InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Twist of Fate ❯ What His Mistress Wants ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3: What His Mistress Wants
He awoke early the next morning to the unmistakable feeling of his hair being moved as it was swept over a shoulder just before the gentle weight of hands being placed on his hips. He stayed absolutely still as thoughts of the punishments for his disobedience flashed thru his mind, even as those same hands pulling him back flush against an equally naked feminine body. He was frozen in shock, having never been this close let alone able to feel the intimacy such closeness brought.
He could feel her every curve from the flat plains of her stomach to the full mounds that were being squashed between them. His skin began heating under her ministrations as hands slid up his sides as the scent off her full blown arousal fueling his still painfully heard erection. He could even feel the hardened points of her erect nipples as they erotically rubbed against his now fully healed and flawless back. Soft lips skimmed over the back of his neck as he withheld an instinctive shudder, hot excited breaths ghosting over his chilled neck as the silence between them was finally broken.
“How hard it must have been, keeping up all that bravado and brashness. While all the while just underneath buried with the hope no one would ever know, was your true weakness.” Her words stunned him; those same hands encircled him moving over a firm taut chest. “But I know better. Inside you’re lonely and scared, having gone your entire life only wanting to be accepted.” He had to grit his teeth as they explored the ridged muscles of his abdomen. “You’ve always been told no matter where you go that Half-Breeds don’t deserve to live.” Just like yesterday every carefully chosen word stabbed him more deeply than any knife ever could. He felt the side of her face press against his back as she reveled in his skin’s smoothness, finally tensing only when her arms applied to much pressure to his extremely full bladder. “Those that do survive are thought worthless, less than dirt and not even worthy of being walked on. Their only worth and usefulness is as someone’s slave…someone’s pet…someone’s dog just like you’ve become.” She smiled into his shoulder blade as she felt him tense, knowing he was about to realize another undeniable truth.
He opened his mouth to refuse her claims, trying to speak despite knowing another punishment be the end result. Nothing came out, denying the sore throat he had woken up to could mean. He tried again a word, a growl, even a simple grunt and still nothing. Absolute horror and realization dawning on him as she spoke, “It’s a really simple potion, mix a strong miasma with dissolved incense and sacraments that have been infused with Reiki either from a monk or priestess. Then one small injection directly into someone’s throat was all that it takes. The acidic poison you see eats away at your larynx making speech impossible, while at the same time the Reiki seals the burned area permanently preventing regeneration of the damaged areas.” The process was described with such a benign tone, an outside observer might have mistaken the description as a simple lecture instead of the life long sentence she had carried out.
Tears blurred his vision under the full weight of the reality was forced upon him, the knowledge that he would never speak again running threw his mind over and over again. Only yesterday he had been just a hair’s breath away from having his will broken. He had reached the point that he had lost control over his body, the fact that even his instincts had been so ready and willing to submit shook his mental foundations. Still, his mind stubbornly held on as he prayed for a miracle even if it was as simple as his untimely death, his mind wanting nothing more than the physical and emotional release that it would bring him. But this, this had been the final straw that even his stubborn mind could never hope to even cope with. He couldn’t take anymore of the abuse he was being subjected to and in that very instant he broke, being left with nothing more than an empty meaningless existence. They both felt as it happened, first of the many enchantments the cock ring previously placed on him contained was released. Sango accomplishing what no other opponent had even come close to ever doing, his submission now complete and undeniable to all.
“Now you see, that wasn’t really so hard to do. Was it?” She cooed, moving around until she was in front of him as she gently wiped the tears from his face. “You belong to me now, and thru me you will for once has a purpose for your continued existence. It no longer matters what others think, your only concern being to serve me in any way I see fit. Your only thought being how to obeying without question as you follow ever order I give not matter what it is. You’ll provide pleasure me and anyone else that I tell you to whenever, wherever, and however I want. That’s to be one of your most important tasks, and it won’t even matter to you if that means other females or even males. Understand?”
He nodded, his instincts demanding that he not look her in the eyes. “If I tell you to tie me down naked and pleasure me for a predefined length of time while additionally ignore anything I say once started, you’ll do just that even if it means a punishment follows for ignoring my orders to stop won’t you?” The visual caused both of them to shutter as Inuyasha nodded more enthusiastically, knowing that he would thoroughly enjoy participating in such an evident.
