InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bliss Of Another Kind ❯ Prelude ( Chapter 1 )
Steady as it comes
Right down to you
I've said it all
So maybe we're a Bliss
Of another Kind
- Tori Amos
She dropped one of her shirts as she repacked the blue Louie Vuitton suit case for the third time today. She sighed as she bent down to retrieve the blouse. Groping blindly in the space between the bed and the floor her hand came across something. A pair of blood-red panties. Crochless. Definitely not hers.
"Wonder what dime store whore he had here last night.", She thought to herself furiously.
She quickly sought out the shirt and stuffed it into her bag zipping it. That was it. Her mind was made up. He wanted to leave her little "surprises" around the apartment? Great. She wouldn't be here to find them. No more coming home at night wondering if he was there or not, and if he was there, who was with him.
"Strong thoughts, Kagome. You can do this. You deserve better."
Part of her stalled for a moment as she faked not being able to find her keys, knowing perfectly well where they were. Same place as always. On the counter. Next to the bread. Just left of the refrigerator. Great. Mystery solved. She was using the word great an awful lot today.
Kagome grabbed the elusive car keys and started to make sure steady steps towards the door. Suddenly, she was face to face with her old foe much sooner than she'd have liked. She took a deep breath. Today was the day. Her hand moved slowly for the metal door handle. So close and then she stopped as though she feared she might be burned if her fingers dared to touch.
This was ridicules. She went in and out of that door all day long on her way to one place or another. But she always came back.
"What do you think you're doing?", said a nasty voice in the back of her head.
It sounded quite the opposite of the confident voice that had just been telling her to be strong a few moments ago. It also sounded more persuasive.
"What are you trying to prove? Where will you go?"
The voice was right. She didn't have any money of her own, she'd never really needed it. Where would she sleep? What would she eat? Who would take her in? Her family was probably hoping they'd receive notification of her death one day soon, and he made sure she didn't have any real friends. All her "friends" were his friends. They would sell her out in a second.
She had no choice. Reality had set in again and pushed all her strong thoughts out of her head to make room for itself. She let her hand fall away from the handle, let the keys simply drop to the carpeted floor with a dull thud, and made her way back to the kitchen. She'd wasted so much of the day packing, unpacking, and repacking again. All just to cave at the last minuet again. It didn't matter though. It was already late afternoon and if or when he came home Naraku would want dinner.
A/N: Hey guys! This is just a prelude to a story I'm think of doing so yeah, it's really short. I'm kind of nervous about starting a story again so I just want to see what the response to this is. So give me some reviews if you're at least luke warm to the idea!