InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Because you asked me to ❯ Kenji's wisdom ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A.N.: No tissue warning but it is raining citrus.
“Kenji?” Sesshoumaru yawned rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his fist as he sat up.
“Sometimes Sessh, you remind me of that little pup I used to carry around the castle on my shoulders,” the old warrior said as he stood up and moved to sit beside the taiyoukai on the bed.
“I'm not a pup anymore,” Sesshoumaru argued as he yawned again, his fist rubbing at his right eye that felt strangely dry. “My head hurts,” he groaned softly forgetting that the youkai was still there beside him.
“I'll have Kari fix a tea for you. She's pretty good with those, makes `em for me all the time. You rest pup,” he said and ruffled Sesshoumaru's hair before gently pushing him back to lie on the pillows.
“I need to check on Rin,” he mumbled with his eyes closed.
“She's right beside you. So is your woman. It's still dark out so get some more rest. I'll come back with that tea for your head. You know pup,” Kenji said as he stood and moved to the window, pulling the curtains closed. “That woman loves you. Whether you see it or not, and it has nothing at all to do with gratitude. Somehow, in someway of yours, you won her heart. I think maybe she won yours as well. She's just waiting to tell you until you prove to her that her love isn't unrequited.”
With those softly spoken words, Kenji left the room quietly. Sesshoumaru's eyes opened once more in the darkness as he lay still in his bed thinking of everything and yet nothing at all. Sighing, he knew he wouldn't be able to return to sleep until the dull aching throb that seemed to consume his head went away. He turned onto his side and looked at the woman and child that lay in bed with him.
He watched silently as Rin, seemingly upset that his change in position had taken his warmth from her, turned onto her side in her sleep and burrowed against him. Wrapping the tiny child up in his arm, he bent his head down to her and kissed her sleep warmed cheek. She always looked so tiny and utterly fragile to him when she slept. How could one tiny human child be filled with so much vigor and life? It seemed a contradiction to him. But perhaps he'd just forgotten what it was like to be a child, to be innocent.
A soft tired moan drew his attention away from the child in his arm and he looked to see the woman beginning to awaken. Wrapping his tail around Rin, he reached out his arm to the woman.
“Have you slept well?” he asked her quietly.
His hand cupped her soft cheek as the pad of his clawed thumb rubbed slowly back and forth over her cheek bone.
“Yes,” she said and traced her hand up his arm until she found his face. “I was so worried about you. Are you ok?” she asked him, her voice no more than a bare whisper of words.
“I'm fine,” he said as he leaned carefully over Rin and pressed his lips softly to the woman's. “I didn't mean to worry you,” he spoke against her lips, kissing her again once he'd spoken the last word.
With his tail, he carefully lifted Rin and placed her on the bed behind him as he moved closer to the woman, his lips still pressed against hers. His hand that held her cheek, moved slowly down until he was cupping the side of her neck, his thumb rubbing against the underside of her jaw as he continued to kiss her slowly. He massaged his lips against hers and smiled softly into the kiss as he felt her begin to respond hesitantly.
“Do not worry, you cannot disappoint me,” he said against her lips as he kissed her still.
“Are you sure I can't?” she asked against his lips and felt his chest vibrate against hers as he chuckled softly.
“More than certain,” he assured her and purred softly as he ran his tongue over her lips.
Her lips opened slightly, granting him entrance and he begin to slowly snake his tongue inside -
“There's a pup in the bed next to you Sesshoumaru,” Kenji's voice called to him. “I'd think you'd have more sense than that.”
Sesshoumaru growled in annoyance, as he dropped his head to rest against the woman's chest. “There is nothing wrong with a kiss,” he argued as he sat up and looked at the inuyoukai standing next to the bed.
“What part of `there's a pup in the bed next to you' did you not understand?” Kenji asked Sesshoumaru and popped him lightly upside his gleaming silver white head.
“Ow,” Sesshoumaru growled softly and rubbed his head.
“Yes, about that,” Kenji said and handed the younger youkai a cup of steaming tea. “Drink that.”
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes but did as he was told. Throughout the entirety of it all, the woman had sat silent, something that did not bode well with Sesshoumaru. He turned his head; the cup held to his lips as he drank and looked at the woman who remained silent. Something seemed to be bothering her.
“Bishoujo?” he asked. `Beautiful girl' seemed the perfect endearment to use for her until he found her a proper name. “Is something wrong?”
“I - I don't know,” she said softly, her voice confused. “I know I shouldn't', but I keep thinking about Jaken.”
Low dangerous growls spilled forth from the throats of the two inuyoukai in the room.
“That toad will pay for his treachery,” Sesshoumaru spoke dangerously.
“I don't think it was his fault,” the woman said softly. “I know this will sound weird,” she sighed, her brows furrowing as she collected her thoughts. “Jaken felt different. Has felt different ever since our encounter with that dark man, what did you call him?...Naraku?”
“Yes,” Sesshoumaru affirmed. “Different how?” he asked, his brow furrowed in thought.