Noticing the eagerness he was starting to display, she decided a reality check was definitely in order as she took on a more serious tone. “That also means that if I shove your face into my cunt or tell you to suck a cock you are to do so immediately without question, no matter where you might be or who could be watching until told or allowed to stop. That also includes the strong possibility of later taking that same cock up your ass as your…what’s the word you dog demons use…o yes mounted like a bitch in heat.” He once again nodded though with a little more reservation, not anticipating the act of performing those last two particular duties. But honestly what could he do, the moment he submitted to her he gave up his rights as an alpha. As such he had to not only accept but more importantly do whatever he was instructed to do, no matter how much it might disgust him.
“Anyways, now listen up. I’m going to release the slack in the chains holding you up so I can undo the bindings. I want you to bring your arms down in front of you to make it easier for me, but other than that you will stay standing exactly as you are right now.” Knowing beyond doubt that he would comply if for no other reason than to be released, she didn’t even wait for a response as the hand crank was turned and his hands unshackled.
“Now let’s practice your slave positions. First and foremost you are to never stand unless specifically instructed, just for clarification purposes that’s an implied instruction when we’re traveling at a quick pace or for a long distance. Otherwise whenever your moving around you are to craw on your hands and knees, while making sure your back stays parallel to the ground. You’re allowed to keep your head up for the sole purpose of look around so long as you do not make eye contact with your betters, but form the way you’re already doing that with me I don’t think it’s going to be an issue. Also, you will carry me on your back just as I saw you doing for that slut you traveled with. Understand everything so far?” He didn’t even think of correcting his master about Kagome.
“If I say heel or sit, you will sit just like a dog does, now try it…yes that’s it. Keep your feet flat, weight on your hands also, ass touching the ground…good. When awake, unless otherwise instructed this will be your default stationary position, that means you will at times be forced to stay like that for hours if not longer. Anyways, when sleeping you have the choice of two primary positions, laying on your side in the ‘Fetal Position’ or like a dog, hind legs under your body arms folded with your head on them. Use which ever your more comfortable with, however if your good and I grant you permission you will modify the second option placing your head in my lap. That way I have easy access to your ears whenever I want.” He couldn’t help but wonder if all females had a fascination with his ears, even the ones that despised him for being a hanyou. “Lastly, when I say lay or down you are to roll over on your back; feet wide and knees slightly bent outward, hair tucked under you, head turned as your groin, belly, and throat are exposed to whomever I wish to examine you while in submission.”
Inuyasha was having a difficult time moving to each and every position as his bladder felt like it was about to burst. Free of the enchantment preventing his release, his condition was only worsened by having also lost his erection. “I see, so that’s why you’re lagging,” Sango said softly as realization of his need to go dawned on her, “You need to go, don’t you?” He nodded, his head turning a little red in embarrassment. “That brings up the next issue; you must seek permission to relieve yourself, any such disobedience resulting in immediate punishment followed by remedial training. You have permission.”
He stated to roll over, not seeing wicked upturned smile on her face as she stopped him. “No, I didn’t give permission to assume to move…I didn’t say to use your hand either, you’re a dog and dogs don’t use hands.” Realizing her intent he closed his eyes and humiliation relaxing his bladder, urine escaping to spray over his chest, thighs, and groin before spilling over onto the floor seeping under his backside as well as pooled on the cold floor. “This is what I mean by remedial training, you will be forced to go around covered in your own urine…” He was surprised when she kneeled straddling his chest, only to release her own stream covering his upper torso in her own fluids while ignoring the mess he had just caused. “…or mine…”
Taking a moment to rub her crotch against his chest she moved up now straddling his face. “…also another part of remedial training will be to put that tongue of you’re to use cleaning me after I relieve my body.” He did it, though it wasn’t pretty as he constantly choked on the taste of it as it covered his tongue. “I’d have you suck on your cock while swallowing your pee as well as clean yourself if I thought you were flexible enough, though I doubt you’ll be needing this type of remedial training that often. Who knows you might even come to enjoy being covered in my scent and fluids, subconsciously thinking it as just another physical claim I have over you and your body…”
“I think it’s time for a bath, and I know you need one, come.” Obediently he followed as he crawled after his master, his head on a swivel as he took in the sights outside the room. “Your other responsibilities primarily include; cooking, cleaning, and protection. Know now that I intend for you to keep your fire rat armor and I’ll return your sword. Well I guess it’s really my sword now, but I’ll allow you to use it as needed since I don’t need it. Anyways, are you familiar with a Lord’s Bath?” Having occasionally overheard young village girls talking about the details involved he gave an affirmative nod. “Good, I’ll expect you to prepare one every evening for me and anyone who accompanies me.”
