InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Unforeseen Flame ❯ The Lighting of a Flame ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Some fluff (with maybe a half dash of lime)! Definitely going to start delving into the more adult aspect slowly, but we'll get there.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, nor could I ever hope to be as genius as Rumiko Takahashi.
"So," a pained Kagome began as she limped clumsily, wincing every now and again, behind an emotionally repressed Demon Lord, "was it nice to have a break from me?"
The sky remained overcast and dark, occasionally brightened by lightning smiting the earth angrily only to be followed by the ferocious rumble of thunder. Rain was drizzling erratically to the earth, but the already malevolent storm had yet to truly begin. Sesshomaru noticed that the ground beneath his feet was becoming slippery and difficult for the injured priestess to walk upon.
"Hello? Anybody home? It's not polite to ignore people, ya know," she stated in exasperation, rolling her eyes in frustration. She sounded out of breath from trying to keep pace with the Demon Lord.
Sesshomaru was also finding himself vexed. Her question was irritating. Should he just outright admit to her that he did not enjoy his time without her? Rin was bound to tell her the woman that he had not returned during the entirety of her absence, but would she attribute that to her time away? He slowed his pace slightly so she could catch up to him.
"It was…less pleasant than I had hoped," he replied hoping she would say no more about the subject. He had no desire to explain himself, especially not while she was being so absurdly stubborn. "You should not be walking on that injury."
She had refused to let him carry her any more. His frigidity had injured her pride while in her era, and Kagome was not ready to let that go. So he had come back for her, but it wasn't until he had realized that she was physically injured that he had even bothered to express any sort of concern about her. So, even if it made her sprain worse, she had decided that she was going walk the entire way by herself.
She gasped in pain as she felt her foot sliding in the wet grass causing her to lose her balance and step down with more pressure than she desired to place upon her sprain. A single, strong arm quickly steadied her before she tumbled to the damp earth beneath her. Kagome felt her breath catch in her throat. He was touching her again, for the second time that day, and for a moment her pain and frustration were forgotten for the nervous butterflies that took flight in her stomach once again.
"We should not continue any further if you truly wish to walk," the inuyoukai advised as the rain began to hammer mercilessly upon the ground. "You are either going to slip and injure yourself further or become ill from spending too much time in inclement weather."
He found himself staring deeply into a pair of very honestly innocent chocolate brown eyes until he slowly realized he was still holding onto her. He could hear her heart pounding violently in her chest, but he couldn't tell if it was from exertion or his touch. Quickly, he let go and directed his gaze elsewhere as the girl blushed deeply.
"I…I didn't think you, of all people, would be concerned for my health," she muttered trying to break the awkward silence between them. His eyes flashed with some indiscernible emotion, and Kagome immediately regretted her words. Had he not been worried for her well-being, he wouldn't have acknowledged her injury in the first place.
"You do not expect me to be understanding?" he demanded, feeling almost hurt by her comment. He had just spent three days being 'concerned for her health' as she put it and grappling with a more tender side of his emotions than he wasn't used to experiencing on her account. He was probably more interested in her well-being than even she, herself, was as she had insisted on trudging through the rain on injured leg just to spite him.
"I can't seem to expect much from anyone anymore," she whispered, her face becoming more dejected than ever he'd seen her as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. Inuyasha had, yet again, hurt her more than she would admit, and the betrayal of her friends had shaken her trust considerably as well.
Placing a comforting hand on her cheek, he wiped the tear away with his thumb and gave her a rare half smile. "This inuyoukai would never intentionally cause you grief."
"Let's get out of this rain," she replied beaming at him hollowly, the expression playing across her lips failing to match the melancholy expression that remained in her eyes.
They found a tight cluster of leafy trees that offered sufficient protection from the large droplets of rain that had thoroughly soaked both Kagome and Sesshomaru to the bone. Despite the stress of the day's events, Kagome was becoming increasingly amused as her thoughts light-heartedly wandered to the demon lord's unkempt appearance. He usually looked so pristine, and she found it strange that he was actually subject to the same inconvenience as she was. His hair looked stringy as wet strands adhered themselves to his perfect face, yet it still glistened the way it did when dry. His haori no longer appeared royal as the wet silk was wrinkled in some places and plastered to his skin in others. Kagome stifled a giggle as she wondered if Sesshomaru was the type of canine that hated water.
Despite his sodden appearance, he was still beautiful. Kagome could not help but notice the complete perfection of his generally emotionless features or the way his silvery hair and white clothing contrasted so starkly with the bright greenery of the trees in which they were taking refuge from the storm. It was as if he was some otherworldly being, sent from the heavens to wander the earth.
