InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Warring Love ❯ Meet the Clans(Part 2) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
the Clans (Part 2)

Kagome finally decided to get up when she realized that she wasn’t going to get wink of sleep thanks to

her early visitor got dressed in her favorite ninja outfit that was green and had some hidden abilities that she

knew could come in handy along the day along with all her weapons. She then made her way to the roof

tops and made a straight jump up about 100 stories and then grabbed a rope and climbed up to an area that

was covered by small groups of buildings held up on a platform held in the sky by 40 large blimps and

everybody seen never seemed to be more like fleas than demons jumping from one building to the next.

Kagome began to search through the jumping people until she realized that Miroku must have had

another ‘long night’ and decided that she might as well have some fun messing with some of the newbies

heads and began thinking of the tricks that when she saw a whirlwind racing towards her and groaned

thinking ‘oh boy here comes that constant gnat in my ear’. Then the whirlwind dissipated revealing a wolf

demon that soon grabbed her hand and with starry eyes said, “ Hey Kagome, you want to go to the movies

and see that new horror movie that came out this Saturday.” “Uhhhh……. Sorry Koga but I have

to…ummm…. baby sit my….. Uhhh …. Sister’s son this weekend.” “Oh, okay maybe next time,” and then

sped of off in a whirlwind. ‘Phew, I thought he’d never go away, now to have some fun while I wait for

Miroku to get here.’

Kagome’s first victims was a couple making out and she then jumped up into the air about 100 yds

away from them and then activated the glider wings and had gotten right above the couple and was about to

pour a bottle of super glue on their lips when she heard someone say, “Hey Kagome, just what are you

planning on doing with that bottle, huh?” ‘Damn your insufferable timing Miroku.’ She then turns around

and heads over to talk to him.

“C’mon Miroku couldn’t you let me have a little fun and keep your hand off my ass if you want to keep it

attached to your wrist.” “Ah of course you are totally right and I have more fun ruining your jokes and s

eeing you all flustered.”

“Miroku there is something happened last night that I think you aught to know

about,” she said suddenly getting very serious. Miroku sensed her concern and asked her what happened.

“An Earthcrawler came into my house and was trying to assassinate me.” “Are sure that it was an

Earthcrawler, their anything that seemed a bit off.” “Well now that I think about it the scent did seem a bit

decayed.” “Tell me Kagome, did you seem to have any strange dreams and if so, what.” “Yes and all that

was said was this: Four are born under the light of a full moon. One a with a shielded heart,

one to break them down, one to be hurt by the loved for disliked acts, and one to be of

untamed spirit. All to overcome an unspeakable evil. But all must accept each other first

or all is lost.
Miroku then whispered “ Not now!”

A/N: So what do you think I’m still taking suggestions on Miroku demon type R/R