Entering the bathing chamber she continued. “Now since I know you’re new at this I’ll give a little leeway as you learn to anticipate my every need, but I expect you to learn fast. Let’s start with the soap selection, go pick out one that won’t overpower your sense of smell.” He looked over the various soaps taking in each sent and picking a mild lavender one, then returned to her side. “I prefer stronger scents, but as you’re learning how my body responds to different touches and actions I’ll make an exception. Now use those buckets over there and wash all that filth off you, then join me in the furo and start cleaning my body.”
The buckets contained ice cold water he noticed as he upended the first one over his head, shivering as the chilled water splashed over his heated skin. “You are to always wash before wash me,” she was mesmerized as she watched the water flowed over the sun tanned skin of his broad shoulders, down the flat planes of his chest, and as it dripped off his long flaccid cock. Coming back to her senses she continued, “You are to always use cold unheated water, even if for example there’s a hot spring in the area. I don’t care if it’s below freezing and the only water source is a frozen over pond or river, if you have to you’ll use those claws of yours to cut a hole and jump in.”
She could sure be cruel when she wanted to be not that she cared either way, after all he was nothing more than a slave and should feel privileged to even be able to touch her bare skin with his half breed hands. “While we’re on the subject of water when traveling, you’re to always try to scent out a water source, preferably a hot spring. Otherwise, you’ll have to manually heat the water over the fire and wash my body by hand with soft rags.” Speaking of washing, he had started soaping his body. “That’s another thing, when caring out your duties during a Lord’s bath you must do it in as erotically as possible. That includes when you’re washing yourself while being watched. Now start over and try again; this time go slower, spread out your fingers, and pay attention to your body’s assets. That means exposing the area your washing to my vision and playing with sensitive areas; such as tweaking nipples, rubbing your flat stomach, fondling your cock even going to far as to mock masturbation, and show your muscled ass as you bend over to wash your legs. Speaking of your ass, when you wash it spread your cheeks and even finger your hole.”
He was learning quickly, this time putting on a highly erotic display even beyond what Sango could have ever hoped for. As he cleaned his cock he once more became aroused, temporarily ruining the particular effect she wanted from that piece of anatomy. ‘O well, that problem will be fixed sooner or later.’ Still she was impressed with his attention to detail as he turned, bending over to clean each leg. Her breathing became labored as his hands moved back up as he washed his firm ass, even hesitantly sticking the tip of one finger inside his tight hole as instructed. ‘It’s a start…’
Quickly he dumped the remaining buckets of water over his head, washing the soap from his body. Resisting the urge to shake like a dog, while she might find it humorous he didn’t want to risk a punishment. Instead he found a small ragged strip of cloth sitting nearby and after looking at her for permission used it to dry off slightly before waking over to join her by the big tub where she had him help with putting her hair up to prevent it from getting wet.
“Normally you will stand outside the bath while performing your bathing duties unless invited in, at which time you’re still not permitted to relax and enjoy the hot water. That means remaining standing unless instructed and leaving the water as soon as your duties are completed. Now a proper lady such as myself or others find it inappropriate to directly request sexual acts, as such the only verbal queue I’ll give especially when I with someone is to invite you in to the water. For now I’ll instruct you as I needed, so get in and start washing me just like I instructed you to wash yourself.”
He stepped into the hot inviting water and slowly started washing her body, lathering both arms and shoulders before taking extra time and care to cup both breast. Making sure both were completely covered in the slippery subs, her nipples taut with longing. Both ears were cocked strait up she noticed, as he focused on her body’s reactions to his touch. One hand moved down, smoothing over her flat stomach claws gentle scraping her skin as the other lightly pinched a nipple. ‘She likes my claws,’ he thought. Her head was thrown back in wordless pleasure the moment that very hand traced farther down and made its way to her nest of black curls.
Her scent was quickly starting to become intoxicating, the now near constant ache in his groin become known once more. This time however was different as he was able to actually enjoy himself. Still he had to fight, it was just that this time he was fighting the strong urge not to reach down and touch his arousal or worse without permission. He was amazed at how her body was already responding to his every touch, hoping beyond hope that if he was good enough and pleased her enough that he would possibly be rewarded and allowed to sheath his achingly hard cock inside her wet flower.
Distracted with watching droplets of moisture as they slid down both breasts he was surprised and a little fearful the moment he felt hands applying pressure to his shoulders. Still acknowledging the unspoken command as he knelt submerging more of his body in the warm soothing water, and despite being told he couldn’t he took a moment to allow his soar overworked muscles a chance to unwind.
