InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Twist of Fate ❯ The True Meaning of Torture ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Based roughly on Sango’s introduction in Episode 25.
Chapter 1: The True Meaning of Torture
Consciousness was fleeting as his mind traveled in and out of awareness. Passage of time had no meaning, still the subconscious parts of his mind keep providing the nagging feeling that someone very important needed him. His own situation on the other hand, he was far more aware of in the unnaturally hot room. His arms, suspended by two thick metal chains attached to matching shackles that bound each of his pale wrists, ached from the constant strain of being pulled taut as they kept his body upright.
The slow crackle of a fire pit providing the only sounds and illumination. Shadows form the various implements and other devices of torture bouncing back in forth in the light as he glanced around. Try as he might however, his eyes couldn’t focus on anything more than a few feet in front of him.
More telling were the many scents held suspended in the air, as he focused on the two most dominate, blood and incense. The blood while he couldn’t make out who or what it belonged to was old and seemed to permeate every surface. Even more disturbing was the thick smell of burning incense. The more he seemed to inhale of it the fuzzier his head seemed to get, and he was having a difficult time as it was just trying to focus on a single spot on the floor just in front of him.
That’s exactly the way she found him as she entered the room using her years of training as a Taijiya and aided by the burning incense to hide herself from his senses. Stealthily she observed her captive, her eyes roaming over the expanse of his body. Taking particular note of the two fuzzy triangles twitching on his bowed head, past the silver tresses of his hair as they clung damply to his naked chest, and lastly past the billowing red Hakama he still wore covering the lower half of his body from her eye site.
Smirking, she remembered why she had left them on him. ‘What better thing to do then give his a little bit of modesty only to rip it away as I break him…’ Movement from his rippling arm muscles alerted her to the fact that he had once again regain consciousness. ‘Still he’s a lot weaker than I was lead to believe…’ Grabbing a cup from a nearby table her presence wasn’t noticed until she was right on top of him as she forced his head back and brought the wooden cup to his lips, the dark liquid inside sloshing around.
He hadn’t even realized he wasn’t alone. ‘Dam…I’m worse off than I thought I was.’ He could however smell the strong contents in the cup shoved just under his noise as he weakly tried turning his head away from the pungent potion.
"Still defiant I see, but that will be fixed soon enough." She said while holding a wooden cup up to his lips. "Now drink this."
For several seconds he seethed. "Fuck no."
The dark light in her eyes settled to a deadly calm. "Time to learn, hanyou, that your will is no longer your own." With that she poured the liquid into her own mouth before yanking his head up roughly by the hair. Then she waited as his nose was pinched shut forcing him to breathe thru his open mouth. The moment he tried to take a breath she locked lips and forced the foul concoction from her mouth into his, only to clamp his mouth shut after releasing his nose.
“Swallow!” She demanded as his struggles increased, as he whipped his head side to side in a weak attempt to dislodge her hand. But in the end his struggles proved useless, eventually being forced to swallow or suffocate. Satisfied that he had choked down enough of the liquid, his hair was released as the shadowed figure of the unknown female stepped away. Coughing could be heard from the captive as he finally took in some much needed air, choking on some of the potion as it traveled down the wrong pipe. Catching his breath he turned his head spitting out any remaining fluids from his mouth, the drug leaving behind a strange chalky aftertaste.
Once he seemed to settle down she began talking, knowing she had his attention. “By now I’m sure you’ve noticed that your senses have been dulled. What I just gave you was the antidote to the toxins I used on you during our battle. Give it a few minutes and you should be feeling it take effect…”
True to her words he felt a little better, and with the recovery came flashes of the battle that had recently taken place, however jumbled the images still were.
A whirling sound as what looked like a giant boomerang chopped down dozens of trees as it approached the group…
…A declaration from a woman dressed in tight fitting cloths “I will avenge everyone from my village!”…
…Kagome saying that she possessed three jewel shards…
… Kagome’s scream as Miroku was stabbed thru the back by Naraku the moment he tried to intervene…
…The same woman, ‘She said her name was Sango didn’t she,’ using his distraction to throw poison powder at him…
…A knife drawn up against the delicate skin of Kagome’s neck as he was told to quite covering his face and inhale or else…
…His vision getting hazy as he saw female attacker use that very weapon used on the back of said Miko’s head rendering her unconscious…
…A dark muttering form Naraku just as he faded out “Know this Inuyasha, as you suffer remember…remember that you failed to protect the reincarnation just as you failed before. I’ll enjoy relieving her of her innocence and anything else she holds dear starting with the Kitsume that ran off…
~*End Flashback*~
For the first time he truly saw the face of his subjugator, the Taijiya named Sango. “Where am I…and more importantly where’s Kagome?” Honestly, she didn’t have a clue what that demon named Naraku took the woman, and said as much. Of course he didn’t believe her for a second. “Tell me now or I-” He started pulling on the chains only to receive a shock thru his entire body.
