InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Sorrow Filled Love ❯ Face Of The Cold Moon ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey what's up everybody! I'm back! Yesterday was thanksgiving and I want to wish you all a very happy thanksgiving, I know mine was! Well I'm bored now and there's nothing on TV so I decided to write the next chapter to this fic. I also wanted to say that to all of my fans of my other fic; Calling Out Her Name, well I am still continuing the fic, its just I have a major writers block, I mean I know what I want to happen next chapter but I cant seem to put it down on paper so please bare with me!
Disclaimer: I don't and sadly never will own Inuyasha…how depressing.
Warning: Swearing and a shocking surprise, so please stay away from the edge of your seat, you just might fall off. Lol J/K
“ Speaking”
Chapter 13: Face of the Cold Moon (Revised)
Sango slowly made her way back to camp, her thoughts drifting to the dream she had the night before.
`Why did it seem so real… it felt like it was really happening,' she thought, her hand resting over her heart, as if to slow its rapid pulse.
She was suddenly brought back to the present by a sharp pain in her shoulder. Sango looked down in shock at her shoulder, which was now throbbing dully.
She thought in confusion. She put down her things and gently slipped her sleeve from her shoulder. She slowly inspected the wound, not finding any signs of infection or reopening. The scar tissue was starting to turn into a lighter color then the angry red it had been just a week ago. Sango fingered her wound and then slipped her sleeve back on, shaking her head.
`Maybe I just moved it wrong.'
She thought shrugging it off and picking her things back up from the ground. She began to walk again her sparkling eyes piercing the shadows ahead of her, looking for any signs of light or movement. After a while she finally caught sight of a wavering orange light coming from the shadows of the forest and she sighed in relief and headed towards the light. Once she was close enough to the source of the light she started to hear familiar voices whispering in the silence of the coming dawn.
“What do you think happened?”
She heard Kagome's voice say, concern evident in her tone.
“I cannot say… I am worried that Kirara came back without Sango though.”
She heard Miroku say.
`They're worried about me… I thought I gave Kirara that note so that they won't worry.'
Sango sighed, chuckling to herself.
`Of course they would still be worried that's their nature.'
She thought as she stepped out of the shadows and into the light of a small clearing where the rising sun's first ray's started to touch the flickering light of the campfire.
Kagome quickly got to her feet when she spotted Sango coming from behind a bush.
“Sango! Where have you been, we've been so worried!” Kagome yelled, waking up Shippou and Kirara who where still sleeping next to the shrinking fire.
Shippou blinked twice and then got up and bounded towards Sango, jumping onto her shoulder.
“Where have you been Sango? Everybody was really worried about you.” He squeaked in glee.
Sango laughed and patted Shippou on the head and then turned to the others.
“Don't worry guy's I'm fine its just that Inuyasha got hurt, and when I found him I was panicked, and then Kirara came so I had her bring him back. Plus I needed time alone to think.” She added, smiling.
Miroku frowned when he caught a glimpse of her eyes.
`She's putting up a front, that fake smile isn't reaching her eyes, she's hiding something.'
He looked her over, suspicion crawling into his mind.
“How come you didn't come back sooner?” He asked
Sango turned towards him and her smile slowly vanished until her lips where set in a thin line.
“Like I said I needed time to think that's all, but I guess I fell asleep because by the time I woke up I saw the rising sun.”
Kagome blinked and looked from Sango to Miroku and then forced herself between them and took Sango's hand forcing her to walk with her, away from Miroku.
“Well don't you want to see how Inuyasha is doing? When he came back he was bleeding badly through the wraps you put on him. What happened out there?”
Sango lowered her eyes in shame.
“I …I don't know I just came into a clearing and there he was; on the ground with his stomach sliced open.”
`Poor Sango she's been through so much and now she has to go through another problem.'
Kagome sighed and then entered the little hut they had found and put Inuyasha in.
