InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Always Here, But Never Seen. ❯ Chapter # 6- Watched. ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Always Here, But Never Seen.

Chapter # 6

He couldn’t stand it! It had been a good hour and Kagome was still sitting there, watching a stupid horror movie, and laughing at the people who get slaughtered. (A/N: That’s what I do! Lol.) And she had yet to say anything!

He had to admit, she liked pretty disgusting movies. Some of them even made him want to gag. And yet she was laughing. She had gone through about…5 beers so far. And he wondered how many it would take before she got drunk and fell asleep.

He continued to ramble on in his head. And he remembered something Miroku had once told him about drunk people.

“What one says when drunk, is the truth they would not say sober.”

He shrugged it off as something not important. Why would you tell the truth when you’re drunk, when you probably how no idea what you’re talking about. Then again. That made sense. If you’re drunk you don’t mind telling people the truth. Because when you’re drunk, you have no idea you said it to begin with! Be he still shrugged it off none the less.
“You know.” Kagome said. Motioning to the screen with her beer. “Those guts are sooo fake.” she said, smiling a little. “I mean, I’ve seen guts. Guts don’t shin like that! They are so plastic.”
“I take it you watch horror movies a lot.”
“Hell yeah!” she yelled happily. And she fell over on her side, head probed up on her hand. Much like he used to when sitting in Kaede’s hut.
“Hey.” she said, still watching the screen as some deformed human in a caved started eating someone alive.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Want some?” she rolled over and sat up. Holding her half finished beer out to him.
“Human sake doesn’t get me drunk, Kagome.”
“You think I’m trying to get you drunk!?” she asked bewildered. “God, you’re over confident. But anyways,” she smiled. “This stuff is probably 50 times stronger then anything you’ve ever drunk.” He shrugged and took the bottle from her.

Taking a sip his eyes widen.
“Like it?” when he chugged the rest of the bottle she pouted. “I said you could have some of it. Not all of it.” she muttered. Looking back at the T.V. where some girl was currently beating the shit out of some mutant.
“Hold on.” he said, jumping up, into the kitchen and grabbing an arm full of beers. She laughed when she saw him.
“I guess you do like it.” she said, taking one of the bottles he put on the table in front of them.

About 6 hours later had Kagome drunk, Inuyasha a little over half-way drunk. They had gone through a good 3 movies and they were currently watching the Texas Chain Saw Massacre while laughing at each other.

Inuyasha was still sober enough to remember what was going on in the morning. Kagome on the other hand…she was gonna have one hell of a hang over.

“Hey, Inuyasha?” when he turned to her he noticed that she was about 3 inches from his face. He blushed.
“What?” he asked.
“Hmmm…” she leaned in closer, and stared at him.
“What?” he repeated, he could feel his own breath hitting his mouth as it reflected off hers.
“You have the sexiest face I‘ve ever seen. You know that?” she suddenly said, giving him a weird look for a second.
“Really now?” he asked, pushing her back and leaning forward.
“Yup!” she said happily. And she screamed when her cell rang. She picked it up, and laughed.
“Damn you Jake!” she yelled into the phone.
“Kaggy?” Inuyasha heard him ask. “Are you drunk again?” Again? was the only thing Inuyasha could think.
“Noooo!” Kagome whined falling backwards.
“Kaggy.” Jake muttered. “Guys! Kaggy’s drunk again!”
“I am not!” Kagome yelled.
“Kagome.” Sam said, when did he get the phone? “I know you’re drunk! I was with you last time you got drunk?”
“Were you?” Kagome muttered. “Dunno. Don’t care. Bye!” she waved at no one, and slammed the phone closed. She giggled to herself before lying back down.

“You’re weird you know that?” Inuyasha asked.
“Oh and you’re not Dog Boy.” she tilted her head up at him and smiled at his expression. “Hey.”
“What?” he asked, irritated.
“Can I pet your ears?” she asked, sitting up and turning to face him.
“Please!? Please, please, please, please!?” she said smiling. That was worse then the sit commands.
“Um…” he said backing up as far as the couch would let him. But she just got closer.
“Come on! I’ll be gentle?” Inuyasha knew that if Miroku had of been there, he would have found a million things that were perverted with that sentence.
“Um…alright….I guess.” he muttered.
“Great!” she said, spinning him around.
“What are you doing?” he asked, tilting his head to look at her. Only to get her breasts shoved in his face. Blushing he spun his head around again. She laughed and laid his head on her lap.
“I thought you were petting my ears.” he huffed.
“I am.” she said. And he realized that his head was now laying on her stomach.
“Weird way of doing it.” then he felt her hands on his ears. And he almost sighed.

