InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ After The End ❯ New Life part one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Diclaimer….don't own Inuyasha…I just own the story that you are about to read and the characters that I've made up! Enjoy!!

Koga perked up when his mate, Fuko*, let out one last howl before her cry was joined by another, much different, cry. Was it over? Was Fuko alright? Could he see her? Would she yell at him again? What was going on in there!?!

"You can enter now, My Lord," the smaller ookami youkai said as she exited the cave. Koga exhaled as he entered the large cave but drew in a calming breath before he made his way to the chamber that Fuko was in. He couldn't seem to get there fast enough, though it took him less than a minute to reach her. Finally he entered into the chamber to see his beautiful mate lying on the sleeping pad that they shared. She was nursing her newborn child. As Koga approached she smiled up at him.

"You have a daughter," she said softly, her voice ringing with exhaustion. Koga dropped to his knees beside his wife and pup.

"A…a daughter…" Koga repeated, completely at a loss for words, looking down at the infant that was suckling at her mother's breast. "She's…" again, Koga couldn't speak. Suddenly, the pup stopped suckling and turned her curious gaze to the new face that was peering down at her. The face was not her mother's. Similar…but so very very different. She reached out one of her small hands, trying to touch the new face. The face leaned closer to her hand and she pressed her fingers to it.

Koga smiled as his daughter pressed her tiny hand to his cheek. He looked up at Fuko for permission before he picked her up. Fuko nodded and Koga gingerly lifted his pup up and held her closer to his face. He chuckled as her eyes crossed at all the movement. He tried again to speak.

"She's so…tiny…so fragile…she's beautiful." Suddenly the little girl caught sight of a small piece of hair that hung in Koga's face. She instantly reached for it and yanked on it, earning a surprised yelp from Koga which in turn surprised her into letting go. Both drew back, regarding each other. Fuko laughed.

"She'll be a pain in the ass…just like her father." At Fuko's words both father and child turned to look at her. "She looks just like you," she added. Koga nodded, recognizing his own features.

"I see a lot of you in her as well."

"What shall we name her?" Koga looked at his pup once more. She looked up into his face with her curious eyes that were so green that they looked like jewels. She seemed to smile up at him as she reached out to him with both arms wide open. She whined at him to bring her closer and Koga felt his heart melt. He gently pulled her into a hug as he curled up beside his mate.

"Ryung," he finally answered. "We'll call her…Ryung." With that, Koga and Fuko drifted off to sleep with little Ryung between them.

*Fuko means `wind child'

I have no idea what Ryung means, I just thought it was pretty…thanks for reading, please review and tell me if it sucked????