InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Day ❯ Dif/Dis ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

_____Dis/Dif (not)__________

She woke up and looked at the alarm clock. She had woken up thirty minutes before she had to. She didn't feel like sleeping, but she closed her eyes anyway.

Sunday came and went, and fooling her mom and not getting caught didn't have the wonderful feeling of rebellion she had expected. Instead she felt…normal. Just another walk in the park.

She didn't want to go to school today. Hojo would be there and she'd have to put up with him. that boy just could n0ot take a hint. She wished she could be like half the other girls at school and blow him off without feeling guilty, but it was hard being insensitive.

"I'm such a wimp." She said softly, eyes still closed.

If she could do Saturday night over she would. She'd start by not trying to be anything but the wimp she was and NOT go to the movies. If she had stayed home and studied she wouldn't have to walk with Hojo, or bump into that pervert and his weird friend. She should have slapped him as soon as she felt his hand on her butt. Or at least called him a pervert. Maybe both. If she could ha

She sat up in bed. Fifteen more minutes of wallowing in self-pity. She lay back down on her bed.

School, cram school, studying, chores, more studying, and then dinner. What an exciting life. But it was one she was used to, ever the beginning of junior, no, maybe even at elementary school she'd done that, going to the movies every now and then when homework was done. That was the way to getting into a good high school, and then into a good university and then getting a good job, having a good life.

Was having a good life worth sacrificing her childhood? What life? Going to the movies every other month didn't qualify as a "life" with her friends, but then, were they really "friends"? Friends seemed to spend the night at each other's house, and go to parties and then eat ice cream together when the other one got dumped. She hadn't done any of those, well, a party here and there, a total of eight, including pre-k stuff, which was kind of sad considering how it seemed like most of her class had gotten drunk at least once or knew enough to fake hangovers, and it wasn't until about a year ago she even knew what a "hangover" was.

She was pathetic, a wimp, a goody-goody that would lead a boring life until the day she keeled over at a nursing home leaving three kids, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren behind. But what else could she do? She didn't have any real ambition. Kids in her class all knew if they were going to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an accountant and those who didn't care to go to school for that long had always figured on a job in construction or something like that. She didn't have that. She couldn't do something like construction, she didn't want to be anything that would get her the income her grades predicted for her, and she couldn't see herself as a housewife.

She didn't have the making of greatness. Lack of a life left her with nothing to do but study and memorize, which was exactly what the teachers loved. She was friendly enough, she guessed, but she never had any real friends. She was nothing. An empty shell.

"Real nice thoughts to wake-up on a Monday to." She murmured. She looked at her clock. Five minutes till the alarm would go off. She reached up and turned off the alarm and then sat up, legs dangling off the side of the bed.

She was going to be different today. She'd do something, anything, anything that wasn't the norm, to try to prove she mattered somehow, that she wasn't just a mindless zombie, a sheeple to be counted and herded with the rest.

She had a goal. It wasn't much of one and she didn't know how she was to achieve it, but it was a start.


"rrrrr…" Inu Yasha mumbled and Miroku dried to open the blinds. Miroku had left Inu Yasha alone to get somethings…food mainly, Inu Yasha ate a lot….maybe he should start charging rent….

He walked away from the window as he passed by a stack of beer cans. He flicked one over with his finger and it fell on the wooden table with a metallic, ringing clunk.

"Dang, how much did this guy drink last night?" Miroku wondered aloud, to himself. Come to think of it, did he ever drink?

Yeah, he drank. They had gone to a couple of bars and Inu Yasha'd have a drink with Kikyo. But not this much, but that could be said of any guy, but he never thought of Inu Yasha as someone who'd resort to drinking…whatever Kikyo said it must have been bad…

Miroku looked at the clock on the wall. Cram school would start in about 45 minutes or so. He'd normally leave right now, not that it took that long to get there, just so he could have a few minutes extra to do…stuff.

He looked at Inu Yasha again. Poor guy…Miroku decided against waking him, going to class with a hangover was rough, he knew.

He grabbed his bag and left


I'm sleepy…

Disclaimer: you're delusional if you think I own it…