Sango hesitated and then took a deep breath and also entered the little hut. Once inside, Sango stood for a second letting her vision adjust to the dim lighting in the room. She looked around the hut and saw a small light from one of the strange objects from Kagome's world. She also saw a small pile of straw and a futon on top of it. Her eyes softened when she saw Inuyasha sleeping soundly on the futon, His silver hair cascading over the pillow his head was lying on. His ears where drooped slightly and his bare chest was slowly rising with every breath he took. When her eyes settled on his stomach her smile vanished and her eyes became dull and filled with hidden pain.
Sango slowly made her way to him and kneeled beside his sleeping body.
She turned her head slightly and saw that Kagome still stood in the doorway; her eyes sadly watching the scene in front of her.
“Hey Kagome?”
Kagome jumped slightly in surprise and then turned her gaze to Sango expectantly.
“Would you mind giving me some time alone with him?” She asked lightly.
Kagome's eyes widened a bit and then she nodded her head.
“Hai, I'll be right outside if you need anything.” She said before she slowly turned and walked out of the hut.
Once Kagome was gone, Sango turned back to Inuyasha, her softened eyes gazing longingly at him.
“What do you want?”
Sango gasped in surprise when she heard Inuyasha's voice.
Her gaze flew back up to his face and was surprised to find a pair of cold golden eyes gazing at her. Sango felt an icy shiver run up her spine at the cold way his eyes stared at her with no warmth what so ever.
“I just wanted to see how you were holding up, that's all.” She said, her voice barely a whisper.
“So now you care about how I'm doing.” Inuyasha scoffed, and turned his head, so that she couldn't see his face.
“Inuyasha please don't belike this.” Sango pleaded.
“How am I supposed to be like?! I've tried so hard to show you how much I cared for you…I tried to show you that you could trust me, that I won't hurt you, but no matter how much I put myself out there for you, you just reject me every time. I'm tired of trying, Sango, I'm just…tired.” He cut in, his golden eyes piercing into her own.
“I…I never asked for this Inuyasha! You're the one that started this whole mess! I never asked for your heart…I always assumed your heart belonged to Kagome and Kagome alone.”
“Yea that's what I thought but I guess that wasn't real l…”
Inuyasha stopped, realizing what he was just about to admit.
“Never mind.”
Sango cocked her head to the side.
“ Finish your sentence.”
“ Feh.” Inuyasha said crossing his arms and then wincing at the jolt of pain that shot through him.
Sango sat there for a while and then got to her feet and turned, heading out of the hut.
Inuyasha's ears twitched and then he turned his head and stared in shock as he saw her leave.
“What do you think you doing? We're not finished talking!”
Sango turned back to face Inuyasha, her intense gaze bored into his eyes, slightly unnerving him.
“What happened out in the clearing earlier…I'm sorry, I'm not sure how it happened but…somehow I hurt you and…I wanted to apologize.” She whispered and turned and walked out of the silent hut.
Long after she had left Inuyasha still watched the flap over the doorway of the hut. His eyes stared as if seeing something that wasn't there.
“Sango…what's happening to you.” He stopped and turned his gaze back to the white cloth that was wrapped securely around his chest. His clawed hand lightly hovered over his wound. “Can't you see that you're being used?”
A Week Later
The Inu Group was on there way again, Inuyasha was healed and Sango was acting normal again. Ever since the night Sango came back, her and Inuyasha hadn't spoken a word to each other and when they did get together all they did was glare daggers at each other. The rest of the group was starting to get really tired of their refusal to speak to one another.
“I swear to Kami if they don't stop this stupid thing, I'm going to go back home and stay there for two months!” Kagome yelled in frustration, her patience just about run out.
Miroku sighed, nodding his head in agreement. He looked ahead and watched Sango and Inuyasha walking, one slightly behind the other.
`I wonder what happened in that hut to make them so mad at each other.'
Just then Inuyasha froze and his hand flew to the hilt of his sword. Next to him, Sango quickly got her Hiraikotsu ready and Kirara jumped from her shoulder and transformed into her bigger form.