Sesshomaru was also examining his companion, but he was entertained in a much different manner than his female companion. The Youkai Lord was noticing how lovely the priestess looked despite her drenched and messy hair. He also found himself fascinated with the way her wet clothing clung to her body, hugging every delightful curve that he had already had the pleasure of viewing earlier that day. He closed his amber eyes for a moment, summoning the lovely vision. The woman was rousing a desperate longing in him that he had never experienced before now.
"You are the most stubborn female I have ever come across," he stated matter-of-factly, unable to take his eyes from her exquisite figure. "Because you refuse to be carried, we are delayed until the rain ceases."
"Oh yeah?" she retorted, stung by his comment. She marched up to him and poked him hard in the chest. "Well, you are the most difficult male I have ever come across!"
He arched a perfect, silver brow as she folded her arms across her chest defensively. She was accusing him of being more difficult than his mutt of a brother?
"More difficult than Inuyasha?" he inquired not bothering to disguise the curiosity in his voice. Kagome rolled her eyes and nodded in reply. "How so?" he demanded in irritation. He could not imagine how it would ever be possible to be more aggravating than his half brother.
"At least I knew what Inuyasha wanted me around for. With you, I have no idea!" she exclaimed agitation lacing her girlish voice. "One moment, you're all curious about my feelings toward you and your brother..."
"Half-brother," he interrupted in correction. Kagome's eyes flashed with rage at his interruption, her disruption blood beginning to boil.
"Whatever!" she snapped heatedly, fighting the incredibly immature urge to stomp her foot. "Anyway, the next you're all cold and distant. What, exactly, is it that you're trying to do, because if your goal is to confuse and irritate the hell out of me, you're sure doing a good job!" she fumed, completely losing her patience with the youkai for the first time.
Sesshomaru was astonished. She had spoken to him so impudently, but her point was not unfounded. Because his feelings for the woman caused him so much chagrin, he was as vexing to her as she was to him. Another, almost surprising notion crossed his mind.
She had been analyzing her relationship with him as much as he had been evaluating his feelings for her. She had noticed mixed signals from and become frustrated. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, or else, why would she pay any mind to his confusing behaviors? If she had not been interested, she would not dwell on anything he said or did. None of it would matter to her. The thought made his heart skip a beat.
He looked down at the woman before him. Her large eyes were ablaze with indignation, her lips were pursed humorlessly and her arms were still folded across her chest. He almost smiled at her fiery spirit, but instead kept his features nonchalant. Then, quickly, before he had any time to talk himself out of it, he wrapped his one hand around the back of her neck firmly and planted a hard kiss upon her lips.
Kagome froze, her eyes wide with astonishment. She was too stunned to return his gesture of affection. After he drew back, she remained completely motionless with shock as her mind tried to comprehend the situation. All of her fiery wrath had been extinguished at once and replaced with bewilderment. She felt tremendously dizzy all of a sudden.
"It was not my intention to cause you such distress," he drawled disinterestedly, smirking with amusement as a doe-eyed Kagome slowly brought a hand to her mouth as if to check if her lips were still on her face.
"What...What did you do that for?" she stammered, still completely taken aback. There was no way that this was actually happening. Kagome decided she really had to be dreaming. Sesshomaru traveling to her era to bring her back to the Feudal Era had been a stretch, but this…this was impossible. Maybe she had hit her head when Inuyasha had thrown her into well.
"I do as I please," was his succinct reply. In all actuality, Sesshomaru was just as amazed with his impetuous actions as she was, and now her reaction was worrying him. Maybe his assumption had been incorrect, and she did not return his feelings for her after all. He tensed, and a flash of anxiety made its way across his pale features for a split second as he inquired, "Did it displease you?"
"I…Um…Well… Uhh…Oh gosh," she stuttered, looking down at her feet. A scarlet blush had crept across her cheeks. He relaxed as he realized she had enjoyed the feel of his lips against hers as much as he had.
"Do not be ashamed by your feelings," he remarked and her blush deepened. "You are not the first woman to express an interest in me."
"Why, you smug jerk!" she exclaimed still feeling a bit unsure of the situation she now found herself in. Sesshomaru let out a short laugh at Kagome's reaction, and she was surprised by the honest warmth and mirth in this rare action. She had always expected his laugh to be cold and unpleasant. Then again, Sesshomaru hadn't turned out to be anything like what she had expected.
He drew her in a second time, and this time she returned his kiss, her soft lips parting as he dragged his sharp fangs over her bottom lip gently. She shivered, goosebumps rising on her flesh almost instantly from the new sensation. He tangled his fingers in her hair, deepening their kiss, his tongue writhing against hers with unrivaled expertise. They stood there for what seemed like hours in each other's embrace, exploring the other's mouths with hungry desire, until, at long last, Kagome gave into her need for air. Flushed and panting slightly, she stared up into heavy-lidded amber eyes, and for the first time since they began traveling together, Sesshomaru could tell by the expression reflected in her chocolate brown eyes, that Kagome was truly happy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, nor could I ever hope to be as genius as Rumiko Takahashi.