He didn’t know how long they stayed there, but he was about to fall asleep when she said something.
“Inuyasha?” she whispered, still rubbing his ears.
“Hn?” he purred. God he sounded like a cat right then. Purring like crazy. But he didn’t care. He was just glad to be there with her. Like this. He wished he could stay that way forever.

“Why didn’t you go with Kikyo?” He lifted his head a little, and looked at her.
“Because I didn’t want to.”
“Why not?” He knew she was to drunk to remember this in the morning, but he’d say it anyways.
“Because I thought that I’d get another chance.”
“Chance at what?”
“Me?” she whispered, taking he eyes off the ceiling to look at him. Shock clearly printed on her face.
“Yeah you.” and he pushed his head into her hand, rubbing his ears against her palm when she stopped rubbing them.
“But why?” she didn’t continue her ministrations to the adorable appendages. Just stared at him blankly.
“Cuz I don’t want to be with Kikyo. I want to be with you.” Crawling up her body he hovered over her, holding his weight up on his arms. She blinked a few times and was about to say something when his lips on hers stopped her.

Her eyes were wide until she snaked her arms around him neck, closed her eyes and kissed him back. She thought she felt him smirk. But shrugged it off and worked her lips against his.

It wasn’t too long before she realized that his tongue was running along her bottom lip, begging for entrance, and she wasn’t one to deny him, at least not at the present moment.

Their tongues tangled together and she
purred against him. Running her tongue
along his row of teeth. Stopping at his fangs.

When she realized that he wasn’t moving anymore she thought that it was probably because he was afraid he might hurt her with his fangs. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her. She smiled and worked her lips against his again. Trying to give him the message that she wasn’t scared. Soon enough his eyes fluttered closed and he was kissing her again. Or at least until they pulled away, needing to breathe.

“Wow.” Kagome whispered. And Inuyasha smirked. Kagome returned his smirk with a evil smile of her own. And flipped them over. Much to the hanyou’s surprise. Then she yawned,
“Damn I’m tired.” she whispered. Laying against his chest.
“Are you?” he asked playfully.
“Well mister horny.” she muttered. And he blushed. “You wouldn’t mind if I went to sleep would you?” she asked. And he smirked.
“Not as long as you stay there.” he said.
“You’re such a flirt.” she muttered as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over himself and her.
“Mhm. Get some sleep Kagome.” he said, wrapping his arms around her and smiling at no one in particular. So what if she didn’t remember this in the morning. Who cares? He was just happy for now. And he looked at the clock on the wall.

10:00 pm.

Where the hell were the guys?

About a hour and a half later, the guys pulled, in with loads of bags in their hands. And when they walked into the living room they gasped. There was Inuyasha laying on the couch, not to un-natural, but Kagome was snuggled on top of him. Beer bottles and cans littered the place. And they could only guess that Inuyasha had drank most of them. It would have killed Kagome if she drank that many.

But Inuyasha must have been in a real deep sleep because he had yet to wake up, even will all the commotion Miroku was making. Perverted comments that no one was listening to. And he still didn’t wake up when Sango slapped Miroku.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Inuyasha sleep this soundly.” Sango said.
“Neither have I.” Miroku agreed, rubbing his now red cheek.
“Well. Up to the rooms, now, time for sleep.” Mizu yawned, and dropped the bags off by the stairs. She glanced at the T.V. and saw the Texas Chain Saw Massacre DVD menu on the screen.
“It’s just like Kaggy to fall asleep while watching the most gruesome horror movie to ever be invented.” Mizu muttered, walking up the stairs, Souta and the group from the past following her.

Morning came quickly to a certain inuhanyou. He wanted to just keep his eyes closed and try to sleep off the headache that was pounding away behind his eyes. But a weight on his body made him open his eyes. And he was meet with the site of a sleeping beauty.

Kagome was sound asleep on top of him, snuggled into his chest and he could tell that his arm was around her waist. He smiled to himself, recalling everything from the night before.

