InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Betrothed ❯ The search ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha Italics: means a dream or thought.
Thank you to the most wonderful editor in the whole world. If not for you
This fic would have been a grammatical horror. ^_^ thanx mean_punk.
letters or dreams
Kagome walked around the woods of the western lands. She'd never been to this
area before so she was lost and alone. “I wish I had just stayed and sucked it
up. I'm so hungry I should have waited until after dinner to leave.” Her stomach
began to grumble in agreement. She was so sleepy. She found a grassy area that
looked comforting enough for her. She kneeled down and closed her eyes wondering
if she made the right decision or not and how her life would be so much better
if her mother had not died. She gazed up into the stars and thought -I wonder if
my mother is watching me now,- until she drifted off into the darkness sleep. In
her dream she was a miko and she had a sister although she couldn't see her face
so well. They fought the evil that came towards them and their loved ones. There
were also two male companions that were blurry to her. She had a bow and arrow
in her hand and the necklace that her mother was buried in was around her neck.
There was a very powerful aura around it and it shielded all of her companions
with its power. There was also a little demon boy that she had never seen before
holding onto her leg like it was a lifeline. She saw a little half-demon girl
running towards them in the mist yelling “my child, my child” Then she awoke to
find herself in a hut lying on a bed and she looked up to find the face of an
old priestess. “Ye oughtn't have been out in the forest of Inuyasha in the
western lands if ye wishes to live and see the next day.” Kagome gave her a
confused look. “Where am I, how did I get here, who are you. ” The old lady just
smiled, “Ye is very inquisitive and curious, I am priestess Kaede, and one of
the villagers found you outside on the ground in the wild while they were
hunting. They claimed ye were glowing.” Kagome looked at the lady like she had
two heads, “glowing like how?” “With miko powers, they seem very familiar yet
different my child. Did ye not know?” Kagome smiled “I've always wanted to train
to become a priestess like my mother and now I know I've already got the powers.
Lady Kaede, will you please train me to become a miko.” Kaede beam brightly of
course, “I haven't taught a girl into priestess hood since…” she gave a far off
look and then shook her head. “It doesn't matter now. I would love to teach
you.” Kaede stared at her for a while and was taken aback by the similarities
-she looks like my daughter when she was about that age.- Kagome waved a hand in
her face. “Are you okay Kaede san?” the old woman just shook her head again,
“yes I was just remembering some things.” Kagome got really excited, “O.k. so
when do we start?” Kaede pondered, “Good question, Umm what about today?” Kaede
handed Kagome a bow and arrow and asked her to aim the arrow at the x that was
marked into the tree. “ I don't know Kaede, I might shoot a bird or something.”
Kaede assured her. “Ye should always have faith in your powers for that is what
ye is depending on to get ye through training.” Kagome looked hopeful “alright,
here goes nothing.” She aimed at the tree and hit a bull's eye the first try;
Kagome almost jumped the old woman. I got it I did it. Kaede looked on in shock
the only one to ever do that died 10 years ago. How is it that this child feels
slightly connected to this person in some way? Kagome was a fast learner and by
the end of the day she knew most of the things that took priest and priestess
years to learn. “Kagome, your learning rate is so much fast then anyone I have
ever met accept this one person I know named Kikyo.” At the mention of the name
Kagome's eyes got big and then watery as she looked at the elder miko. “That was
my mother.” Then she looked away. Kaede connected the dots. -That has to be it
then.- “You were destined to meet me you know, I have something for you.” Kagome
looked at the old woman and began to follow her. The one question that had been
on her mind finally came out, “ Lady Kaede, how do you know my mother?” “I
trained her and she was a very unique individual. She had a jewel that helped
her but also hindered her from ever having a normal life. I know you will be
shocked at the startling information that you are about to receive but you must
know that it is necessary to fulfill the prophecy.” Kagome's eyes widened as if
she was getting info on a big secret.
Well…. Mean while with Inuyasha and the gang. Miroku and Sango were exhausted,
they stayed up all night looking for her. Sango asked again “ have you got a
whiff of her yet?” “Feh…” was all he said and continued. Miroku stepped in.
