InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Western lands tale ❯ Chapter 2
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclamer I don’t own Inuyasha and Co. They belong to Takahashi-sama.
Chapter 2
In the Western land castle dawn newly broke into the sky as Sesshomaru and Rin are outside on the training grounds practicing hand to hand combat. There you see a shirtless Sesshomaru, with his long silvery white hair tied in a high pony tail crouched in a fighting stance. Kami, he’s gorgeous, Rin thought aroused simply by his presence which Sesshomaru’s canine nose didn’t miss the swift change of scent in his oponant.
When her scent spiked with a sweet yet spicy undertone, he found himself intoxicated. Sesshomaru had to force himself not to get distracted by the sheer pleasure the scent brought him. It didn’t help either that she was half flower demon. The year after Rin had the youki transplant her body became lithe very curvaceous. Nice big high breasts, trim waist, lush hips, plump backside and legs that could go on for miles. When Kagome looked into the drastic changes and found out that flower demons were very beautiful creatures. They would use their body and scent to attract their pray which were mostly humans. At that Rin was scared of what she was now, she didn’t want to be a human eating demon especially if her own best-friend and nanny was one! But Kagome also found out that a youki transfusion only gave the user the powers, life span and some physical characteristics of the demon but not the nutritional aspects. Rin was so ecstatic that she went to the kitchen and baked herself a plate of sweet cakes.
Anyway, on her side Rin didn’t notice that he could smell her. She was also in a fighting stance but she was wearing a one layer white snug-fitting kimono with a pattern of pink sakuras. Her kimono goes to her ankles but has a slip on each side that go up to mid-thigh showing a lot of skin. It was also sleeveless and had a turtleneck top.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken yelled, his voice irritation the hell out of the Tai-youkai.
“What is it Jaken?” Sesshomaru asked in his monotone, void of emotions voice while straitening.
At this Rin smirked and charged at her lord’s back. Think swiftly and silently, she thought jumping in the air to do a round house kick.
Her foot almost made hit his head but in a blur she was grabbed by the ankle and dragged to the floor with her master crouching over her. A shadow of a smirk on his lips and in his eyes but was gone when he spoke to Jaken not making any move to get up or to look at the toad, only locking gold with cinnamon.
“You were saying Jaken?”
“Y...yes, one of the messengers from the Eastern lands brought a message saying that his lord and lady are coming to visit with the new heir, Jaken soundly swallowed, he is waiting for an answer.”
“Tell him, we will be ready for them,” responded Sesshomaru getting up and helping Rinto her own feet and still not breaking the eye contact as if waiting for her to say something. She sighed in resignation.
“Yeah, yeah I know, get the castle ready for our visiting guests,” she said leaving the training grounds.
“Rin, she turned back to him. It is not yeah, its yes.”
“As usual m’lord, you are right,” she said doing a mock blow a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Do you mock this Sesshomaru?”
“This Rin does not mock my great Lord Sesshomaru,” she said continuing to sashay away.
“Rin we are not done here.”
“Of course not but the palace need tending to.” So he let her go. Blood boiling Sesshomaru runs to his chambers to let out some steam before the visitors arrived.
When Rin entered the main entrance every servants were there. Rin looked at them first with her stoic mask on but after a moment she couldn’t keep it so she burts out in a grin she said: “Ok everyone we have royalty to prepare for so the guest rooms will need new beddings and a good dusting, A bouquet will be required in every room too. We’ll have to think up of a good menu to impress. Decorations are not in order but the castle has to be clean I will bring flowers in,” she said with all the enthusiasm she felt and she could see that it was contagious because everybody cheered and went to work.
On her part Rin went to her chambers to take a bath and put on a fresh kimono. This time it was sky blue with silver embroidery. After bathing in her sakura scented water she tied her hair in a bun at the top of her head and slip on the kimono and sandals.
Going out in the gardens that she loved tending to, Rin picks different flowers for all the guest rooms. Twenty guestrooms, for kami sakes, I have to talk to him about that one day. I mean what does he need twenty rooms for we’re only two most times since the servants live outside of the castle at night. Of course there are the tutors, but they have their own huts on the castle ground. Ok, so we sometimes have a lot of guests over and they do fill the rooms up pretty quickly but that’s only three times a year. Oh who am I kidding? When Sesshomaru is going to mate then his mate will be living here and her entourage will be filling the rooms. I just might have to leave when that happens. Kagome says that I’ll have a place with her and Inuyasha. So well, yeah, I’m screwed either way. I’m even talking to myself now!
