InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Aishiteru Kagome ❯ Aishiteru Kagome ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: This contains a one spolier but not a very big one and also this is my very first lemon and also my very first Inu Yasha story ~_^ anyway enjoy the story
Kagome shivered under the nights sky, it was becoming colder and colder each passing day. She moved her head to see if Inu Yasha was still up, but it was confirmed he was wasn't, well that or pretending.
She was planning on going to her house to restock and catch up on things she had missed all week, like school and maybe other things she had not yet come to think of in the morning.
But now she was awake and freezing, Shippo wasn't sleeping next to her but with Kilala so it seemed to be perfect for her to leave now. She wouldn't need to go through the petty arguements at dawn and she would leave a note so nobody would worry.
So ever so quietly she slid out of her sleeping bag, and rolled it up. Next she grabbed her bag and and pulled out a note pad and writing utensil. She fumed a little for something to write then was struck by the most easiest sentence to jot down in the world of writing.
"Hey guys,
This is from Kagome, don't worry I wasn't attacked, kidnapped or anything I just went home to get some more items and complete some of my homework." Smiling she added. "And Inu Yasha bring down your fists and lower your tantrum or I might have to buy a tape player with my voice recorded osuwari about lets say fifty times sound good. I'll be back in two days.
She checked it over a few times before placing it where she had slept and putting a rock on top so it wouldn't fly away. Next she sighed and heaved her things onto her back and then taking up her rolled up sleeping bag in her hand. She quickly checked to see if Inu Yasha was still in la la land before quickly walking away in the well's direction.
She gazed back a few times making sure she was alone before she made it half to the well. She sighed once it came into view. "Phew made it" Kagome celebrated, until she heard a twig snap behind her. "Oh no" Kagome closed her eyes and turned around. Nothing was there, then her eyes drifted down to the fire cat demon Kilala.
"Oh Kilala I thought you were Inu Yasha" Kagome giggled, but it didn't last very long because Inu Yasha came out behind Kilala.
"And just where the hell are you going?" Inu Yasha snapped, recieveing a glare from Kagome.
"Home for your information!" She expected this would end with Inu Yasha argueing about shard hunting than calling her nasty names and her getting pissed and commanding him to taste dirt....for once was she ever wrong. She could have sworn his face had saddened for a minute, did he actually WANT her to stay with HIM. She waved it away, that just wasn't Inu Yasha...or was it.
"Not those stupid tests again" he snarled. The truth was he hated to see her go, she was always so cheery and always considering others than even herself. She was his company, sure there was Miroku and Sango and perhaps Shippo but they could never beat Kagome. The fact he had come to learn was he still loved Kikyo, but the love he gave to Kikyo it wasn't one of devotion or companionship, it was a strong love of friendship. Though she'd always be his first love she'd never stop being his first friend. Kagome on the otherhand was no longer a friend like Kikyo but his only love now and forever. This would never fade, now the real test was getting Kagome's affection in return. Well this certainly would be problem number one so we'll leave him to think for now.
"No there won't be any tests it's the weekend" Kagome answered. "I won't be gone long and I'll be getting more supplies."
"Thats it"
Kagome nodded. "Yes, you can come if you want" she smiled kindly. InuYasha didn't know what to do or say, basically if he agreed right on the spot he wasn't being himself and if he said no, he'd torment himself about the huge opertuny for the rest of his life. But who ever said he couldn't make an accuse to go.
"Keh you'll need me to bring your bag over anyway, you not being that strong to do it yourself" Kagome frowned and then smiled. "Fine then you can carry these back to my house, because oh my weak little muscles just might shut down and I'll end up breaking my arms" she said dropping her stuff by the well. "And you won't have an archeress in the group for about another six months. I don't think you want that"
Inu Yasha snorted. "Not that your any good at it anyway"
"So you could do better" Kagome grinned when there was a long pause then nodded. "I thought as much, now lets get going"
She hopped over the rim of the well and flew down into her own world, Inu Yasha arriving a little after her because he had to collect her luggage.
"Kagome why were you leaving during the night?" He asked, he hoped it wasn't because she wanted to get rid of him or anything. She blinked then answered. "I couldn't sleep and it was a perfect time before you woke up and the usual grumpy bickering would happen." He quickly keh-ed than looped an arm around her waist and jumped out of the port to two worlds.
