InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampire Addiction ❯ An Interesting Day ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mean while on the other side of the city a girl by the name of Kiyora Kawamichi laid under her blanket sleeping soundly until her alarm clock woke her from her peaceful slumber.
"mmmm" reaching her slender arm out from under her cocoon of warmth to turn off the annoying digital clock. Kiyora sighed going back to her dreams,until there was a knocking on her bedroom door her mother saying
"Her breakfast was ready and to get up now before she came in to get her up herself!"
"mmm just a few more minutes momma!" snuggling deeper in her blanket not wanting to get up for school. Her mother thought other wise coming into her room ripping the blanket from her body while moving to open the curtains the sunlight ruining any chance of her going back to sleep.
"It's time to get up kiyora ann kawamichi before your late let's get to it shall we!" walking out her sroom to leave her daughter to do what her mother asked. She only sighed rolling onto her back in her pink hello kitty underwear and hello kitty baby t showing her trim and tan stomach a small diamond belly peircing she bought last summer. Mother didn't approve much but it was too late to do anything about it so she let it slide. Which was a relief cause that shit hurt like hell to just let it close back up again.
In thought for a moment her flawless features wondering if she'd ever be a supermodel like her sister Naminae now thinking of what country her sister was visiting or what new boy toy she's currently flaunting. Nami never could keep a boyfriend she'd always have more then one at a time which mother didn't like because it was hard to keep up with her so mom just said "well when you've decided to settle down please bring the poor boy over to meet your mother."
Nami's only answer for that was the usual. "Of course momma anything for you!" along with her award winning smile mastered since birth she got mom hook line and sinker. On the other hand kiyora did look like her big sister in face but not in body while nami was taller and slimmer then her and had shorter hair which she cut when she got older nami looked the same as always. Kiyora came in second to her big sis don't get me wrong kiyoras body was just alittle thicker since she used to be chubby growing up losing the weight in her stomach working out endlessly toning her thighs, starting from her hips down to her thighs those always got attention along with her rounded backside and short height she just wasn't model material. At least her boobs were bigger then her sisters which made kiyora laugh on the inside.
Getting up now to go shower and dress for school being a senior was the best kiyora knew before the summer started she'd be graduated and off to college by fall meaning no more curfew or motherly guidence, and also her birthday coming next month so life was sweet except she's never had a boyfriend or sex for that matter all her other friends would tell stories of when they did the it.
Humming a tune with a smile on her pretty face she washed herself in peace. Exiting now in a towel kiyora dressed and gathered her books up for the day, running downstairs kiyora was greeted with the smell of her mothers good cooking eggs, toast, and bacon yum now that she will miss.
"mmmm smells so good in here mama!" taking a seat across from where her mother watching her add some pepper to her scrambled eggs speaking to her daughter while she cooked.
"I know it smells good cause I made it dear, now your plate is in the microwave o.j's in the fridge hurry and eat you only have twenty minutes, I'll drive you so you won't be so late to school!" turning away from the stove to turn on the coffee brewer.
"Yes sir I mean ma'am!" giving a salute to her chief and commander giggling at herself.
Laughing at her adorable daughter her mother only shook her head from side to side sighing quietly because kiyora had her fathers smile. Leaving that memory behind she grabbed a coffee mug from the cupbroad placing it on the kitchen counter beside her.
Kiyora snatched her breakfast then took her o.j. from the fridge, taking a seat and dugging in enjoying her mothers cooking.
"So have anything thought up for your birthday kiki?" Her mother asked taking a seat next to her daughter eating slowly while eyeing her. Pausing from shoveling her food into her mouth kiyora swallowed and thought of an answer for her mother.
"Umm well me and sora were just going to hang out and shop then go see a movie afterwards nothing really special!"
Sora was really sorena since sora hated her name everyone's just been calling her sora instead. They were never seen not together. Ever since the 3rd grade they've basically been insperatable.
"Oh really that sounds nice honeybun I just hope you'll like my surprise that I have in store for you!" Winking her eye while making a dazzling smile grace her mother Yuna's lovely features.
Kiyora couldn't help but love her mother even more. Also Yuna was laughing on the inside wanting to correct her baby girls grammar but since she's going to turn eighteen soon she didn't want to pursue the thought.
Lighting up like a christmas tree kiyora bit her lip in childish delight squirming around in her seat.
"Really can I know what it is please mama please tell me!" pouting like a five year old and looking as cute as a button, kiyoras mother already knew how not to be brought down by that face.
"Nope not until your birthday kiki now finish up you've got less then ten mintues!" Frowning now all kiyora could say was
"Yes mama!"
Driving to her school kiyora knew it was going to be a great day hopefully holding her bag kiyora stepped out of her mothers car closing the door behind her.
