InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Wish By Two Hearts ❯ Consequences ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: A Death In the Family

"The jewel shards, you posses the jewel shards. Give them to me. Now!"

"How did you survive the journey through the well?"

The Monster looks over at the well. "Oh. That thing. It was a pain. It tried to kill me. But, I can't be killed."

"I see. You're starting a collection of shards."

"What do you plan to do about it, old man?"

Grandpa's expression has turned from fear to determination. "I will not allow you to increase your collection."

"Why am I going after her again?"

"You're not worried?"

"Hn. Why would I be worried?"

"Inuyasha, why are you acting this way?"

"What way?"

"Look, we all know you love Kagome. So why are you being such a_____"

Inuyasha gives Miroku a warning growl.

"Aw, Inuyasha's just mad because you told us about his dream," pipes a little voice.


Shippou is clutching his head. "Ow. I-nu-ya-sha. What was that for?"


All of a sudden Inuyasha clutches his head. Everyone stares at him. It is unusual for Inuyasha to show signs of pain.

Pictures are flashing by in his head. Words are going too fast to make out. Then, as quickly as it came, it disappears. All the noise and images are gone. Then, he hears Kagome's voice. It is almost a whisper, but her pain is screaming at him, and he can feel how scared she is. He takes off running. Miroku and the others watch him run off confused.

"I guess he changed his mind."

Kagome is standing between of her unconscious grandfather and the giant caterpillar. She is holding her bow and arrows. She looks down at her grandfather.

"You should have run. You knew you couldn't fight it, so why did you try?"

"Kagome, watch out"

The huge caterpillar is heading straight towards Kagome. She is prepared to fire one of her arrows; she pulls the bow back, steadies her arrow, aims, and fires. The arrow is flying towards the caterpillar at a tremendous speed. It is heading straight towards him, like a bowling ball to a row of pins, but sometimes the floor is slanted. It appears to be heading towards the demon; however, a strange gust of wind begins to blow on this hot afternoon. The arrow is pushed only slightly to the left and misses the demon. Now the monster is only a few feet away from Kagome.

Inuyasha, still surprised from Kagome's arrow having missed its target finally notices that Kagome is in danger. He takes out Tetsusaiga and gets in position to use the Cutting Wind. He swings it down, but nothing happens. He looks down at his precious sword, but it isn't what he expects. Instead of seeing the big transformed sword, he sees nothing but a useless rusty old piece of crap.

He doesn't take the time to be surprised about this because the monster is now just inches away from Kagome. He drops his sword, and starts to run, but he's too far away. He stretches out his hand. He knows what's about to happen. Suddenly, Inuyasha's eyes fill up with water. It pours down his cheeks, and drips off his chin. Just inches away, Inuyasha watches the demon's teeth pierce through Kagome's grandpa's side.

Inuyasha stops. Grandpa had recovered and protected Kagome. He is stunned at what happened, happy, but stunned.

Kagome runs over to her grandpa. He is lying in a pool of his own blood.

"Inuyasha, give me your sleeve."

"Eh?! My sleeve?"

"Yes, your sleeve."

Inuyasha rips the sleeve from his kimono and hands it to her.

Kagome ties it tight around the area where he was bit. "This should slow the bleeding for a little while, but we need to get him to a hospital. Inuyasha, you can get him there the fastest. It's the big white building."

"But, aren't you worried about people seeing me?"

"I don't care, just go."

Inuyasha gently picks him up and runs off.

So, what'd ya think? I know it was really short, but they will get longer I promise. Sorry it took me so long to finish. I'll try to get chapter 4 in this weekend too.

Thanks for reviewing Kate ^_^. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can get Kouga in this.