InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blind to What You Want ❯ Hi I'm.... ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
thank you all for reading my fic!
Cat Ears?
No wait
"You have dog ears?" she asked softly feeling the soft fur under her finger only to have her wrists
grasped so tightly to the point of pain.
"OW!"She cried
He released her.
"Sorry, just don't touch my ear please!" he said softly as possible
This girl was so different.
"Sorry " she felt herself as she removed her hands from his face.
There was an awkward silence in the empty school hallway.
"So are you gonna let go of me?" she asked as she felt her body slowly lower to the ground
"Whatever " he replied bluntly Still looking at her silently thanking the kames she blind so she couldn't
see how he couldn't tare his eyes from her
"If your gonna stare so long maybe you should just take a picture?" she said in a light bubbly way as to
ensure he knew she was joking.
"Feh " as she heard him walk away
She giggled and walked into the bathroom, all the while thinking he was the most beautiful face she ever
Meanwhile Inuyasha was literally punching himself for acting like a love sick puppy.
The weird thing is he didn't even know her; the only thing he knew was that the poor girl was blind and
she was in his music honors class this semester.
What did she even know of him?
Okay on with the story:
"OK to day we are going to learn about Linear equations opens your text books to page 57 and take out
your notebook." The female instructor commanded her students in her cold unfeeling voice. Now I know
most of you out there think your teachers are out to get you well try having your teacher be your older
half brothers biggest fan girl and keeps failing you just so he'll come to a fucking conference well
welcome to Inuyasha world- well math world any way.
"Should I even bother?" he asked himself
Kagura whirled over to him as quick as the wind.
"Something to say?" She asked
Inuyasha observed her. Today she wore her signature colors black and a dark red that matched lips of
pure hatred towards him and her red eyes that only sought after Sesshomaru. Her black hair always tied
up in that uptight ponytail of hers and the black suit didn't flatter her.
He sighed and pulled out and books.
"Not at all Miss Wind
bitch " He muttered the last of it to himself
"Heard that." she muttered
He huffed and went back to his studies actually looking forward to his job after school he'd make sure
his favorite teacher had a surprise under her desk in the morning.
Inuyasha sighed the down side of being rich and a hanyo you don't let anyone know: Hence part time
job as the school janitor and piano tuner.
He lead everyone to believe that he was penniless and his half brother let him live with him and
Inuyasha paid rent.
Pretty good lie right?
Well the suckish part of it was actually following through with the job.
Well it had its perk as he thought of all the gum that would be under his teacher's desk.
"INUY SH DETENTION FOR NOT PAYING ATTENTION!" Kagura bellowed as she blew past him and blew
him out of her class with her fan that she kept in her desk for unruly students so far it's only been used
on him.
Inuyasha fell flat on his face on the cold marble floor. "Sure I get in trouble for day dreaming but calling
her a bitch is fine." he smiled at the irony
Walking down the hallway observing the occasional student on free period reading or studying for the
next class he reached the room where detention was usually held and a pink notice on the window had
made him happier than he'd been all week
Detenion will be held in Piano lab102 due to drug investigation.
Inuyasha silently thanked the pot heads at his school for letting in the one room where he felt at
home and if that strange girl was there that's a plus.
"TOTOS I!" kagome whined as her instructor rapped her hand again his bendy straw, he cursed the day
rulers where banned for child abuse reasons.
"I keep telling you again and again you must feel the piece! You must want this!" he said in a harsh
demanding tone both of them unaware of the third person in the room.
she screamed into her hands muffling the piercing noise slightly. "BUT I DON"T W NT THIS PIECE!" she
cried in anguish. "Just " she sighed as she heard the light rain that had began to hit the window in the
beautiful melody she loved. "Just let me play with the rain and I promise I will play any piece you wish."
she begged in such a tone that wouldn't stand for argument
Totosia watched his protégé out of the corner of his eye as he left silently. "Thank you Totosia." she said
as her fingers ran along the keys to match the April shower that lifted her soul.
He bowed as he exited the room and went on his break for about two or three hours since school was
almost out.
Inuyasha had been sitting in the risers where the choir usually practices and watched her with intense
fascination. She flowed, and then it happened, she opened her mouth and blessed his ear with the
sound of her voice.
A/N: pretend the piano piece she is playing sounds like the Clare de Lune and the song is just a light
opera kind of sound that just goes in every other interval (for the musical retarded like myself (no
offense to musically inclined... sorry) interval is a pause in the music but in this case she keeps playing
and just sustains the note.)
the song
In the wind
Hear the song in my heAAArrrRrt
Seasons may change
Winter to spring
But I love you
for always
She creshendoed and hit a beautiful B note in the upper register. Her spectator was needless to say
speechless. And unfortunately couldn't help his body movements and applauded the girl.
She jumped. "TOTOS I! I W NTED LIKE TWO MINUTES OF PRIVACY!" she said as she heard footsteps
coming down the riser.
"It's not Totosia." Inuyasha said simply out of a lack for words
She felt chills run-up her arms at the resonance of his voice in the echo of the room. It was like he was
all around her.
"So you heard that?" she asked sheepishly plucking at the high C octave on the piano.
He fell into the seat closest to her and smiled. "Yup and it was so " She cut him off "I know it was
awful I was pitchy and hitting all sorts of weird notes right?" she said as she played the intro to the
twilight Zone on the keys only to have him press his palm over her hand that was playing nervously and
whisper in her ear, "No, It was breathtaking "
He felt her body shiver into his. She was so nice to him just like a regular person talking to another
person. She wasn't judging him because of his blood; she was just being herself and listening to him
laugh about how she owned Totosia earlier.
"Yea, he's pretty much my bitch." she laughed even harder, as did he.
"So what is your name?" he asked wanting to hear her say it.
She smiled her dazzling smile that made him feel so warm and fuzzy weird "Kagome Hyugarashi,
you?" she said sticking out her hand in a friendly hand shake.
"Inuyasha ta- Haroshi" he quickly covered how would she react if she knew he could buy the school?
Thinking on his toes he used his best friend's last name.
She quirked an eyebrow, " re you related to Miroku?" she asked hearing the similar last name.
Inuyasha panicked, "Uhh well my given name is Takahashi but I live with Miroku on and off we pay rent
together in the same house." He lied
oh boy Sesshomaru won't like this
"Really? Wow you guys are so close! The only person who's close to me like that is Sango Slayer,
Miroku's Girlfriend I think they're together this week or maybe they broke up again Lord only knows
these days." Kagome said exasperated.
Inuyasha chuckled, this girl was a trip. He knew Miroku wasn't the best at keeping relationships but he
loved Sango, he said he saw stars when they kissed, and felt sparks when they hugged. But Inuyasha
had been friends with Miroku for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. His father was a pimp and his grandfather
a lecherous monk. Miroku lost his mom is a car accident when he was 4 his father grew restless to be
sustained for the loss of the love of his life and ended up owning a strip joint Inuyasha saw as Miroku
grew away from his father, he had more traits like the man than he'd like to admit Miroku loved the
he did no shame in hiding it; his hand was cursed to group girls asses forever.
That was until he met Sango Slayer. She had the most beautiful butt he'd ever seen and he knew that
day he'd have to have her and so he did
He'd have her throw him in the trash can and call him a
Ever since that day they've been inseparable at least for now
"No they're together Miroku said they're going on a date " he said hitting a major chord.
"Should we join them?" She asked playing along with him.
He hit a sharp chord and looked at her in surprise "WH T?!" he squeaked
Btw sorry I didn't update yesterday .VMA'S ya know lady gaga!