"So," a pained Kagome began as she limped clumsily, wincing every now and again, behind an emotionally repressed Demon Lord, "was it nice to have a break from me?"
The sky remained overcast and dark, occasionally brightened by lightning smiting the earth angrily only to be followed by the ferocious rumble of thunder. Rain was drizzling erratically to the earth, but the already malevolent storm had yet to truly begin. Sesshomaru noticed that the ground beneath his feet was becoming slippery and difficult for the injured priestess to walk upon.
"Hello? Anybody home? It's not polite to ignore people, ya know," she stated in exasperation, rolling her eyes in frustration. She sounded out of breath from trying to keep pace with the Demon Lord.
Sesshomaru was also finding himself vexed. Her question was irritating. Should he just outright admit to her that he did not enjoy his time without her? Rin was bound to tell her the woman that he had not returned during the entirety of her absence, but would she attribute that to her time away? He slowed his pace slightly so she could catch up to him.
"It was…less pleasant than I had hoped," he replied hoping she would say no more about the subject. He had no desire to explain himself, especially not while she was being so absurdly stubborn. "You should not be walking on that injury."
She had refused to let him carry her any more. His frigidity had injured her pride while in her era, and Kagome was not ready to let that go. So he had come back for her, but it wasn't until he had realized that she was physically injured that he had even bothered to express any sort of concern about her. So, even if it made her sprain worse, she had decided that she was going walk the entire way by herself.
She gasped in pain as she felt her foot sliding in the wet grass causing her to lose her balance and step down with more pressure than she desired to place upon her sprain. A single, strong arm quickly steadied her before she tumbled to the damp earth beneath her. Kagome felt her breath catch in her throat. He was touching her again, for the second time that day, and for a moment her pain and frustration were forgotten for the nervous butterflies that took flight in her stomach once again.
"We should not continue any further if you truly wish to walk," the inuyoukai advised as the rain began to hammer mercilessly upon the ground. "You are either going to slip and injure yourself further or become ill from spending too much time in inclement weather."
He found himself staring deeply into a pair of very honestly innocent chocolate brown eyes until he slowly realized he was still holding onto her. He could hear her heart pounding violently in her chest, but he couldn't tell if it was from exertion or his touch. Quickly, he let go and directed his gaze elsewhere as the girl blushed deeply.
"I…I didn't think you, of all people, would be concerned for my health," she muttered trying to break the awkward silence between them. His eyes flashed with some indiscernible emotion, and Kagome immediately regretted her words. Had he not been worried for her well-being, he wouldn't have acknowledged her injury in the first place.
"You do not expect me to be understanding?" he demanded, feeling almost hurt by her comment. He had just spent three days being 'concerned for her health' as she put it and grappling with a more tender side of his emotions than he wasn't used to experiencing on her account. He was probably more interested in her well-being than even she, herself, was as she had insisted on trudging through the rain on injured leg just to spite him.
"I can't seem to expect much from anyone anymore," she whispered, her face becoming more dejected than ever he'd seen her as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. Inuyasha had, yet again, hurt her more than she would admit, and the betrayal of her friends had shaken her trust considerably as well.
Placing a comforting hand on her cheek, he wiped the tear away with his thumb and gave her a rare half smile. "This inuyoukai would never intentionally cause you grief."
"Let's get out of this rain," she replied beaming at him hollowly, the expression playing across her lips failing to match the melancholy expression that remained in her eyes.
They found a tight cluster of leafy trees that offered sufficient protection from the large droplets of rain that had thoroughly soaked both Kagome and Sesshomaru to the bone. Despite the stress of the day's events, Kagome was becoming increasingly amused as her thoughts light-heartedly wandered to the demon lord's unkempt appearance. He usually looked so pristine, and she found it strange that he was actually subject to the same inconvenience as she was. His hair looked stringy as wet strands adhered themselves to his perfect face, yet it still glistened the way it did when dry. His haori no longer appeared royal as the wet silk was wrinkled in some places and plastered to his skin in others. Kagome stifled a giggle as she wondered if Sesshomaru was the type of canine that hated water.
Despite his sodden appearance, he was still beautiful. Kagome could not help but notice the complete perfection of his generally emotionless features or the way his silvery hair and white clothing contrasted so starkly with the bright greenery of the trees in which they were taking refuge from the storm. It was as if he was some otherworldly being, sent from the heavens to wander the earth.
Sesshomaru was also examining his companion, but he was entertained in a much different manner than his female companion. The Youkai Lord was noticing how lovely the priestess looked despite her drenched and messy hair. He also found himself fascinated with the way her wet clothing clung to her body, hugging every delightful curve that he had already had the pleasure of viewing earlier that day. He closed his amber eyes for a moment, summoning the lovely vision. The woman was rousing a desperate longing in him that he had never experienced before now.
