InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angel in Demon's Clothing ❯ Azrael's Rage and Naraku's Power ( Chapter 21 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Azrael's screams of agony as his body began to transform were only shrouded by Naraku's laughter.
"This is perfect. Such power, I never dreamed being a full demon would be this good." Naraku said as his body transformed. His face turned bone white as his teeth truned to fangs. His eyebrows disappeared as it seemed the bones were transfixed outside of his skin. His hands became talons as his whole body went under this transformation. Several black and red tendrils erupted from his back and formed what appeared to be a 'living' cape.
"And to add to this power, I'll be able to absord the Lord of the Bat Demon's himself." Naraku said gleefully. Inuyasha and everyone else just stared in shocked silence as Azrael's body became contorted.
"Shit, he's now got the entire jewel shard in him!" Inuyasha yelled angrily. "Not too mention Azrael's now freaking out."
"Inuyasha, we have to get over to him." Kagome said sounding worried.
"Don't worry we will, but first we've got to keep our eyes on Naraku. It's a whole nother game now." Inuyasha said gravely.
"Well atleast there isn't anymore demon zombies." Koga said as he leaned on Ayame for support.
"But Naraku still possess Sounga. That combined with his new power will make an even deadlier combination." Sesshomaru said calmly as he starred at Naraku, then at Azrael.
*We stand no chance now. If Naraku doesn't kill, then Azrael will...that's if he can't gain control over his sword.* Sesshomaru thought as he readied himself.
"Oh yes, Sounga, heh. It's nothing more than a tool to me. Now that I've become a full demon there's really no need for it." Naraku said. Suddenly the skin in his right palm parted as Sounga was slowly absored into Naraku's body. Naraku once again transformed. This time his eyes glowed red as two ivory horms emerged from his forehead.
"Hahaha, now to elimimnate my only threat." Naraku yelled. Suddenly his disappeared. When he reappeared he was above Azrael. Naraku summoned energy to his right hand as he descended towards Azrael.
"Dragon Twister!" Naraku yelled as he prepared to launch the deadly attack from his palm. Suddenly his arm was stopped in mid air by Azrael. Azrael's eyes glowed red as he looked at Naraku. His eyes were full of such bloodlust that it made even Naraku shudder. Naraku then pushed of off Azrael and jumped several feet away from him.
" have brought death upon all of you!" Azrael yelled in a voice unlike his own. " I gave up my two fangs to seal this swords power...but even that wasn't enough. It still searched for my demonic aura and an attempt to take control of me. That is the reason I had the jewel shards imbedded in purify my demonic aura. But now it's too late...the swords awakened...and I can't control it!" With this statement Azrael's sword flashed. The two white blades around it suddenly turned into energy as they hit Azrael. Azrael yelled as the sword transformed. It become long and slender, with a curve at the end. The handle's bottom was like an axe head and the back part of the now crimson blade, had black spikes jutting out from the back of it. Azrael's body transformed as his whole body became black. His feet nearly doubled in size as they destroyed his shoes. His stood on the edge of his feet as his body underwent his demonic transformation. His fangs doubled over his lips as his black taloned hands gripped his sword which was pulsing with demoinc aura. His white hair flung wildly around his shoulders as he stood there like death personified.
" will be the first to die!" Azrael said as he let himself be consumed by the swords power. Azrael launched himself at Naraku, who was unable to dodge his fierce attack. Azrael sliced him with the sword and sent him flying backwards into a canyon wall. The wall cracked under the force of Naraku's body hitting it. Naraku jumped up from the attack and flipped over Azrael to avoid another attack. Naraku then launched a powerful energy attack at Azrael who only deflected it. Azrael then summoned energy to his sword as he launched another attack at Naraku.
"Dark Executioner!" Azrael yelled as the powerful vortex erupted from his sword. The blast hit Naraku full force as he screamed in pain. As the dust settled their was no sign of him, but Azrael had already found his next victims. Azrael then launched himself at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
"Run!" Sesshomaru yelled at the others as him and Inuyasha desperatly tried to dodge this powerful demon's onslaught.
*So this is someone my father considered an equal..truly they were on a whole other level than us.*
"Azrael snap out of this. This isn't you, your stronger than this!" Inuyasha yelled trying to reason with Azrael. Even as Azrael battled the two brothers a battle was being raged inside his mind. His demon half raged war with the demoinc pressence of the sword for control of Azrael's of now...his demon side was losing.
