InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Big Red ❯ all about inu ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well here you go guys. I'm grounded so I may be updating a little later than usual. I love you all. I do not own Inuyasha poor me.
Chapter four
Feelings and family
Kagome woke to find her alarm clock buzzing. She sighed and sat up and turned off her clock wiping her eyes with her fists. She suddenly herd her mothers' harmonic voice coming up the steps to her room with kagome's newly cleaned uniform. She smiled as her mom popped her head in the door. “Here you go honey. Breakfast will be done in a few minutes. Better hurry up.” Kagome nodded and untangled herself from her covers as her mother put her cloths on her dresser. She kissed her mom bye and watched as her mother left her room. She then grabbed her cloths and shuffled off to the bathroom. When she came out she herd the sound of her grandpa and Souta talking. She then grabbed her book bag and left her room. She then ate breakfast and left to catch up with Sango.
“Hey Sango…wears the lecher?” kagome asked.
“Oh him? Hes at home…of course he called me this morning…I didn't go over there or anything.
“Yeah…” kagome thought something was going on between them. As she approached the school she suddenly felt nervous. “Hey Sango can I talk to you for a sec?” asked kagome.
“Um sure kagome.” They stopped right before they came into the schools view.
“Last night Inuyasha came to my house…”said kagome.
“Oh my gods tell me tell me!” screamed Sango.
“Well he came over. I turned on some music and well I sat on the bed. He grabbed my hand…and he kissed me… he actually kissed me…”said kagome
You guys… um if u want me to continue writing this story please let me know.