On the way to the house a cold breeze swap into their walking figures. Kagome who was only wearing thin clothes shivered out loud hugging her self to keep warmer, InuYasha looked at her pathetically flinging off his top haori and throwing it around her shoulders. "Oh thank you" she chattered through her teeth, tugging the fabric closer to her. "Keh whatever"
They finally were had the door, Kagome bent down and flipped the welcome mat up to retieve a small key underneath. Finally when the mat was flipped to its original side and she had the key she fumbled the door open and clicked on the closest light which was in the kitchen. Inu Yasha followed her silently to her bedroom, a dirty thought of Kagome withering under his sweet kisses and caresses surfaceing and which he battled to shoo away before more need and want arose and trouble could happen, and well his pants weren't that baggy even.
He watched Kagome as she threw her bag in the corner and walked over to her desk to see what homework she had this week. She found lots of math, language and history to do and that was it. She looked over to Inu Yasha.
"I think I'm going back to bed now Inu Yasha I'll finish tomorrow, and um its a little cold on the ground and well this is only uh if your still tired as well, that if you want you could share my bed, I know your not a Miroku or anything....I hope not anyway" she blushed, rattling on and on. Inu Yasha's first thought was 'perfect she had to ask when I was feeling aroused!' He stuttered on what to reply with, but all the registered was a nod. "Don't worry I won't try anything, unlike I would want to anyway"
Kagome sighed he would never change, he'd always be the immature hanyou he was meant to be, and well she respected it. Nervously Kagome pulled the covers over and scooted against the wall, and then Inu Yasha crawled in along too. They both laid down, the uncertainty and awkwardness disappearing, this just felt so right to them. Inu Yasha made sure to have his back to her or she might discover things she possibly wouldn't want to anytime soon.
Kagome blushing yet taking a brave step swung an arm around his waist. She waited for him to respond telling her to get away or something but he just placed a hand over top hers, and sighed laying his head in deeper into the pillow getting ready for sleep to overcome him.
"Oyasuminasai Inu Yasha"
The morning sun had finally risen, Sango sitting up and letting out a long yawn while stretching her arms out above her head Miroku still sleeping soundly beside her, she leaned closer and kissed his cheek before getting up to make breakfast when she noticed paper laying under a rock on the ground. She bent down and picked it up raising it to read. She read it once giggling about Kagome's note to Inu Yasha she knew what a tape player was, Kagome had explained it to her not to long ago. She looked over to Inu Yasha's perch where he had been sleeping but he was absent. 'Must have woken and followed Kagome home' she thought logicially when she heard a grumbling sound behind her. Sango turned to find Miroku sitting up and clearing the morning flamn from his throat.
"Good morning my lovely Sango" he grinned, Sango blushed with a smile it was hard to believe that they would soon be getting married after Naraku's death. Quickly she smiled back. "O-hayou houshi"
Miroku stretched then stood up and walked to Sango, he paused. "W-wheres Kagome-sama and InuYasha?" He looked all around and could see either one, would if something happened while he slept, would if they made a break through in the relationship, he couldn't miss that!
"Don't worry Miroku, Kagome and Inu Yasha are in her era restocking" Sango giggled, turning away and walking in the direction to the river. "Houshi-sama start a fire I'm going to get some fish for breakfast." Miroku nodded to himself and called back. "All right"
"WAH!" Inu Yasha screeched jumping out of the bed, and yanking out Tetsusaiga until he noticed what he was going to fight. "That fucking alarm clock got me again!" He growled just noticing Kagome sitting up.
"What happened Inu Yasha?" She yawned out, Inu Yasha sheaved Tetsusaiga again.
"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked, how could Inu Yasha say no and so they both headed out of her room and down into the kitchen. "Odd I would have thought mom would have made breakfast already"
"Um Kagome I think theres a note on the metal box thing over there" Inu Yasha said pointing to the fridge.
"Oh" Kagome replied walking over and tugging the note off of it and reading aloud.
"Dear Kagome
Sota had a soccer tournment in Kyoto so we left Thursday to be there by Friday, sorry if we just missed you. Food and heatlh supplies are in the bathroom cardboard and kitchen love ya
Mom, Sota and Gramps" Kagome placed it on the table.