“Rin?” A soft called out to her. When she turned she saw that it was Kagome that was heading her way. She was seven months pregnant with her third or fourth pup. I’m not sure anymore with them. They’re worst then rabbits.
“Kagome!” Rin said launching herself into the awaiting woman’s arms.
“How are you Rin? When I came in I saw that you were deep in thought, it doesn’t look like you’re usual daydreaming either. What’s wrong Rin?”
“It’s the usual; I keep thinking that once Sesshomaru finds and takes a mate I’m going to have to leave here. But I don’t want to leave. My life is here, my...” said Rin trying to finish but something got caught in her throat.
“Love?” Kagome said softly sitting down on one of the stone benches and Rin sat next to her. “I remember when I was in love with Inuyasha and I didn’t know if he was going to stay with me or leave with Kikyo when it was over. But I never stopped hoping and well here we are elven years later, mated and expecting our fourth child,” she said patting her stomach lovingly. “But I do know for a fact that Sesshomaru would never let you go.”
“Yeah he would keep me but will it because he loves me or because I’m a fixture in his world now? I don’t know anymore Kagome, said Rin sobbing. I’ve known from the start that he would never love me because I was human and he didn’t like humans but now that I’m hanyou, which he dislikes more than human, I’m sure that he doesn’t want me at all.”
“Rin if he didn’t feel for you do you think he would have saved you seven years ago?” Kagome said with the scowling nanny voice.
“Would he let you take complete control of his household, give you the title of lady of the castle? If he was looking for a mate do you really think that he would even care if you got all the education that you got or would he let you in on his battle plans and let you give your own opinion?”
“No of course not,” snorted Rin for a moment forgetting why she was crying. “No of course he wouldn’t given me all those classes is he wasn’t planning on giving me a place here. But Kagome, what is my place here? Am I just the lady of the keep, or.... something more?”
“Rin, what does your heart says,” said Kagome taking her wards hands in hers.
“I love him Kagome; I think I would die if he took another as his mate.”
“Rin, take it from me if your love is deep enough and that you believe in it hard enough and of course if you drop a few hint here and there then you’ll get what you want in the end. I’ll tell you more tonight when I’m going to help you get prepared for the supper tonight with the Eastern lord and lady,” said Kagome before getting up and leaving the garden.
As she left she didn’t see or sense Sesshomaru who was looking at them behind the tallest hedge. So Rin does love me, it won’t be long now my sweet. You will be my mate soon enough, no one is good enough for this Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru thought jumping up to his bedchamber balcony.
Finding her good humour again she started picking flowers again. The garden was a huge expanse of land surrounding a huge sakura tree. Rin loved this place, except from her room the garden was her favourite place in the castle. It was her sanctuary. She stopped counting the times that she would sit on the lowest but biggest branch and told the tree all of her secrets, especially the ones about Sesshomaru.
So humming while she picked flowers Rin thought about her duties as lady of the keep.
Meanwhile Sesshomaru was in his study thinking about Rin’s training session of that morning. He was still mad, no scratch that he was still infuriated about what transpired Rin and himself. How dare she, I’m the tai-youkai of the western lands and she is my hanyou ward. She will pay for mocking me, yes she will pay, he thought, the last part sinisterly.
The day went by like always. Servants were bustling around preparing the food and chambers for the visitors. Rin already finished doing her share of the work and went to prepare herself for when the guests arrive.
As she arrived in her room, Rin saw Kagome and Sango sitting on her bed. Looking around Rin tried to see if there were any kids hiding somewhere waiting to ambush her.
“Come in Rin its safe. It the guys that have the kids, even Sesshomaru volunteered to help out,” said Sango greeting Rin with a hug.
“You mean he was voluntold to help out with the kids,” said Kagome giggling.
“Voluntold...?” Rin asked puzzled.
“It means he was told to volunteer, said Sango, it’s an expression that Kagome picked up from her time.”
“Oh ok, laughed Rin now getting it. So what now? We have to get ready for tonight.”