Taking the proffered leg he washed it; paying particular care to lightly drag his claw over her inner thighs, massaging her calf muscles, and thoroughly cleaning her small sexy foot. Each touch, each light scrape of his claws, each kink that was meticulously massaged out of her only fueled her arousal as the process was repeated on the other leg, before she turned around bracing her hands on the lip of the tub as she bent over presenting him her perfectly supple rear end. Pulling more lather on both hands he slowly covered both globes, before spreading both cheeks and washing the cleft of her ass. Slowly working down and between her legs, only to be told to stop.
“Can you retract your claw?” She asked looking over her shoulder, only to see him shake his head no. “Then bite your claws off so you don’t accidently hurt me down there.” He noticed a pink tinge to her cheeks as she talked, though he didn’t know if it was from her building arousal or slight embarrassment when talking about her sex. Carefully he bit each and every nail from both hands, alternating forming an ‘L’ shape rubbing the inside edge of his hand against her. His index finger rubbing up and down between her folds and against her clit, his thumb rubbing between each globe as it pressed down on her sphincter. Her body moving in counter time to his rubbing as she ground her groin down on his hand.
Taking two fingers he traced the outer lips of her sex before slowly inserting them into the heat of her womanhood, allowing her to impale herself on them. Thrusting them in and out, he started rubbing her knob with his thumb causing moans to escape as he continued working them in and out mindful of his claws. Sango gasped as Inuyasha hit her most sensitive spot, quickly working her into frenzy as she neared her first orgasm of the day. “Gods, that feels good. Whatever you do don’t STOP!” She shouted the last part as her orgasm hit her, prolonged as he keep working them despite how hard her muscles were squeezing them. Once calming down she prompted him to continue with the bath.
“Hurry up and finish soaping my back.” He did just that, of course that was after he pulled his fingers out and licked the juices off them so that they didn’t go to waste. While he finished up he couldn’t help but hump her ass rubbing his cock up and down in the still slippery valley between her cheeks, at least until she pulled away and looked over her shoulder as she straitened up. “Now I can’t have you humping me like a rabid dog so calm down and rinse me off. Make sure to use your mouth and tongue.”
Cupping both hand, Inuyasha filled them with water, raising them as the water cascaded out, the water flowing down her arm. Trailing repeated kisses from her shoulder to her wrist. The process repeated on her other arm and back once again paying special attention to firm roundness of her ass. The erotic feeling of warm water as it flowed over the two mounds and down the crack only fueled her arousal as his tongue made slow and torturous love to each globe of her rear end, quickly working her up to the next orgasm.
He gently nudged her with his head in an attempt to get her to spread her legs for him again but was thwarted by her this time. “That’s twice now you’ve missed a spot not I said to clean me and that means all of me.” She was glancing over her shoulder waiting for him to realize what she meant. His head cocked to the side in confusion, and she took matters into her own hands as she grabbed his index finger and placed it right up against her puckered orifice.
His eyes bulged in shock and his head whipped backwards from her simple gesture. There was no way she wanted his fingers in there. He shuttered as he remember the feeling from just a little while ago when he’d done as told and put a finger in his own hole. Apparently he was wrong and she did want just that if the subtle backward push of her rear was any indication to go by. Slowly and gently he applied a little pressure as the tip began to sink into her heat, after all he had made the mistake of just pushing strait into his own hole and it had hurt like hell.
Suddenly her muscles relaxed as finger was all but swallowed up to the first knuckle, a moan escaping along with its penetration. Encouraged by her response he continued, twisting his finger to help loosen up the hole as he applied additional pressure. This time however a hiss escaped as her sphincter was stretched uncomfortable to accommodate the second knuckle causing him to still and almost pull out as he was stopped. “No don’t pull out I’m alright, just give me a moment.” The pain began to recede, a sudden idea hitting her. “On second thought pull out and use some soap to help slide in and out, then use your mouth on my cunt to help distract me from anymore pain.”
Moving his head down, she spread her legs this time and impaled herself on tongue. At the same time he reinserted the finger and between his tongue and the soap lid home without resistance. God, the taste and smell of her arousal coming straight from the source was almost too much for him to take, quickly becoming addicted to the taste and wanting more. In and out his tongue moved in imitation of what he wanted to do with another part of his anatomy, the ruff and limber muscle flexing and twisting inside her. While at the same time, his finger worked in and out of her dilated hole at a maddening pace as she was quickly brought toward a second orgasm.
This was such a dirty act, one in which a proper lady. Then again the she wasn’t proper, and the dirtiness of the act was just turning her on more and more. “That’s it work that finger in me…harder…fuck me with the filthy tongue and make me come…” He did just that and his diligence was reward when not a minute later as she reached a second orgasm. The taste of her release flooding the taste buds in his mouth as he greedily lapped up all the fluid that was offered.