“What? Break free and tear this place apart? Kill me along with it…” Sango allowed a slight grin to appear on her face. “Those chains were specially made as binds for demons. They drain a captive’s life energy, keeping you or anyone else unlucky enough to be bound in them all but helpless. On top of that the more you thrash around trying to free yourself, as you may have noticed, the tighter they become.”
By now he looked completely lost and uttered only a single word, “Why?”
While that one word could have so many answers, she knew the one he was wanting. “Why? Because, like I said when I first attacked…I want revenge. That still hasn’t changed.” He had denied it then, and continued to do so now. She herself had had her doubts; having almost believed the girl when she woke up pleading their innocence. Not that she wanted to believe someone who dressed like a whore, let alone assume that same person was also a powerful and respected as a Miko.
Still the doubt was there and it wasn’t until Kirara had shown up, overjoyed that she was still alive that she had her chance to find the truth. Despite not being able to talk, the demon cat had when prompted pointed out who had attacked the village. While the cat didn’t incriminate his current companions, she indicated thru her action that yes she very well remember the demon dressed in red as he attacked the village. No one would ever know that the cat had left to find help before ever seeing the red hanyou morph into the very person who had killed the monk, manipulating everything and everyone without anyone being the wiser.
His renewed growls brought her out of her inner perspective, her resolve hardening as she thought over what was to come. Yes, her goals had only slightly changed, mostly thanks to Naraku. Did she still wish to kill the hanyou mutt…sure. But now instead of being granted the luxury of death, he was going to suffer. Suffer just like the villagers suffered, then he was going to go on suffering for the rest of his miserable life. Still she could have showed some form of mercy, in fact the village had developed several potent toxins that forced complete and permanent submission. But those took time to mix and administer, besides as far as she was concerned he didn’t deserve the opportunity to live as a mindless slave.
Picking up the knife that laid next to the now empty cup she stepped closer to the demon. Inuyasha, his eyes focused intently on the sharp object, became a little nervous as his mind quickly flashed thru several ways it could be used to torture if not kill him. “Have you noticed yet?” she asked, causing a look of confusion to pass over his facial features. A soft breath tickled his suddenly ultra-sensitive as she whispered huskily, “The potion not only restored some of your senses, but also heightened others…” She slid her free hand down his chest and over his abdomen. The nails of each of her fingers lightly teasing his skin, in what would have been in sensual pleasure had his skin not been so hyper-sensitive. “Take for instance touch…” She dropped her hand lower until it was directly over his covered manhood, as she lightly teased the flesh causing a ragged groan to be released from Inuyasha’s mouth. “…Pleasure…” Releasing the bulge that had uncontrollably formed from her ministrations, she brought the blade up to the hollow just beside his throat. “…and most importantly…” He didn’t have time to react, only just feeling the cold metal tip of the blade before the blade slid down his chest, causing him to cry out in… “…pain!” She finished as the blade was dragged over his abs, stopping just above the hem of his pants. Pants that he was never more thankful for wearing, fearful of just how far she would have cut otherwise.
“What the hell! That hurt bitch!” Inuyasha shouted which she completely ignored
Lightly licking her lips as her eyes roamed the expanse of hard muscles, knowing that she would thoroughly enjoy the parts of his body that were still hidden. Bringing her free had to the hem, she lock eyes with her captive before pulling the fabric away from his body. Both shuddered in entirely different reason as the sound of fabric being cut in two. Inuyasha held his breath as his last defensive barrier was torn away from his being, not moving in the slightest for fear of the blade cutting more important parts of his anatomy.
With nothing left supporting it, the rest of the garment fell to the floor under gravity revealing the true Inu-Yokai legacy to her hungry eyes. For a second, gilt ran thru her as she realized that the young lord that bid her to return to his side wouldn’t be receiving a virgin bride. ‘But hey, who looks a gift horse in the mouth,’ and he was sure hung like one. His uncut cock laid flaccid from the pain she had inflicted with the knife, but still even soft it was longer and thicker than any erect cock she had ever had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing.
