InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Roses ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Back when the earth was new, before humans were advanced enough to have rational thought and still survived upon pure instinct, they began rapidly reproducing. They were doing so in such an alarming rate that it was nearly impossible for what predators there were to keep harmony. Upon realizing this unbalance in the scale, the forces that be created an offset
This offset was a race of unearthly predators who was created to keep the human population in check. There were two. The Great Mother was a beautiful, lithe maiden. She had long ebony hair that was darker than the night itself, and her eyes were nearly as dark. Her skin resembled that of the savanna grass; it was a sallow, dusky color that seemed to mirror death. The Father was a hunter who preyed at night. His features were as dauntless as his soul; he was the protector, he needed to be fearless, even as he hunted. He had ash white hair and eyes that glowed amber in the darkness.
These creatures survived off of blood, or, more importantly, the life force that is contained in blood. They could satiate their hunger with animals for a while, but they grew empty-bellied quickly, and found they needed to feed more often. A human’s blood and life force could sustain them generously. Many legends have been told of these creatures; they have been given many names.
The two beings, being more advanced than the humans yet, fell deeply in love. They then had seven children. The parents taught their young to hunt only on necessity; if they were to get out of hand then the humans would deplete in number, and they would be left with no substance. The children aged very slowly, going through five human lifetimes before they were only young adults, and most of them obeyed their parents as they grew.
There was one child, however, who grew blood-thirsty. He ignored his parents and stalked the humans for fun, terrorizing the animals, who were slowly advancing. He converted three of his more disturbed siblings into his way of thinking, and they quickly decreased the human species to a mere speck. With their terrorizing, they made a discovery; if they would intermingle their life force- their blood- with their victim’s, the victim would change. The human would become a predator like they were. Many of these ‘converted predators’ were made during their hunting spree.
The Great Mother grew resentful and decided to punish her children. Just after she had begun teaching them the mystical paths of their race, she used it on them. The Great Mother mustered up all of her power, with help of her mate, and cursed the children. She pulled all of her own life force to punish them. The creatures were damned to their hunting hours, never again allowed to feel the warmth of the sun without perishing, and the enchantments that were granted to them were taken away, including the ability to create more predators from humans.
Afflicted with disappointment in their children, the Mother and her suitor placed the rest of their life force into a small gem and their souls flew to the afterlife. The gem has since grown into a legend for the predators, and has been found only once. The man who found it placed upon it a wish, a wish that would grant them with their powers once again. The ability to create the hunters from humans was given to them once more, but it was different than it use to be. A person’s soul had to call out to become one of them. Only “chosen ones” could make the change, and there were very few of them. The children, who grew to have children of their own, and make them as well, have slowly begun developing and using their powers.
The gem has been lost since the last wish was made on it; it shimmered out of physical existence. Some claim that the life-forces of the parents went to fuse once again with their souls, although others say that it merely broke apart, destined to regroup once again somewhere. If the gem were to resurface, there are many creatures who would love to harness its powers for selfish gain, and they will be waiting for it.