Inuyasha tried to dodge one of Azrael's attacks but was caught by Azrael's talons. Inuyasha fell to the ground as blood poured from his wound. Azrael went to finish Inuyasha but Sesshomaru deflected Azraels attack in an attempt to save his brother's life. However, in the process the sheer force from Azrael's attack severly injured Sesshomaru, who collapsed to the ground next to Inuyasha. Azrael raised his sword high above his head to finish the brothers off, but before he could strike a sacred arrow hit his sword!
"Kikyo!" Kagome cried as Kikyo emerged from the woods.
"It seems I was right about your traveling companion. The Lord of the Demon's...hmmm." Kikyo said as she calmly walked next to Kagome. The demoinc sword pulsed wildly after Kikyo's arrow hit it as Azrael gained control momentarily.
"Run, I beg of you...please run!" Azrael begged as his eyes showed deep sadness in what he was doing. Suddenly the sword took control again. Even as Azrael smiled as he raised his sword tears feel from his eyes.
"His soul is fighting a battle it cannot win." Kikyo said. "Not without our help anyway."
Kagome nodded at this as she grabbed her last arrow and aimed it Azrael.
"No...if we are to help him we must strike the sword at the same time...that is the only way to purify the demoin aura." Kikyo said. She pointed to where Kagome was to go as Kikyo made her way to the other side.
As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru laid wounded on the ground Azrael swung his sword downward.
"Now!" Inuyasha yelled as he and Sesshomaru jumped up at the same time. There was an immense shockwave as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stopped Azrael's attack with Tetsaiga and Tetseiga.
"How were the able to stop his attack?" Miroku asked in amazement.
"Simple, look at his face. If a warriors heart and soul isn't in the battle, no matter how strong he is, he can be toppled by the weakest of opponents. Azreal's conflicted about what he's doing...hence the reason his attack was so easy to deflect." Bankotsu said.
"So the mutt actually might survive this." Koga said as Ayame slapped him upside the head.
"Don't talk bad about him!" Ayame yelled.
*I know he's just trying to seem like he doesn't care...but really he hopes Inuyasha wins as much as the rest of us.* Ayame thought.
"Hey, you know if my legs weren't hurt I'd help them! But as it is right now, I'm lucky to be standing." Koga argued as he looked back in Inuyasha's direction. "I hope they all end up okay."
"Go can do it!" Shippo yelled.
Azrael backed away in shock that the brothers deflected his attack. Suddenly his eyes glowed red again as they lost all compassion and sorrow in them.
"Blades of Blood!" Azrael yelled as he launched the powerful blades out of his sword. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha dodged the blades as they tried to get in close towards Azrael.
"Death Vortex!" Azrael yelled again as he launched the powerful vortex at the brothers.
"Backlash Wave!" Inuyasha said as he used his Tetsaiga to send Azrael's attack back at him. "That should do it, no way he'll be able to stand after that."
"Fool...I fought your father...didn't you think I would know what that sword is capable of?" Azrael smirked. "Blood Shield!"
Suddenly a red barrier surrounded him as Inuyasha's BackLash wave dispersed due to the shield." Now it's my turn!"
Azrael disappeared for a second, Sesshomaru was knocked high into the air by some unseen force, Inuyasha was soon to follow as their bodies were flung to the ground in a pile. Azreal then reappeared as he raised his swords above their head once again.
"I am the Angel of Death!" Azrael declared as he lowered his sword.
"Stop!" a voice cried for in front of him.
"Rin..." Sesshomaru said weakly as he looked all about for Rin.
"Azrael this isn't you...please don't do this." Rin begged. She was still no where to be seen. "This isn't the Azrael who gave me this cloak to keep me safe from the attacks. I know it isn' please don't hurt Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled as she suddenly revealed herself right in front of Azrael. The cloak he gave her feel to the ground as she stood there crying for his mercy.
"Rin...don't stay here run!" Sesshomaru ordered as he tried to get up.
"No! I won't let him kill you Lord Sesshomaru. The Azrael I knew wouldn't...he couldn't...and I know that's not the real Azrael!" Rin yelled fervently.
"What would a child know about one's trueself...this is me in my soul's truest form!" Azrael said evilly as he gave her a small bow.
"Let's let your soul decide that!" Kikyo yelled from behind him.
"What!" Azrael said as he turned around. Suddenly two sacred arrows hit his sword from both sides.
"Yes we did it!" Kagome exclaimed as she jumped up in the air.
"No!" Azrael yelled as the sword began to pulse again. "No...I won't let you control me...not again...I won't hurt my friends!" Azrael yelled. The sword's pulsing grew faster as Azrael struggled to gain control.
"It's up to him now. How strong his will and soul are determins the outcome of this." Kikyo said as she and the other's walked around him. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha got up as Sesshomaru put a protective arm around Rin.