"Kiki sweetie do you need me to pick you up after your cheerleading pratice I can you just have to wait an hour or so before I can get off of work early!"
She said speaking from the inside of the car through the window. Kiyora smiled at her mothers protective attitude leaning down she smiled brightly at her.
"No it's okay I'm gonna be with sora were going to get some ice cream afterwards then I'll head home is that okay?"
"Sure just be home before I get there am I understood missy!"
Flinching at hearing her mother calling her missy, knowing her child never listened to her mothers wishes. Not wanting to argue like all the other times they didn't see eye to eye. Kiyora just nodded her agreement and her mother drove off knowing it was the end of the conversation.
"Hey kiki over here!" a girl shouted from the side of the school parking lot, turning around to see who just called her kiyora smiled showing perfectly white teeth back at her friend leaving to walk to her they began to talk and giggle reaching the school entrance already hearing the bell ring.
Leaving now from the ice cream parlor kiyora and sora enjoyed there chocolate sundaes drizzled in caramel topping, holding her ice cream in one hand sora looked to kiyora with a pained expression on her freckled face.
"Kiki don't get mad at me but Bankotsu asked me to tell you he wants to go out with you and take you to the dance!"
Waiting for a reply sora only got slience, sighing she began to eat her ice cream again hoping her dear friend wouldn't explode adn start raving like a mad women.
In deep thought kiyora finally came up with an answer to the craziest thing she's heard all day, stopping midway from licking her ice cream kiyora glanced at sora.
"Tell him he can go fuck himself as if I'd go out with that walking std. He's had sex with almost every goddamn girl in school woman are you insane."
Throwing her head back while laughing at her friends cursing and insulting remark on the silly boy sora finishes off her ice cream both of them throw what's left away in a nearby trash bin sora asks smiling from ear to ear putting her behind her head.
"I knew you'd say something like that. I just thought you'd want to know he was staring at you so much in the caferteria today I thought he was going to turn into your own personal mirror!"
"Really I never noticed."
"You never do when it involves guys."opening her backpack to take a piece of paper out giving it to kiyora to take.
"What's that?" inspecting the folded paper like if it were a bomb she took it anyway.
Laughing again sora reply's
"It's a note from bank you know we have science class together, and he just kept bothering me so much I had to take it from him. At first I wanted to just tear it up for you but then I thought I should give you the privelege before I did it instead!"
Grining from ear to ear sora took a seat on a nearby bench with kiyora following suit. Crossing her legs kiyora unfolded the small paper and skimmed through the note.
" The nerve of that jackass!"
"What does it say kiki?" Moving closer to her to read the note also.
To: Kiyora
From: Bankotsu
Want to know if you'll go with me to the dance and then afterwards have some fun (fun underlined twice) at my house!
Yes or No?
"Is this fool serious do I look young and dumb like I don't know what kind of fun he's talking about you see sora I just don't get it boys now a days think girls just want to drop it like it's hot for just anyone!"
Getting a pen from her backpack to reply to his insane question sora laughs saying.
"You should tell him he needs a priests blessing before you ever let him touch you!" appling chapstick to her lips looking at her friend scribble her answer.
"I'm gonna put a hell no on the end then write a reminder to him to stay the hell away from me before I get all medeviel on his ass!"
Smiling while writing down her answer kiyora looked up to the sound of a very loud car coming down the street it was a black jaguar seeing it zoom down the street you would think it was trying to finish a race it already won.
"Wow look at that shit kik it's going at mach speed!" pointing while looking down at the direction of the car coming closer into view.
"Yea pretty fast huh I just hope it doesn't crash anywhere near here." Looking at the car slow down now thinking it was just going to go past them it didnt stopping a block away from there sitting area driving slowly towards them .
"Let's start going sora I gotta get home before my mom does!" Not quite trusting the car since it just stopped on a dime a block away from them kiyora didn't want to take any chances.
"Yea your right that cars creeping me out let's go!" Gathering up there backpacks the girls start walking to there homes. The car moving along with them.
"Hey kiki you think it's a rapist you know the ones in those documentaries they show at school to tell you not to talk to strangers or your gonna get kidnapped!" Holding onto kiyoras arm tightly not wanting to lose pace with her friend sora peeked back and made an small "eep".
Narrowing her trimmed eyebrows kiyora turned towards her friend to ease her mind
"Dont be silly sora if anything I'll kick whoevers ass is in that car trust me I pack a mean right hook!"
The car slowly moving right next to them keeping up pace with there walking. Kiyora looked to her side and couldn't even see a face through the tinted windows which made her alittle worried.
"Kiki the car is still following us!" Sora whispered near kiyoras ear making her all the more alert to there situation.