“So tell me,” she causally started, acting and sounding like the naked specimen in front of her didn’t have any effect on her. “Are you still a virgin?” A slight head turn was his only answer. “Aw, was everyone that meet you disgusted by the fact you were a little hanyou boy…” She teased wiping away a tear that slipped down his cheek as she inflicted an additional emotional wound. “Well, lucky me,” she said with a light pat to the head earning a growl in return. “That’s just something else for me to forcibly take from you,” that gibe almost felt like a stab to the gut.
Standing, Sango walked over to a hand crank, turning it additional slack was removed from the overhead chains forcing the hanyou to stand only stopping when his toes were barley touching the ground. Locking the crank in place, she walked back over, reached down, and pulled his pants away from his feet throwing them in a corner of the room before running her hands lightly down his chest causing him to snap out of his stupor as he started struggling anew.
“What the Hell do you think you’re doing Bitch? Get your filthy hands off me and keep them to yourself!” Inuyasha growled out as he started swinging his whole body around trying to get away from her wondering hands while at the same time trying to land a blow, any blow against her. Of course, anything he tried was useless as he only swung back and forth hanging from the chains. Nor did his movements deter his captor has both hand continued downward at a slow leisurely pace. His breathing becoming more and more labored as the hand traveled, and in desperation struck out with his right leg surprising them both when he actually making contact. The kick had momentarily caught Sango off guard, landing squarely just below her rib cage on her left side. But between his quickly failing strength caused by the drugs in his system and lack of any leverage, the blow had almost no effect physical effect.
Retribution was swift as the hanyou quickly received a hard punch strait in the jaw, momentarily knocking any remaining fight out of him. Even hanging there limply with blood dripping down his chin he was still a breath taking beauty. Beauty that would have allowed him the pick of any potential mate that wished to purse him. It would have been almost impossible for any man or woman to resist his innocent charms. That is if it wasn’t for the fact he was a half-breed mutt. His only other detractor she could determine so far being his loud foul mouth, of course she had a fix for that too if it came down to it
Reaching down during his distraction, Sango gripped his soft organ causing an abrupt gasp to escape from the back of Inuyasha’s throat. Her calloused hand coiling around him member had caught him completely by surprise, as he hadn’t realized she had closed the distance between them once more. Having never touched himself in such a manner, let alone having someone else do it to him was a new forbidden experience to him. His eyes were glued to the sight of her hand as it lightly stroked up and down his shaft as he was quickly and to his own dismay quite easily brought to full arousal.
“Do you like it?” The slayer breathed softly into his ear as she leaned up to his still downturned head. He wanted to say ‘No’, but couldn’t find his voice as he weakly shook his head in a negative reply. “You like what I’m doing don’t you?” The seductive tone in her voice was causing havoc to his thought process as his body started thrusting into her hand against his will. Suddenly her slight strokes stopped, much to his relief as he closed his eyes or a second to regain his cognitive abilities. Disgusted with his self over how easily she physically manipulated him.
“Wh…what do you want with me?” Boy did he sound pathetic by this point. This wasn’t how he wanted things to be. His instincts were being turned upside down and there was also the sick feeling in pit of his stomach as he thought about each and every arousing touch she gave him.
Sango could help laughing at how pathetically confused her prey sounded, but answered anyways. “What do I want? Why you of course…” Her left hand cupped his cheek as she brought his head up forcing her face into his line of site as they locked eyes. “You had such spirit when we fought, and even now after you’ve realized you’re completely at my mercy. The fire in your eyes is absolutely breathtaking, and I’m going to enjoy watching it fade as I break you.” He would have thrashed as he tried to get free if he had any energy left to fight her physically, in fact he couldn’t even turn his head away in disgust when he tried. “I thought killing you would have been enough for my revenge…”
“Bitch, how many times do I have to tell you I didn’t attack your GOD DAMNED VILLAGE?”