"Looks like were alone for the weekend now Inu Yasha" Kagome said pulling out a cooking pot, some eggs and bread. Inu Yasha kept standing there thinking. 'Were all alone, ok Inu Yasha tonight you got to tell her how you feel theres never been a better time.....oh I don't want to, since when have I been afraid of something so simple like this...What am I thinking its anything but simple"
"Inu Yasha?" Kagome replied worried, Inu Yasha was so quiet, she bit her lip and waved a hand in front of his face. "Konnichiwa" she said really slowly. "Anyone ho-" she never finished her sentence before Inu Yasha pulled her lips up to his own. 'He's kissing me!' She thought paralized with utter shock, but she couldn'thelp but close her eyes and kiss him back. The two just spent a long while in a serene chaste kiss, before Inu Yasha quickly pulled away, just realizing what he did.
"K-Kagome I'm sorry" he tried to apologize before he noticed Kagome hug him, she looked up.
"For what?" She looked into his eyes. He stumbled for a reply. "For kissing you" he watched as her eyes saddened and she dropped her arms, tears forming on the bottoms of her eyes.
"I guess that was for Kikyo wasn't it" she stated more than asked.InuYasha gasped.
"No not at all, I just didn't think you liked me in that way" Inu Yasha answered taking a step closer and pulling her into an embrace. "I didn't think you loved me." Kagome gasped and looked up, brushing her own tears away, almost instantly accompanyed by Inu Yasha's hand. "Of course I love you Inu Yasha I have for a while, and I don't know when that will ever go away."
"It doesn't have to" he smiled. "Aishteru too Kagome, I don't want to loose you I want you to be beside me forever"
"What about Kikyo?" she breathed, tears spilling down her cheeks.
"Shes no more then a good friend now Kagome, my love for her wasn't even close to the love I have for you please Kagome"
Kagome giggled. "You weren't expecting me to tell you to leave now were you, I always wanted to be by side forever too, why did you think I stayed with you"
He sighed. "Good" he leaned his lips onto hers again, only this time the kiss was more passionate and sweet, he liked the little noises Kagome made as his tongue ran along her lips for entrance, she complied and he slid his tongue in, caressing her tongue with his they only broke away for breath.
"Kagome will you be my m-mate" he blushed Kagome blinked she had remembered Sango telling her about demon mating, and the last part where Sango replied she wanted details when she and Inu Yasha became mates, of course she got her head dunked into the hot springs for that and came up laughing harder. She had never wanted anything more.
"I wouldn't want it any other way" Inu Yasha picked her up. "Good because I'm going crazy" they both smiled and Inu Yasha walked back up the stairs, down the hall, Kagome looked up to his eyes, Inu Yasha looking down on her own, Kagome leaned up and kissed him again. He entered her room not breaking their kiss as he lowered her onto the bed, he made sure not to crush her with his weight, by placing the pressure on his elbow. Kagome gasped in his mouth when she felt the tent in Inu Yasha's pants rub her thigh, raising her hands she began to rub his ears softly yet firmly, elicting what sounded like a pur from his chest.
Soon after Inu Yasha broke the heated kiss then began kissing her chin, then down to her neck, he quickly found an occupation in the crook sucking and lapping there while he slid one of his hands up her shirt cupping her left breast through her bra. Inu Yasha felt sort of irritated with the fabric being so constricting but when he heard Kagome gasp again he couldn't hold back a smile. He brought his head up to meet hers, he bent his head to the shirt and pulled it up her stomach, lightly kissing and nipping the exposed skin. Kagome shuddered, a groan escaping her lips.
Inu Yasha finally achieved pulling her shirt over her head, then blushed.
"How do I take this off?" he tugged at her bra, Kagome giggled sitting up and turning her back to him.
"Can you see a metal clasp its really small?" Inu Yasha directed his eyes to a small hook, clinging onto a hoop.
"Yeah I see it" he announced, Kagome nodded. "Ok pull the hook out of the other piece ok"
"can I just cut it off?" he inquired, hey it would be so much faster.
"What- no you can't, now just do what I told you ok" Kagome repiled, sort of worried if he would listen or not, she felt the piece of cloth ease and fall down to her elbows, she held her breath taking the rest off and bringing it into her hands to see what he did, he does listen she smiled.
"Didn't want to be sat did you" she chuckled, Inu Yasha turning her around and laying her back down.
"Not like this no" he murmured, cupping her breasts and giving them a playful seize, Kagome's head flew back, she let out a shrilled moan. "More"
Inu Yasha grinned and did what she said, he started to rub them with his cupped hands flicking his thumbs over her erect bosoms. "I-Inu..Yasha" Kagome stammered pleasure filtering through out her entire body. After a little while doing this he lowered his head down to one of her bosoms and enveloped it with his lips, sucking and lapping it. "Oh kami" she huffed, Inu Yasha sucked harder loving Kagomes response, when he was satisfied with the one breast he switched to the next. Kagome just knew she would have to repay him back for the pleasure she was recieving, but what could possibly pleasure a half demon, she thought back to her health lessons and what were all of a males sensative parts, she just planned to make it up as she went, she never realized Inu Yasha un-clasping her skirt, and pulling down her panties till Inu Yasha repiled more to himself.