“That’s why we’re here, Sango and I are here to help you get ready and to give you a few pointers about how to get Sesshomaru’s attention,” said Kagome getting up and going to the closet to see which kimono that Rin should wear.
“Oh Kagome that one would be just perfect,” said Sango when Kagome took out a simple one layer snug-fitting kimono. The material is a pearl white silk with a beaded patern making the dress shimmer.
“My thoughts exactly my dear Sango, I have to agree it is stunning,” said Kagome holding it out with a critical eye.
“I almost forgot that I had that one,” said Rin in awe as she looked at the kimono.
“Well what are you waiting for? Said Sango pushing at the girl, put it on,” she continued excitedly.
“Ok, Ok, I’m putting it on, shish. By the way you talk it seems like it’s a life or death thing,” laughed Rin taking the kimono and change.
“Oh, wow, Rin you this kimono on you is killer, if Sesshomaru doesn’t notice you now then he’s gay.”
“Thanks, I hope you’re right, that he is going to notice me.”
“Sweetie, he won’t be able to keep his eyes off you. No one will,” said Sango coming up behind the girl so that she can do her hair up in an intricate design.
“That might be a good thing though Sango, said Kagome giggling. Sesshomaru just might get jealous of all the attention that she’s going to get from all the other guys in the room.”
“True but what’s a little competition for great Sesshomaru? And even so he won’t do anything outright because he’s got his image to keep and of course if Rin here plans it right then he won’t be able to speak to her till the next day. And of course in the morning and throughout the day Rin has her classes to attend to and we’ll be conveniently there to wisp her away for some girl time once her time with her tutors are done. So that will give him time to calm down and maybe forget the whole reason why he was mad.”
“Oh you’re evil Sango,” said Kagome laughing head off now rolling on the bed clutching her stomach. “How do you ever come up with these ideas?”
“I married the hentai didn’t I? Those are the tricks that he uses on me most of the time! So in return I learn from his mistakes and share that wisdom with others,” said Sango smugly as she walk away from her work to eye it critically.
“Hmm, Sango we only want Sesshomaru to notice her as a sensual person not get her pregnant. Because as I recall all those Miroku incidents as you like to call them always end up with you being pregnant the week later.”
“Yes but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen with our Rin. Sesshomaru isn’t going to go from watching to bedding in one night... unless it’s mating season and there are way too many male demons in the room eyeing her. But anyway since it’s not then she’s fine. Besides like I said we’ll keep her out of his reach so that nothing happens.”
“Hmmm, that’s true and not only will it enable him to corner her but it will also give us an advantage in our matchmaking plan. By the time we have to leave for the village Sesshomaru will be so frustrated that the minute that he doesn’t have anything important to do or that everyone of his guests are gone that he’ll pounce on Rin and it he probably won’t let her out of bed for days,” said Kagome to Sango as they were sitting on Rin’s bed with their heads together as if they were planning the faith of the world.
“Hm, Kagome, Sango, I’m still here you know?” Rin said but the girls didn’t look as if they heard. “Kagome, Sango, we have to go,” said Rin louder, this time getting the girls attention.
“Oh, sorry Rin,” said Kagome with an innocent face. Making it appear as if they weren’t caught planning something.
“But she’s right, it’s time to go,” said Sango not missing a beat by leading the two woman out of the bedchamber towards the dining hall.
As they resumed talking about the great “get Sesshomaru to mate Rin” plan Kagome and Sango hadn’t realised that they had left Rin behind which didn’t mind to Rin because she was giving herself a metal peptalk. Kami, I really don’t like these diners. I always have to tone down everything. The way I talk, the way I move, I even have to hide my emotions not only from my eyes but also from my scent. How in the world do you do that on a day to day basis? Good thing Kagome was able to make me a potion that can hid my scent completely to everyone that I don’t trust. And of course tonight will be everyone but the servants, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Shippo if he’s there and well the pups. I really love those pups; they make me laugh every time I see them. Thought Rin until she came to the big double doors, as they opened Rin could see that a lot of people were there tonight. Most of them were the Eastern lord’s entourage.