Before he could even comprehend her movements, she had reached around with her right hand and grabbed a fist full of his long silver hair yanking hard as she spoke in a deadly tone this time. “Never, ever speak another ill word about my village again. If you do I swear you’ll never utter another word.” By now they were almost nose to nose. “I was going to just kill you…”
“Well fuck you to Bitch! Then just kill me and be done with it”
Ignoring his remarks for the moment, “…kill you, but I’ve decided that instead of finishing you off, I’m going to keep you around as my slave, pet if you would like to call it…” She started to pull away as an idea suddenly pooped into Inuyasha’s head, and without thinking about the consequences of his actions gathered up the blood that was still pooling in his mouth from her punch and spit it directly at her, easily covering her entire face at the current distance.
‘That shut her up fast.’ He thought with a smirk his captor stepped away from him, grabbing a piece of his discarded cloths to wipe the blood from her face before quite calmly waking around behind him. His ears twitched as sudden movement was heard, the stars suddenly exploding behind his closed eyes. A whip had suddenly struck against his back leaving a small red welt as a cry of utter pain and humiliation escaped him, as his aroused member quickly withered. The first strike was followed up quickly by several more along the length of his back. His back felt like it was being stripped of its flesh with every strike, thou he knew each strike was hardly even leaving marks.
Before he knew what was happening next a generous length of the whip had been looped over his head as the slack was quickly pulled forcing his head back between his handing arms at a very awkward angle. The whip was pulled even tighter still as his air supply was quickly cut off as his windpipe collapsed under the constriction.
“I’ve shown you the pleasure you can receive, even how those pleasures can be amplified by the effects of potions I can give you. Now I’ll show you pain…pain as a slave and pet you’ll come to crave as your much as the air your you desperately need right know.” Finally the constriction stopped as he brought in several ragged breaths, a shiver passing thru his body as the whip dragged against his abused throat as the length was pulled back behind him.
Steeping back into position to resume her strikes she continued, “now this is what is going to happen as your punishment for that last act of defiance you’re going to count each and every strike I give, if you don’t we continue on the same number until you do or I grow tired and I assure you it will be a long time before that happens. If I hear anything other than the current number or a scream of pain, I guarantee it will be the last words you ever speak.”
The first strike came, the pain worse than anything he had ever felt in his life. The gash that formed slowly oozing blood as he sunk his teeth into him lip doing all he could not to utter a single sound. “One...say it!” Nothing. The strike came again, this time as hard as she could, his skin easily parting as he couldn’t muffle the cry this time. “One,” She said again.
“One,” came out harshly as he repeated the number. The next strike, “…two…”
Chapter 1: The True Meaning of Torture
Consciousness was fleeting as his mind traveled in and out of awareness. Passage of time had no meaning, still the subconscious parts of his mind keep providing the nagging feeling that someone very important needed him. His own situation on the other hand, he was far more aware of in the unnaturally hot room. His arms, suspended by two thick metal chains attached to matching shackles that bound each of his pale wrists, ached from the constant strain of being pulled taut as they kept his body upright.
The slow crackle of a fire pit providing the only sounds and illumination. Shadows form the various implements and other devices of torture bouncing back in forth in the light as he glanced around. Try as he might however, his eyes couldn’t focus on anything more than a few feet in front of him.
More telling were the many scents held suspended in the air, as he focused on the two most dominate, blood and incense. The blood while he couldn’t make out who or what it belonged to was old and seemed to permeate every surface. Even more disturbing was the thick smell of burning incense. The more he seemed to inhale of it the fuzzier his head seemed to get, and he was having a difficult time as it was just trying to focus on a single spot on the floor just in front of him.
That’s exactly the way she found him as she entered the room using her years of training as a Taijiya and aided by the burning incense to hide herself from his senses. Stealthily she observed her captive, her eyes roaming over the expanse of his body. Taking particular note of the two fuzzy triangles twitching on his bowed head, past the silver tresses of his hair as they clung damply to his naked chest, and lastly past the billowing red Hakama he still wore covering the lower half of his body from her eye site.
Smirking, she remembered why she had left them on him. ‘What better thing to do then give his a little bit of modesty only to rip it away as I break him…’ Movement from his rippling arm muscles alerted her to the fact that he had once again regain consciousness. ‘Still he’s a lot weaker than I was lead to believe…’ Grabbing a cup from a nearby table her presence wasn’t noticed until she was right on top of him as she forced his head back and brought the wooden cup to his lips, the dark liquid inside sloshing around.
He hadn’t even realized he wasn’t alone. ‘Dam…I’m worse off than I thought I was.’ He could however smell the strong contents in the cup shoved just under his noise as he weakly tried turning his head away from the pungent potion.
