InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Twist of Fate ❯ Beyond What One Can Endure ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2: Beyond What One Can Endure

Counting wasn’t working as Inuyasha quickly lost the ability to coherently form words let alone “remember and repeat” the count of each and every strike to the satisfaction of the woman delivering them. Likewise, he realized Sango also didn’t seem to care either as she had continued to strike.

In Fact, it was with that knowledge that he came to the startling realization that most of the sounds he was now starting to hear weren’t his own. He could actually hear her, each and every gasp and moan the sadistic bitch was making with each and every strike against his skin. The prevalence of her growing arousal threatening to overpower the smell of his blood as it flowed from each and every one of the quickly growing number of cuts caused by the whip she wielded. ‘Fuck she’s enjoying this torture,’ his only thought.

Similar thoughts went thru her mind almost simultaneously, the startling realization that nothing was be accomplished with her unresponsive captive if as she continued to inflict only pain. Without missing a beat a new plan was formed as she quickly changed her tactics and methods to something that would be more effective as well as emotionally detrimental to her captive. Now, instead of simply delivering each strike in rapid succession, she began pausing every few minutes as she whispered gently to him. Another tactic once used to aid when breaking the will of any strong headed human or demon. Though she despised the few times she had seen it used, she had also realized just how effective it had been on the fully trained and conditioned spies sent to learn the village’s secrets by neighboring lords.

Each word more damaging and detrimental than the previous. Each phrase carefully chosen and worded reinforcing the physical abuse and degradation the hanyou was forced to endure. They were simple things really, reminders that he was worthless, less than the dirt people walked on. ‘Thoughts of a family, brother who wanted nothing more than to wipe the blemish that he was out of existence.’ How weak and pathetic he was. ‘More thoughts came, Miroku being run thru with a sword, his eyes lifeless.’ How everyone around him suffered and died because of him. ‘His mother suffering from the time he was born, Kikyo dying from his supposed betrayal, Kag…’ He subconsciously gulped, ‘Kagome and the thought that she was died now or worse.’

She specifically talked about reason why he was the primary cause for each and every bad thing that had happened to him. How he should relish the opportunity for someone to justly deliver the cruel punishments he needed and more importantly deserved to receive. She reminded him that she already a faithful demon companion in Kirara, and wouldn’t have issue with caring for him in a similar manor as long as he remember he was nothing more than her possession. As long as he was obedient, just as any good pet’s required be.

She explained how he would never have to experience the difficulty of making the hard choices. More importantly how his life, his very existence would for once have a clear and defined meaning and purpose. All he had to do was give in, surrender all control of both his body and his mind, allowing her to mold him physically and emotionally to her exact standards and specifications. No longer would he be considered an independent being with conscious thoughts, instead he would be considered an lower life form incapable of anything other than following instinct. His only thoughts being how each and every one of his actions would be to please her as he instinctually serve her and those she choose.

Inuyasha cringed in disgust, the errant thought of just how right she was and how easy the choice to give in was. The sting of each phrase striking him deeper than any physical blow that could be delivered. The moment of weakness passed, his resolve firmed once more as he tried valiantly to endure.

Several hours passed, and despite passing his limits of endurance, he had still endured each and every strike. Another one of the potion’s more beneficial side effects was full awareness of both his body and surroundings. Once ingested and used in conjunction with torture, the unfortunate individual maintained coherency and more importantly consciousness well beyond what the normal limits of endurance where. His only conscious effort at this point was a being used in a futile attempt to ignore the words being spoken to him, while he desperately tried to disassociate his mind from his body. But even that was all but impossible in his currently altered state of mind as he was forced to listen to each and every degrading thing she said.

Huffing to herself, Sango was beginning to think she wasn’t having anymore effect on the hanyou as he dangled somewhat limply. Finally she gave into the urge and stopped, taking a minute to carefully scrutinize her work. She constantly shifted her strikes purposely hitting a different spot each time, and by now long thin bleeding gashes crisscrossed most of his body. More gashes than his body could recover from, his healing ability also impaired by the restriction of his powers.

The pain was bad, so bad that it had reach the point that he no longer felt each new strike. In fact, he hadn’t even realized the whipping had stopped; completely missing the sounds caused by the sloshing of water as a bucket of it was carried over and sat down behind him. Without warning a rag soaked in what felt like scalding hot water hit his back, and without consideration to the mangled and mutilated state of his back, began vigorously scrubbing. The sting only increasing from whatever compound the bucket contained as the mixture started cleaning and disinfecting the wounds.