"Beautiful" Kagome had tasted so sweet sort of like those little wrapped up candies she brought all the time to the feudal era, but way better, he could smell the same wafting scent coming from her womanhood, he looked at Kagome's glassy eyes then brought his face before her opening, he licked her folds and was rewarded by a soft groan by Kagome, did she ever taste good he then darted his tongue inside, caressing the walls of her womanhood with his tongue, then rubbing it back and forth on the ceiling.
She grasped his head, shuffling out distorted breaths and cries of sensuality, back and forth back and forth until Inu Yasha felt her walls clench down on his tongue and her juices came pouring out.
He licked it all up, sitting up he began to untie his kimono but was stopped abruptly by Kagome's fragile hands, she was disrobing him. Kagome finally had rid of his top and bottom haori, next moving her hands to forcefully tugg at his katana it finally came down and his erection felt eased by no longer being binded in the thick clothing. Kagome blinked he was enormus, would if he didn't fit! She felt sheepish for thinking such things but she had never seen anything like it. Inu Yasha caught her staring at... well there and felt a little modest.
"Doshite?" He asked snapping Kagome back into the zone.
"Oh uh nothing" she laughed nervously, pushing him to lay down. She fought away the timid feelings she had and placed her hand around his pained erection, she heard him groan and it made her feel more confident in her actions. She moved her mouth down to the tip and licked the head, and once again Inu Yasha moaned. Smiling she enveloped his erection as much as her little mouth would handle then bobbed her head up and down sucking as hard as she could.
"OH Ka-gome!" Inu Yasha cried grasping her head, she went faster and faster and Inu Yasha felt his climax coming any minute. "I'm gonna uhh cum!" He panted, feeling him self release inside her mouth. At first Kagome gagged but hurriedly swallowed it down. Inu Yasha took a few minutes to recover, then rolled Kagome over and reclaimed the dominant position, he directed his erection at her opening.
"This will probably hurt Kagome" he grumbled, that was the last thing he ever wanted to do to Kagome was hurt her, but it had to be done.
Kagomed smiled, "don't worry it won't last long."
Inu Yasha grinned back then slowly pushed his manhood into her entrance until he reached her innocence, he hesitanted then threw his hips forward breaking through. Kagome yelped, tears forming on the edges of her eyes, Inu Yasha nuzzeled her. "I'm sorry Kagome"
"It's ok Inu Yasha it had to be done....just give me a minute to adjust" she whispered, he nodded. 1 minute passes 10 minutes passes until abrupty she felt the excruciating pain fade into sensuality, she shifted her hips and Inu Yasha gasped.
"Go slow" Kagome replied, Inu Yasha said that he would and began to rock back and forth slowly, Kagome's breath hitched and she moaned uncontrollably it felt so good.
"Faster" she panted, Inu Yasha obeyed thrusting in and out, grunting as his skin flushed. "Like that Kagome?" he growled breath less.
"Oh hai!" She cried, feeling her climate raise. Inu Yasha liked the answer for he thrusted harder, the sound of skin against skin and their muffled cries of joy loudening. They were just about there he felt her walls clench down on his erection both screaming each others name out once they arrived.
"KAGOME!" His seed flowed into her womb as he bit down on the crook of her neck marking her as his. He shortly afterwards collasped by her side still inside of her, when he was certain his seed was planted he pulled out and Kaome turned onto her side laying her body up beside his chest. He embraced her, holding her stomach where his pup was probably now forming.
"Aishiteru Kagome"
"Aishiteru too Inu Yasha"
And with that the couple let sleep claim them, he certainly got his breakfast.
"It doesn't take that long to get supplies" Miroku grinned looking to Sango.
"Oh get your mind out of the gutter for at least one day you lech, Kagome just probably has a lot of homework" Sango glowered.