He awoke early the next morning to the unmistakable feeling of his hair being moved as it was swept over a shoulder just before the gentle weight of hands being placed on his hips. He stayed absolutely still as thoughts of the punishments for his disobedience flashed thru his mind, even as those same hands pulling him back flush against an equally naked feminine body. He was frozen in shock, having never been this close let alone able to feel the intimacy such closeness brought.
He could feel her every curve from the flat plains of her stomach to the full mounds that were being squashed between them. His skin began heating under her ministrations as hands slid up his sides as the scent off her full blown arousal fueling his still painfully heard erection. He could even feel the hardened points of her erect nipples as they erotically rubbed against his now fully healed and flawless back. Soft lips skimmed over the back of his neck as he withheld an instinctive shudder, hot excited breaths ghosting over his chilled neck as the silence between them was finally broken.
“How hard it must have been, keeping up all that bravado and brashness. While all the while just underneath buried with the hope no one would ever know, was your true weakness.” Her words stunned him; those same hands encircled him moving over a firm taut chest. “But I know better. Inside you’re lonely and scared, having gone your entire life only wanting to be accepted.” He had to grit his teeth as they explored the ridged muscles of his abdomen. “You’ve always been told no matter where you go that Half-Breeds don’t deserve to live.” Just like yesterday every carefully chosen word stabbed him more deeply than any knife ever could. He felt the side of her face press against his back as she reveled in his skin’s smoothness, finally tensing only when her arms applied to much pressure to his extremely full bladder. “Those that do survive are thought worthless, less than dirt and not even worthy of being walked on. Their only worth and usefulness is as someone’s slave…someone’s pet…someone’s dog just like you’ve become.” She smiled into his shoulder blade as she felt him tense, knowing he was about to realize another undeniable truth.
He opened his mouth to refuse her claims, trying to speak despite knowing another punishment be the end result. Nothing came out, denying the sore throat he had woken up to could mean. He tried again a word, a growl, even a simple grunt and still nothing. Absolute horror and realization dawning on him as she spoke, “It’s a really simple potion, mix a strong miasma with dissolved incense and sacraments that have been infused with Reiki either from a monk or priestess. Then one small injection directly into someone’s throat was all that it takes. The acidic poison you see eats away at your larynx making speech impossible, while at the same time the Reiki seals the burned area permanently preventing regeneration of the damaged areas.” The process was described with such a benign tone, an outside observer might have mistaken the description as a simple lecture instead of the life long sentence she had carried out.
Tears blurred his vision under the full weight of the reality was forced upon him, the knowledge that he would never speak again running threw his mind over and over again. Only yesterday he had been just a hair’s breath away from having his will broken. He had reached the point that he had lost control over his body, the fact that even his instincts had been so ready and willing to submit shook his mental foundations. Still, his mind stubbornly held on as he prayed for a miracle even if it was as simple as his untimely death, his mind wanting nothing more than the physical and emotional release that it would bring him. But this, this had been the final straw that even his stubborn mind could never hope to even cope with. He couldn’t take anymore of the abuse he was being subjected to and in that very instant he broke, being left with nothing more than an empty meaningless existence. They both felt as it happened, first of the many enchantments the cock ring previously placed on him contained was released. Sango accomplishing what no other opponent had even come close to ever doing, his submission now complete and undeniable to all.
“Now you see, that wasn’t really so hard to do. Was it?” She cooed, moving around until she was in front of him as she gently wiped the tears from his face. “You belong to me now, and thru me you will for once has a purpose for your continued existence. It no longer matters what others think, your only concern being to serve me in any way I see fit. Your only thought being how to obeying without question as you follow ever order I give not matter what it is. You’ll provide pleasure me and anyone else that I tell you to whenever, wherever, and however I want. That’s to be one of your most important tasks, and it won’t even matter to you if that means other females or even males. Understand?”
He nodded, his instincts demanding that he not look her in the eyes. “If I tell you to tie me down naked and pleasure me for a predefined length of time while additionally ignore anything I say once started, you’ll do just that even if it means a punishment follows for ignoring my orders to stop won’t you?” The visual caused both of them to shutter as Inuyasha nodded more enthusiastically, knowing that he would thoroughly enjoy participating in such an evident.
