InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Being Blind ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do you really have to ask? No I don't own Inuyasha and co. happy now?

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Kagome shifted nervously. She was in the elevator to meet Taiyoukai Inuyasha. She puzzled at his last name. 'Taiyoukai'. Didn't that mean 'Great Demon' or something like that? ~Oh well.~ she thought deciding to start thinking about something else. Inuyasha was supposed to be 18, which meant that he would only be a year older than her. She had graduated a year early because she had taken a 'special' test and got up a year higher. Sango did that too. For some reason, they were the only two who had made it.

The elevator 'dinged' and it's doors opened. She walked up to the front desk and said, "Taiyoukai Inuyasha please."

"Room number 899." The nurse replied automatically. Kagome wondered why the nurse didn't look onto the computer, or anything.

"Umm…are you sure?" She asked timidly.

"Yes." The nurse replied stoically.


"Inuyasha! Stop harassing the-"

"BITCH!! I said I wanted shrimp ramen! NOT VEGITABLE!!" Inuyasha roared at the poor nurse.

(a/n: ::ahem:: now you know why the nurse knew the number…)


Kagome was just about to knock on the door when she heard-

"WELL I'M SORRY MR. TAIYOUKAI, BUT THAT'S THE ONLY RAMEN WE HAVE!!!!" She heard a shrieking nurse say. Kagome jumped away from the door when it swung open to reveal a grumbling nurse that suspiciously looked a LOT like Kagome. Kagome decided to ignore it and knocked on the open door.

"Umm….Hello?" She asked timidly.


Miroku and Inuyasha looked up when they heard her.

"He doesn't want any ramen, thanks." Miroku said.

"Oh no. I'm the aid. For Mr. Taiyoukai…" Kagome said, feeling a bit off calling someone who was a year older than her 'Mr.'

"Oh really?" Miroku said with interest as he walked over to her and held her hands.

"umm…what're you-"

"Oh fair lady, will you bear my child?" Miroku asked, staring into her eyes.

"Wh-wha-" then she felt it. ::caresscaress::


"HENTAI!!" Kagome screamed, making Inuyasha's ears, which were inside his hat, stick to his skull.

"O-oh my gosh! I am so sorry-" Kagome began, but was cut off by a chuckling Inuyasha. He didn't need his eyes to know what had just happened. Kagome looked over to her patient for the first time, and looked him straight in the eye.

Inuyasha knew he had locked eyes with her, even though he couldn't see. He tried to glare, but didn't know if he was. (^-^;;)

Kagome looked into his golden pools, and all of a sudden felt something. She let out a gasp and became rigid, and one word came out of her mouth.


Kagome didn't know what compelled her to say that, but for some reason, that was all that was going on in her mind. She had felt something odd when she looked at him, sort of like electricity, but a strange magical feeling too.

"W-what did you say!?!" Miroku asked panicking. Inuyasha sat there stunned. He'd heard it, 'hanyou'. What he had been scorned all his life for. Half-breed, hanyou, they were all the same. Even now, he was made fun of.

"_WHAT_ did you say?" Inuyasha asked in a deadly tone.

"I-I don't know, I-if I've offended you somehow, I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I said it…" She just kept rambling on.

~Could she be a miko?~ Miroku and Inuyasha thought at the same time. ~But they're supposed to be extinced!~

"Shut-up." Inuyasha said, and successfully made her be quiet. "How do you know?"

"Um…know what?"

"That I'm a hanyou idiot!"

"Don't call me an idiot! I don't know! It was just a feeling!- Wait, you're actually a hanyou?" Kagome asked.

"Umm… no, he's not!" Miroku answered for him. Kagome, for some reason, felt compelled again to do something; take off his hat. As if acting on someone's command, she walked over to Inuyasha. "What're you doing?" Miroku asked.

Kagome finally reached him and took off the hat, to reveal fuzzy, furry, cute, snow-white ears.


Inuyasha waited for her to start screaming freak, or 'gross' of anything, but it never happened. All of a sudden, he felt her rubbing his ears. RUBBING. He had to admit to himself that it did feel good, and that she DID have a nice scent. He had to use all of his willpower to not start purring

"Hmm… are these real?" Kagome asked. "They're so cute!" ^_^

Cute? She thought his ears were CUTE? That snapped him out of his little reverie. He took his hand and grabbed her wrist.

"What do you think you're doing wench?!"

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A/N: Phew…another chappie finished… well tell me Whatcha think!! RRRRRREEEEEEEEVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEWWWWSS!!!!!!!