InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bitter ❯ Bitter Revelation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This was written for the IY_themes community at LiveJournal. The prompt was “light” and the limit was 500 words.
Title: Bitter Revelation
Type: canon divergence
Word Count: 500
Characters: InuYasha, Miroku, Mushin
Summary: InuYasha delivers a message to Miroku
Bitter Revelation
“Back already? I thought you just left,” Mushin commented as InuYasha walked towards him.
The hanyou sighed. “Kaede-baba sent me back with a message for the bouzou. Do you know where he is?”
“She doesn't want him to come back to help her, does she? I have plenty need of him right here.” Mushin took a swig from the jug he was cradling.
InuYasha stopped himself from bopping the old monk over the head with his bottle. “Just tell me where I can find Miroku. He hasn't drowned himself in that booze yet, has he?”
Mushin shook his head. “No, but you two did some pretty good damage to my stock. I hope you aren't planning on another round… but you'll find him out purifying himself under the waterfall.”
The hanyou nodded and headed down the path that would take him to Miroku.
Patience not being one of his virtues, InuYasha grabbed him and dunked the startled monk in the pool. “There, that should clean you enough.”
Miroku came up sputtering. “What'd you do that for! I thought you went home.”
“I did. We need to talk.”
“Something wrong?” he asked as he pulled himself out of the water and sat on a boulder.
“You know that son you always wanted?” InuYasha responded.
The monk's shoulders sagged. “I've given up on that.”
“Kaede said to tell you that your wife is having your child,” the hanyou stated.
“How did that happen?”
InuYasha stammered in response, “If… if you don't know…”
Miroku waved his hands. “I meant when… she hasn't allowed me…” his voice trailed away.
“My guess would be that last youkai extermination we went on together. Remember the one where they insisted on repaying us partly in sake? You two… well…”
“But you were in the room with us,” Miroku commented.
“Believe me, I know.” InuYasha turned bright red and looked down.
“You mean…”
“You didn't care that I was right there. I had to go to the roof to get away,” the hanyou informed him.
Miroku cocked an eyebrow. “You said you were tired the next day because you had a hangover.”
“I lied.”
“I'm sorry,” Miroku apologized. “Please tell Sango since she can't bear my presence, I will raise my son as my father raised me - alone.”
“Huh?” the confused hanyou responded.
The monk closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “My father did as I did, roaming the countryside in search of Naraku and asking women to bear his child. I was brought to him by one such woman who dropped me off and then disappeared. Mushin commented that I must really be his son after the kazaana appeared in my hand after his death. He told me about my mother years later.
“Tell Sango that I will come and collect the child so she'll not be burdened with it. Please let me know if she needs anything.”
“She needs you, monk. She's seen the light - she wants you back.”
“I don't know about that.”