"suuuuuure" Miroku replied lechrously. "And I'm not a pervert"
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
phew I'm done, so what did you think? Tell me I'd love to know, oh and tell me if you want me to continue it ok great! ^-^ oh and guess in case your wondering the spoiler is Sango and Miroku are getting married, ya told ya it wasn't a biggie. Well anyway review! plz
Kagome shivered under the nights sky, it was becoming colder and colder each passing day. She moved her head to see if Inu Yasha was still up, but it was confirmed he was wasn't, well that or pretending.
She was planning on going to her house to restock and catch up on things she had missed all week, like school and maybe other things she had not yet come to think of in the morning.
But now she was awake and freezing, Shippo wasn't sleeping next to her but with Kilala so it seemed to be perfect for her to leave now. She wouldn't need to go through the petty arguements at dawn and she would leave a note so nobody would worry.
So ever so quietly she slid out of her sleeping bag, and rolled it up. Next she grabbed her bag and and pulled out a note pad and writing utensil. She fumed a little for something to write then was struck by the most easiest sentence to jot down in the world of writing.
"Hey guys,
This is from Kagome, don't worry I wasn't attacked, kidnapped or anything I just went home to get some more items and complete some of my homework." Smiling she added. "And Inu Yasha bring down your fists and lower your tantrum or I might have to buy a tape player with my voice recorded osuwari about lets say fifty times sound good. I'll be back in two days.
She checked it over a few times before placing it where she had slept and putting a rock on top so it wouldn't fly away. Next she sighed and heaved her things onto her back and then taking up her rolled up sleeping bag in her hand. She quickly checked to see if Inu Yasha was still in la la land before quickly walking away in the well's direction.
She gazed back a few times making sure she was alone before she made it half to the well. She sighed once it came into view. "Phew made it" Kagome celebrated, until she heard a twig snap behind her. "Oh no" Kagome closed her eyes and turned around. Nothing was there, then her eyes drifted down to the fire cat demon Kilala.
"Oh Kilala I thought you were Inu Yasha" Kagome giggled, but it didn't last very long because Inu Yasha came out behind Kilala.
"And just where the hell are you going?" Inu Yasha snapped, recieveing a glare from Kagome.
"Home for your information!" She expected this would end with Inu Yasha argueing about shard hunting than calling her nasty names and her getting pissed and commanding him to taste dirt....for once was she ever wrong. She could have sworn his face had saddened for a minute, did he actually WANT her to stay with HIM. She waved it away, that just wasn't Inu Yasha...or was it.
"Not those stupid tests again" he snarled. The truth was he hated to see her go, she was always so cheery and always considering others than even herself. She was his company, sure there was Miroku and Sango and perhaps Shippo but they could never beat Kagome. The fact he had come to learn was he still loved Kikyo, but the love he gave to Kikyo it wasn't one of devotion or companionship, it was a strong love of friendship. Though she'd always be his first love she'd never stop being his first friend. Kagome on the otherhand was no longer a friend like Kikyo but his only love now and forever. This would never fade, now the real test was getting Kagome's affection in return. Well this certainly would be problem number one so we'll leave him to think for now.
"No there won't be any tests it's the weekend" Kagome answered. "I won't be gone long and I'll be getting more supplies."
"Thats it"
Kagome nodded. "Yes, you can come if you want" she smiled kindly. InuYasha didn't know what to do or say, basically if he agreed right on the spot he wasn't being himself and if he said no, he'd torment himself about the huge opertuny for the rest of his life. But who ever said he couldn't make an accuse to go.
"Keh you'll need me to bring your bag over anyway, you not being that strong to do it yourself" Kagome frowned and then smiled. "Fine then you can carry these back to my house, because oh my weak little muscles just might shut down and I'll end up breaking my arms" she said dropping her stuff by the well. "And you won't have an archeress in the group for about another six months. I don't think you want that"
Inu Yasha snorted. "Not that your any good at it anyway"
"So you could do better" Kagome grinned when there was a long pause then nodded. "I thought as much, now lets get going"
She hopped over the rim of the well and flew down into her own world, Inu Yasha arriving a little after her because he had to collect her luggage.
"Kagome why were you leaving during the night?" He asked, he hoped it wasn't because she wanted to get rid of him or anything. She blinked then answered. "I couldn't sleep and it was a perfect time before you woke up and the usual grumpy bickering would happen." He quickly keh-ed than looped an arm around her waist and jumped out of the port to two worlds.