“Like…I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like Naraku left some of his darkness on Jaken.” The woman sighed again and it was clear to both youkai that although she was certain of what she meant, she wasn't certain of how to go about expressing it.
“What do you mean?” Sesshoumaru asked her as he set the empty cup aside and pulled the woman against his side.
“Jaken's had this…dark spot on his shoulder ever since our encounter with Naraku.”
“A dark spot?” Sesshoumaru asked now very confused.
“I don't know how else to explain it. Maybe if you took me to him, so I could show you?” she asked turning her sightless eyes up to his shimmering golden ones.
“In the morning,” Sesshoumaru said as he watched her yawn softly.
“Ok,” she agreed softly and both woman and youkai found themselves pushed back to rest upon their pillows by Kenji.
“For now though,” the elder inuyoukai said. “You both need sleep. I shall stay here and guard you the rest of the night, but I want you both to sleep.”
“Yes daddy,” the woman joked and received a playful growl for her amusement.
“Sesshoumaru, lie down and go to sleep,” Kenji said to the taiyoukai sternly as he tried to rise again.
“Yes daddy,” Sesshoumaru spoke sarcastically as he looked to the woman at his side.
“You, pup, don't need to be any more obstinate than you already are,” Kenji said as he crossed his arms and reclaimed the chair he'd been sitting in.
“You presume to command this Sesshoumaru?” he spoke, his hand covering a yawn that followed his words.
“Don't pull that `this Sesshoumaru' stuff with me pup. I changed your diapers on occasion, if you'd kindly remember.”
“Oi!” Sesshoumaru said outraged that Kenji would say such a thing.
Both youkai were stopped from their building argument by the sound of amused giggles coming from the woman lying in the bed.
“And just what do you find so amusing Bishoujo?” Sesshoumaru asked her secretly delighting in the blush that graced her cheeks every time he called her that.
“I don't know, just the thought of you in diapers. Being so tiny…you must have been adorable,” she said with a giggle.
“Oh he was,” Kenji assured her, humor in his voice.
“Kenji,” Sesshoumaru warned.
“Yes my lord?” the black inu said innocently.
“Oh, so now I'm your lord,” Sesshoumaru said only to be whapped softly by the woman's hand as the blankets were thrown over his face.
“Do as he said and go to sleep. Besides, I'm tired and you're keeping me awake,” the woman said and rolled onto her side facing away from Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes as he moved Rin, the sleeping child still wrapped up in his tail, to lie in front of the woman. As soon as her arms wrapped around Rin and the child was tucked under the blankets, Sesshoumaru rolled onto his side, molded his body to hers, and wrapped his arm around her as they both returned to sleep.
“Morning my lord,” Kari spoke softly as she saw Sesshoumaru awaken. “I'm going to take Rin to bathe; I'll come back for the woman after.”
Sesshoumaru nodded and watched her lift the waking child into her arms and leave the room.
“For all our sanities Kenji, just go after her,” Sesshoumaru said as he closed his eyes to rest a bit more.
“What - what are you talking about?” the youkai asked more than a bit flustered.
“Kenji, you cannot fool me,” Sesshoumaru said as he turned his eyes to look at his friend and warrior. “Besides that, everyone in the castle knows that Kari is your woman. We're all just wondering how long it's going to take you to claim her.”
Giving a soft growl, the youkai in question stood from his chair and walked slowly to the door, Sesshoumaru smirking at his friend's deep blush.
“Quiet pup,” Kenji said as he moved out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The woman moaned softly, being drawn awake by the most pleasurable feeling of a fang tipped mouth nibbling on the side of her neck. Someone was lying on top of her, between her legs, she discovered as she fully woke. That same someone was also creating the most teasingly erotic sensations with his tongue, fangs, lips, and wandering hand, making her moan and gasp in pleasure.
“Sesshoumaru that had better be you,” she said as she said as she stretched, the movement bringing their lower bodies into more intimate contact.
“And if it were not me,” Sesshoumaru whispered into her ear as he nipped at the bottom flesh of her lobe. “Then what would you do?”
“Scream, box your ears, who-who knows,” she stammered the last part, gasping as she felt his mouth move down to capture her breast through the silk of her sleeping gown.
“You know,” he said conversationally as he nipped at the soft flesh through the silk. “I have another phrase for you to repeat today.”
“Another one?” she asked with a groan of near annoyance that quickly turned into pleasure when she felt the silk moved aside and his mouth encasing her bared nipple. “What are you doing to me?” she asked in wonder, the pleasurable sensations nearly all consuming.
“Giving you proof of the phrase you are to speak today,” he said simply as though he were doing nothing more than reading a land report. “Do you know what that phrase is?” he asked her lazily smirking when she gasped as he snaked his tail up between her spread legs.
“N-no,” she gasped as she felt the soft fur sliding along her inner thigh and flicking against her center, barely touching.
Sesshoumaru watched with masculine pride as her eyes rolled back in her head and she arched up against him as gradually increased the pressure and tempo of his flicking tail. His single hand moved to play with one breast as he lowered his mouth to the other. The sensations were rapidly becoming too much for her and she felt as though she would surely break if she didn't reach a place she couldn't quite name or understand.