Noticing the eagerness he was starting to display, she decided a reality check was definitely in order as she took on a more serious tone. “That also means that if I shove your face into my cunt or tell you to suck a cock you are to do so immediately without question, no matter where you might be or who could be watching until told or allowed to stop. That also includes the strong possibility of later taking that same cock up your ass as your…what’s the word you dog demons use…o yes mounted like a bitch in heat.” He once again nodded though with a little more reservation, not anticipating the act of performing those last two particular duties. But honestly what could he do, the moment he submitted to her he gave up his rights as an alpha. As such he had to not only accept but more importantly do whatever he was instructed to do, no matter how much it might disgust him.
“Anyways, now listen up. I’m going to release the slack in the chains holding you up so I can undo the bindings. I want you to bring your arms down in front of you to make it easier for me, but other than that you will stay standing exactly as you are right now.” Knowing beyond doubt that he would comply if for no other reason than to be released, she didn’t even wait for a response as the hand crank was turned and his hands unshackled.
“Now let’s practice your slave positions. First and foremost you are to never stand unless specifically instructed, just for clarification purposes that’s an implied instruction when we’re traveling at a quick pace or for a long distance. Otherwise whenever your moving around you are to craw on your hands and knees, while making sure your back stays parallel to the ground. You’re allowed to keep your head up for the sole purpose of look around so long as you do not make eye contact with your betters, but form the way you’re already doing that with me I don’t think it’s going to be an issue. Also, you will carry me on your back just as I saw you doing for that slut you traveled with. Understand everything so far?” He didn’t even think of correcting his master about Kagome.
“If I say heel or sit, you will sit just like a dog does, now try it…yes that’s it. Keep your feet flat, weight on your hands also, ass touching the ground…good. When awake, unless otherwise instructed this will be your default stationary position, that means you will at times be forced to stay like that for hours if not longer. Anyways, when sleeping you have the choice of two primary positions, laying on your side in the ‘Fetal Position’ or like a dog, hind legs under your body arms folded with your head on them. Use which ever your more comfortable with, however if your good and I grant you permission you will modify the second option placing your head in my lap. That way I have easy access to your ears whenever I want.” He couldn’t help but wonder if all females had a fascination with his ears, even the ones that despised him for being a hanyou. “Lastly, when I say lay or down you are to roll over on your back; feet wide and knees slightly bent outward, hair tucked under you, head turned as your groin, belly, and throat are exposed to whomever I wish to examine you while in submission.”
Inuyasha was having a difficult time moving to each and every position as his bladder felt like it was about to burst. Free of the enchantment preventing his release, his condition was only worsened by having also lost his erection. “I see, so that’s why you’re lagging,” Sango said softly as realization of his need to go dawned on her, “You need to go, don’t you?” He nodded, his head turning a little red in embarrassment. “That brings up the next issue; you must seek permission to relieve yourself, any such disobedience resulting in immediate punishment followed by remedial training. You have permission.”
He stated to roll over, not seeing wicked upturned smile on her face as she stopped him. “No, I didn’t give permission to assume to move…I didn’t say to use your hand either, you’re a dog and dogs don’t use hands.” Realizing her intent he closed his eyes and humiliation relaxing his bladder, urine escaping to spray over his chest, thighs, and groin before spilling over onto the floor seeping under his backside as well as pooled on the cold floor. “This is what I mean by remedial training, you will be forced to go around covered in your own urine…” He was surprised when she kneeled straddling his chest, only to release her own stream covering his upper torso in her own fluids while ignoring the mess he had just caused. “…or mine…”
Taking a moment to rub her crotch against his chest she moved up now straddling his face. “…also another part of remedial training will be to put that tongue of you’re to use cleaning me after I relieve my body.” He did it, though it wasn’t pretty as he constantly choked on the taste of it as it covered his tongue. “I’d have you suck on your cock while swallowing your pee as well as clean yourself if I thought you were flexible enough, though I doubt you’ll be needing this type of remedial training that often. Who knows you might even come to enjoy being covered in my scent and fluids, subconsciously thinking it as just another physical claim I have over you and your body…”
“I think it’s time for a bath, and I know you need one, come.” Obediently he followed as he crawled after his master, his head on a swivel as he took in the sights outside the room. “Your other responsibilities primarily include; cooking, cleaning, and protection. Know now that I intend for you to keep your fire rat armor and I’ll return your sword. Well I guess it’s really my sword now, but I’ll allow you to use it as needed since I don’t need it. Anyways, are you familiar with a Lord’s Bath?” Having occasionally overheard young village girls talking about the details involved he gave an affirmative nod. “Good, I’ll expect you to prepare one every evening for me and anyone who accompanies me.”