On the way to the house a cold breeze swap into their walking figures. Kagome who was only wearing thin clothes shivered out loud hugging her self to keep warmer, InuYasha looked at her pathetically flinging off his top haori and throwing it around her shoulders. "Oh thank you" she chattered through her teeth, tugging the fabric closer to her. "Keh whatever"
They finally were had the door, Kagome bent down and flipped the welcome mat up to retieve a small key underneath. Finally when the mat was flipped to its original side and she had the key she fumbled the door open and clicked on the closest light which was in the kitchen. Inu Yasha followed her silently to her bedroom, a dirty thought of Kagome withering under his sweet kisses and caresses surfaceing and which he battled to shoo away before more need and want arose and trouble could happen, and well his pants weren't that baggy even.
He watched Kagome as she threw her bag in the corner and walked over to her desk to see what homework she had this week. She found lots of math, language and history to do and that was it. She looked over to Inu Yasha.
"I think I'm going back to bed now Inu Yasha I'll finish tomorrow, and um its a little cold on the ground and well this is only uh if your still tired as well, that if you want you could share my bed, I know your not a Miroku or anything....I hope not anyway" she blushed, rattling on and on. Inu Yasha's first thought was 'perfect she had to ask when I was feeling aroused!' He stuttered on what to reply with, but all the registered was a nod. "Don't worry I won't try anything, unlike I would want to anyway"
Kagome sighed he would never change, he'd always be the immature hanyou he was meant to be, and well she respected it. Nervously Kagome pulled the covers over and scooted against the wall, and then Inu Yasha crawled in along too. They both laid down, the uncertainty and awkwardness disappearing, this just felt so right to them. Inu Yasha made sure to have his back to her or she might discover things she possibly wouldn't want to anytime soon.
Kagome blushing yet taking a brave step swung an arm around his waist. She waited for him to respond telling her to get away or something but he just placed a hand over top hers, and sighed laying his head in deeper into the pillow getting ready for sleep to overcome him.
"Oyasuminasai Inu Yasha"
The morning sun had finally risen, Sango sitting up and letting out a long yawn while stretching her arms out above her head Miroku still sleeping soundly beside her, she leaned closer and kissed his cheek before getting up to make breakfast when she noticed paper laying under a rock on the ground. She bent down and picked it up raising it to read. She read it once giggling about Kagome's note to Inu Yasha she knew what a tape player was, Kagome had explained it to her not to long ago. She looked over to Inu Yasha's perch where he had been sleeping but he was absent. 'Must have woken and followed Kagome home' she thought logicially when she heard a grumbling sound behind her. Sango turned to find Miroku sitting up and clearing the morning flamn from his throat.
"Good morning my lovely Sango" he grinned, Sango blushed with a smile it was hard to believe that they would soon be getting married after Naraku's death. Quickly she smiled back. "O-hayou houshi"
Miroku stretched then stood up and walked to Sango, he paused. "W-wheres Kagome-sama and InuYasha?" He looked all around and could see either one, would if something happened while he slept, would if they made a break through in the relationship, he couldn't miss that!
"Don't worry Miroku, Kagome and Inu Yasha are in her era restocking" Sango giggled, turning away and walking in the direction to the river. "Houshi-sama start a fire I'm going to get some fish for breakfast." Miroku nodded to himself and called back. "All right"
"WAH!" Inu Yasha screeched jumping out of the bed, and yanking out Tetsusaiga until he noticed what he was going to fight. "That fucking alarm clock got me again!" He growled just noticing Kagome sitting up.
"What happened Inu Yasha?" She yawned out, Inu Yasha sheaved Tetsusaiga again.
"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked, how could Inu Yasha say no and so they both headed out of her room and down into the kitchen. "Odd I would have thought mom would have made breakfast already"
"Um Kagome I think theres a note on the metal box thing over there" Inu Yasha said pointing to the fridge.
"Oh" Kagome replied walking over and tugging the note off of it and reading aloud.
"Dear Kagome
Sota had a soccer tournment in Kyoto so we left Thursday to be there by Friday, sorry if we just missed you. Food and heatlh supplies are in the bathroom cardboard and kitchen love ya
Mom, Sota and Gramps" Kagome placed it on the table.
"Looks like were alone for the weekend now Inu Yasha" Kagome said pulling out a cooking pot, some eggs and bread. Inu Yasha kept standing there thinking. 'Were all alone, ok Inu Yasha tonight you got to tell her how you feel theres never been a better time.....oh I don't want to, since when have I been afraid of something so simple like this...What am I thinking its anything but simple"
"Inu Yasha?" Kagome replied worried, Inu Yasha was so quiet, she bit her lip and waved a hand in front of his face. "Konnichiwa" she said really slowly. "Anyone ho-" she never finished her sentence before Inu Yasha pulled her lips up to his own. 'He's kissing me!' She thought paralized with utter shock, but she couldn'thelp but close her eyes and kiss him back. The two just spent a long while in a serene chaste kiss, before Inu Yasha quickly pulled away, just realizing what he did.