Hearing the footsteps moving away from him, he took a moment to compose himself as he tried taking stock of his situation as he heard the slosh of even more water a second bucket was carried over and again set down behind him. Bracing for another round of pain, he was shocked that instead of hot water like before, the temperature was luke warm and rather soothing to his back as it washed the other solution was washed away. Her hands also applying far gentler pressure as she rinsed each cut in an almost lovingly manor, before allowing her finger to tracing the length of his spine.

Loosing himself in the sensation, Inuyasha let his eyes drift shut as he relaxed for the first time since she had started the tortures. Each heated caress forcing his body to become more and more submissive, the undesirable and unfamiliar sensation spiraling through his body as he unwillingly surrendered control. His own reaction to these ‘building emotions’ vastly contradicting the struggles within his mind as he fought with everything to keep what little control remained.

Deciding that play time was finally time to move on she left Inuyasha was left hanging limply from his bleeding wrists as she walked over to the fire. Briefly he raised his head scanning the room, only to notice ‘The Bitch’ over by the blazer stoking the fire. He surprised himself as to even his own disbelief the term had stated to lose some of its harshness in his mind.

She turned and noticed his gaze before as he tried to burn a hole thru her with his stare. Honestly she was glad he was watching her movements as she retrieved a glowing hot iron from the pit. Smiling as she watched his eyes go wide as he took stock of the glowing object as she walked back over to him glowing rod in hand. It amazed her, how even know the fight in him wasn’t even close to being extinguished.

He felt warm finger trace lightly over a particular wound followed by a sudden burning pain as the glowing tip was pressed along the same path. Even in his exhausted state he howled loudly, the smell of burning flesh nauseating him as the scent filled the room. The heat from the hot iron cauterizing the damage caused by the earlier whipping as it sealed the skin until his demon blood healed it, leaving behind a blistering red line. By the time she had sealed the second line the glow from the tip had dulled, as such she had replaced the rod with a fresh one from the fire as she continued sealing each and every cut crisscrossing his back alternating rods as she needed to.

While his demonic healing abilities would have done the job, sealing them now not only allowed for a quicker healing without additional blood loss and possible complication from an infection, the method also took a great physical and psychological tool on the person it was used upon.

After what felt like an eternity to them both, each and every wound had finally been sealed. Sango set the most recently used rod back near the fire, before retrieving a large jug of water and what looked to be a small black pouch. Without preamble his head was once again yanked back, and water was forced down his throat only to be coughed back up before more water was forced down. His head was released as released only after most of the jug had been emptied, the words “Can’t let my new pet dog die of dehydration” her only passing remark. The water that didn’t go down had the added effect of washing of a good portion of sweat and blood that had gather on both him and pooled on the floor thanks to a strategically located drain that had been build into the floor.

He couldn’t help the thought that if she kept yanking his head back and forth like a yo-yo that his neck might just break, putting him out of his misery in the process. Unfortunately no such luck was forth coming, as her free hand was now sqeezing his cheeks rather painfully. The other hand holding both his chin and now open pouch after releasing its hold on his hair.

“Open,” the command was soft but forceful demanding immediate and absolute compliance.

Not wishing a repeat of the last few hours, his mouth slowly opened. His chin was released as he felt the thumb from that same hand as it was shoved into his mouth, hooking his jaw and forcing his mouth wider than he was use to. The thought of biting down on the finger never entered his mind as the bag was upended, the contents of the pouch being unceremoniously dumped into his mouth. The bitterness from what had to be dried and crushed herbs overwhelmed his palette as the mixture began dissolving surprisingly fast as it mixed with the saliva in his mouth, as it dissolved it started being absorbed thru his taste buds and capillaries as it traveled directly into his blood stream. His jaw was release, chin lifted once again, and swallowed as instructed. The portion of the drug absorbed by his mouth and tongue insured a strong and quick effect from the drug, while what was left would be absorbed thru his digestive tract allowing those effects to last for as long as possible in what could be considered a ancient version of time release drugs. Again showing no resistance he felt what was left of the drug slide down his throat, another drink of water to insured the substance was washed down since the compound wasn’t effected by either water or stomach acid.

“Now let’s try this again,” she said giving him a seductive smile, not that he was looking at him. This time he hung limply as hands pinching the boy’s nipples, caressed slowly down his chest gently tugging at his silver pubic hair before moving back up just as slowly. This time he felt the light erotic scrape of her nails as the hands again worked their way down, this time paying attention to his outer ribs, exposed because of his raised arms stopping when they reached the sides of his waist. Reaching lower, his limp shaft was taken into her hand, appreciating the silky texture of the skin which had been denied to her last time. Eventually he hardened and she started stroking his shaft, rolling his foreskin back and forth, up and down his shaft with torturously slow movements. Golden eyes rolled back into his head whenever her thumb paid special attention to the slit on this tip, a moan uncontrollably escaping.