Rin could also see a lot of other people that she knew too. Like Miroku that already sported a red hand print on his cheek, Shippo who at the moment was laugher at Inuyasha who held one of his twin two year old pups. I don’t even know if they’re male or female yet. I’ll have to ask tonight when I’ll eventually get the chance to talk to them. Then she spotted Koga with his arms around Ayame, which was odd because she didn’t remember hearing Jaken saying anything about any other guests except the Eastern lord. Or course the way he was pinning me down I’m surprised I heard that much, she thought a smirk showing through her mask but quickly squashed it, reclaiming her devil-may-care facade.
As she finished sweeping with her gaze, it fell upon the familiar icy golden ones. But they aren’t icy now, they’re warm almost smouldering. She thought as she felt a response to that gaze in the pit of her belly.
The minute that his Rin entered the room he knew. He didn’t have to look at the double-door entrance that she arrived. But he had to see her. Since the moment she revealed the fact that she loved him to Kagome he wanted to see her, touch her, take her. But no, he had to wait, he had all the time in the world to claim her and he will take it. But the minute that he saw his future mate, time stood still, for the first time he felt like he couldn’t breath. But he recovered quickly. To him she was stunning in her white kimono, it flattered her shape immensely and for the first time in his long life he felt possessiveness. He could smell the interest from practically every male in the room. He wanted her there at his side and he wanted her there NOW.
As if hearing his order she glided over to his side and he put a possessive hand at the small of her back, a silent gesture to every unmated male that she was his. The second thing that he realised was the she had on her stoic facade on and he didn’t like it. It first when she was younger he found it cute that she would walk around imitating him. But not anymore, he wanted his future mate to be his complete opposite. So he placed his mouth to her ear and said: “Rin, I do not wish that the lady of my keep be perceived as cool and calculating. I would rather have her happy, smiling and full of light, This Sesshomaru demands it.” As if on cue Rin’s mask evaporated and it was a though a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Happy, Sesshomaru turned back to the couple standing in front of him.
“Lord Ketsu, may I present to you the lady of the keep,” said Sesshomaru getting the immediate attention from his guests of honour. “Lady Rin.”
“Good evening my lady, I am honoured to be received in such luxury,” said Lord Ketsu waving a hand at the simple but elegant decorations placed around the room.
“Thank you Lord Ketsu, I am deeply honour to have you as our honoured guest,” said Rin smiling warmly and bowing towards the couple.
“May I present to you my mate Lady Samira,” said Lord Ketsu taking the hand of the woman beside him lovingly, her belly nicely rounded by breeding.
“It is nice to meet you my Lady, said Rin bowing again. And congratulations on the newborn I wish him health and a long life.”
“Thank you Lady Rin,” said the woman softly with a warm smile and kind eyes. She reminds me of my mother, thought a little nostalgically, missing her mother terribly at that moment.
“Now that everyone has arrived, it is time that we take our seats and begin with the meal,” said Sesshomaru directing Rin towards the head of the very long table making her sit to his right, just as a servant rang the diner bell.
As everyone seated she found herself facing the Lord and Lady and beside her was Kagome and Inuyasha. And as she looks passed him she could see that beside him were Miroku and Sango with their eldest daughter Kimiko. Next to the Lord and Lady were Koga and Ayame with also their eldest daughter Sakura. Rin was happy; she had everyone that she knew close to her so she wouldn’t feel awkward.
As the diner progressed people were complimenting the food, the arrangements and the service of the keep which stroked Rin’s pride immensely and brought a huge smile to her eyes. Unfortunatly for the great Tai-youkai, Rin’s carefree smile amassed a lot of interested gazes and he couldn’t do anything about it... yet.
When the time came for the leaders of the two lands and Inuyasha and Koga to take their leave to go to Sesshomaru’s study to start the first day of negotiations it was already late. Rin was exhausted from her day’s work and she couldn’t wait to crawl into her warm soft bed.
Before she left the dining hall she saw Inuyasha kissing Kagome goodnight, Miroku with Sango in his arms walking out of the room, Koga and Ayame rubbing noses and smilling and Lord Ketsu and Lady Samira embrassing. It was a bitter sweet sight for Rin because she wanted their kind of relationship with Sesshomaru but knew that he wouldn’t appreciate it if she went up to him and hugged him in front of everyone.
With a heavy sigh Rin turned and walked back to her room, never knowing that in her shadow a pair of eyes saw her sadness and fallowed her until she was safe in her bedchambers.