"Still defiant I see, but that will be fixed soon enough." She said while holding a wooden cup up to his lips. "Now drink this."
For several seconds he seethed. "Fuck no."
The dark light in her eyes settled to a deadly calm. "Time to learn, hanyou, that your will is no longer your own." With that she poured the liquid into her own mouth before yanking his head up roughly by the hair. Then she waited as his nose was pinched shut forcing him to breathe thru his open mouth. The moment he tried to take a breath she locked lips and forced the foul concoction from her mouth into his, only to clamp his mouth shut after releasing his nose.
“Swallow!” She demanded as his struggles increased, as he whipped his head side to side in a weak attempt to dislodge her hand. But in the end his struggles proved useless, eventually being forced to swallow or suffocate. Satisfied that he had choked down enough of the liquid, his hair was released as the shadowed figure of the unknown female stepped away. Coughing could be heard from the captive as he finally took in some much needed air, choking on some of the potion as it traveled down the wrong pipe. Catching his breath he turned his head spitting out any remaining fluids from his mouth, the drug leaving behind a strange chalky aftertaste.
Once he seemed to settle down she began talking, knowing she had his attention. “By now I’m sure you’ve noticed that your senses have been dulled. What I just gave you was the antidote to the toxins I used on you during our battle. Give it a few minutes and you should be feeling it take effect…”
True to her words he felt a little better, and with the recovery came flashes of the battle that had recently taken place, however jumbled the images still were.
A whirling sound as what looked like a giant boomerang chopped down dozens of trees as it approached the group…
…A declaration from a woman dressed in tight fitting cloths “I will avenge everyone from my village!”…
…Kagome saying that she possessed three jewel shards…
… Kagome’s scream as Miroku was stabbed thru the back by Naraku the moment he tried to intervene…
…The same woman, ‘She said her name was Sango didn’t she,’ using his distraction to throw poison powder at him…
…A knife drawn up against the delicate skin of Kagome’s neck as he was told to quite covering his face and inhale or else…
…His vision getting hazy as he saw female attacker use that very weapon used on the back of said Miko’s head rendering her unconscious…
…A dark muttering form Naraku just as he faded out “Know this Inuyasha, as you suffer remember…remember that you failed to protect the reincarnation just as you failed before. I’ll enjoy relieving her of her innocence and anything else she holds dear starting with the Kitsume that ran off…
~*End Flashback*~
For the first time he truly saw the face of his subjugator, the Taijiya named Sango. “Where am I…and more importantly where’s Kagome?” Honestly, she didn’t have a clue what that demon named Naraku took the woman, and said as much. Of course he didn’t believe her for a second. “Tell me now or I-” He started pulling on the chains only to receive a shock thru his entire body.
“What? Break free and tear this place apart? Kill me along with it…” Sango allowed a slight grin to appear on her face. “Those chains were specially made as binds for demons. They drain a captive’s life energy, keeping you or anyone else unlucky enough to be bound in them all but helpless. On top of that the more you thrash around trying to free yourself, as you may have noticed, the tighter they become.”
By now he looked completely lost and uttered only a single word, “Why?”
While that one word could have so many answers, she knew the one he was wanting. “Why? Because, like I said when I first attacked…I want revenge. That still hasn’t changed.” He had denied it then, and continued to do so now. She herself had had her doubts; having almost believed the girl when she woke up pleading their innocence. Not that she wanted to believe someone who dressed like a whore, let alone assume that same person was also a powerful and respected as a Miko.
Still the doubt was there and it wasn’t until Kirara had shown up, overjoyed that she was still alive that she had her chance to find the truth. Despite not being able to talk, the demon cat had when prompted pointed out who had attacked the village. While the cat didn’t incriminate his current companions, she indicated thru her action that yes she very well remember the demon dressed in red as he attacked the village. No one would ever know that the cat had left to find help before ever seeing the red hanyou morph into the very person who had killed the monk, manipulating everything and everyone without anyone being the wiser.
His renewed growls brought her out of her inner perspective, her resolve hardening as she thought over what was to come. Yes, her goals had only slightly changed, mostly thanks to Naraku. Did she still wish to kill the hanyou mutt…sure. But now instead of being granted the luxury of death, he was going to suffer. Suffer just like the villagers suffered, then he was going to go on suffering for the rest of his miserable life. Still she could have showed some form of mercy, in fact the village had developed several potent toxins that forced complete and permanent submission. But those took time to mix and administer, besides as far as she was concerned he didn’t deserve the opportunity to live as a mindless slave.