He knew she wouldn’t remember anything, and that turned his happy mood sad. He just wished she could have at least remembered him telling her that he wanted to be with her. It took a lot for him to admit that to himself. But, maybe it had been the alcohol but he had been more compelled to say it that night then anything else.

He suddenly felt like he was being watched. After sniffing and looking around the room. He noticed that no one was there. And Kagome was still asleep.

“Kagome. Wake up.” he whispered gently, shaking her a little. She moaned and snuggled deeper into his chest. Any other time he would have been happy about that, but now he wasn’t. He just needed her up so he could get the others up and find out what the hell was making him so uneasy.

“Kagome.” she moaned again, but didn’t open her eyes. He sighed and leaned his head towards her. Licking the shell of her ear. “Kagome.” he whispered, low and huskily. Making Kagome squirm. That’s when he noticed the overly aroused scent she was giving off. She was reacting to him in her sleep. Him!

Smiling slightly, he tried again, shaking her until she muttered an almost inaudible ‘Piss off’.
“Wake up damn it.” Inuyasha snapped,. “Inu…yasha?” Kagome muttered groggily, slowly opening her eyes and pulling back to look at him. Noticing their position she gave him a weird look.

“Alright, jokes over, who knocked me out?” she asked, looking around the room. “And why do I feel like I’m being watched?”
“You feel it too?”
“Yeah.” she was sitting up now, and looking down at herself. Slightly relieved and disappointed that she was still fully clothed. Then she noticed the position of her hips, and more importantly his hips.

“You do realize that you probably would have had the upper hand here?” she asked, glancing up at him through her bangs. Only to see him extremely flushed.
“W-Wasn’t my fault.” “Really now?” she muttered. “You’re the one who went and got drunk and slept on me.”
“That explains the pounding head ache and the beer cans.” she pushed off him, and sat on the edge of the couch. Only to continue to look around. “Alright. What the hell is that? I know I’m being watched.” she muttered, continuing to look around.
“I don’t know. But we better wake up the guys.”
“Right.” and Kagome jumped up, only to wobble a bit and hold her head. “Next time I want to get drunk.” she said to him. “Call Sam and tell him to get his sexy ass down here.”
“Sexy ass?” Inuyasha muttered. “You’re starting to sound like Miroku.”
“Not at all.” she said as she walked into the kitchen. “I’m a hell of a lot worse.”
“How so?”
“You cay anything and I can probably think of a million ways to turn it perverted.”
“Really?”“Sure. Try it.” she said, popping a couple aspirin into her mouth and taking a drink of her water.
“No thanks.” “Come on.”
“Fuck you.” and without missing a beat she said,
“I would, but I’m a little tired right now.” walking passed him she headed towards the stairs.

Inuyasha just stood there, dumbfounded before he finally got his senses back. And he smiled. This was going to be fun.

“Sango! Mizu!” Kagome yelled, banging on the door in front of her when Inuyasha walked up the stairs. She moved to Miroku’s door and started slamming on it too.
“Get your lazy asses up!” she yelled through his door. When she moved to Souta’s door both he and Shippo were already up and dressed.

“Shippo said it wasn’t a good idea to get you mad this early in the morning.” Souta said, smiling nervously. Shippo sent Inuyasha a look with a hint of a smirk. Inuyasha growled.
“Stupid kit.” he muttered. “Inuyasha.” Kagome hissed. He knew that tone in her voice, but that didn’t stop him.
“What?” he snapped. “If I remember correctly you’re Shippo’s Oto right?” Kagome asked, smiling over her shoulder. “Yeah? What of it?”
“Mind me asking who his Oka is?” Inuyasha’s eyes went wide and a blush graced his cheeks as Miroku, Sango, and Mizu walked out of their rooms.

Shippo ran towards Kagome, hugging her tightly.
“You’re my Oka!” he said, “Always have been, always will be.” Kagome smiled lightly stroking the kit’s hair.
“I appreciate the thought Shippo.” everyone knew where this was going.“But Kagome! You’ve always been my Oka!” Shippo whined.
“Yes, before Inuyasha was your Oto. You do realize for me to be your Oka, I’d have to be together with Inuyasha?” Shippo was silent.

“Would that really be so bad?” Souta asked, shocking Kagome.
“Hell. Of coarse it would!” Kagome snapped. “He’s a giant pain in the ass!” Inuyasha stepped back from the group slightly. Hurt evident on his face.

