InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Explosion ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey ^^ This fic is also on, I was trying to see if chapter 6 would upload… ^^*

Summery: Inuyasha is a rich hanyou, who somehow got blind. Higurashi Kagome is an average teen working in a small clinic to help disabled people. She is desperately trying to get money in order to keep her home. (Not very good at summaries sorry)

Disclaimer: You know the website called well this is where I'm posting this. Keyword: FANfiction.


"So will you bear my chil-"

"Oi! Miroku! Hurry up!!" Inuyasha called, as he was about to get into his car. Inuyasha was a hanyou. ½ demon and ½ human, His father was a rich man, and still would be if he hadn't been assassinated a few years back. Inuyasha's father had left most of his money and glory to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha older ½ brother. Inuyasha had gotten a good 68,000,000 yen (approximately $500,000 I think ), so he wasn't complaining. His mother had died from grief a little while later, not to mention her having a wealthy family as well. Being her only son and living heir, Inuyasha had gotten the money too. All in all he was a pretty rich teenager.

"I'm busy!!" Miroku called from about 20 yards away from Inuyasha.

"Feh. Whatever." Inuyasha grumbled as he was about to open the car door.


A bright light was all Inuyasha saw. That and immense pain, he was instantly flung backwards as his car erupted in flames. Even though he was a hanyou, he was knocked unconscious.


*RING!!!!!!!!!* Kagome's alarm clock went as she went over to slam the stupid clocks face into her stupid bureau so it could freaking shut up and let her sleep. Did I ever say that Kagome wasn't a morning person? She got up sluggishly as she rubbed her eyes grumbling something incoherent.

She had beautiful raven hair, and darkish light chestnut eyes. She went to the bathroom to take a nice refreshing shower.


"Ohayo Kagome-chan!" Sango said cheerfully as Kagome stopped in front of her. Kagome had gone to work at a clinic for people who were disabled. She had been there a month and still didn't have a patient to work on. For once, there was no chaos, which didn't suit Kagome very well since she needed the money to keep her home.

"Uhhhhhh…" Kagome said, deciding to not return the greeting.

"Hey have you heard about the car bombing last week?" Sango asked filing some paperwork. Sango was Kagome's best friend since before they both could remember.

"What happened?" Kagome asked a little interested and awake now. "Where was I?" She asked wondering where the hell she was when this happened.

"My best guess was that you were dead to the world sleeping." Sango said. "I hear the 'victim' is coming here. He became blind from the bombing and needs an aid."

"He survived?"

"Yeah. Somehow. No one wants to be his aid though. I hear he's a hotheaded, arrogant jerk, but a really hot." Sango replied smirking.

"Sango-chan, that's awful. Your only listening to rumors, for all we know, he could be sweet, caring, and kind.

"Well you should take the job! I hear he's really rich too!"

"Isn't the job already taken?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Iie. No one's wanted to deal with him."

"Umm… I guess. What can it hurt?" Kagome half thought.


"Hey you ok?" Miroku asked his friend in the hospital bed, 2 weeks after the bombing.

"No. I'm just fine and I can see you face clearly, HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!?!?" Inuyasha all but screamed at Miroku.

"Damn. Sorry." Miroku said throwing his hands up in the air.

"I feel so fucking stupid in this hat." Inuyasha said pointing to a baseball hat on top of his head.

"Hey at least the concealing spell worked until you woke up." Miroku said helpfully.

"Feh Whatever."

"Hey I heard that that clinic got you an aid, and I hear she' pretty hot."

"Feh. Not like I can see her."

"Hey, you act like this is a permanent thing. Remember the doctor said that it could be only temporary."

"What's her name?" Inuyasha asked turning his head towards Miroku's voice.

"Oh. Interested I see! Her names Higurashi Kagome, she'll be here tomorrow."

"TOMARROW????" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Um… yeah? Is there a problem with it?"

"My concealing spell idiot! I don't have enough youki yet!" He hissed through his teeth.

"OOOOoohhhh…." Miroku said, is mouth forming a perfect 'O'

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"Just wear the damn hat."


A/N: So whatcha think? REVIEWS PEOPLE PPPPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE!!!! Lessee…. I need at least ummmmm… 5 reviews to continue, though I might still continue if it's only 2…