“Hey you guys something's coming, get ready to fight. Hey Kagome do you detect any Shards?” Inuyasha yelled back to Kagome and Miroku.
Kagome's brows furrowed in concentration and then she looked back up and nodded.
“Hai, I do, there are 4 of them and they're heading this way fast.” She yelled just as the shards hanging around her neck began to glow a deep violet.
The group could feel a deep rumbling as something big began to draw closer to them. The ground beneath their feet began to rumble. Then Inuyasha finally saw a huge clawed paw slice through a tree in front of them. Behind the tree he caught a glimpse of a giant white dog.
“What the…” Sango yelled beside him.
“An Inu demon!” Miroku called out behind them.
His yell caught the dog's attention and the giant snout was lowered to the group, and a strong gust of wind ripped through them as the dog took in a deep breath. After a minute the dog opened his mouth and the group heard a deep growl be emitted from the dog's chest.
“Ah there you are Inuyasha! I've been trying to find you for days now.”
Came the deep rumble of the demon's voice.
Inuyasha blinked in confusion and then jumped back.
“Yea what for? To get your ass kicked?” Inuyasha said smirking arrogantly.
“Inuyasha you shouldn't underestimate him, don't be so cocky or you'll lose.” Sango whispered next to him.
Inuyasha jerked his head towards her, his eyes narrowed.
“I don't need your help fighting my battles.” He snapped.
“Since when were these your battles? The fight for the Shikon no Tama involves all of us! This isn't just your battle!” Sango snapped back.
“I have come to give you a message from your father.”
Inuyasha spun around to face the demon his eyes widened in surprise.
“My…my father? He's dead, you idiot, how the hell can he send me a message when he's dead!” Inuyasha yelled and then drew out Tessaiga.
“He is indeed dead but I was given this message by him the night before he left. He knew he was going to die and he some how knew something was going to happen to you once you turn 350.”
Inuyasha slowly sheathed his sword and folded his arms in the sleeves of his fire rat houri.
“I'm listening.” He huffed.
The huge dog demon fully came out of the woods and then a blue light began to gather around him. Then a mist covered the dog demon and once it cleared their stood a human Inu demon with the same silver hair as Inuyasha but not as pure, he also had a crescent with a star on his forehead and he wore blue and silver clothing with a sword at his side and armor over his chest.
`He looks sort of like Sesshoumaru.' Kagome thought, her eyes traveling down the stranger's body.
The stranger then slowly walked closer to the group and kneeled in front of Inuyasha. Inuyasha stared down at him in shock and embarrassment.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I am paying my respects to my prince.” The stranger said and then got to his feet and turned.
“Follow me, we must not speak of these matters out in the open.”
“Feh! How do I know your not one of Naraku's reincarnations and your trying to lead me into a trap?”
“If I truly was evil I would have killed you a long time ago, you have not seen half of the power I have, now please follow me.” He said and then turned and walked into the woods again.
Sango took one look at Inuyasha and then picked up her things and ran after the demon.
“Hey! Wait! You idiot, you might be running into a trap!”
Sango looked back.
“He's right if he really wanted to kill us he would have already, can't you feel some of his suppressed power?”
Kagome and Miroku glanced at one another and then took off after Sango.
“Hey wait!” Inuyasha yelled after them.
“Come on Inuyasha you have to be just as curious about what he has to say.” Miroku yelled back and disappeared into the forest.
“Kuso! If this is a trap I'm not going to save your asses.” Inuyasha mumbled to himself and then took off after them.
Inuyasha soon arrived in a small clearing, and the rest of the group was already settled down in front of the demon and he noticed Sango was the closest to him.
Inuyasha scowled and went and sat down next to a rock towards the back of the group.
“Okay you got us here now what the hell do you want.” Inuyasha growled.
The Inu demon looked up at Inuyasha and nodded his head.
“My name is Fuyu no Tsuki but you can call me Oborozuki, I was once your father's most trusted commander and his only true friend.” Oborozuki paused, thinking for a minute and then continued.