“But…didn’t you love him before Kagome?” Souta and Shippo asked at the same time. Kagome was silent for a little while before she pushed Shippo off her and turned to the banister above the stairs.

“What’s it matter if I did?” she whispered. “Not like anyone ever cares about how I feel.” and she jumped over the side. Causing everyone to gasp.
“Kagome!” Mizu yelled as she looked over the banister. To see Kagome crouched at the bottom of the stairs.

“You know me better then that Mi.” Kagome said. “You think a little fall like that would hurt me?” and she took off running through the kitchen, and out the front door.

Mizu sighed, happy to see Kagome was okay. While Inuyasha stood there, half shocked, and half hurt. Kagome just practicly admitted that she had loved him once, and now she was denying that she did now. How do feelings like that just…disappear? Or…was she trying to hide them, like he had when he didn’t want anyone to know that he was weak from stupid human emotions? He didn’t know. But he was going to find out.

2 hours later had the group - Minus Kagome - watching T.V in the living room after breakfast. Inuyasha was on edge, and no one dare say anything, Until Shippo spoke up.

“Go find her.” he hissed at Inuyasha.
“Swallow your damn pride and go find Kagome.”
“She can find her own way back. And besides, if you want her back s badly, go find her yourself.”
“I wasn’t the one snuggling up to her last night!” Shippo yelled, standing and towering over the sitting Inuyasha.
“What the hell has that got to do with anything?” Inuyasha yelled. There was a loud crash from outside and everyone jumped. Looking towards the door.

Inuyasha was the first to run out of the house, and over to where scents of demons were coming. Along with Kagome’s and blood. ‘Kagome’s blood.’ Inuyasha thought as he panicked.

He soon realized that the scents were coming from the Sacred Tree. And when he got there he saw Kagome laying on the ground, a fallen branch of the tree laying beside her, a demon sitting on top of her, her arms pinned behind her back.

“Let go of my you bastard.” he heard Kagome say.
“Where’s the jewel?” the demon on top of her asked. “Up your ass and around the corner!” she yelled, kicking him in the back. He yelped and let go of her hands, allowing Kagome to push herself up, flip around and kick him off her.

“Bitch.” another one hissed. “Bring it on ugly.” Kagome yelled, but Inuyasha beat her too it.
“Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!” he yelled, yellow nails slicing through the demons around her.
“Hey!” Kagome yelled, much like Inuyasha did when being left out of a fight. “I had that covered!”
“I don’t care!” he yelled back. Then he smelt her blood again. “You’re hurt.” his voice was soft and full of concern. Kagome just shrugged it off.
“Just a scratch,” she muttered, looking down at the thigh that was torn through her jeans.
“That’s not just a scratch!” Inuyasha countered. Picking her up bridle style as the rest of the group made their way to them. Seeing the demons dead around them..

“Clean this up would you?” Inuyasha asked them. “We don’t need anyone coming up here and getting suspicious.” he walked back to the house, Kagome struggling in her arms.
“Put me down!” she yelled once in the house. “What gives you the right to just carry me off somewhere you jerk!”
“Oh shut up.” he snapped at her, carrying her up the stairs into her room. Setting her on the bed he turned towards the door. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” he said, walking from the room and to the bathroom.

Looking around and through the cupboards he found the bandages and a cloth. Filling a bowl full of warm water he grabbed it, the bandages, and the cloth and headed back to Kagome’s room.

When he got there he noticed she was standing, and looking out of the window.

“I thought I told you to stay put.” he snapped, setting the stuff on the side of her bed.
“You told me to be wait here. Not stay put.”
“Well I’m telling you now. Sit down.”
“You’re telling me to S-I-T?” she asked calmly, but doing what she was told. “That’s a change.”
“What ever.” he said, kneeling in front of her so he could look at the wound. “Well. You’re going to have to take your pants off.” he said, looking up to see her face. He expected her to tell him no. But instead she shrugged.

“If you say so Doc.” she said, starting to unbutton her jeans. She pushed off the bed to pull them off and when she winched Inuyasha set her back down.
“I got it.” he said, tugging the pants off her legs. He felt heat spread through his body when he saw the small fabric triangle that was preventing him from seeing anything else.

