InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood and Sight ❯ Blood Trilogy?? ( Prologue )
An Inuyasha Fan Fiction
Opening Note
© 20003 By: Kyuuketsuki's Black Rose
A.K.A Kyuuketsuki no Sakki
Alright your worst nightmare has just come true… an evil author's note of doom… at the beginning of the story… This is only here to tell you that Blood is a Trilogy One Shot Fan Fic. But it will only happen if I get reviews saying that I should put up the next part of the Trilogy or if I should just leave it as it is. You are in charge of this story; you get to decide what is going to happen next. Whether or not this becomes a three part story or if it stands alone, When I get a total of ten to five reviews either telling me to keep this one shot as a one shot on its own, or to keep the one shot and add the second part of the trilogy. Just to let you know I have the second part all ready to post. But I am waiting on you the reader to tell me what you think should be done…Please review…or a plague upon your houses. Oh and thanks for bearing with me and reading this. Now go and read the fic.