Picking up the knife that laid next to the now empty cup she stepped closer to the demon. Inuyasha, his eyes focused intently on the sharp object, became a little nervous as his mind quickly flashed thru several ways it could be used to torture if not kill him. “Have you noticed yet?” she asked, causing a look of confusion to pass over his facial features. A soft breath tickled his suddenly ultra-sensitive as she whispered huskily, “The potion not only restored some of your senses, but also heightened others…” She slid her free hand down his chest and over his abdomen. The nails of each of her fingers lightly teasing his skin, in what would have been in sensual pleasure had his skin not been so hyper-sensitive. “Take for instance touch…” She dropped her hand lower until it was directly over his covered manhood, as she lightly teased the flesh causing a ragged groan to be released from Inuyasha’s mouth. “…Pleasure…” Releasing the bulge that had uncontrollably formed from her ministrations, she brought the blade up to the hollow just beside his throat. “…and most importantly…” He didn’t have time to react, only just feeling the cold metal tip of the blade before the blade slid down his chest, causing him to cry out in… “…pain!” She finished as the blade was dragged over his abs, stopping just above the hem of his pants. Pants that he was never more thankful for wearing, fearful of just how far she would have cut otherwise.
“What the hell! That hurt bitch!” Inuyasha shouted which she completely ignored
Lightly licking her lips as her eyes roamed the expanse of hard muscles, knowing that she would thoroughly enjoy the parts of his body that were still hidden. Bringing her free had to the hem, she lock eyes with her captive before pulling the fabric away from his body. Both shuddered in entirely different reason as the sound of fabric being cut in two. Inuyasha held his breath as his last defensive barrier was torn away from his being, not moving in the slightest for fear of the blade cutting more important parts of his anatomy.
With nothing left supporting it, the rest of the garment fell to the floor under gravity revealing the true Inu-Yokai legacy to her hungry eyes. For a second, gilt ran thru her as she realized that the young lord that bid her to return to his side wouldn’t be receiving a virgin bride. ‘But hey, who looks a gift horse in the mouth,’ and he was sure hung like one. His uncut cock laid flaccid from the pain she had inflicted with the knife, but still even soft it was longer and thicker than any erect cock she had ever had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing.
“So tell me,” she causally started, acting and sounding like the naked specimen in front of her didn’t have any effect on her. “Are you still a virgin?” A slight head turn was his only answer. “Aw, was everyone that meet you disgusted by the fact you were a little hanyou boy…” She teased wiping away a tear that slipped down his cheek as she inflicted an additional emotional wound. “Well, lucky me,” she said with a light pat to the head earning a growl in return. “That’s just something else for me to forcibly take from you,” that gibe almost felt like a stab to the gut.
Standing, Sango walked over to a hand crank, turning it additional slack was removed from the overhead chains forcing the hanyou to stand only stopping when his toes were barley touching the ground. Locking the crank in place, she walked back over, reached down, and pulled his pants away from his feet throwing them in a corner of the room before running her hands lightly down his chest causing him to snap out of his stupor as he started struggling anew.
“What the Hell do you think you’re doing Bitch? Get your filthy hands off me and keep them to yourself!” Inuyasha growled out as he started swinging his whole body around trying to get away from her wondering hands while at the same time trying to land a blow, any blow against her. Of course, anything he tried was useless as he only swung back and forth hanging from the chains. Nor did his movements deter his captor has both hand continued downward at a slow leisurely pace. His breathing becoming more and more labored as the hand traveled, and in desperation struck out with his right leg surprising them both when he actually making contact. The kick had momentarily caught Sango off guard, landing squarely just below her rib cage on her left side. But between his quickly failing strength caused by the drugs in his system and lack of any leverage, the blow had almost no effect physical effect.
Retribution was swift as the hanyou quickly received a hard punch strait in the jaw, momentarily knocking any remaining fight out of him. Even hanging there limply with blood dripping down his chin he was still a breath taking beauty. Beauty that would have allowed him the pick of any potential mate that wished to purse him. It would have been almost impossible for any man or woman to resist his innocent charms. That is if it wasn’t for the fact he was a half-breed mutt. His only other detractor she could determine so far being his loud foul mouth, of course she had a fix for that too if it came down to it
Reaching down during his distraction, Sango gripped his soft organ causing an abrupt gasp to escape from the back of Inuyasha’s throat. Her calloused hand coiling around him member had caught him completely by surprise, as he hadn’t realized she had closed the distance between them once more. Having never touched himself in such a manner, let alone having someone else do it to him was a new forbidden experience to him. His eyes were glued to the sight of her hand as it lightly stroked up and down his shaft as he was quickly and to his own dismay quite easily brought to full arousal.