“The night before he was to go to his last battle he told me to give you a message from him on the first new moon of your 350th year.”
“So what the hell is the message?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.
Oborozuki chuckled and then drew a folded piece of parchment out from his kimono and handed it to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha carefully opened the parchment and read its contents. His eyes widened and then he dropped the parchment.
“This has to be some kind of joke! Me the leader of the… No! I am not going to be any leader! I'm a loner! I've always been on my own! I will always be on my own! I don't need my dead father! I didn't even get to know him! AND I DON'T NEED HIM TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD AND SHOULDEN'T DO WITH MY LIFE!!” Inuyasha yelled and jumped off into the trees.
“Inuyasha!” Sango yelled after him.
She sighed when she realized he was gone and picked up the piece of parchment. It read:
My son, if you are reading this now then that means my trusted friend has found you in time. I know you must hate me for leaving you and your mother on your own, but you see even though I knew my life was to end that night I still had to go, it was my destiny, just as your destiny was to find a human mate just as I had. Please do not deny your feelings for a human, you're fated to meet and fall in love with a woman who is the sole survivor of her people. Of your pairing will be born the child that will become king of my lands and my people. Right now you must go to your home and become the prince once more. This is my dying wish of you; please do no let me down my son. I am and will always be proud of you.
Your father
Sango stared dumbfounded at the leader, reading over the neat script once more before putting the parchment down with trembling fingers.
`The last of her people…is he talking about me? Why would I be his destined mate, I always thought that Kagome or Kikyou was his destined mate.'
Sango slowly got to her feet and walked into the woods in a daze, not noticing or caring about Kagome and Miroku's cries.
`I am to be Inuyasha's destined mate…me, Sango destined to be with a demon, why?'
Thanks to my reviewers:
Alex: Once again thanks for another review and I'm glad you liked the chapter.
Shamansun: OMG thanks so much for all the compliments. I'm glad I made this story believable cause I personally don't like when I read fic's that you know will never happen. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you keep reading.
Sourstarburst4L: thanks so much for the review and I know what you mean about the OOC character thing I don't like it either. I am trying to make this fic exciting, because even in the real anime Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship is that easy either so that's what I think Sango and Inuyasha's relationship will be like.
Purplepeopleeater: thanks for both the compliments and the review. I also love dream sequences and so I decided I had to put a dream sequence somewhere in this fic and I think I picked a good place to put it too.
AddictedtoInuyasha: Thanks so much! I love reading stories that have tension and excitement and unexpected plot twists so I wanted my fic to be like that too. And don't worry I will be quenching all of you Sango/Inu fans thirst for a lemon soon.
Inu-chan: Thanks a bunch for reviewing! A lot of people seem to like the whole necklace thing lol.
DarkMystic: Thanks for reviewing I'm glad you like the fic so far I hope you keep reading.
Trish: lol yea I guess it can be frustrating when your getting all into it expecting something to happen and then something has to happen lol! Well don't worry something is going to happen soon I think my fans have waited long enough.
Missy Manda: wow I actually moved someone with my writing, this makes me feel so special lol thanks for the review and after reading this chapter you might pick up on something that might happen with Kagome and our new hunk. Lol
A/N: Okay thanks to all my fans that have been reading this fic! Well I think I put a big twist in the story in this chapter, don't you think?! Lol I hope you guys like where I'm going with this fic and yes now that Sango realizes its her destiny to be with Inuyasha she wont fight it as much. I hope u guys liked how long this chapter was, I didn't mean for it to be so long but once I started to write I couldn't stop, and I couldn't find any place to split the chapter in half so I just kept it as it was. I'll probably be updating in a week cause I have exams this coming up week and I need to study this weekend so I wont have another chance to update this weekend, sorry guys. See Ya!
Next Chapter:
Inuyasha thinks on what he should do, Sango admits her feelings to herself and decides not to fight her destiny, and Oborozuki travels with the group now. What happens when Inuyasha and Sango met up un-expectantly in the forest?