“Are you alright?” Kagome asked, pushing her hand through his bangs to his forehead. “You seem kind of hot.”
‘You don’t know the half of it.’ Inuyasha thought and he shook his head. “I’m fine. Sit still.” he gabbed the cloth and dipped it in the water, ringing it out he brought it to her leg. “This might sting a little.” “Whatever.” and he shrugged. Gently wiping the blood from her leg. She winched slightly but other then that made no objection.

He was cleaning the wound for about 5minutes before he figured it was clean enough to put the bandages on. Now that, that would be interesting.

“Uh…” he was at a loss for words. How the hell was he supposed to tell her what he was thinking? Hey Kagome, spread your legs for me! Yeah….that would work.

“What?” Kagome asked, looking back down at him, noticing that the wound had stopped bleeding for now, and he had the bandages in his hand. “Oh.” was all she said. She shifted so her wounded leg was up, and both legs a bit further apart. Hoping that might help.
“Thanks.” he said, and set to work on wrapping the bandages around her leg, careful not to brush a certain part of her that she might not want him to. Thinking about that made his body heat up more. And he was cursing himself for not having control over his own body.

With the bandaging finished he backed off, until she gently took his chin in her hand. Making him look up at her. “Kagome?” he asked seeing a look in her eyes that he had never seen before. She just continued to stare at him.
“Are you okay?” he asked. Still not moving from the position he was in. Kneeling right between her open legs.

He didn’t realize what happened until he felt her lips on his. Eyes wider then he ever thought possible he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him.

Eyes slamming closed he kissed her back, with all the love he had held back from her for years. Because he was afraid she would laugh, and never look at him again. Because she was too special to ruin their friendship because of the way he felt.

As if suddenly realizing what she was doing Kagome pulled away, eyes wide and confused. She blinked a few times as Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes. He saw her panting and a look of confusion on her face.
“I…uh…” she couldn’t form words. Now for the Kagome she was now that was hard to believe. She always had a comeback, always had something to say. But now that she kissed him, and he kissed back she had completely lost her voice. That wasn’t right.

“I guess I should….uh…probably get dressed.” she said, a blush forming on her cheeks. And he wanted to laughed.
“Yeah. That would be a good idea.” he stood, walked to the door. He stopped before he was completely out of the room, sending her a glance over his shoulder he realized that she wasn’t taking what she just did very well. Sighing he walked out, closing the door behind him.

What the hell was wrong with her!? The guy loved Kikyo, and here she was kissing him like he was hers. She knew that he loved Kikyo, and always would. ‘Then why kiss me?’ her mind kept saying. If he still loved Kikyo, then why did he kiss her.

Then a thought stuck her.

‘Because I look like Kikyo!’

That made her angry. And she swore to herself that he wasn’t going to get her to submit to easily.

She didn’t know what made her kiss him all of a sudden. And she thought she knew the reason why he kissed back. But something really wasn’t right. The real reason that she had pulled back, was well. There were two reasons actually.

1. She had realized that she was kissing Inuyasha.

2.She felt like she was being watched.

The same feeling she had when she woke up, laying on Inuyasha’s chest. Now what had she been doing there?

Then suddenly, memories flooded her mind. Everything from last night. When she had gotten herself drunk. She remembered what she asked him, and what he answered.

‘Why didn’t you go with Kikyo?’
‘Because I didn’t want to.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because I thought I’d get another chance.’
‘Chance at what?’
‘Yeah you.’
‘But why?’
‘Cuz I don’t want to be with Kikyo. I want to be with you.’

She felt like crying as those words replayed in her mind over and over again.

He wants to be with her. With Kagome. Not Kikyo. Kagome. Why was she having such a hard time grasping that?

Maybe she could find a way to get him to say that again. Because for all she knew it could have been because of the alcohol or, heat of the moment or something. She wasn’t sure. But she was going to find out. One way or another.

********************************************************* ***************
Well. There’s the chapter. Hope you like it. And I know that more then half the time that you get drunk, you can’t remember half the stuff that went on the previous night. But Kagome’s special. And I felt like making it so she did remember. So this also works out for the story. And I know, some people might be thinking. Oh that ain’t that hard to grasp.

Well it is for Kagome. She thought that Inuyasha was still in love with Kikyo for 13 years. Then bam! Suddenly he says he wants to be with HER! Imagine that! Oh wait you can’t! *laughs evil laugh*

Anyways. Please Review, hope you like it. And Have A Nice Day!!!!! XD