AN: Okay people I know last time I didn’t mention to review but it would really mean a lot for you to do so. I will give me more ideas on how to me Sesshomaru’s life more complicated because as more chapters are written the more it’s going to be hard for Sesshomaru to resist the pull that is his Rin. I’ll try to make the chapter longer next time too.
When her scent spiked with a sweet yet spicy undertone, he found himself intoxicated. Sesshomaru had to force himself not to get distracted by the sheer pleasure the scent brought him. It didn’t help either that she was half flower demon. The year after Rin had the youki transplant her body became lithe very curvaceous. Nice big high breasts, trim waist, lush hips, plump backside and legs that could go on for miles. When Kagome looked into the drastic changes and found out that flower demons were very beautiful creatures. They would use their body and scent to attract their pray which were mostly humans. At that Rin was scared of what she was now, she didn’t want to be a human eating demon especially if her own best-friend and nanny was one! But Kagome also found out that a youki transfusion only gave the user the powers, life span and some physical characteristics of the demon but not the nutritional aspects. Rin was so ecstatic that she went to the kitchen and baked herself a plate of sweet cakes.
Anyway, on her side Rin didn’t notice that he could smell her. She was also in a fighting stance but she was wearing a one layer white snug-fitting kimono with a pattern of pink sakuras. Her kimono goes to her ankles but has a slip on each side that go up to mid-thigh showing a lot of skin. It was also sleeveless and had a turtleneck top.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken yelled, his voice irritation the hell out of the Tai-youkai.
“What is it Jaken?” Sesshomaru asked in his monotone, void of emotions voice while straitening.
At this Rin smirked and charged at her lord’s back. Think swiftly and silently, she thought jumping in the air to do a round house kick.
Her foot almost made hit his head but in a blur she was grabbed by the ankle and dragged to the floor with her master crouching over her. A shadow of a smirk on his lips and in his eyes but was gone when he spoke to Jaken not making any move to get up or to look at the toad, only locking gold with cinnamon.
“You were saying Jaken?”
“Y...yes, one of the messengers from the Eastern lands brought a message saying that his lord and lady are coming to visit with the new heir, Jaken soundly swallowed, he is waiting for an answer.”
“Tell him, we will be ready for them,” responded Sesshomaru getting up and helping Rinto her own feet and still not breaking the eye contact as if waiting for her to say something. She sighed in resignation.
“Yeah, yeah I know, get the castle ready for our visiting guests,” she said leaving the training grounds.
“Rin, she turned back to him. It is not yeah, its yes.”
“As usual m’lord, you are right,” she said doing a mock blow a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Do you mock this Sesshomaru?”
“This Rin does not mock my great Lord Sesshomaru,” she said continuing to sashay away.
“Rin we are not done here.”
“Of course not but the palace need tending to.” So he let her go. Blood boiling Sesshomaru runs to his chambers to let out some steam before the visitors arrived.
When Rin entered the main entrance every servants were there. Rin looked at them first with her stoic mask on but after a moment she couldn’t keep it so she burts out in a grin she said: “Ok everyone we have royalty to prepare for so the guest rooms will need new beddings and a good dusting, A bouquet will be required in every room too. We’ll have to think up of a good menu to impress. Decorations are not in order but the castle has to be clean I will bring flowers in,” she said with all the enthusiasm she felt and she could see that it was contagious because everybody cheered and went to work.
On her part Rin went to her chambers to take a bath and put on a fresh kimono. This time it was sky blue with silver embroidery. After bathing in her sakura scented water she tied her hair in a bun at the top of her head and slip on the kimono and sandals.
Going out in the gardens that she loved tending to, Rin picks different flowers for all the guest rooms. Twenty guestrooms, for kami sakes, I have to talk to him about that one day. I mean what does he need twenty rooms for we’re only two most times since the servants live outside of the castle at night. Of course there are the tutors, but they have their own huts on the castle ground. Ok, so we sometimes have a lot of guests over and they do fill the rooms up pretty quickly but that’s only three times a year. Oh who am I kidding? When Sesshomaru is going to mate then his mate will be living here and her entourage will be filling the rooms. I just might have to leave when that happens. Kagome says that I’ll have a place with her and Inuyasha. So well, yeah, I’m screwed either way. I’m even talking to myself now!