“You are beautiful,” he said to her as he lifted his mouth away from her breast and kissed her rose colored lips, her soft golden face flushed a deep scarlet from her arousal.
Sesshoumaru spent the next while kissing her, coaxing her into responding, teaching her to kiss. By the time he was done with kissing her, and moved on to nipping and licking her neck, the woman was panting. She couldn't catch her breath. Everything felt so intense, so powerful, she felt as though he was killing her in a way. A slow pleasurable death that she would give her life a second time to experience again.
“Do you want more?” he asked the panting, writhing woman beneath him.
“M-more?” she asked breathlessly. “There's more?”
“So much more,” he promised her with a kiss.
“Yes,” she begged. “Yes, please more.”
“Then say it,” he said and resumed his oral play of her breasts.
“Say what?” she gasped and moaned as he sucked, licked and nipped at her sensitive flesh.
“Your phrase for the day,” he said through his teeth as he sucked her nipple in his mouth and pulled gently up as far as he could before releasing her.
All he received was a guttural moan as the woman arched up, her hands tangling in his hair and pulling him back down to her breast as his tail tip continued to twitch against her center. It was close enough to be felt but yet still far enough away so that she could not reach orgasm. Her legs squeezed around his waist tightly as she gave a trembling, stuttered gasp and arched against him feeling her womb tighten nearly too much for her to bear. She was shaking, trembling full body, all of her muscles engaged. She felt as though she were standing on the edge of a high cliff and rocking back and forth on her toes. Every time she would get close to falling over the edge, something pulled her back. The closer she got to falling over, the more frustrated she became with whatever was keeping her from her relief.
“Say it,” he whispered into her ear as he traced his tongue over the shell of her ear. “Say it,” he said again, when she whimpered in coherently.
“Say…what?” she asked gasping for breath as she moaned in pleasure.
“Say: I am beautiful.”
“I…” she moaned and threw her head back as he traced his claws lightly down her side, strings of fire caressing her flesh.
“Say it,” he prodded on, taking her nipple into his mouth as he played the other with his hand.
“Am,” she moaned and gulped back a moan, hearing a dull ripping sound she couldn't quite identify. “I am…”
“You are what?” he asked as he moved his way down her torso and nipped at her flat stomach. She nearly screamed when he sucked on her navel. Everything was oversensitive now, too much, too intense.
“Beautiful,” she finished. “I am beautiful,” she said fully and fairly jumped off the bed when the youkai on top of her moved lower.
He had been smelling her arousal for the past hour and couldn't wait to taste her. He could tell she'd taste sweet, but when he spread her nether lips that were covered with honey colored curl dripping in her juices - there was nothing like the first taste. The woman did scream this time, her hips rising off the bed only to be pinned down by his arm across her stomach as his tail wrapped around her leg and held her open.
He lapped at her slowly, teasing her already aching arousal into an all consuming, fire burning need. Removing his arm from her stomach, he traced his claws over her hip, across the top of her thigh and down near his face. Seconds later his finger entered her and she called out again and again, as two more, long claw tipped fingers entered her and began to move within her. The taiyoukai set a slow languid pace, thrusting his fingers in and out of her slowly, prolonging her pleasure as she moved her hips against his hand.
“Say it,” he commanded her again, his voice filled with lust, his hot breath against her center.
“I am beautiful,” she said quickly, wanting to feel the exquisite pleasure he only hinted at allowing her to experience.
“Again,” he commanded as he ran his tongue along her and over her stiff, blood engorged nub.
“I am beautiful.”
“I am beautiful…SesshouMARU!” she screamed his name as he sucked hard on her clit and flicked his tongue against it as he held it motionless between his teeth gently.
“Pappa's hurt!” Rin cried out and began to run down the long hall when she heard the name screamed.
“No, no he's not Rin,” Kenji said as he caught her quickly and swung her up into his arms. “Let's go play in the garden alright?”
“Ok,” she said happily though still worried that the taiyoukai might be hurt.
Sesshoumaru you dog, that wasn't what I meant, Kenji thought and chuckled as he carried the girl in his arms down the hall and out of the castle. Had the human child in his arms been youkai, then there would be no doubt in her mind as to what her father was indeed doing. The scent of the woman's arousal was thick even in the halls.
The woman lay panting in the bed as Sesshoumaru eased her down from her orgasm, and lapped up all the thick sweet tasting juices her body produced. He looked up at her and found her nearing sleep, exhausted from his play time with her body. Kami she was beautiful when she came, when she was aroused. The way her cheeks flushed and she blushed all the way down to the edge of her collar bone in pleasure.
She lay limply, more than spent, as Sesshoumaru wrapped her up in his arm and tail and brought her up against his side. He kissed her temple and nuzzled her hair as she blinked tiredly, barely able to stay awake, unable to form coherent thought.
“Now…what is your phrase for today?” he asked her his voice amused and full of masculine pride.
“I am beautiful,” she said slowly, tiredly, her voice raspy from her moaning and screaming.
“Yes, you are.”
