaku) but I can't…I can't deny these feelings that keep growing inside of me.”
Sango paused and then stopped walking and leaned against a tree, looking up into the sky, where the purple clouds of the setting sun started to appear.
“Father…I'm destined to be his mate…I can't deny my destiny. Even now my heart has over taken my mind; my common sense to just leave this place, leave Inuyasha, and just hunt for the shards on my own. But I can't, even though I know it would be the best thing to do. I can't leave him, every time I'm away from him my heart aches for him. I become less driven to live.”
Sango sighed.
“But why am I telling you this, you probably think I already betrayed you, by almost giving my body to a demon, even if it was only a half demon.”
Sango let another sigh escape her and then she pushed herself back up and was about to leave when a red blur crossed her vision. Sango quickly got into a fighting position; just now realizing all she had was her mask with her.
“What are you doing out here Sango?”
Sango gasped when she heard his voice and her face immediately turned a deep scarlet.
`Oh Kami! Did he hear me?'
She began to panic when she saw Inuyasha step out of the shadows and let the dying sun's light fall upon him.
Sango's gaze slowly made its way down his body and then back up to his face once more.
Inuyasha's brow rose in question and Sango realized she hadn't said anything yet.
“Um…nothing just thinking that's all…I read the letter…”
Sango trailed off when she saw Inuyasha's features soften and his eyes begin to turn a beautiful amber color.
“Sango I heard what you said…is it true? All of that stuff you just said?”
Sango blushed even more and turned away, slightly nodding her head.
“Inuyasha…I'm sorry, I've been blaming you for making me feel these feelings I have for you…but it's really not your fault, its mine for letting my self care for you, for anyone.”
Inuyasha's gaze softened even more and then he made his way over to where Sango stood.
He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, feeling her body tense under his hand.
He gently coaxed her to turn and face him and she reluctantly complied. His clawed hand cupped her chin and forced her to look at him.
“It's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself…if what my father said is true then you couldn't have helped getting feelings for me, it's your destiny to be with me.” He gently enforced. “And I with you.” He added softly, caringly.
Sango smiled and she laid her head on his shoulder, leaning her body into his.
“I've wanted to do this since you first kissed me that night after my brother's…”
“Shh, don't think about those things, I just want you to be happy right now.” Inuyasha interrupted before he tightened his hold on Sango.
Sango sighed in contentment and leaned into him. After a while Sango began to notice Inuyasha's scent with every breath she took.
`He smells so good!'
She nudged her face into the crook of his neck and took in a deep breath.
`He smells like the earth and the trees, the refreshing scent of fresh rain and his own unique scent.'
“What are you doing?” Inuyasha asked amusement present in his voice.
“Hmm.” Was all Sango replied?
She gently pressed her lips against the soft skin of his neck and wrapped her arms around his neck. She began to rain kisses up his neck and to his face and then finally, before she lost her nerve, she gently pressed her lips against his. She moved her lips against his soft lips and tightened her hold on him. He began to respond to her and moved against her body, lightly kissing her back, being careful not to scare her off.
Sango suddenly broke the kiss and pressed her heated mouth to his neck once more.
He could feel her light pants for air softly whispering across his skin.
“What's the matter Sango?”
Sango said nothing but she pulled out of Inuyasha's embrace and slowly turned away.
“Inuyasha please close your eyes and don't open them no matter what I do.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow but did as he was told and let his eyes slide shut.
Sango stood in front of him, biting her lip in her nervousness. She finally drew in a deep breath and stepped up to Inuyasha. She slowly brought her trembling hands up to Inuyasha's face and softy let her fingertips glide over his soft skin. Her fingertips glided down to his lips and she rubbed her thumb across them and then she moved on down his neck and to the collar of his kimono. She undid his kimono with unsteady hands, and pushed it off his shoulders, leaving his chest bare. She then let her fingers run across the planes of his chest and stomach. She could feel the muscles under her fingers tremble with her every touch and she smiled to her self. She then leaned in and kissed his neck and let her tongue slide out and touch his heated skin.
Inuyasha jumped slightly under her and she smirked.
Sango took a step back and slowly let her gaze eat up every detail of him
“You're beautiful.” She said in awe, as she saw his sculptured chest and arms. Her gaze lowered and she saw his hard abdomen.
Suddenly she saw Inuyasha's hair begin to sway with a breeze Sango couldn't feel. She looked into the sky in confusion, and saw that it was already dark but didn't see a moon.
`That's right, it's the new moon, Inuyasha becomes human tonight.'
When she looked back down at Inuyasha his hair had already turned to a deep brown color and his dog-ears had disappeared.
When he opened his eyes, his chocolate brown eyes gazed at her with longing. After a while he took a step towards her and he made his way to her.
Sango started to tremble both in nervousness and anticipation. Once Inuyasha reached her, his clawed hands fell on the straps to her exterminator outfit, and his lips were curved up into a smirk.
“My turn.”
Thanks to my Reviewers:
SAnGo LoVe: Thanks I'm glad you like it. I hope this chapter is as great as the last.
Animeman1: Thanks! I really appreciate the compliment hope I don't disappoint
Kaori: wow thanks a bunch! I hope you liked this chapter.
Chick_moon: thanks for the compliments! I'm glad I got you so into it and I hope you keep liking my fic, if you want to read another one of mine it's called; Calling Out Her Name, it's not finished yet but it's getting there.
Inuyasha1: Thanks for the review, ill try to keep updating a lot so I don't keep you guys in to much suspense.
Az: thanks for reviewing; you're the first in a long time to review on
Trish: thanks for reviewing again! Yes I guess I am a tease lol I know your going to kill me when you get done with this chapter but don't worry ill update fast lol
A/N: Okay that's it for now…I know everybody is about to kill me right about now, but hey what can I say I'm a sucker for cliffhangers, especially ones like those. But in all seriousness I will definitely update no later then Wednesday night so don't worry. For all my fans that can't wait for the pairing between Sango and Inuyasha to come, your wait has finally ended next chapter there will be a lemon and no interruptions this time. OH and for the fans that don't like lemons at all well email me and I'll email you the edited version of the next chapter once I have posted it. See Ya!
Next Chapter:
Sango finally accepts Inuyasha and gives her body and soul to him, but once everything is done, Sango starts to feel really strange, what can be happening to her. To top it all off Naraku has some how found out about the letter and he is planning to take Inuyasha's love away from him once again and keeping her for himself, what will Inuyasha do?