InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Be Careful What You Say ❯ Chapter seven: Journey's End ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 7

A/N: I don't own Inuyasha. While I have an active imagination, it's not that good!

The next morning, Sango dressed in her demon exterminator uniform. She then looked at Kagome. "Kagome...I have a request."

Kagome looked up."What, Sango?"

"I would like you to wear the miko outfit that Kaede gave you. I know that you would prefer not to, but we need to make the best impression possible, and these people can be a little conservative. They may take offense at your short skirt." Sango said quietly. "I mean no offense. I have no problem with your clothes. It's just that they may get the wrong idea."

Kagome looked irritated."Ohhhh...Alright. I can see your point. But I don't have to like it." she sighed.

"I know. But it may make a difference. And one other thing, let me do the talking,,,please?" Sango requested.

"But this is my mistake, I need to be the one to make it right!" protested Kagome. "And I'm the one who will have to pay whatever price they ask."

"Kagome, that's what we are afraid of." stated Miroku. "Do not let your guilt push you into making a rash promise that could cost you more than any of us, includung Inuyasha, would want you to bear."

"I don't care what they ask for, even if it is my own life!" said Kagome, with tears in her eyes. "My mind is made up. There is no changing it."

"And what good will it do Inuyasha if you were dead? Do you think he would want that?" Miroku asked queitly.

"Miroku, please, it is my decision to make. I'll do what I have to, and that is final." Kagome turned from them.

"At least let me make the request for an audience with the elder of the clan. I have more leverage for this, since we are distantly related." pleaded Sango.

"Alright, Sango. But I have to be the one to speak with the elder." insisted Kagome.

"As you wish. If we get in to see him, I will introduce you to him and ask him to hear your request. Please keep your temper in check if he refuses to help." warned Sango.

"Okay, okay. I'll do my best. Now let's get this over with." Kagome went to Kirara.

Sighing heavily, Sango turned to follow. "I don't like this."

"Neither do I." agreed Miroku. "But we have little choice. In one thing she is right, Inuyasha's life does depend on this."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Earlier that morning, before sunrise." The dog demon in question was only about a half hour away, leaning against a tree, breathing heavily. He had traveled all night to get to this point, and was paying the price for it. "Gods!" he thought. "I have done dumber things than to travel wounded like this, but none I can think of right now." He opened his kimono and looked at his blood soaked bandage. "I have to rebind this again before I can continue." As he began to tighten the dressing, he gasped in pain. "Oh no, not again! I have to get to Kagome!" was his last thought before passing out. Minutes pass, then movement. Two shadows approach from the trees. Looking around, warily, they check out the fallen hanyou. After disarming him, one gives a shrill whistle. Other shadows appear. They pick up the injured dog demon and take him away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Kirara approached the gate, activity could be seen in the fortress. The travelers made the decision to dismount and approach on foot.This would cause less of a threatening posture than arriving on the back of a large cat-demon.

The guard called challenge to them when they were within earshot, "Who are you? What business do you have here?"

"I am a demon exterminator of the Shikon village." called Sango. "I seek audience with the elder."

"You lie! All know that the Shikon village was destroyed and all the exterminators killed." shouted the guard.

"Not all died. I survived." insisted Sango.

"Prove it! Tell me something that only a member of your clan would know about our clan!" challenged the guard again.

"Very well. My great-grandfather was brother to the elder's father. He left the ninja clan to start the exterminators." replied Sango.

"By the gods!" exclaimed the guard. Turning to his subordinate, he commanded, "Hurry to the elder! Tell him one of our lost Shikon kinsman has come!"