“Rin?” A soft called out to her. When she turned she saw that it was Kagome that was heading her way. She was seven months pregnant with her third or fourth pup. I’m not sure anymore with them. They’re worst then rabbits.
“Kagome!” Rin said launching herself into the awaiting woman’s arms.
“How are you Rin? When I came in I saw that you were deep in thought, it doesn’t look like you’re usual daydreaming either. What’s wrong Rin?”
“It’s the usual; I keep thinking that once Sesshomaru finds and takes a mate I’m going to have to leave here. But I don’t want to leave. My life is here, my...” said Rin trying to finish but something got caught in her throat.
“Love?” Kagome said softly sitting down on one of the stone benches and Rin sat next to her. “I remember when I was in love with Inuyasha and I didn’t know if he was going to stay with me or leave with Kikyo when it was over. But I never stopped hoping and well here we are elven years later, mated and expecting our fourth child,” she said patting her stomach lovingly. “But I do know for a fact that Sesshomaru would never let you go.”
“Yeah he would keep me but will it because he loves me or because I’m a fixture in his world now? I don’t know anymore Kagome, said Rin sobbing. I’ve known from the start that he would never love me because I was human and he didn’t like humans but now that I’m hanyou, which he dislikes more than human, I’m sure that he doesn’t want me at all.”
“Rin if he didn’t feel for you do you think he would have saved you seven years ago?” Kagome said with the scowling nanny voice.
“Would he let you take complete control of his household, give you the title of lady of the castle? If he was looking for a mate do you really think that he would even care if you got all the education that you got or would he let you in on his battle plans and let you give your own opinion?”
“No of course not,” snorted Rin for a moment forgetting why she was crying. “No of course he wouldn’t given me all those classes is he wasn’t planning on giving me a place here. But Kagome, what is my place here? Am I just the lady of the keep, or.... something more?”
“Rin, what does your heart says,” said Kagome taking her wards hands in hers.
“I love him Kagome; I think I would die if he took another as his mate.”
“Rin, take it from me if your love is deep enough and that you believe in it hard enough and of course if you drop a few hint here and there then you’ll get what you want in the end. I’ll tell you more tonight when I’m going to help you get prepared for the supper tonight with the Eastern lord and lady,” said Kagome before getting up and leaving the garden.
As she left she didn’t see or sense Sesshomaru who was looking at them behind the tallest hedge. So Rin does love me, it won’t be long now my sweet. You will be my mate soon enough, no one is good enough for this Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru thought jumping up to his bedchamber balcony.
Finding her good humour again she started picking flowers again. The garden was a huge expanse of land surrounding a huge sakura tree. Rin loved this place, except from her room the garden was her favourite place in the castle. It was her sanctuary. She stopped counting the times that she would sit on the lowest but biggest branch and told the tree all of her secrets, especially the ones about Sesshomaru.
So humming while she picked flowers Rin thought about her duties as lady of the keep.
Meanwhile Sesshomaru was in his study thinking about Rin’s training session of that morning. He was still mad, no scratch that he was still infuriated about what transpired Rin and himself. How dare she, I’m the tai-youkai of the western lands and she is my hanyou ward. She will pay for mocking me, yes she will pay, he thought, the last part sinisterly.
The day went by like always. Servants were bustling around preparing the food and chambers for the visitors. Rin already finished doing her share of the work and went to prepare herself for when the guests arrive.
As she arrived in her room, Rin saw Kagome and Sango sitting on her bed. Looking around Rin tried to see if there were any kids hiding somewhere waiting to ambush her.
“Come in Rin its safe. It the guys that have the kids, even Sesshomaru volunteered to help out,” said Sango greeting Rin with a hug.
“You mean he was voluntold to help out with the kids,” said Kagome giggling.
“Voluntold...?” Rin asked puzzled.
“It means he was told to volunteer, said Sango, it’s an expression that Kagome picked up from her time.”
“Oh ok, laughed Rin now getting it. So what now? We have to get ready for tonight.”
“That’s why we’re here, Sango and I are here to help you get ready and to give you a few pointers about how to get Sesshomaru’s attention,” said Kagome getting up and going to the closet to see which kimono that Rin should wear.
“Oh Kagome that one would be just perfect,” said Sango when Kagome took out a simple one layer snug-fitting kimono. The material is a pearl white silk with a beaded patern making the dress shimmer.