Still she wasn’t fooled into believing that the fight had left him, testing to see if he would respond negatively it he did at first. Though he didn’t resist in the slightest there were tears of desperation forming in his eyes, the only outward manifestation of his emotions. He never looked more beautiful, enjoying the conflicted feelings as she watched each and every reaction.

Then she saw it, a single drop of precum, the clear fluid forming from the newly revealed pink flesh at the tip of Inuyasha’s shaft. Stopping all movements of her hands she waited until locking eyes with her captive. Then while keeping them lock with hers, Sango kneeled and without hesitation licked the fluid from his tip. His hips thrust of their own accord, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, as he moaned both from the sensation of her wet tongue and the visual it had provided.

“See the difference between cooperation and resistance,” he noticed the condescending tone in her voice but choose not to care. “Your body belongs to me,” she leant forward and pressed her tongue into the slit gently, gathering his musky taste on the tip. “Mine to please,” she takes his entire length into her mouth, before moving down, bathing his sack with saliva. “Mine to hurt and punish in any way I choose,” she smiled wickedly as a ball was sucked into her mouth before biting down on it. His body thrashed wildly as if he was about to die, screaming an unintelligible name in pain as the spasms from his climax spraying his seed all over as his body convulsed.

It was sheer coincidence she had not been sprayed all over the face, got up and grabbed a piece of cloth wiping away the few drops that had landed on her face. “Bad Puppy! You’ve been a very bad dog.” The sudden pain in his gut from her squeezing his balls made him want to puke as he found enough energy to struggle. “I’m your master and as such I, not you, get to say when you cum. You’ve already learned what happens when you don’t obey me…However, you’ve been punished enough for one day, and besides I think I have something better in mind.”

Being raised among men she knew that women were expected to perform the art of fellatio and despite the freedoms afforded her with the status, as both a demon slayer and as a daughter of a nobleman, the same would be expected from her one day. Eyeing the mess he had just created, decision made she took his spent cock into her mouth cleaning the shaft of his spent essence. The taste was a bit salty, though uniquely male with a touch of muskiness.

“You’d better make it up to me for this tonight demon, because if you can’t control yourself now then you’ll never get the chance to experience anything better…What do you say one, no make it two hours with your head buried between my legs.” Honestly she didn’t care that he had cum, all the fun came from torturing him until he could help begging like a bitch in heat. Laughing internally at the thought what was yet to come. The thought of forcing the hanyou to cum, then using the excuse as she permanently took that very ability, ruining him as punishment for his so called lack of control. Not that she needed a reason to alter her slave in any way she say fit, but the idea that he would think it was because he couldn’t control himself would only reinforce the degradation and acceptance of the act. Still the thought of leaving the poor boy with only the memory of what he could never have again as he watched her being taken over and over by another male, knowing it was completely and inarguably his fault and he only had himself to blame.

The poor boy was still breathing heavily from the combined pain and pleasure of the orgasm as she gave his softening cock one long last lick. “Mmmm, you taste good. Much better than I would have thought.” Sango purred, nipping the tip of his still over sensitized cock before standing. “Keep it up puppy and I might become addicted. Wanna taste?” Before he realized what was happening he felt arms threading around his head holding him still as her mouth meet his. Next thing he knew he was all but choking as a feminine tongue was thrust deeply into his mouth as he was ruthlessly kissed. With dawning horror he began struggling violently, the realization that he tasted his own release as he wildly thrashed around trying to break the kiss.

Finally granting his wish the kiss was broken, one of her hands moving down his body. “Hmph, it seems you don’t like the taste of your own cum.” A finger scooped up some of the sticky cum, smearing the rest over his chest with her other hand a sadistic expression taking over her face. “Open,” he started to refuse shaking his head. “Open! You remember what happened last time, or do you need an additional punishment today as refreshment.” Reluctant to do so but dreading the punishment he would receive even less, he opened his mouth allowing the finger that was coated with his own cooling fluid to be inserted, allowing the hanyou an undiluted taste of his own potent seed. The taste contrasting surprisingly with the natural taste of her skin on his tongue as he tried not to gag on the finger as it brushed against the back of his throat. Soon enough, she felt him give in and lick the salty remnants from her finger, enjoying the gentle suction of his mouth before pulling it out. “Don’t worry about the taste, soon you’ll come to enjoy and maybe even crave it.”