"K-Kagome I'm sorry" he tried to apologize before he noticed Kagome hug him, she looked up.
"For what?" She looked into his eyes. He stumbled for a reply. "For kissing you" he watched as her eyes saddened and she dropped her arms, tears forming on the bottoms of her eyes.
"I guess that was for Kikyo wasn't it" she stated more than asked.InuYasha gasped.
"No not at all, I just didn't think you liked me in that way" Inu Yasha answered taking a step closer and pulling her into an embrace. "I didn't think you loved me." Kagome gasped and looked up, brushing her own tears away, almost instantly accompanyed by Inu Yasha's hand. "Of course I love you Inu Yasha I have for a while, and I don't know when that will ever go away."
"It doesn't have to" he smiled. "Aishteru too Kagome, I don't want to loose you I want you to be beside me forever"
"What about Kikyo?" she breathed, tears spilling down her cheeks.
"Shes no more then a good friend now Kagome, my love for her wasn't even close to the love I have for you please Kagome"
Kagome giggled. "You weren't expecting me to tell you to leave now were you, I always wanted to be by side forever too, why did you think I stayed with you"
He sighed. "Good" he leaned his lips onto hers again, only this time the kiss was more passionate and sweet, he liked the little noises Kagome made as his tongue ran along her lips for entrance, she complied and he slid his tongue in, caressing her tongue with his they only broke away for breath.
"Kagome will you be my m-mate" he blushed Kagome blinked she had remembered Sango telling her about demon mating, and the last part where Sango replied she wanted details when she and Inu Yasha became mates, of course she got her head dunked into the hot springs for that and came up laughing harder. She had never wanted anything more.
"I wouldn't want it any other way" Inu Yasha picked her up. "Good because I'm going crazy" they both smiled and Inu Yasha walked back up the stairs, down the hall, Kagome looked up to his eyes, Inu Yasha looking down on her own, Kagome leaned up and kissed him again. He entered her room not breaking their kiss as he lowered her onto the bed, he made sure not to crush her with his weight, by placing the pressure on his elbow. Kagome gasped in his mouth when she felt the tent in Inu Yasha's pants rub her thigh, raising her hands she began to rub his ears softly yet firmly, elicting what sounded like a pur from his chest.
Soon after Inu Yasha broke the heated kiss then began kissing her chin, then down to her neck, he quickly found an occupation in the crook sucking and lapping there while he slid one of his hands up her shirt cupping her left breast through her bra. Inu Yasha felt sort of irritated with the fabric being so constricting but when he heard Kagome gasp again he couldn't hold back a smile. He brought his head up to meet hers, he bent his head to the shirt and pulled it up her stomach, lightly kissing and nipping the exposed skin. Kagome shuddered, a groan escaping her lips.
Inu Yasha finally achieved pulling her shirt over her head, then blushed.
"How do I take this off?" he tugged at her bra, Kagome giggled sitting up and turning her back to him.
"Can you see a metal clasp its really small?" Inu Yasha directed his eyes to a small hook, clinging onto a hoop.
"Yeah I see it" he announced, Kagome nodded. "Ok pull the hook out of the other piece ok"
"can I just cut it off?" he inquired, hey it would be so much faster.
"What- no you can't, now just do what I told you ok" Kagome repiled, sort of worried if he would listen or not, she felt the piece of cloth ease and fall down to her elbows, she held her breath taking the rest off and bringing it into her hands to see what he did, he does listen she smiled.
"Didn't want to be sat did you" she chuckled, Inu Yasha turning her around and laying her back down.
"Not like this no" he murmured, cupping her breasts and giving them a playful seize, Kagome's head flew back, she let out a shrilled moan. "More"
Inu Yasha grinned and did what she said, he started to rub them with his cupped hands flicking his thumbs over her erect bosoms. "I-Inu..Yasha" Kagome stammered pleasure filtering through out her entire body. After a little while doing this he lowered his head down to one of her bosoms and enveloped it with his lips, sucking and lapping it. "Oh kami" she huffed, Inu Yasha sucked harder loving Kagomes response, when he was satisfied with the one breast he switched to the next. Kagome just knew she would have to repay him back for the pleasure she was recieving, but what could possibly pleasure a half demon, she thought back to her health lessons and what were all of a males sensative parts, she just planned to make it up as she went, she never realized Inu Yasha un-clasping her skirt, and pulling down her panties till Inu Yasha repiled more to himself.