"If you ever do that again..." Sesshomaru said.
"Let's hope she doesn't have to." Inuyasha interupted as Azrael ceased to move for a few second. The sword quit pulsing as Azrael stood vacantly for a few seconds.
"I had forgotten how it felt to have this power." Azrael said as he looked at the ground. " I'm sorry for all that I did."
At this time Azrael looked up at them, he was still in his demoinc form but his eyes were the icy blue they had always been as tears streemed down his face. Azrael stabbed the sword into the ground as he walked over towards them.
"'s real harm done...and it's not like we haven't had our share of bezerkers in the past." Miroku said pointing at Inuyasha.
"Hey that was a one time deal!" Inuyasha argued.
"It happend three times." Sango replied.
"Heh, I can't belive it. I've had that cloak for as long as I remember, but it took a child took activate it's latent powers." Azrael said as he looked at Rin in amazement. "And it took a child to stare down the Lord of the Bat Demon's. Quite some mate you have there Sesshomaru."
At those words everyone stopped and starred at Sesshomaru. Rin blushed at the comment and Sesshomaru only stared blankly.
"She's not my mate!" Sesshomaru said finally a little louder than he had planned. "I a pure blood demon could never love a human."
"Don't take that high and might tone with me." Azrael said looking at Sesshomaru. "Your father could, and I can."
Before Sesshomaru could interject everyone felt a strong demonic pressence behind them. Naraku was standing behind them and holding Azrael's sword in his hands!
"Ah shit, don't tell me he's going to absorb Azrael's sword as well!" Inuyasha yelled as he, Azrael, and Sesshomaru got ready to charge Naraku.
"There's no way he can control the sword, it will turn him into a bezerker just like it did me." Azrael said as he flexed his taloned hands in anticipation.
"Now, my strenght will be unparalleled!" Naraku yelled almost psychoticly as he absorbed Azrael sword. Their was a huge flash of light as Naraku's body changed once again. His body became entirely black as black wings erupted from his back. His height doubled as he stood 12 ft tall. His horns became black as his eyes turned red.
"This is going to be Hell." Azrael said as he stared at Naraku. Naraku laughed as he charged the trio, bloodlust emitted from his body as energy as it destroyed everything in it's way.
"I will bring death to all!" Naraku yelled as he raised his taloned hand a launched a powerful energy attack out of it.
"This is perfect. Such power, I never dreamed being a full demon would be this good." Naraku said as his body transformed. His face turned bone white as his teeth truned to fangs. His eyebrows disappeared as it seemed the bones were transfixed outside of his skin. His hands became talons as his whole body went under this transformation. Several black and red tendrils erupted from his back and formed what appeared to be a 'living' cape.
"And to add to this power, I'll be able to absord the Lord of the Bat Demon's himself." Naraku said gleefully. Inuyasha and everyone else just stared in shocked silence as Azrael's body became contorted.
"Shit, he's now got the entire jewel shard in him!" Inuyasha yelled angrily. "Not too mention Azrael's now freaking out."
"Inuyasha, we have to get over to him." Kagome said sounding worried.
"Don't worry we will, but first we've got to keep our eyes on Naraku. It's a whole nother game now." Inuyasha said gravely.
"Well atleast there isn't anymore demon zombies." Koga said as he leaned on Ayame for support.
"But Naraku still possess Sounga. That combined with his new power will make an even deadlier combination." Sesshomaru said calmly as he starred at Naraku, then at Azrael.
*We stand no chance now. If Naraku doesn't kill, then Azrael will...that's if he can't gain control over his sword.* Sesshomaru thought as he readied himself.
"Oh yes, Sounga, heh. It's nothing more than a tool to me. Now that I've become a full demon there's really no need for it." Naraku said. Suddenly the skin in his right palm parted as Sounga was slowly absored into Naraku's body. Naraku once again transformed. This time his eyes glowed red as two ivory horms emerged from his forehead.
"Hahaha, now to elimimnate my only threat." Naraku yelled. Suddenly his disappeared. When he reappeared he was above Azrael. Naraku summoned energy to his right hand as he descended towards Azrael.
"Dragon Twister!" Naraku yelled as he prepared to launch the deadly attack from his palm. Suddenly his arm was stopped in mid air by Azrael. Azrael's eyes glowed red as he looked at Naraku. His eyes were full of such bloodlust that it made even Naraku shudder. Naraku then pushed of off Azrael and jumped several feet away from him.