“Inuyasha, we need to rest, we are human and it is required in our everyday
life, not optional.” Inuyasha “feh'd” again. “ If you want to rest, then rest. I
will come back and get you later.” Sango and Miroku set up camp. Sango looked
worried, “ I'm really worried about him Miroku.” He just nodded. “ Me too”, then
he reached out and groped her. Sango was heated “How can you think about
something like that at a time like this you are so argggg.” Miroku just lay on
the ground with a content smirk but far away look in his eyes. Sango looked longingly at her
letters or dreams
Kagome walked around the woods of the western lands. She'd never been to this
area before so she was lost and alone. “I wish I had just stayed and sucked it
up. I'm so hungry I should have waited until after dinner to leave.” Her stomach
began to grumble in agreement. She was so sleepy. She found a grassy area that
looked comforting enough for her. She kneeled down and closed her eyes wondering
if she made the right decision or not and how her life would be so much better
if her mother had not died. She gazed up into the stars and thought -I wonder if
my mother is watching me now,- until she drifted off into the darkness sleep. In
her dream she was a miko and she had a sister although she couldn't see her face
so well. They fought the evil that came towards them and their loved ones. There
were also two male companions that were blurry to her. She had a bow and arrow
in her hand and the necklace that her mother was buried in was around her neck.
There was a very powerful aura around it and it shielded all of her companions
with its power. There was also a little demon boy that she had never seen before
holding onto her leg like it was a lifeline. She saw a little half-demon girl
running towards them in the mist yelling “my child, my child” Then she awoke to
find herself in a hut lying on a bed and she looked up to find the face of an
old priestess. “Ye oughtn't have been out in the forest of Inuyasha in the
western lands if ye wishes to live and see the next day.” Kagome gave her a
confused look. “Where am I, how did I get here, who are you. ” The old lady just
smiled, “Ye is very inquisitive and curious, I am priestess Kaede, and one of
the villagers found you outside on the ground in the wild while they were
hunting. They claimed ye were glowing.” Kagome looked at the lady like she had
two heads, “glowing like how?” “With miko powers, they seem very familiar yet
different my child. Did ye not know?” Kagome smiled “I've always wanted to train
to become a priestess like my mother and now I know I've already got the powers.
Lady Kaede, will you please train me to become a miko.” Kaede beam brightly of
course, “I haven't taught a girl into priestess hood since…” she gave a far off
look and then shook her head. “It doesn't matter now. I would love to teach
you.” Kaede stared at her for a while and was taken aback by the similarities
-she looks like my daughter when she was about that age.- Kagome waved a hand in
her face. “Are you okay Kaede san?” the old woman just shook her head again,
“yes I was just remembering some things.” Kagome got really excited, “O.k. so
when do we start?” Kaede pondered, “Good question, Umm what about today?” Kaede
handed Kagome a bow and arrow and asked her to aim the arrow at the x that was
marked into the tree. “ I don't know Kaede, I might shoot a bird or something.”
Kaede assured her. “Ye should always have faith in your powers for that is what
ye is depending on to get ye through training.” Kagome looked hopeful “alright,
here goes nothing.” She aimed at the tree and hit a bull's eye the first try;
Kagome almost jumped the old woman. I got it I did it. Kaede looked on in shock
the only one to ever do that died 10 years ago. How is it that this child feels
slightly connected to this person in some way? Kagome was a fast learner and by
the end of the day she knew most of the things that took priest and priestess
years to learn. “Kagome, your learning rate is so much fast then anyone I have
ever met accept this one person I know named Kikyo.” At the mention of the name
Kagome's eyes got big and then watery as she looked at the elder miko. “That was
my mother.” Then she looked away. Kaede connected the dots. -That has to be it
then.- “You were destined to meet me you know, I have something for you.” Kagome
looked at the old woman and began to follow her. The one question that had been
on her mind finally came out, “ Lady Kaede, how do you know my mother?” “I
trained her and she was a very unique individual. She had a jewel that helped
her but also hindered her from ever having a normal life. I know you will be
shocked at the startling information that you are about to receive but you must
know that it is necessary to fulfill the prophecy.” Kagome's eyes widened as if
she was getting info on a big secret.
Well…. Mean while with Inuyasha and the gang. Miroku and Sango were exhausted,
they stayed up all night looking for her. Sango asked again “ have you got a
whiff of her yet?” “Feh…” was all he said and continued. Miroku stepped in.
“Inuyasha, we need to rest, we are human and it is required in our everyday
life, not optional.” Inuyasha “feh'd” again. “ If you want to rest, then rest. I
will come back and get you later.” Sango and Miroku set up camp. Sango looked
worried, “ I'm really worried about him Miroku.” He just nodded. “ Me too”, then
he reached out and groped her. Sango was heated “How can you think about
something like that at a time like this you are so argggg.” Miroku just lay on
the ground with a content smirk but far away look in his eyes. Sango looked longingly at her
Lecherous friend. -Why can't he see me for more than a piece of ass-. She just sighed and went to sleep.
I'm sorry that it was a longer fic but I'll try to make the next one longer.^_^ Ja ne.