“My thoughts exactly my dear Sango, I have to agree it is stunning,” said Kagome holding it out with a critical eye.
“I almost forgot that I had that one,” said Rin in awe as she looked at the kimono.
“Well what are you waiting for? Said Sango pushing at the girl, put it on,” she continued excitedly.
“Ok, Ok, I’m putting it on, shish. By the way you talk it seems like it’s a life or death thing,” laughed Rin taking the kimono and change.
“Oh, wow, Rin you this kimono on you is killer, if Sesshomaru doesn’t notice you now then he’s gay.”
“Thanks, I hope you’re right, that he is going to notice me.”
“Sweetie, he won’t be able to keep his eyes off you. No one will,” said Sango coming up behind the girl so that she can do her hair up in an intricate design.
“That might be a good thing though Sango, said Kagome giggling. Sesshomaru just might get jealous of all the attention that she’s going to get from all the other guys in the room.”
“True but what’s a little competition for great Sesshomaru? And even so he won’t do anything outright because he’s got his image to keep and of course if Rin here plans it right then he won’t be able to speak to her till the next day. And of course in the morning and throughout the day Rin has her classes to attend to and we’ll be conveniently there to wisp her away for some girl time once her time with her tutors are done. So that will give him time to calm down and maybe forget the whole reason why he was mad.”
“Oh you’re evil Sango,” said Kagome laughing head off now rolling on the bed clutching her stomach. “How do you ever come up with these ideas?”
“I married the hentai didn’t I? Those are the tricks that he uses on me most of the time! So in return I learn from his mistakes and share that wisdom with others,” said Sango smugly as she walk away from her work to eye it critically.
“Hmm, Sango we only want Sesshomaru to notice her as a sensual person not get her pregnant. Because as I recall all those Miroku incidents as you like to call them always end up with you being pregnant the week later.”
“Yes but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen with our Rin. Sesshomaru isn’t going to go from watching to bedding in one night... unless it’s mating season and there are way too many male demons in the room eyeing her. But anyway since it’s not then she’s fine. Besides like I said we’ll keep her out of his reach so that nothing happens.”
“Hmmm, that’s true and not only will it enable him to corner her but it will also give us an advantage in our matchmaking plan. By the time we have to leave for the village Sesshomaru will be so frustrated that the minute that he doesn’t have anything important to do or that everyone of his guests are gone that he’ll pounce on Rin and it he probably won’t let her out of bed for days,” said Kagome to Sango as they were sitting on Rin’s bed with their heads together as if they were planning the faith of the world.
“Hm, Kagome, Sango, I’m still here you know?” Rin said but the girls didn’t look as if they heard. “Kagome, Sango, we have to go,” said Rin louder, this time getting the girls attention.
“Oh, sorry Rin,” said Kagome with an innocent face. Making it appear as if they weren’t caught planning something.
“But she’s right, it’s time to go,” said Sango not missing a beat by leading the two woman out of the bedchamber towards the dining hall.
As they resumed talking about the great “get Sesshomaru to mate Rin” plan Kagome and Sango hadn’t realised that they had left Rin behind which didn’t mind to Rin because she was giving herself a metal peptalk. Kami, I really don’t like these diners. I always have to tone down everything. The way I talk, the way I move, I even have to hide my emotions not only from my eyes but also from my scent. How in the world do you do that on a day to day basis? Good thing Kagome was able to make me a potion that can hid my scent completely to everyone that I don’t trust. And of course tonight will be everyone but the servants, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Shippo if he’s there and well the pups. I really love those pups; they make me laugh every time I see them. Thought Rin until she came to the big double doors, as they opened Rin could see that a lot of people were there tonight. Most of them were the Eastern lord’s entourage.
Rin could also see a lot of other people that she knew too. Like Miroku that already sported a red hand print on his cheek, Shippo who at the moment was laugher at Inuyasha who held one of his twin two year old pups. I don’t even know if they’re male or female yet. I’ll have to ask tonight when I’ll eventually get the chance to talk to them. Then she spotted Koga with his arms around Ayame, which was odd because she didn’t remember hearing Jaken saying anything about any other guests except the Eastern lord. Or course the way he was pinning me down I’m surprised I heard that much, she thought a smirk showing through her mask but quickly squashed it, reclaiming her devil-may-care facade.