Entering the bathing chamber she continued. “Now since I know you’re new at this I’ll give a little leeway as you learn to anticipate my every need, but I expect you to learn fast. Let’s start with the soap selection, go pick out one that won’t overpower your sense of smell.” He looked over the various soaps taking in each sent and picking a mild lavender one, then returned to her side. “I prefer stronger scents, but as you’re learning how my body responds to different touches and actions I’ll make an exception. Now use those buckets over there and wash all that filth off you, then join me in the furo and start cleaning my body.”
The buckets contained ice cold water he noticed as he upended the first one over his head, shivering as the chilled water splashed over his heated skin. “You are to always wash before wash me,” she was mesmerized as she watched the water flowed over the sun tanned skin of his broad shoulders, down the flat planes of his chest, and as it dripped off his long flaccid cock. Coming back to her senses she continued, “You are to always use cold unheated water, even if for example there’s a hot spring in the area. I don’t care if it’s below freezing and the only water source is a frozen over pond or river, if you have to you’ll use those claws of yours to cut a hole and jump in.”
She could sure be cruel when she wanted to be not that she cared either way, after all he was nothing more than a slave and should feel privileged to even be able to touch her bare skin with his half breed hands. “While we’re on the subject of water when traveling, you’re to always try to scent out a water source, preferably a hot spring. Otherwise, you’ll have to manually heat the water over the fire and wash my body by hand with soft rags.” Speaking of washing, he had started soaping his body. “That’s another thing, when caring out your duties during a Lord’s bath you must do it in as erotically as possible. That includes when you’re washing yourself while being watched. Now start over and try again; this time go slower, spread out your fingers, and pay attention to your body’s assets. That means exposing the area your washing to my vision and playing with sensitive areas; such as tweaking nipples, rubbing your flat stomach, fondling your cock even going to far as to mock masturbation, and show your muscled ass as you bend over to wash your legs. Speaking of your ass, when you wash it spread your cheeks and even finger your hole.”
He was learning quickly, this time putting on a highly erotic display even beyond what Sango could have ever hoped for. As he cleaned his cock he once more became aroused, temporarily ruining the particular effect she wanted from that piece of anatomy. ‘O well, that problem will be fixed sooner or later.’ Still she was impressed with his attention to detail as he turned, bending over to clean each leg. Her breathing became labored as his hands moved back up as he washed his firm ass, even hesitantly sticking the tip of one finger inside his tight hole as instructed. ‘It’s a start…’
Quickly he dumped the remaining buckets of water over his head, washing the soap from his body. Resisting the urge to shake like a dog, while she might find it humorous he didn’t want to risk a punishment. Instead he found a small ragged strip of cloth sitting nearby and after looking at her for permission used it to dry off slightly before waking over to join her by the big tub where she had him help with putting her hair up to prevent it from getting wet.
“Normally you will stand outside the bath while performing your bathing duties unless invited in, at which time you’re still not permitted to relax and enjoy the hot water. That means remaining standing unless instructed and leaving the water as soon as your duties are completed. Now a proper lady such as myself or others find it inappropriate to directly request sexual acts, as such the only verbal queue I’ll give especially when I with someone is to invite you in to the water. For now I’ll instruct you as I needed, so get in and start washing me just like I instructed you to wash yourself.”
He stepped into the hot inviting water and slowly started washing her body, lathering both arms and shoulders before taking extra time and care to cup both breast. Making sure both were completely covered in the slippery subs, her nipples taut with longing. Both ears were cocked strait up she noticed, as he focused on her body’s reactions to his touch. One hand moved down, smoothing over her flat stomach claws gentle scraping her skin as the other lightly pinched a nipple. ‘She likes my claws,’ he thought. Her head was thrown back in wordless pleasure the moment that very hand traced farther down and made its way to her nest of black curls.
Her scent was quickly starting to become intoxicating, the now near constant ache in his groin become known once more. This time however was different as he was able to actually enjoy himself. Still he had to fight, it was just that this time he was fighting the strong urge not to reach down and touch his arousal or worse without permission. He was amazed at how her body was already responding to his every touch, hoping beyond hope that if he was good enough and pleased her enough that he would possibly be rewarded and allowed to sheath his achingly hard cock inside her wet flower.
Distracted with watching droplets of moisture as they slid down both breasts he was surprised and a little fearful the moment he felt hands applying pressure to his shoulders. Still acknowledging the unspoken command as he knelt submerging more of his body in the warm soothing water, and despite being told he couldn’t he took a moment to allow his soar overworked muscles a chance to unwind.