" have brought death upon all of you!" Azrael yelled in a voice unlike his own. " I gave up my two fangs to seal this swords power...but even that wasn't enough. It still searched for my demonic aura and an attempt to take control of me. That is the reason I had the jewel shards imbedded in purify my demonic aura. But now it's too late...the swords awakened...and I can't control it!" With this statement Azrael's sword flashed. The two white blades around it suddenly turned into energy as they hit Azrael. Azrael yelled as the sword transformed. It become long and slender, with a curve at the end. The handle's bottom was like an axe head and the back part of the now crimson blade, had black spikes jutting out from the back of it. Azrael's body transformed as his whole body became black. His feet nearly doubled in size as they destroyed his shoes. His stood on the edge of his feet as his body underwent his demonic transformation. His fangs doubled over his lips as his black taloned hands gripped his sword which was pulsing with demoinc aura. His white hair flung wildly around his shoulders as he stood there like death personified.
" will be the first to die!" Azrael said as he let himself be consumed by the swords power. Azrael launched himself at Naraku, who was unable to dodge his fierce attack. Azrael sliced him with the sword and sent him flying backwards into a canyon wall. The wall cracked under the force of Naraku's body hitting it. Naraku jumped up from the attack and flipped over Azrael to avoid another attack. Naraku then launched a powerful energy attack at Azrael who only deflected it. Azrael then summoned energy to his sword as he launched another attack at Naraku.
"Dark Executioner!" Azrael yelled as the powerful vortex erupted from his sword. The blast hit Naraku full force as he screamed in pain. As the dust settled their was no sign of him, but Azrael had already found his next victims. Azrael then launched himself at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
"Run!" Sesshomaru yelled at the others as him and Inuyasha desperatly tried to dodge this powerful demon's onslaught.
*So this is someone my father considered an equal..truly they were on a whole other level than us.*
"Azrael snap out of this. This isn't you, your stronger than this!" Inuyasha yelled trying to reason with Azrael. Even as Azrael battled the two brothers a battle was being raged inside his mind. His demon half raged war with the demoinc pressence of the sword for control of Azrael's of now...his demon side was losing.
Inuyasha tried to dodge one of Azrael's attacks but was caught by Azrael's talons. Inuyasha fell to the ground as blood poured from his wound. Azrael went to finish Inuyasha but Sesshomaru deflected Azraels attack in an attempt to save his brother's life. However, in the process the sheer force from Azrael's attack severly injured Sesshomaru, who collapsed to the ground next to Inuyasha. Azrael raised his sword high above his head to finish the brothers off, but before he could strike a sacred arrow hit his sword!
"Kikyo!" Kagome cried as Kikyo emerged from the woods.
"It seems I was right about your traveling companion. The Lord of the Demon's...hmmm." Kikyo said as she calmly walked next to Kagome. The demoinc sword pulsed wildly after Kikyo's arrow hit it as Azrael gained control momentarily.
"Run, I beg of you...please run!" Azrael begged as his eyes showed deep sadness in what he was doing. Suddenly the sword took control again. Even as Azrael smiled as he raised his sword tears feel from his eyes.
"His soul is fighting a battle it cannot win." Kikyo said. "Not without our help anyway."
Kagome nodded at this as she grabbed her last arrow and aimed it Azrael.
"No...if we are to help him we must strike the sword at the same time...that is the only way to purify the demoin aura." Kikyo said. She pointed to where Kagome was to go as Kikyo made her way to the other side.
As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru laid wounded on the ground Azrael swung his sword downward.
"Now!" Inuyasha yelled as he and Sesshomaru jumped up at the same time. There was an immense shockwave as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stopped Azrael's attack with Tetsaiga and Tetseiga.
"How were the able to stop his attack?" Miroku asked in amazement.
"Simple, look at his face. If a warriors heart and soul isn't in the battle, no matter how strong he is, he can be toppled by the weakest of opponents. Azreal's conflicted about what he's doing...hence the reason his attack was so easy to deflect." Bankotsu said.
"So the mutt actually might survive this." Koga said as Ayame slapped him upside the head.
"Don't talk bad about him!" Ayame yelled.
*I know he's just trying to seem like he doesn't care...but really he hopes Inuyasha wins as much as the rest of us.* Ayame thought.
"Hey, you know if my legs weren't hurt I'd help them! But as it is right now, I'm lucky to be standing." Koga argued as he looked back in Inuyasha's direction. "I hope they all end up okay."
"Go can do it!" Shippo yelled.
Azrael backed away in shock that the brothers deflected his attack. Suddenly his eyes glowed red again as they lost all compassion and sorrow in them.