As she finished sweeping with her gaze, it fell upon the familiar icy golden ones. But they aren’t icy now, they’re warm almost smouldering. She thought as she felt a response to that gaze in the pit of her belly.
The minute that his Rin entered the room he knew. He didn’t have to look at the double-door entrance that she arrived. But he had to see her. Since the moment she revealed the fact that she loved him to Kagome he wanted to see her, touch her, take her. But no, he had to wait, he had all the time in the world to claim her and he will take it. But the minute that he saw his future mate, time stood still, for the first time he felt like he couldn’t breath. But he recovered quickly. To him she was stunning in her white kimono, it flattered her shape immensely and for the first time in his long life he felt possessiveness. He could smell the interest from practically every male in the room. He wanted her there at his side and he wanted her there NOW.
As if hearing his order she glided over to his side and he put a possessive hand at the small of her back, a silent gesture to every unmated male that she was his. The second thing that he realised was the she had on her stoic facade on and he didn’t like it. It first when she was younger he found it cute that she would walk around imitating him. But not anymore, he wanted his future mate to be his complete opposite. So he placed his mouth to her ear and said: “Rin, I do not wish that the lady of my keep be perceived as cool and calculating. I would rather have her happy, smiling and full of light, This Sesshomaru demands it.” As if on cue Rin’s mask evaporated and it was a though a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Happy, Sesshomaru turned back to the couple standing in front of him.
“Lord Ketsu, may I present to you the lady of the keep,” said Sesshomaru getting the immediate attention from his guests of honour. “Lady Rin.”
“Good evening my lady, I am honoured to be received in such luxury,” said Lord Ketsu waving a hand at the simple but elegant decorations placed around the room.
“Thank you Lord Ketsu, I am deeply honour to have you as our honoured guest,” said Rin smiling warmly and bowing towards the couple.
“May I present to you my mate Lady Samira,” said Lord Ketsu taking the hand of the woman beside him lovingly, her belly nicely rounded by breeding.
“It is nice to meet you my Lady, said Rin bowing again. And congratulations on the newborn I wish him health and a long life.”
“Thank you Lady Rin,” said the woman softly with a warm smile and kind eyes. She reminds me of my mother, thought a little nostalgically, missing her mother terribly at that moment.
“Now that everyone has arrived, it is time that we take our seats and begin with the meal,” said Sesshomaru directing Rin towards the head of the very long table making her sit to his right, just as a servant rang the diner bell.
As everyone seated she found herself facing the Lord and Lady and beside her was Kagome and Inuyasha. And as she looks passed him she could see that beside him were Miroku and Sango with their eldest daughter Kimiko. Next to the Lord and Lady were Koga and Ayame with also their eldest daughter Sakura. Rin was happy; she had everyone that she knew close to her so she wouldn’t feel awkward.
As the diner progressed people were complimenting the food, the arrangements and the service of the keep which stroked Rin’s pride immensely and brought a huge smile to her eyes. Unfortunatly for the great Tai-youkai, Rin’s carefree smile amassed a lot of interested gazes and he couldn’t do anything about it... yet.
When the time came for the leaders of the two lands and Inuyasha and Koga to take their leave to go to Sesshomaru’s study to start the first day of negotiations it was already late. Rin was exhausted from her day’s work and she couldn’t wait to crawl into her warm soft bed.
Before she left the dining hall she saw Inuyasha kissing Kagome goodnight, Miroku with Sango in his arms walking out of the room, Koga and Ayame rubbing noses and smilling and Lord Ketsu and Lady Samira embrassing. It was a bitter sweet sight for Rin because she wanted their kind of relationship with Sesshomaru but knew that he wouldn’t appreciate it if she went up to him and hugged him in front of everyone.
With a heavy sigh Rin turned and walked back to her room, never knowing that in her shadow a pair of eyes saw her sadness and fallowed her until she was safe in her bedchambers.
AN: Okay people I know last time I didn’t mention to review but it would really mean a lot for you to do so. I will give me more ideas on how to me Sesshomaru’s life more complicated because as more chapters are written the more it’s going to be hard for Sesshomaru to resist the pull that is his Rin. I’ll try to make the chapter longer next time too.