“Do you like it?” The slayer breathed softly into his ear as she leaned up to his still downturned head. He wanted to say ‘No’, but couldn’t find his voice as he weakly shook his head in a negative reply. “You like what I’m doing don’t you?” The seductive tone in her voice was causing havoc to his thought process as his body started thrusting into her hand against his will. Suddenly her slight strokes stopped, much to his relief as he closed his eyes or a second to regain his cognitive abilities. Disgusted with his self over how easily she physically manipulated him.
“Wh…what do you want with me?” Boy did he sound pathetic by this point. This wasn’t how he wanted things to be. His instincts were being turned upside down and there was also the sick feeling in pit of his stomach as he thought about each and every arousing touch she gave him.
Sango could help laughing at how pathetically confused her prey sounded, but answered anyways. “What do I want? Why you of course…” Her left hand cupped his cheek as she brought his head up forcing her face into his line of site as they locked eyes. “You had such spirit when we fought, and even now after you’ve realized you’re completely at my mercy. The fire in your eyes is absolutely breathtaking, and I’m going to enjoy watching it fade as I break you.” He would have thrashed as he tried to get free if he had any energy left to fight her physically, in fact he couldn’t even turn his head away in disgust when he tried. “I thought killing you would have been enough for my revenge…”
“Bitch, how many times do I have to tell you I didn’t attack your GOD DAMNED VILLAGE?”
Before he could even comprehend her movements, she had reached around with her right hand and grabbed a fist full of his long silver hair yanking hard as she spoke in a deadly tone this time. “Never, ever speak another ill word about my village again. If you do I swear you’ll never utter another word.” By now they were almost nose to nose. “I was going to just kill you…”
“Well fuck you to Bitch! Then just kill me and be done with it”
Ignoring his remarks for the moment, “…kill you, but I’ve decided that instead of finishing you off, I’m going to keep you around as my slave, pet if you would like to call it…” She started to pull away as an idea suddenly pooped into Inuyasha’s head, and without thinking about the consequences of his actions gathered up the blood that was still pooling in his mouth from her punch and spit it directly at her, easily covering her entire face at the current distance.
‘That shut her up fast.’ He thought with a smirk his captor stepped away from him, grabbing a piece of his discarded cloths to wipe the blood from her face before quite calmly waking around behind him. His ears twitched as sudden movement was heard, the stars suddenly exploding behind his closed eyes. A whip had suddenly struck against his back leaving a small red welt as a cry of utter pain and humiliation escaped him, as his aroused member quickly withered. The first strike was followed up quickly by several more along the length of his back. His back felt like it was being stripped of its flesh with every strike, thou he knew each strike was hardly even leaving marks.
Before he knew what was happening next a generous length of the whip had been looped over his head as the slack was quickly pulled forcing his head back between his handing arms at a very awkward angle. The whip was pulled even tighter still as his air supply was quickly cut off as his windpipe collapsed under the constriction.
“I’ve shown you the pleasure you can receive, even how those pleasures can be amplified by the effects of potions I can give you. Now I’ll show you pain…pain as a slave and pet you’ll come to crave as your much as the air your you desperately need right know.” Finally the constriction stopped as he brought in several ragged breaths, a shiver passing thru his body as the whip dragged against his abused throat as the length was pulled back behind him.
Steeping back into position to resume her strikes she continued, “now this is what is going to happen as your punishment for that last act of defiance you’re going to count each and every strike I give, if you don’t we continue on the same number until you do or I grow tired and I assure you it will be a long time before that happens. If I hear anything other than the current number or a scream of pain, I guarantee it will be the last words you ever speak.”
The first strike came, the pain worse than anything he had ever felt in his life. The gash that formed slowly oozing blood as he sunk his teeth into him lip doing all he could not to utter a single sound. “One...say it!” Nothing. The strike came again, this time as hard as she could, his skin easily parting as he couldn’t muffle the cry this time. “One,” She said again.
“One,” came out harshly as he repeated the number. The next strike, “…two…”