"Blades of Blood!" Azrael yelled as he launched the powerful blades out of his sword. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha dodged the blades as they tried to get in close towards Azrael.
"Death Vortex!" Azrael yelled again as he launched the powerful vortex at the brothers.
"Backlash Wave!" Inuyasha said as he used his Tetsaiga to send Azrael's attack back at him. "That should do it, no way he'll be able to stand after that."
"Fool...I fought your father...didn't you think I would know what that sword is capable of?" Azrael smirked. "Blood Shield!"
Suddenly a red barrier surrounded him as Inuyasha's BackLash wave dispersed due to the shield." Now it's my turn!"
Azrael disappeared for a second, Sesshomaru was knocked high into the air by some unseen force, Inuyasha was soon to follow as their bodies were flung to the ground in a pile. Azreal then reappeared as he raised his swords above their head once again.
"I am the Angel of Death!" Azrael declared as he lowered his sword.
"Stop!" a voice cried for in front of him.
"Rin..." Sesshomaru said weakly as he looked all about for Rin.
"Azrael this isn't you...please don't do this." Rin begged. She was still no where to be seen. "This isn't the Azrael who gave me this cloak to keep me safe from the attacks. I know it isn' please don't hurt Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled as she suddenly revealed herself right in front of Azrael. The cloak he gave her feel to the ground as she stood there crying for his mercy.
"Rin...don't stay here run!" Sesshomaru ordered as he tried to get up.
"No! I won't let him kill you Lord Sesshomaru. The Azrael I knew wouldn't...he couldn't...and I know that's not the real Azrael!" Rin yelled fervently.
"What would a child know about one's trueself...this is me in my soul's truest form!" Azrael said evilly as he gave her a small bow.
"Let's let your soul decide that!" Kikyo yelled from behind him.
"What!" Azrael said as he turned around. Suddenly two sacred arrows hit his sword from both sides.
"Yes we did it!" Kagome exclaimed as she jumped up in the air.
"No!" Azrael yelled as the sword began to pulse again. "No...I won't let you control me...not again...I won't hurt my friends!" Azrael yelled. The sword's pulsing grew faster as Azrael struggled to gain control.
"It's up to him now. How strong his will and soul are determins the outcome of this." Kikyo said as she and the other's walked around him. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha got up as Sesshomaru put a protective arm around Rin.
"If you ever do that again..." Sesshomaru said.
"Let's hope she doesn't have to." Inuyasha interupted as Azrael ceased to move for a few second. The sword quit pulsing as Azrael stood vacantly for a few seconds.
"I had forgotten how it felt to have this power." Azrael said as he looked at the ground. " I'm sorry for all that I did."
At this time Azrael looked up at them, he was still in his demoinc form but his eyes were the icy blue they had always been as tears streemed down his face. Azrael stabbed the sword into the ground as he walked over towards them.
"'s real harm done...and it's not like we haven't had our share of bezerkers in the past." Miroku said pointing at Inuyasha.
"Hey that was a one time deal!" Inuyasha argued.
"It happend three times." Sango replied.
"Heh, I can't belive it. I've had that cloak for as long as I remember, but it took a child took activate it's latent powers." Azrael said as he looked at Rin in amazement. "And it took a child to stare down the Lord of the Bat Demon's. Quite some mate you have there Sesshomaru."
At those words everyone stopped and starred at Sesshomaru. Rin blushed at the comment and Sesshomaru only stared blankly.
"She's not my mate!" Sesshomaru said finally a little louder than he had planned. "I a pure blood demon could never love a human."
"Don't take that high and might tone with me." Azrael said looking at Sesshomaru. "Your father could, and I can."
Before Sesshomaru could interject everyone felt a strong demonic pressence behind them. Naraku was standing behind them and holding Azrael's sword in his hands!
"Ah shit, don't tell me he's going to absorb Azrael's sword as well!" Inuyasha yelled as he, Azrael, and Sesshomaru got ready to charge Naraku.
"There's no way he can control the sword, it will turn him into a bezerker just like it did me." Azrael said as he flexed his taloned hands in anticipation.
"Now, my strenght will be unparalleled!" Naraku yelled almost psychoticly as he absorbed Azrael sword. Their was a huge flash of light as Naraku's body changed once again. His body became entirely black as black wings erupted from his back. His height doubled as he stood 12 ft tall. His horns became black as his eyes turned red.
"This is going to be Hell." Azrael said as he stared at Naraku. Naraku laughed as he charged the trio, bloodlust emitted from his body as energy as it destroyed everything in it's way.
"I will bring death to all!" Naraku yelled as he raised his taloned hand a launched a powerful energy attack out of it.