He was becoming more and more disgusted with himself, his crumbling resolve and apparent loss of willpower to fight back in any way he could. More importantly the realization that he was starting to succumb to the power she held over him, that somewhere deep down he was beginning to enjoy the depravity he was subjected to. The very thought causing his spent cock to begin hardening against his will once more.

“Now now you need to learn to control yourself,” she jokingly chastised him when she noticed he was hard once more. “Don’t worry I have just the thing,” picking up the discarded knife that was used to cut away his cloths and what looked like a metal ring off a table.

“What the hell are you doing wench!” Inuyasha growled at her, quickly panicking as the blade was placed up against the underside of his aroused member.

“This knife is very sharp as I’m sure you’re already aware. Now hold very still, after all I wouldn’t want to accidently cut off your wonderful cock because you jerked causing he to cut too deeply.” He held his breath staying as still as possible as the blade moved, the fear of what potential consequences would result to his sensitive anatomy running over and over in his mind. The blade bit easily into his sensitive flesh, cutting a neat line around the entire circumference of his erection. Relief overcoming him as the knife moved away, the sting of the new wound nothing compared to his earlier suffering.

That was at least until he watched as she cut her own finger, covering the entire surface of it with her life’s blood. The enchantments immediately came to life, as it began releasing an ominous aura. Its purpose and her intent being revealed as it was slipped onto his length and slid all the way down to the base covering the recently made cut. “O almost forgot,” the knife flashed near his throat, the Beads of Subjugation fell to the floor as his last link with his former life was ruthlessly severed. “Pets can only be owned by one master as a time,” she said to him after noticing the remorseful look he sent her. “Now, let’s see if I can remember,” she took on a thoughtful look as she stepped back. “That’s right, I remember now. Constrict!” The ring suddenly tightened, a burning sensation traveling the length of his dick before traveling the rest of his body. The ring heating up to the point that the metal was burning thru the skin of his erect cock as it permanently fused to his skin and the underlying tissue layers. Their comingled blood providing the catalyst for the process as the enchantment literally became a physical part of his anatomy. Her blood taking mastery over his, his body becoming bound once more to the control of another. This time was different and more painful, feeling what felt like a piece of his soul being torn from him and sucked into the enchantment.

Watching him thrust his now painfully hard cock into nothing but air, Sango waited for the binding to be completed. Moving up to his ear she spoke, “Normally slave collars are used when breaking and controlling both male and female demons, but seeing as you’ve already had that particular experience with that necklace you use to wear I decided to use this instead. This particular ring is only used when trying to break the most stubborn and delectable of male demons.” The last part being said as her tongue came out as she stepped closer and licked up the column of his neck to emphasize her point. “It’s designed to keep the bearer in a state of painful arousal, being unable to cum until it’s taken off if or more like when I have your utter and complete submission. Since as you’re no doubt aware it now shares a connection to your soul, as such not even I can remove it, and more importantly you can’t fake your way out of it. One more thing, since you also can’t piss either the longer you take to admit that you belong to me thru submission the more you’ll suffer as your desire to relive yourself increases. Trust me I’ve seen firsthand the suffering involved when a demon made the stupid mistake killing his master after it had been put on. His eventual death was very unpleasant and prolonged.”

She could tell just by his body language and the simple fact that he refused to meet her gaze for the first time when his head was lifted up that he was already considering giving. She could see a deep hopelessness in his unfocussed eyes as well as what could only be the beginnings of acceptance. "Oh, yes. You will make the perfect slave with the right encouragement."

Sango stretched upwards holding him to her as she gave the tip of a furred ear a gentle kiss taking him completely by surprise as his whole body froze. Being this close he was completely encompassed in her scent as it overpowered everything else, and for the first time it caused an unexpected reaction with his consciousness.

A war had started being raged within him as he was suddenly being overwhelmed by his youkai instincts. As far as it was concerned she had already proven her shear dominance over it by her actions as the hanyou was encouraged to submit as it came to appreciate the position he had been placed in. Going so far as to start developing unnatural desires to be put in its place and dominated by the strong alpha female in front of him.

Grasping onto subtle gesture of acceptance his head lowered as he pushed his face into the hollow of her neck. Snuffing a few times, the demon instinctually whined lightly before giving a light lick to the same area. The utterly submissive gesture surprising both as she pulled away in astonishment, understanding almost as well as he did just what it meant.