Taking the proffered leg he washed it; paying particular care to lightly drag his claw over her inner thighs, massaging her calf muscles, and thoroughly cleaning her small sexy foot. Each touch, each light scrape of his claws, each kink that was meticulously massaged out of her only fueled her arousal as the process was repeated on the other leg, before she turned around bracing her hands on the lip of the tub as she bent over presenting him her perfectly supple rear end. Pulling more lather on both hands he slowly covered both globes, before spreading both cheeks and washing the cleft of her ass. Slowly working down and between her legs, only to be told to stop.
“Can you retract your claw?” She asked looking over her shoulder, only to see him shake his head no. “Then bite your claws off so you don’t accidently hurt me down there.” He noticed a pink tinge to her cheeks as she talked, though he didn’t know if it was from her building arousal or slight embarrassment when talking about her sex. Carefully he bit each and every nail from both hands, alternating forming an ‘L’ shape rubbing the inside edge of his hand against her. His index finger rubbing up and down between her folds and against her clit, his thumb rubbing between each globe as it pressed down on her sphincter. Her body moving in counter time to his rubbing as she ground her groin down on his hand.
Taking two fingers he traced the outer lips of her sex before slowly inserting them into the heat of her womanhood, allowing her to impale herself on them. Thrusting them in and out, he started rubbing her knob with his thumb causing moans to escape as he continued working them in and out mindful of his claws. Sango gasped as Inuyasha hit her most sensitive spot, quickly working her into frenzy as she neared her first orgasm of the day. “Gods, that feels good. Whatever you do don’t STOP!” She shouted the last part as her orgasm hit her, prolonged as he keep working them despite how hard her muscles were squeezing them. Once calming down she prompted him to continue with the bath.
“Hurry up and finish soaping my back.” He did just that, of course that was after he pulled his fingers out and licked the juices off them so that they didn’t go to waste. While he finished up he couldn’t help but hump her ass rubbing his cock up and down in the still slippery valley between her cheeks, at least until she pulled away and looked over her shoulder as she straitened up. “Now I can’t have you humping me like a rabid dog so calm down and rinse me off. Make sure to use your mouth and tongue.”
Cupping both hand, Inuyasha filled them with water, raising them as the water cascaded out, the water flowing down her arm. Trailing repeated kisses from her shoulder to her wrist. The process repeated on her other arm and back once again paying special attention to firm roundness of her ass. The erotic feeling of warm water as it flowed over the two mounds and down the crack only fueled her arousal as his tongue made slow and torturous love to each globe of her rear end, quickly working her up to the next orgasm.
He gently nudged her with his head in an attempt to get her to spread her legs for him again but was thwarted by her this time. “That’s twice now you’ve missed a spot not I said to clean me and that means all of me.” She was glancing over her shoulder waiting for him to realize what she meant. His head cocked to the side in confusion, and she took matters into her own hands as she grabbed his index finger and placed it right up against her puckered orifice.
His eyes bulged in shock and his head whipped backwards from her simple gesture. There was no way she wanted his fingers in there. He shuttered as he remember the feeling from just a little while ago when he’d done as told and put a finger in his own hole. Apparently he was wrong and she did want just that if the subtle backward push of her rear was any indication to go by. Slowly and gently he applied a little pressure as the tip began to sink into her heat, after all he had made the mistake of just pushing strait into his own hole and it had hurt like hell.
Suddenly her muscles relaxed as finger was all but swallowed up to the first knuckle, a moan escaping along with its penetration. Encouraged by her response he continued, twisting his finger to help loosen up the hole as he applied additional pressure. This time however a hiss escaped as her sphincter was stretched uncomfortable to accommodate the second knuckle causing him to still and almost pull out as he was stopped. “No don’t pull out I’m alright, just give me a moment.” The pain began to recede, a sudden idea hitting her. “On second thought pull out and use some soap to help slide in and out, then use your mouth on my cunt to help distract me from anymore pain.”
Moving his head down, she spread her legs this time and impaled herself on tongue. At the same time he reinserted the finger and between his tongue and the soap lid home without resistance. God, the taste and smell of her arousal coming straight from the source was almost too much for him to take, quickly becoming addicted to the taste and wanting more. In and out his tongue moved in imitation of what he wanted to do with another part of his anatomy, the ruff and limber muscle flexing and twisting inside her. While at the same time, his finger worked in and out of her dilated hole at a maddening pace as she was quickly brought toward a second orgasm.
This was such a dirty act, one in which a proper lady. Then again the she wasn’t proper, and the dirtiness of the act was just turning her on more and more. “That’s it work that finger in me…harder…fuck me with the filthy tongue and make me come…” He did just that and his diligence was reward when not a minute later as she reached a second orgasm. The taste of her release flooding the taste buds in his mouth as he greedily lapped up all the fluid that was offered.