"Beautiful" Kagome had tasted so sweet sort of like those little wrapped up candies she brought all the time to the feudal era, but way better, he could smell the same wafting scent coming from her womanhood, he looked at Kagome's glassy eyes then brought his face before her opening, he licked her folds and was rewarded by a soft groan by Kagome, did she ever taste good he then darted his tongue inside, caressing the walls of her womanhood with his tongue, then rubbing it back and forth on the ceiling.
She grasped his head, shuffling out distorted breaths and cries of sensuality, back and forth back and forth until Inu Yasha felt her walls clench down on his tongue and her juices came pouring out.
He licked it all up, sitting up he began to untie his kimono but was stopped abruptly by Kagome's fragile hands, she was disrobing him. Kagome finally had rid of his top and bottom haori, next moving her hands to forcefully tugg at his katana it finally came down and his erection felt eased by no longer being binded in the thick clothing. Kagome blinked he was enormus, would if he didn't fit! She felt sheepish for thinking such things but she had never seen anything like it. Inu Yasha caught her staring at... well there and felt a little modest.
"Doshite?" He asked snapping Kagome back into the zone.
"Oh uh nothing" she laughed nervously, pushing him to lay down. She fought away the timid feelings she had and placed her hand around his pained erection, she heard him groan and it made her feel more confident in her actions. She moved her mouth down to the tip and licked the head, and once again Inu Yasha moaned. Smiling she enveloped his erection as much as her little mouth would handle then bobbed her head up and down sucking as hard as she could.
"OH Ka-gome!" Inu Yasha cried grasping her head, she went faster and faster and Inu Yasha felt his climax coming any minute. "I'm gonna uhh cum!" He panted, feeling him self release inside her mouth. At first Kagome gagged but hurriedly swallowed it down. Inu Yasha took a few minutes to recover, then rolled Kagome over and reclaimed the dominant position, he directed his erection at her opening.
"This will probably hurt Kagome" he grumbled, that was the last thing he ever wanted to do to Kagome was hurt her, but it had to be done.
Kagomed smiled, "don't worry it won't last long."
Inu Yasha grinned back then slowly pushed his manhood into her entrance until he reached her innocence, he hesitanted then threw his hips forward breaking through. Kagome yelped, tears forming on the edges of her eyes, Inu Yasha nuzzeled her. "I'm sorry Kagome"
"It's ok Inu Yasha it had to be done....just give me a minute to adjust" she whispered, he nodded. 1 minute passes 10 minutes passes until abrupty she felt the excruciating pain fade into sensuality, she shifted her hips and Inu Yasha gasped.
"Go slow" Kagome replied, Inu Yasha said that he would and began to rock back and forth slowly, Kagome's breath hitched and she moaned uncontrollably it felt so good.
"Faster" she panted, Inu Yasha obeyed thrusting in and out, grunting as his skin flushed. "Like that Kagome?" he growled breath less.
"Oh hai!" She cried, feeling her climate raise. Inu Yasha liked the answer for he thrusted harder, the sound of skin against skin and their muffled cries of joy loudening. They were just about there he felt her walls clench down on his erection both screaming each others name out once they arrived.
"KAGOME!" His seed flowed into her womb as he bit down on the crook of her neck marking her as his. He shortly afterwards collasped by her side still inside of her, when he was certain his seed was planted he pulled out and Kaome turned onto her side laying her body up beside his chest. He embraced her, holding her stomach where his pup was probably now forming.
"Aishiteru Kagome"
"Aishiteru too Inu Yasha"
And with that the couple let sleep claim them, he certainly got his breakfast.
"It doesn't take that long to get supplies" Miroku grinned looking to Sango.
"Oh get your mind out of the gutter for at least one day you lech, Kagome just probably has a lot of homework" Sango glowered.
"suuuuuure" Miroku replied lechrously. "And I'm not a pervert"
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
phew I'm done, so what did you think? Tell me I'd love to know, oh and tell me if you want me to continue it ok great! ^-^ oh and guess in case your wondering the spoiler is Sango and Miroku are getting married, ya told ya it wasn't a biggie. Well anyway review! plz