"You are the most stubborn female I have ever come across," he stated matter-of-factly, unable to take his eyes from her exquisite figure. "Because you refuse to be carried, we are delayed until the rain ceases."
"Oh yeah?" she retorted, stung by his comment. She marched up to him and poked him hard in the chest. "Well, you are the most difficult male I have ever come across!"
He arched a perfect, silver brow as she folded her arms across her chest defensively. She was accusing him of being more difficult than his mutt of a brother?
"More difficult than Inuyasha?" he inquired not bothering to disguise the curiosity in his voice. Kagome rolled her eyes and nodded in reply. "How so?" he demanded in irritation. He could not imagine how it would ever be possible to be more aggravating than his half brother.
"At least I knew what Inuyasha wanted me around for. With you, I have no idea!" she exclaimed agitation lacing her girlish voice. "One moment, you're all curious about my feelings toward you and your brother..."
"Half-brother," he interrupted in correction. Kagome's eyes flashed with rage at his interruption, her disruption blood beginning to boil.
"Whatever!" she snapped heatedly, fighting the incredibly immature urge to stomp her foot. "Anyway, the next you're all cold and distant. What, exactly, is it that you're trying to do, because if your goal is to confuse and irritate the hell out of me, you're sure doing a good job!" she fumed, completely losing her patience with the youkai for the first time.
Sesshomaru was astonished. She had spoken to him so impudently, but her point was not unfounded. Because his feelings for the woman caused him so much chagrin, he was as vexing to her as she was to him. Another, almost surprising notion crossed his mind.
She had been analyzing her relationship with him as much as he had been evaluating his feelings for her. She had noticed mixed signals from and become frustrated. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, or else, why would she pay any mind to his confusing behaviors? If she had not been interested, she would not dwell on anything he said or did. None of it would matter to her. The thought made his heart skip a beat.
He looked down at the woman before him. Her large eyes were ablaze with indignation, her lips were pursed humorlessly and her arms were still folded across her chest. He almost smiled at her fiery spirit, but instead kept his features nonchalant. Then, quickly, before he had any time to talk himself out of it, he wrapped his one hand around the back of her neck firmly and planted a hard kiss upon her lips.
Kagome froze, her eyes wide with astonishment. She was too stunned to return his gesture of affection. After he drew back, she remained completely motionless with shock as her mind tried to comprehend the situation. All of her fiery wrath had been extinguished at once and replaced with bewilderment. She felt tremendously dizzy all of a sudden.
"It was not my intention to cause you such distress," he drawled disinterestedly, smirking with amusement as a doe-eyed Kagome slowly brought a hand to her mouth as if to check if her lips were still on her face.
"What...What did you do that for?" she stammered, still completely taken aback. There was no way that this was actually happening. Kagome decided she really had to be dreaming. Sesshomaru traveling to her era to bring her back to the Feudal Era had been a stretch, but this…this was impossible. Maybe she had hit her head when Inuyasha had thrown her into well.
"I do as I please," was his succinct reply. In all actuality, Sesshomaru was just as amazed with his impetuous actions as she was, and now her reaction was worrying him. Maybe his assumption had been incorrect, and she did not return his feelings for her after all. He tensed, and a flash of anxiety made its way across his pale features for a split second as he inquired, "Did it displease you?"
"I…Um…Well… Uhh…Oh gosh," she stuttered, looking down at her feet. A scarlet blush had crept across her cheeks. He relaxed as he realized she had enjoyed the feel of his lips against hers as much as he had.
"Do not be ashamed by your feelings," he remarked and her blush deepened. "You are not the first woman to express an interest in me."
"Why, you smug jerk!" she exclaimed still feeling a bit unsure of the situation she now found herself in. Sesshomaru let out a short laugh at Kagome's reaction, and she was surprised by the honest warmth and mirth in this rare action. She had always expected his laugh to be cold and unpleasant. Then again, Sesshomaru hadn't turned out to be anything like what she had expected.
He drew her in a second time, and this time she returned his kiss, her soft lips parting as he dragged his sharp fangs over her bottom lip gently. She shivered, goosebumps rising on her flesh almost instantly from the new sensation. He tangled his fingers in her hair, deepening their kiss, his tongue writhing against hers with unrivaled expertise. They stood there for what seemed like hours in each other's embrace, exploring the other's mouths with hungry desire, until, at long last, Kagome gave into her need for air. Flushed and panting slightly, she stared up into heavy-lidded amber eyes, and for the first time since they began traveling together, Sesshomaru could tell by the expression reflected in her chocolate brown eyes, that Kagome was truly happy.