InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental love ❯ Beggining ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome watched the battle from the side lines along with Sango, Shippo and Miroku. Sesshoumaru had come just when it was looking like they'd have a break.
“It seems he always attacks when we're going to take a break or coming close to one,” Sango commented.
“Odd yes but Sesshoumaru will probably be forever beyond our understanding,” Miroku answered. After that no one talked. Inuyasha was bewildered; Sesshoumaru hadn't even drawn out the Tokijin and he was winning. Inuyasha wasn't really wounded badly. Sesshoumaru seemed like he wanted to kill Inuyasha and right now all knew he was fully capable of doing so but he wasn't. Inuyasha had long drawn out the Tetsaiga but he hands were getting tired and the Tetsaiga was slipping a bit in his hands.
After a while Sesshoumaru seemed to get a little distracted now and then. Inuyasha knew this and it was only a matter of time before Sesshoumaru let his guard down and Inuyasha would be able to get him with the Backlash Wave.
That time came. A sound could be heard. It was a small sound hardly worth paying attention to but it caught Sesshoumaru's attention for a moment. Inuyasha used this chance to get back at his elder brother.
“Backlash-“he never got to complete what he was saying because the Tetsaiga slipped from his hands and flew through the air. Sesshoumaru had his back and didn't doge it fast enough. The Tetsaiga went right through him. The hilt stuck out the back of his had and the tip of the Tetsaiga had gone through his armor. Sesshoumaru stood there stunned. The Tetsaiga had gone into it harmless form but it still made Sesshoumaru unable to move.
All stood and stared at the demon lord. Inuyasha was amazed. He planned to take full advantage of Sesshoumaru being unable to move.
He ran at Sesshoumaru “Iron reaver soul stealer!” Inuyasha shouted and the blades hit Sesshoumaru dead on. He faltered a bit but nothing more. He was helpless. Inuyasha attacked his brother over and over again.
Kagome had finally had enough, “Inuyasha sit boy!” she shouted. Inuyasha's face hit the dirt. All were amazed. Kagome knew she couldn't pull out the Tetsaiga from its hilt but she had to get it out of Sesshoumaru. Just as she cautiously walked over to injured lord, the Tensaiga pulsed and the Tetsaiga was once more spinning in the air and it plunged into the ground. Blood seeped from Sesshoumaru's now wide open wounds. His silver hair was slowly turning blood red. His clothes were already red.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” a cry was heard over the distance. Sesshoumaru heard it. `Rin!' he thought. He stopped caring about Inuyasha and his group. He was gone in half a second to answer Rin wail for him. The whole group was amazed Sesshoumaru could still take off at such a high speed when he was injured like he was. Inuyasha, who wasn't about to let Sesshoumaru off that easily, ran after him, Kagome got on her bike and Miroku and Sango got on Kilala and followed.
Sesshoumaru stood, Tokijin drawn, its tip resting the ground, Rin gripping Sesshoumaru's pant leg tightly. A demon stood a few feet away from Sesshoumaru laughing.
“And so the great Lord Sesshoumaru comes to rescue of a human. I must admit when she called for you I was doubtful you'd come. But the rumors are true! You are growing soft! Next you will take a human for your bride!” the demon taunted. Sesshoumaru said nothing. He bore all the insults the demon threw at him. All struck a cord though but Sesshoumaru couldn't afford to lose what little energy he had. Finally he had had enough and lifted the Tokijin's tip off the ground and pointed the heavy sword at the demon.
“I grow tired of hearing you speak. Silence!” he ordered. The demon was shocked. He got an answer from the stoic demon lord. He didn't get a chance to answer for Sesshoumaru had blasted him into oblivion. His strength had been depleted after that blast. Inuyasha was amazed how long Sesshoumaru put of with the insults.
“Well, now it's my turn to fight you. Though, technically I had been first,” Inuyasha said. He drew out the Tetsaiga. Sesshoumaru turned around to face Inuyasha. He was quite pale from the major loss of blood. At his feet was a puddle of his own blood. Rin was getting worried.
“Please my lord. No fighting, you are too injured. Let's just go back to the west. Please,” Rin begged. Her pleas did not fall on deaf ears. Sesshoumaru contemplated it all. Pride or life? A hard decision for many.
Sesshoumaru turned his back to Inuyasha and walked away. Rin smiled and walked beside her injured lord. Inuyasha was stunned. Sesshoumaru was walking away.
Get back here Sesshoumaru and fight me! Or are you too much of a coward to?” Inuyasha taunted. Sesshoumaru stopped for a second and Inuyasha swore he would turn around and fight him.
“Please my lord. I can not watch you be hurt even more,” Rin pleaded and gripped his blood slick hand tight. Sesshoumaru then kept walking. `He's still going! He's listening tot hat kid and ignoring my taunts completely! Could Sesshoumaru have changed that much over the period of time that kid's been with him?' Inuyasha wondered. All were having similar thoughts as they watched the bleeding form of Sesshoumaru get smaller and smaller in the distance.
Once he was out of sight, Sesshoumaru collapsed to the ground. Rin let out a cry, “Lord Sesshoumaru!”
The group had heard. “Huhn so Sesshoumaru didn't have as much strength as he thought he did,” Inuyasha smirked, “let the buzzards have him then.” Kagome was horrified Inuyasha would say such a thing. She ran off in the direction Sesshoumaru had left in. And found Rin shaking him trying to get him to wake up but it was obvious he wasn't making up anytime soon.
Rin looked over at Kagome with tears in her eyes, “Lord Sesshoumaru won't wake up.” Kagome knelt at one side of the unconscious lord.
“He just wasted too much energy Rin. He'll wake up when he has enough energy to,” Kagome comforted.
“My family did the same thing. They closed their eyes and never opened then again!” Rin was crying.
“It's alright Rin. He's alive I can feel his breath,” Kagome reassured Rin. Rin sniffled and held onto Kagome tightly. Kagome held Rin and reassured her. “Rin, I should really tend to Sesshoumaru's wounds,” Kagome hinted.
“Oh yea, you should,” Rin muttered and let go.
I'm ending the chapter there. I hope you enjoy. I had inspiration.