Inuyasha was in complete shock, never before had he had to fight his inner demon. He couldn’t believe this, not only did it not try to put up a fight and aid him but was actually going against him. Wanting nothing more than to give up and submit to his capture as a good beta should. The outrage and disgust at his own actions momentarily fueling him in his desire to fight. The fire suddenly returning to his eyes as he half heartedly attempted snapping his teeth at her.

She couldn’t help but laugh at both his utter outrage at his self and his reaction to it, “I had a lot of fun time playing today my pet, but now I’m tired and hungry.” His stomach growled at the mention of food, and she smiled. “But don’t worry; I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning to continue our little game. Perhaps if your good I’ll give you something to eat then, that is if you can keep that foul mouth of yours under better control.”

Sango turned heading for the door with the intent of provoking him as he was left hanging while she left to eat. Both knew it and as she reached the door she wasn’t disappointed. She heard a mummer from the still hanging demon as she turned back to him. “What was that?” Turning, she asked him.

Summoning the very last of his strength Inuyasha once again did what he always did in situations beyond his control, mouthing off. Like always, the moment it left his mouth he somewhat regretted it, after all he had already had enough torture for one day. Still it was too late to take it back, and naturally did what he always did in losing situations. Proudly he raised his head as best he could, his eyes locking directly with hers as he tried to hide in mock fury. “I…” He cleared his throat before trying again, eyes now blazing at his own ability to back up what he said. “I said, ‘Fuck you Bitch’.” Inuyasha was shocked as she turned, leaving the room without saying a word. She had given up so easily and for a moment he gloated over the small victory, thinking he had finally won an important battle in their war of wills.

That was at least until she returned, walking in she ignored his inquisitive look. In her hands she was carrying a small box, which she placing on a nearby table before opening it. Without a single word his hair was yanked as his head was once more pulled backward. Noticing to late the needle she carried as it was stabbed into his throat, the plunger was pushed forcing the black concoction directly into what he would later learn was the area of his voice box. His head fell unsupported the moment his hair was released after withdrawing the needle. Without even a backward glance, the needle had been placed back in the box, water poured over the dwindling flames, and she left. Any remaining light sniffed out as the door was closed as he hung limply in the darkened chamber.

Then it started as his neck began to burn, the pain seemed to slowly engulf his entire throat as it quickly reached unbearable levels. An irresistible urge to scratch and claw in an attempt to alleviate the pain overcame him as it felt he apparent poison vigorously attack and eat away the lining of his throat. His face began taking on a blue tint as his enflamed throat swelled, the constriction causing him to struggle to even get air to enter his lungs.

The sound of heavy uneven wheezing that accompanied every breath could be easily heard. A small gurgle caused by a buildup of fluids in his throat escaped him, the pain increasing to the point it felt comparable to being burned alive. Still the fluids continued to build, reaching the point where he was gagging as his airway was flooded. The very act of breathing aided in his torment, the life sustaining air apparently carrying traces of the injected substance throughout his entire airway and into his lungs. Fluid began slowly filling then, choking as his air supply was being continuously interrupted with each inhalation.

‘Too much,’ his only coherent thought. But too much what? Too much pain? Too much torment? Too much suffering?

His torture he realized was being worsened as he began to lose all concept of time, earlier he at least had had an idea of its passage by the burning embers in the blazer, even that being taken from him by the darkness. After all he had and would continue to endure he could only hoped that maybe just maybe whatever she had injected into him might actually kill him, if not now then hopefully before she returned. He had never before wanted to die but he had reached his breaking point, and he knew he couldn’t endure anything else without completely braking. But that didn’t happen; the pain eventually started to wane, his healing powers slowly returning, the suppressing drug’s effects finally worn off.

An uncontrollable shiver traveled thru his body as the air quickly cooled in the absence of heat that night. His limbs no longer responding as they finally went numb. His muscles never getting a chance to relax as he continued to hang. ‘The bitch didn’t even lower me to the ground. Guess that’s what I get for running off at the mouth’ he thought. But what was he suppose to do, roll over and beg like the dog she thought he was? That was another thing, he felt dirty and violated. Wanting nothing more than to wash the dried remnants of his forced orgasm from his body, wishing the water could take the memory of it as well.

Those were his last thoughts as exhaustion finally won out, his mind shutting down as he entered a dreamless slumber. All the while never truly knew what a high price for his belligerence he paid and would continue to pay for the rest his life. Not discovering until the next morning the damage the burning caused, the results of which he would be permanently reminded of…finally breaking his last resolve as nothing else ever could.