InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish By Two Hearts ❯ HEY LOOKIE!!!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I'm really sorry it's been so long since I've updated. The stupid teachers are giving us piles of homework to make up for the time we'll miss off of school during Winter break. I'll give you a piece of the next chapter.

WARNING! This is only a small part of chapter 4 put here to annoy you, and possibly answer some questions you might have.

Chapter 4: Blame

"Inuyasha, what happened to you?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"When you ran off to go after Kagome, you held your head."

"And you screamed in pain." added a little kitsune.

Inuyasha was about to hit the little brat for saying, once again, something he knows he shouldn't have, but saw the groups eyes pleading to tell them the `story'. He almost laughed out loud at this. `They were just like little children'. He thought for a while. "Well…"

The group giggled with anticipation.

"Well… I don't really know what happened"


"How could you not know?"

"Well it's never happened to me before, ok."

"Could it be one of your new abilities?"


"Aren't you of the right age to be receiving your new power?"

"Well, ya." `But I kinda hoped it would be like Sesshoumaru's poison claws, not some stupid images'. With that thought, he gasped.

"What is it Inuyasha?"

"It's not just images I saw, they were images of what would come to pass."

"You saw the future?"

"Ya, I guess so."

"But it would have had to be one of your family's powers, and I don't think Sesshoumaru has it, so it was your…"

"It was my mother."

"Your mother? But she was human, right? I thought it would have been your father."

"No, it's rare, but some humans have it. It's what killed her." And, with his long silvery bangs covering his emotions, he walked away, leaving a stunned group behind. Not only were they sad for making Inuyasha remember the loss of his mother after obviously trying so hard to forget it, for they all knew what it was like to lose their family, but they were now afraid for Inuyasha's life, after all he was half human.

Everyone was silent after Inuyasha walked off, so Sango decided to ask the question on everyone's mind: "Do you think he'll be alright?"

"I wouldn't worry about Inuyasha. He's half demon also."

"That's not what I meant. Inuyasha's usually a tough guy, but when it comes to his mom…

"Do you think he'll have any more visions?" asked a small voice.

Shippou's question was soon answered when they heard a familiar cry of pain coming from the woods, and then a flash of red and silver running past them.

Authors Note: Well, whaddya think? I really haven't left any cliffies. So I wanted to start hear. You can expect lots of cliff hangers and twists. Mwahaha mwaha mwaha mwahahahaha. *dodges objects* Please don't hate me.

Thanks for the review inuyasha666; I'm glad you like my fic. I know chapters two and three weren't as good as chapter one, or so everyone tells me (`meanies'), but don't worry, I'll make it up in chapter 4. Oh, and I'm reading your fanfic, Kami. It's really good. ^_^